Endless Debt.

Chapter 216 Opportunity

Chapter 216 Opportunity
After Bologo got the key, he faintly noticed the strange aura coming from the key. Others might not be able to perceive this, but to Bologo, the aura was as strong as a candle at night.

The umbilical cord is connected between the debtor and the devil. Relying on its connection, the debtor is extremely sensitive to all the things of the devil. When Bologo saw TEDA, he was keenly aware of the ominous breath.

Staring at the black key of winding paths, Bologo still remembered Yas's warning. He suspected that Teda was a mysterious delusional, but under the pressure of the Scarlet Sect and the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce, a marginal role like a delusional , but not very noticeable.

Based on TEDA's paranoia about resurrecting Alice, Burlogo had thought about the connection between the two, but he never thought that things would develop so quickly.

So is TEDA delusional?
There is no direct connection between the two for the time being, but Burrog, like Yas, has to doubt this possibility.

No, this is no longer possible, but a default consensus.

Only Teda can create so many alchemy weapons, and only he has a perverted paranoia about wishes. If he is a delusional person, with his cooperation with the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce, it is not a problem to get the invitation letter.

Damn it, it was the first time that Burlogo complained about his sharpness, why did he find this at this time?
Burrog froze in place, every inch of his muscles tensed, his pupils fixed on Teda, thinking about all the potential possibilities ahead.

What exactly does TEDA want to do?He was so frank with himself, which didn't make Burlogo feel his kindness, but made him more uneasy.

Fortunately, he also has the ability to blackmail TEDA. After all, TEDA needs his own alchemy matrix. He should not directly fight with himself, but maintain a false peace.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Bologo's mind. At this time, Taida put away the key and kept a smile on his face. He waited silently as if he knew what Bologo was thinking, and never looked away. .


Bologo suddenly realized that he had no ability to threaten TEDA at all. TEDA knew his ability to be immortal and how to limit himself. Although he was only an alchemist, he was also a powerful power bearer.

The most important thing is that in the imaginary domain of TEDA deep inside me, no one knows what else in this imaginary domain that I don’t know. I am an undead body, but the partner who organizes things in the stronghold hut is not immortal .


"Are you really still in contact with the Gray Trader? TEDA."

Bologo asked, but he didn't point out the identity of TEDA's delusional person, as if he didn't know what TEDA was doing.

"The Brotherhood of Truth and the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce have always been in a cooperative relationship. They will help sell some things that we are not easy to sell." Taida smiled, "I thought you knew it all the time, Bologo, this kind of thing is not difficult Guess."

"But you didn't admit it yourself," said Burlogo.

"Then I admit it myself, how do you feel?"

"I feel bad, I really want to fight you."

Hearing this, Ai Miao seemed a little flustered, she really didn't want to see the two of them make a move.

"Then why don't you do it?" Taida said, "Usually when you say these things, you should have already done it."

"I'm a bit of a violent maniac, but I'm not a fool," Burrog said in a helpless tone, "I'm not sure if I can beat you."

"The most important thing is that we don't seem to have any direct conflict, do we?" Burrog continued.

That's right, TEDA and Bologo don't have any conflicts of direct interests. Not only do they not have any conflicts, but they also use each other. Under the agreement between the Bureau of Order and TEDA, both of them can maintain a fragile state before tearing their faces apart. of peace.

Too bad, Bologo felt terrible, he had been suspicious of TEDA, but he thought TEDA would take the initiative to hide it, and he never expected that he would say all this so frankly, which caught Burlogo a little off guard .

Burrog's mind was in a mess, Bailey guessed right, her teacher had done too many shady things in secret, but after thinking about it carefully, Burrog didn't have any valid reason to attack TEDA.

Under the constraints of the agreement, the Bureau of Order acquiesced in TEDA's various actions from the very beginning, but with the frenzy of desire, these actions will no longer be restricted.

"Yes, there is no conflict between us. Solid interests lead to solid friendships."

Taida smiled, but this smile looked too hideous and terrifying.

Bologo took a deep breath, as long as the identity of TEDA's delusional is not revealed, they can live in peace for the time being.

"Then, let's meet at the venue." TEDA said.

"What did you... say?" Burrog demanded.

Taida raised the black key in his hand, and the hour hand on the dial moved little by little until it finally touched the predetermined point.

The bell rang, and the ether burst out of nowhere on the key, and it became violently restless, almost breaking free from Taida's palm.

At the same time, a similar restlessness broke out in Burrog's arms, and he reached out and held the key tightly.

With the sound of hurried footsteps, Palmer rushed out of the stronghold hut and ran down the corridor, waving the key and shouting at Burrog.

"Bologo! It's activated!"

Both of them knew what it meant when the key fidgeted.

The mission begins.

Palmer's excited shout didn't last long. He also saw the key in TEDA's hand, and his expression became stern in an instant. He stepped back slightly, holding the key with one hand, and stretched the other hand to his back, clenched it tightly. The throwing knife stuck in the back of the waist.

The Clakes family are all good at throwing knives, and he always carries a throwing knife with him at all times.

"what's the situation?"

Palmer complained, and while staring at Teda, his eyes flicked to Burlogo from the corner of his eye.

"It's a bit complicated...but there is no need to use force."

Bologo said that they don't need to conflict with TEDA, the most important thing is to destroy this transaction. As for TEDA and delusional, they have plenty of opportunities to distinguish and hunt.

"Need to put the knife away?" Palmer asked absurdly.

"What do you think?"

Burlogo really thought there was something wrong with Palmer.

Hearing Burrogo's reply, Palmer changed back to the attitude of being prepared again, and clenched the throwing knife hidden behind him.

Eyes collided with each other, and everyone had malicious intentions.

In the end, TEDA broke the unbearable atmosphere, picked up the key, picked up the suitcase that Amyu had prepared for him, and walked to the door beside the room.

"Don't be so nervous, both of you."

TEDA couldn't understand why the reaction of the two was so great.

The key was inserted into the door, and Taida just opened a turbid and deep darkness, from which an ominous atmosphere permeated.

"Surprised? Burrog."

The key of the crooked path cannot be used in the big rift, but this key has broken through the limit. Taida's voice is full of longing, and he said in a deep voice, "The devil has the power to break the rules, but he himself is restricted by the rules... really Fascinating power."

There were bursts of laughter, and just as TEDA was about to turn around and step into it, Burrog's voice sounded.

"Then there should be something you want at the auction, right?"

Burrog guessed.

"Some kind of opportunity to revive Alice?"

Bologo stared at Taida, his body surface was slightly bright, and a cold snake crawled under the skirt of his clothes.


Taida affirmed it frankly, and looked at Aimiao, who did not dare to look at his teacher, and lowered his head, avoiding his gaze.

Taida's gaze then fell on Bologo again, and without saying a word, he turned his head and walked into the turbid darkness.

The room fell silent, a dead silence.

The dead silence didn't last long, and Burlogo yelled at Palmer.

"Go and pack up! I'll report!"

Palmer nodded, and ran towards the stronghold hut together with Burlogo.

The purpose of both Bologo and TEDA is the auction. TEDA needs something in it, and Bologo wants to destroy it. The goals of the two are the same to a certain extent, so neither of them took the lead, but left the battle to the auction.

Palmer quickly packed up his things, ready to hold the box in his hand, and Burlogo connected the sentinel to report to Lebius what happened just now.

"We are ready to enter the venue."

Burlogo and Palmer stood together in the court room on the first floor, two empty doors had been opened, and Burlogo and Palmer were each carrying a suitcase.

"Teda has also entered the venue, and his target should be a certain auction item in the venue... maybe it is the heart of immortality." Bologo reported to Lebius.

If there is anything that can bring the dead back to life, all Burlogo can think of is the key to this mission, the Immortal Heart.

After a moment of silence, Lebius' voice sounded in his mind, "Priority, don't worry about TEDA."

"After you enter the venue, the connection between us is likely to be interrupted." Lebius' voice sounded in his mind.

"Then it's up to us."

Bologo couldn't hear any emotion in his voice. He turned to look at Palmer beside him, "Even if the connection with the Bureau of Order is interrupted, the communication between the two of us should be interoperable in the venue."

"Let's meet first, I understand." Palmer said seriously, and the usual leisurely jokes disappeared, but no one knew whether Palmer was serious or dealing with Burlogo.

Burlogo finally looked at Amy, who had been silent all this time, and said without emotion, "Palmer, you go first, I have something to deal with."

Palmer didn't say anything. If he talked nonsense at this time, Burlogo would really hit him with a hammer. Palmer walked directly into the cloudy darkness with his suitcase and disappeared.

Only Burlog and Amy were left in the room, and Burlog stared into Amy's eyes and asked.

"What do you know?"

 I remember I set the time, but it didn't come out, weird.

(End of this chapter)

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