Endless Debt.

Chapter 218 Sacrifice Field

Chapter 218 Sacrifice Field

Perhaps the power of the devil is at work. The feeling of crossing the winding path this time is extremely bad. In the past, Bologo would only feel dizzy and nauseated, but this time the body's reaction was stronger than before. A rampage on every nerve.

The force slammed into Borrog's will roughly, nearly crushing it, then pieced it together, and crushed it again.

Fortunately, this feeling of torment did not last long, and the chaotic vision gradually became clear. Bologo pushed open the door, his figure shook slightly, and he stretched out his hand to support the wall on one side, trying not to let himself fall down.

Repeatedly taking deep breaths, the strength filled the body again after each breath, the muscles were tense, and the ether was ready to go. Bologo raised his head, and the old and mottled fasting mask had already been worn on his face.

It wasn't stated clearly, but everyone knew that this was an anonymous auction, and hiding one's identity was the most important thing. The power of the terrifying soul was lightly overflowing, and the breath of fear permeated around Burogo.

After recovering, the first thing Burlogo did was to observe the environment he was in. The old dust was rolling in the air, and the dim light fell from the top of his head.

Looking around, Bologo is in a huge atrium, with several rough stone pillars propping up the space, and the surrounding walls and ground are also rough, without any modification, and they are roughly displayed in front of them.

Behind Burrogo is a door that came when he opened it. After opening the door, there is not another space behind the door, but the same rough wall.

Such doors are built around the atrium. Except for Bologo, people continue to arrive here through different doors. Gray figures are all over the huge stone pillars. They walk slowly and whisper.

Presumably they were the guests of the auction. Burlogo didn't expect there to be so many people. Fortunately, these people were gathered here from the beginning, and Palmer and Teda should be among them.

Withdrawing his hand holding the wall, his fingertips seemed to touch something before he left. Burrog turned his head, wiped off the dust on the wall with his hand, and carefully observed the rough surface.

The wall is not rough, the reason why it feels rough to the touch is that every inch of the wall is filled with fine patterns, and this pattern is very familiar to Bologo, and countless coins are depicted on the wall.

At first glance, others may think it is a fish scale or a wave, but Bologo clearly knows that it is a coin, countless mammon coins.

Walking towards the center of the atrium, the stone pillar blocked Bologo's sight. When he walked around the stone pillar, he clearly saw the magnificent humanoid sculpture under the hazy light.

The man opened his arms, trying to embrace all the gold, and Borrog knew the man's name, Mammon the Greedy.

"here it is……"

The voice sounded in his head, and it startled Burrogo, only then did he remember that he was not alone.

"Mammon's...sacrifice." Burrog said in a low voice.

It is said to be an auction, but in fact this is another variant of a belief group, and all wealth will be sacrificed to Mammon.

"It's disturbing and scary here," Amy continued.

At this moment, she can feel full of fear, and the sense of oppression comes from all directions, constantly inflicting fear.

"This seems to have nothing to do with this," Burrog explained to Amy. "It's the power of my contract."

While the fearful face inflicts fear on others, it also inflicts fear on Bologo. With the blessing of the sympathetic body, this fear is also shared with Aimu.


Amy was surprised. Hearing her reaction like this, Burlogo felt that it would be better to release some fear, so as to put some pressure on her.

Right now, the two of them are not watching a movie, but visiting Longtan and Tiger's Den.

Everything happened so suddenly, TEDA suddenly showed himself the key, and then the key was activated and entered the venue, leaving little time for Burlogo to think.

When Amy wanted to come here with him, Borrog wanted to refuse her. This mission was very dangerous, but he thought that in the state of sympathetic body, with his immortal nature, Amy should not suffer any harm , and she can strengthen herself.

The most important thing is that mastering Aimu means indirectly obtaining Alice's soul. Aimu has played a hostage role in the hands of Burlogo to a certain extent. Once TEDA does something crazy, Burlogo can use it This blackmails TEDA.

His eyes swept over the crowd walking in the atrium. Everyone wore different clothes, but what was consistent was that everyone covered their faces, like a masquerade ball.

There were constant whispers, including a language that Burlogo could not understand and a completely unfamiliar accent.

The auction was unexpectedly grand, and the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce cordially invited everyone. Burrog looked at the suitcase and couldn't help feeling worried.

There is a mixed bag of fish and dragons here, and all the visitors should be sublimation people. I don't know if the sixth group can do it when the operation starts and launches a strong attack on the venue.

Burrog didn't continue to think about it. Yas should worry about that kind of thing. All he needs is to do his job well.

Trying to put away the breath of fear, Bologo hid himself in the darkness. During his observation, Bologo didn't find any members of the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce, and he didn't know where they were.

Raising his hand to press against the wall, Burrogo whispered.

"Aimu, help me cover up."

The ether moved on the palm, but did not cause any fluctuations, and with the assistance of Aimu, Bologo's breath became thinner and thinner. If you didn't look deliberately, you couldn't find Bologo in the shadows.

Launch the summoning hand towards the wall, as Bologo expected, here is a large imaginary domain, with ether rushing in the building, it is difficult for Bologo's ether to break through their protection, and then exert a large-scale influence.

But Burrog doesn't need massive damage, all he needs is a tiny hole, a hole big enough to insert explosives.

Opening the suitcase, it was filled with tubular explosives. Unlike ordinary explosives, this batch of explosives was sent by the third group. Because it was too dangerous, it was usually taken apart.

Palmer was very diligent and assembled these things in the afternoon.

The third group is in charge of attacking the virtual domain. According to their mission records, in the virtual domain incident, another major difficulty in tackling the fortress is to destroy the carriers of these virtual domains, that is, the buildings.

The full name of these explosives is the Void Explosion Device. When detonated, the fluctuation of the ether will impact the Void, and the explosion of its own gunpowder will destroy the building.

The demolition team is busy demolishing the Happy Garden, and they don't have time to capture it. They just need to send this batch of supplies. Burlogo and Palmer still got a small part, and the rest of the supplies are in the sixth group. In their hands, it is convenient for them to attack from the outside world.

Bologo stopped and walked in the atrium, prying open holes one after another on the solid wall, stuffed the void blasting device in, and sealed the wall with secret energy.

Under the training of the mechanical watch, he can even perfectly simulate the pattern on the wall, without any flaws at all.

This period of supplementary knowledge has given him a deeper understanding of Void Domain. For example, Void Domain protects the entire area, but unless there is too much damage, Void Domain will not issue a warning.

For example, the damage caused by Bologo on the buildings will be ignored by Void Domain, and probably the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce would not have imagined that they would recruit such an elite blaster.

Most importantly, relying on the observation of the ether flow eyepiece, Bologo can easily find those areas where the ether flow is thin, where the defense of the virtual domain is weak.

After all this was done, Burlogo threw the suitcase aside, strapped the remaining dynamite to himself, and as if nothing had happened, unblocked the aether, stepped out of the shadows, and walked towards the crowd.

During this period of time, a lot of people have gathered in the atrium. Fortunately, the atrium is wide enough and the crowd is not dense. Everyone keeps a safe distance and is on guard against each other.

Until the bell rang, people from the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce finally appeared. At the end of the atrium, a huge stone door slowly rose, opening the way forward.

The attendants behind the door had been waiting for a long time. They were dressed in dark blue clothes, with masks outlined in gold silk on their faces. The undulating lines depict the faces of men, vaguely overlapping with the faces of the men on the sculpture.

"Palmer! Palmer!"

Burrog kept his voice as low as possible, but no matter how much he called, there was no response from the other end of the whistle.

The time difference between him and Palmer was less than a few minutes, and Bologo couldn't believe that his partner died like this in these few minutes... Not necessarily, Palmer was a downright unlucky ghost.

The crowd was already heading towards the gate, but Burlogo hadn't found Palmer yet. Not only had he not found Palmer, but he hadn't found any trace of TEDA either.

He remembered the pale puppet mask, but after scanning them one by one, he found nothing.

There is more than one such atrium. Palmer and TEDA arrived in different atriums?But even so, should Palmer answer his call, or is the distance between the two too far?
Bologo couldn't stay any longer, keeping up with the crowd, multiple ether reactions rose, light rose on everyone's body surface, and everyone excited ether out of vigilance.

Snakes crawled under Bologo's clothes. Void Realm has the power to suppress Sublimation. The release of ether is not smooth, but this feeling of controlling power still makes many people feel at ease.

Walking through the long corridor, the attendants guided the guests to the meeting place. They said it was a meeting place, but it was actually a magnificent Colosseum. The guests sat down on the steps of the ring, and a high platform was raised in the central place , and the attendants in the same attire stood on it.

Bologo found a convenient edge and sat down. Soon after, a man wearing a golden mask walked up to the high platform. He opened his hands to everyone and said loudly.

"Welcome! Everyone!"

Bologo looked at the man from a distance. For some reason, he heard this voice a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

 With an attitude that can no longer be decadent, I would like to ask for a monthly ticket here. Please vote as much as you can, and I will try to update as much as possible, and strive for future updates. The list will continue from 1111.1112.1113, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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