Endless Debt.

Chapter 20 The villain

Chapter 20 The villain
"Norm Ward?"

Hearing this name, a strange color flashed across his pale face, but soon the man covered it up, pulled out a strange smile, leaned his hands on the counter, and his skin was like a film wrapped around the bony finger bones , The fingers are slender, like knotted branches, constantly rubbing.

Like a pale, hairless rat that lives in the sewers.

"He's not here now," the man replied.

"What about others?"

"Going out to see a doctor."

Burrog stared at the man, and under the cover of the gas mask, his eyes scanned the corner.

The light in the room was very dim, and the fan blades on the ceiling were constantly turning, making a disturbing noise. Apart from the counter in front of him and the medicine cabinet behind the man, Bologo couldn't see much useful things, but he could What we do know is that there is something wrong with this clinic.

In the process of walking from the corridor to the clinic, he noticed the scale of the clinic building, like a huge metal sarcoma, hanging on the cliff. It stands to reason that the internal space should be large, but now Burlogo The place here is really too narrow, and there is more space hidden in the invisible darkness.

"When will he be back?" asked Burrog.

"I don't know either. After all, there will always be accidents in this place, isn't it?"

The man smiled, his face was slightly distorted and sick.

"Is there anything else you need? If you are prescribing medicine, you only need to pay for it," the man continued, stroking the bottles and jars on the medicine cabinet with his slender fingers, "If you went to the wrong place, Then please leave as soon as possible."

Bologo didn't reply. Relying on the power of "The Hidden One", his figure was very hazy. In the dark environment, he looked like a cloud of indistinct mist. When he was silent, he was like a speechless ghost.

"Okay, I know, excuse me."

As Burlog said, he turned and walked towards the iron gate.

But when he came to the door, Borrog stopped again, like a wall, blocking the passage to the outside world, with his back to everyone, and the chaotic and hoarse voice came from the shadow under the top hat.

"I've always wanted to play a role like this."

The expression of the man behind the counter changed slightly, and he touched the handle of the knife under the counter. There was also a slight sound in the darkness, as if someone stood up from the chair and was gearing up.

"Punishers, perpetrators, executors..."

One word after another was spit out, echoing in the darkness, the man stared at the back of Bologo, in a trance he saw Bologo turned his head, in the deep shadows, a pair of blue eyes were watching Own.


A clanging sound lingered in the man's ear.


"Calculating the time, Bologo should have reached the fork in the road."

In the cafeteria of the Bureau of Order, Jeffrey picked up a piece of steaming beef sausage, looked up at the sky, and thought about Burogo, who was on a mission.

"more or less."

Yas sat across from Jeffrey, and the two had dinner together. Of course, if possible, Yas would prefer to eat at home instead of working overtime in the Bureau of Order.

"This can be regarded as another kind of assessment. There is no veteran to guide him and let him complete such a task alone... Doesn't Lebius trust him enough?" Yas thought for a while and said.

The field operations of the Bureau of Order have always been full of dangers. A newcomer like Bologo, according to the regulations, must be accompanied by at least one veteran when performing tasks.

"Bologo is rounded up, and he has been an intern for a year. It's just the first time he has faced a potential sublimator. This is not a problem," Jeffrey bites down on the sausage and bread, "And, compared to distrust , I think Levius is trying to test Burlogo."


"Yes, test this guy and see how far he can go. After all, there is a difference between assessment and actual combat."

Jeffrey stopped eating and thought about it carefully, as if he had thought of something interesting, with a weird smile on his face.

"Yas, if it were you, how would you capture that target."

"If it's me...survey the terrain, then find a way to sneak in, put the dagger on his neck."

As Yas spoke, he shook his hand, and a shiny silver dagger appeared in his hand. No one could see how the dagger appeared, the hand dropped, and the dagger disappeared.

"It's your style, so think about it, what would Burlogo do?" Jeffrey asked.

"I didn't expect that it might sneak in secretly like me, and then capture the other party." Yas said that he didn't have much contact with Burlogo.

"Hmm... not very good. These are all 'common sense' solutions. If it is too common sense, it will look boring." Jeffrey said something Yas couldn't understand.

"Then what do you think he'll do?" Yas asked.

After thinking for two seconds, Jeffrey looked at his dinner plate. The sausage was cut into pieces by the knife, and the sauce was like blood, covering the scattered meat paste.

"Instead of answering this question, I would like to say something else first..."

Jeffrey frowned, and instead of answering Yass' question, he talked about the problem of Borrog himself.

"As I said before, Bologo has been in the dark cell for too long, and he has some mental problems. What's worse, I think Adele's death has stimulated him and made him It's getting worse."

"What disease?"

Yass put down his knife and fork. He has always been vigilant against the existence of devils. In the Bureau of Order, he was also clearly opposed to hiring debtors. The slightest possibility that Burlogo might lose control would attract his attention.

"role play?"

Jeffrey said uncertainly, the word was surprising, and he continued to explain without waiting for Yas to ask anything.

"Bologo Lazarus... this person is a bit paranoid, narcissistic, and extremely adheres to his so-called 'iron law of justice'. Lebius feels that Bologo imagines himself as a 'savior', but Compared to 'Savior', I actually think Burlogo's idea is simpler."

Jeffrey frowned suddenly, recalling.

"One day Burrog told me out of the blue that he understood the true meaning of life," Jeffrey said. Now that I think about it, he might be serious."

"What did he say?" Yas became curious.

"He said that Adele is a person of faith. She was a military doctor in the early years. She set foot on the battlefield to save people. After retiring, she still chooses to do good deeds and serve her god... People like her deserve to go to heaven That's right, enjoying the glory and warmth...

But her god gave her such an ending.

Bologo feels that the so-called god does not exist, and it may exist, but it is also an extremely indifferent god. "

With a helpless smile on Jeffrey's face, he continued.

"Bologo often uses some wonderful metaphors to describe some things, and he always says a lot of fallacies that are problematic at first sight, but he is right in one sentence.

There must always be someone who maintains the sacred 'iron law of justice'.

If God doesn't respond to His believers, then it's up to Burlog to respond. "

Jeffrey's voice hardened.

"It's up to Borogo Lazarus to set this all right."

"What is he going to fix?" Yass said.

"The iron law of justice.

To bless the good, to cast fire on the wicked, that's the 'iron law,'" says Jeffrey, "that's his 'role' in 'role-playing.'" "

"He said 'good man', 'savior' and 'hero'... these words are still too noble for him, he can't be as great as 'good man', he is despicable, humble, what he is best at is Killing, using violence to control violence.

So he called himself 'The Wicked'. "

"the wicked?"

"Yes, villain.

If God is not willing to punish those who have erred, then it is up to Borogo Lazarus, the greater villain, to punish and do evil. "

Geoffrey took a deep breath and squinted his eyes as if telling a scary story.

"Wandering fork in the road, the land of shadows in the city of oath, Opus, where is full of filth and evil, and demons hide in every corner that is hard to see...there is full of wicked people."

Thinking of this, Jeffrey smiled, as if worried about those villains.

"Right now, a somewhat psychopathic undead obsessed with role-playing is rushing there, humming and fully armed.

Bologo is not only venting his anger, he also pursues his own 'iron law of justice', he is his own god, a tyrannical and paranoid god.

Somebody has to pay the blood debt for his friend's death. "

Yas understood Jeffrey's words, and just imagining that scene, he felt an inexplicable pressure, and he seemed to smell deep blood at the tip of his nose.

"A group of villains, facing another...bigger and more brutal villains." Yas whispered.

Jeffrey picked up the water glass and took a sip, trying to soothe his parched throat, he said softly.

"Returning to the previous question, what method will Bologo use to get in, I think his method is... There is no method."

Geoffrey stared at Yas and asked.

"Now he is an angel representing the holy order, and the jackknife in his hand is a flaming sword... Do you think an enraged angel would sneak in and carry out an assassination?
No, Yas, Bologo is not such a gentle man.

He would only violently knock on the doors of the wicked with his sword, and proclaim God's verdict to them in the midst of mournful wailing. "

Geoffrey laughed like he was telling a bad joke.

"Death penalty, execute immediately."


In the dim clinic, Boluoge's words fell, and the atmosphere completely froze. The man behind the counter clenched the handle of the knife, ready to slash and kill at any time, and the guys lurking in the dark were also ready to fight.

Burrog noticed this, but he did not put on a stance to meet the enemy. Instead, he pulled the iron door that was opened at a corner, and then pulled down the anti-theft door bolt on the side, and fastened it firmly.

Noticing Bologo's actions, the man behind the counter was stunned for a second, and then let out a burst of ridicule. Such a mocking sound echoed in the darkness, and vague whispers could be heard. They were discussing Bologo, discussing His suicide.

"This is a new dress..."

Burrog muttered, taking off his gray and black windbreaker, revealing his white shirt and the many sharp knives on his body.

Also with the disappearance of the "hidden person" asylum, the disgusting hostility became more intense. Obviously Bologo looks very ordinary, but everyone can't help feeling the existence of pressure.

No one acted rashly.

Folding the gray-black windbreaker, he put it on a chair beside him, took off his top hat, and put it on the windbreaker. Bologo turned around slowly, facing the many evils in the darkness, and finally took off the anti-virus mask.

The suppressed breathing became smoother, and he blinked, a cyan gleam rose in his pupils, and he sniffed vigorously, a trace of disgust flashed across Bologo's face, and he said casually.

"Everyone, don't you think the smell here is a bit too stinky?"

Grasping the jackknife, Burrog gazed impassively into the darkness.

"Anyone want to do some housecleaning?"

Before the words were finished, the man behind the counter pulled out a long knife, and was about to cross the counter and slash at Bologo, but Bologo was faster than him, the clear sound of steel sounded, and the sharp jackknife was extended in his hand. The bright throwing knife was thrown, with a piercing whistling sound.

The flying knife skimmed over the man's wrist holding the knife, precisely scraped off a large piece of flesh and blood, and brought up a large swath of blood, nailed it into the counter behind, smashing bottles and cans.

The severe pain made it difficult for the man to hold the long knife, and he fell to the ground with a clanging sound. His expression was contorted, and the flying knife cut his wrist, bleeding profusely.

"kill him!"

The man shouted, but it was not necessary for him to issue orders. The moment Bologo threw the throwing knife, the surrounding darkness began to squirm, and one after another hideous shadows burst out, waving knives, guns and sticks.

Bologo swung his jackknife and swung his arms, like a dance, let go of deadly throwing knives one after another, like a torrential rain, leaving silvery raindrops in the air.

Cut the arm, cut the body, wiped the throat...

Painful whimpers and screams continued. Weapons and corpses fell to the ground, turning into dull drumbeats. Someone managed to get close to Bologo, but his head was chopped off by the jackknife.

The jackknife pierced through the heart, and Burrog picked up the corpse, twirling and leaping with it, as if it were his dance partner, performing a pas de deux with Burrog.

There was a loud gunshot, and blood sprayed on the dance partner's body. The villains surrounded him, and their swords intersected, cutting the dance partner's body to bloody flesh. Burogo escaped all the attacks during the dance, only It was blood stained through the skirt.

During the rotation, faces flashed before Bologo's eyes. Their faces were ferocious and extremely greedy, and the corrupt aura on their bodies could not be concealed even with blood.

The dance was terminated, and Bologo picked up his partner and slammed it to the other corner. The fallen corpse crushed several people. Burlogo stepped on the corpse, jumped high, and then fell down with a thunderous blade. , slashed at one person's neck, and threw his head up.

Looking back, under the dim light, everyone was bathed in blood, and there was alienation that did not belong to human beings on their ferocious faces.

Devils, all of you here are devils, wicked people waiting to be judged by fire.

"Great, it won't be a burden to cut it like this."

There was a smile on Burrogo's face, and the blood completely stained the white clothes red, clinging to his body, outlining the tense muscles under the skirts.

Breathing heavily, the demon's rotten smell mixed with medicine and blood formed an indescribable, but enough to make people vomit and disgusting, like a monster's corpse fell into the mud, let it Decay and rot.

It was a bad smell, but like some kind of eccentricity, Burlogo liked the smell, and it made him deeply intoxicated.

"Do you know? It may be that I have been in the dark prison for too long. I always feel that I have some mental problems... I have a desire to crush everything into pieces and pour out all my fiery rage."

Bologo was talking to himself, his expression twisted and sickly, blood dripping on his pale face, like red battle makeup.

"Jeffrey thinks so too. He keeps suggesting that I see a doctor. I also think this suggestion is good. You can't cause trouble for others, right?"

He spoke words the demons could not understand.

"But then I realized the existence of you, you demons, you great villains!"

Bologo said as he put down the jackknife and stuck it on the corpse, his hands were like offering flowers, and he was full of joy towards the demons.

"There are demons in this world, it's really great!"

He said it from the bottom of his heart.

"As long as you vent this distorted desire on everyone, there shouldn't be any problem. After all, you are soul devouring demons. You are destined to be driven out anyway. Why can't I do it?"

There was a gleam in Burrogo's eyes.

Slaughtering demons can not only satisfy one's twisted desires, but also abide by one's "iron law of justice", which is considered to have fulfilled the duties of the Bureau of Order, and more importantly, can absorb the crumbs of the soul from the corpses of demons , to fill his own void and suppress the outbreak of manic phagocytosis.

Burrog felt that in this world, there was nothing more pleasing than slashing demons.

"That's great!"

Bologo's hands were empty, and he looked at the demons with fiery eyes, gearing up, gesturing to them.

After a brief silence, the demons understood what Bologo meant, and felt a sense of humiliation for a moment. They roared and swung their swords, and slashed at the empty-handed Bologo.

The attack is menacing, but in Bologo's eyes, it is full of flaws, and the distance keeps shrinking until they face each other, and the bright knife light is raised high.

Borrog stepped sideways and slammed headfirst into the demon's arms, slamming his elbow on his chest, and there was a sound of bone shattering.

The light of the knife that was held high was delayed for a second by the blow, the elbow was raised and smashed quickly, hitting the throat with one blow, and then raised again, hitting the chin.

Retracting, turning, and punching, Bologo's fist whizzed past and smashed towards the demon's head. After each blow, the demon's body trembled violently, and it stepped back, cracking continuously, until With the last punch, the demon seemed to be drained of strength, his face was bloody and bloody, and he fell down stiffly, and Bologo's fist was also overflowing with blood.

He bowed his head and dodged another sword that was cut down. After the opponent saw the ferocity of Bologo, he didn't hold back his hand. He missed a blow and drew out the short dagger directly, trying to continue stabbing Bologo.

Both hands pressed the opponent's wrist, and controlled the sword and dagger. The strength of this demon was much greater than Bologo expected. For a while, they were in a stalemate, and no one could subdue the other.

The demon roared and hit Burrog with a head hammer, which caused Burrog's nose to bleed. He thought that Burrog would retreat in pain, but he laughed in the pain.

As footsteps approached, another demon picked up the bloody long knife and slashed at Burrog's head from behind.

At the critical moment, Bologo let go and staggered the short dagger. The demon couldn't control his strength for a while, and the short dagger stabbed down, but instead penetrated into his thigh. Bologo raised his foot and kicked hard at the dagger. Next, the dagger pierced through the flesh, and the tip of the knife pierced out from under the thigh.

With screams and blood, the demon knelt down powerlessly. Bologo took the opportunity to step on its thigh directly, stepped on his shoulder with the other foot, jumped up briefly, elbowed from top to bottom, and slammed on the demon's overhead.

The pupils of the eyes were filled with blood instantly, and amidst the crackling sound, the demon's head was visibly shrunk a bit, and its vision seemed to be swallowed by a blizzard, leaving only white chaos.

The long knife is approaching, with the sound of howling wind.

Bologo fell to the ground with the unconscious demon in his arms, dodged the long knife attacking from behind, and then kicked the unconscious demon fiercely. Its body slid on the blood-stained ground and hit Fallen a demon with a long knife.

When it tried to get up, a black shadow had wrapped around it, and after a brief run, Burlogo smashed its face with a flying knee, and then the two rolled together and wrestled with each other.

The demon roared, it pressed Bologo under its body, drew out its pistol, and prepared to kill Bologo.

The narrow and dark room limited the use of firearms, but at this distance, it could kill the uninvited guest with just a light pull of the trigger.

A sharp pain came from the elbow, and Bologo pulled out a throwing knife and pierced it deeply into the joint. Before the devil wailed, there was a toothache and bone rubbing sound, and Bologo twisted Broken its elbow, and then grabbed the pistol that was supposed to be pointed at him.

"Smile, friend."

Under the blood-stained face was a clear green awn.

After the gunshot, Bologo kicked over the demon with only half of its head left, and stood up slowly.

"Black as night, black as coal."

Humming his favorite melody, he walked over the corpses, pulled out the jackknife stuck on them, and left knife marks on the throats of each corpse.

After doing all this, Bologo turned to look at the only demon still standing in the pool of blood.

Unlike other demons, it was completely frightened by Bologo's violence, and the whole person froze in place, and did not make any movements from the beginning to the end, until Bologo looked at it, as if waking up from a big dream, It let out a shrill scream and fled towards the iron gate.

Run away, run away.

There was only one idea left in its mind, but no matter how hard it pulled the iron door, the iron door remained motionless, and then it saw that the anti-theft door bolt was hung.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

It cursed, and its hands trembled with extreme fear. It was obviously such a simple movement, but it couldn't be done anyway. The metal made trembling sounds in its hands, as if it was crying.

Seeing this, Bologo laughed, leisurely raised the blood-stained pistol, frowned, his expressions twisted together, his slightly blurred vision became clear, and he pulled the trigger.

A gunshot rang out.

Bologo's marksmanship was bad enough, and all the bullets fell on the iron door, leaving one dent after another.

"No way!" Burrog complained loudly.

The demon ignored all this, the sound of the gun was like a syllable of death, chasing it with extreme panic.

Footsteps approached.

It didn't dare to look back, and there was no chance to turn back. An arm wrapped around its neck, clamping it tightly.

"Take a deep breath, friend."

The monster's murmur rang beside his ears, and the demon could feel the air current caressing his skin, warm and cloying, like a bloodthirsty beast baring its fangs to itself in the darkness behind it.

"no no……"

It flapped its arms, but its strength seemed so cowardly, it was not enough to shake the gradually tightened rope.

Breathing began to be difficult, and the chest seemed to be oppressed by a boulder. It was not clear whether it was tears or blood, and the demon's vision blurred into a gray nothingness. Until a certain moment, a clear cracking sound sounded from under the flesh and blood, and the demon's head was twisted. His face was iron blue.

Bologo let go of his hand, letting the corpse fall in a pool of blood, staring at his blood-stained hands.

Trembling, trembling with excitement, like a giant shark smelling blood, the flame has been ignited, and it is difficult to extinguish if it does not burn the darkness to pieces.

"Where are you?"

Bologo pretended to ask among the corpses.

The rat-like man was gone, and at the first instant of the fight the fellow had fled into the darkness, and Burrog was sniffing his trail, and he knew the rat would lead him to Noam Worm Germany.

"Noam, where are you?"

Burrog walked into the counter and pried open a secret door with a jackknife. From the dark depths, a cold wind full of vengeful souls blew.

"Oh, are you here?"

Burrog grinned.

The wailing of thousands of dead souls can be vaguely heard, but Bologo is not afraid. He enjoys the pain of the demons, but all this is not enough now, not enough.

Burlogo was not satisfied.

It's like a sacrifice to an unknown being.

He doesn't need the wicked to find their way back, or sincere repentance, all He needs is for the wicked to pay the price they deserve.

The blood of the wicked, the flesh of the wicked, the pain of the wicked.

He is never satisfied.

Bits of starlight rose from the fallen corpses, and they converged into strands of silky light bands, entangled on Bologo's body, he devoured the debris of the soul, and the green light in his eyes became more and more blazing .

"Run! The evil spirit is going to catch up with you!"

He laughed.

The nightmare walks out of the story, stepping into a deeper darkness, full of tyranny, spreading fear that goes straight to the marrow.

(End of this chapter)

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