Endless Debt.

Chapter 237 Joke Chapter

Chapter 237

After the danger was born, Palmer thought that after the two reunited, Burlogo almost realized the importance of Palmer as a partner. He hugged himself with tears in his eyes and said that without Palmer, Burlogo would It's hard to move an inch or something.

In fact, Burlogo's eyes were filled with tears, at least his emotions seemed quite excited.

"Where the hell have you gone!"

Burlogo punched and kicked Palmer with great strength and merciless. Palmer finally escaped from Olivia's hand, but now he was about to die under Burloge's hand again.

Burlogo was very angry. He had always had great tolerance for Palmer.

"This unlucky guy, he's already like this, it's good to be alive."

Burlogo often said this in his heart to comfort himself, but this time Palmer's disappearance was too nonsense.

I fought round after round in this damned Colosseum, and my opponents changed several batches, but Palmer disappeared from beginning to end.

Sure enough, I have to change my partner, even the undead can't be bullied like this!
"Wait! Do you think I'm hiding!" Palmer stiffened.

"Otherwise?" Burrog asked back.

"Who do you think brought these guys in? It's me! It's me! I blasted the door of the imaginary domain to let these guys in."

Palmer burst into tears, looking like he was a great hero.

"What about your sentinels?" Bologo asked soberly.

Before entering the venue, he had communicated with Palmer in advance, and no matter what happened, he had to use the whistle to contact him first, but Palmer never contacted him from the beginning to the end, and the channel was silent.

"Oh, this one, it broke."

Palmer said as he took the whistle that broke in two from his pocket.

"After all, there were too many people at that time, and I was a little anxious to run. When I went down the steps, my foot slipped and fell, and I knocked my head, not to mention, and broke this thing."

Palmer touched his head as he spoke, and concluded that the injury on his head was caused by his own fall.

Bologo was dumb for a while, he really didn't know what to say, so he could only curse in a low voice.

"Palmer, you bastard..."

Before the words were finished, a strong ether surge burst out, and bright flames descended on the two heads in a blink of an eye, but Hart was one step faster than the flames. When the giant shield fell, the ether barrier was activated at the same time, easily separating the flames.

"How long are you going to talk about?"

In the heavy flames, Hart turned his head and shouted to the two, "Do what you should do."

Only then did the two get out of the quarrel, the battle was not over yet, and the battle for the immortal heart was far from over.

"Okay! Sidor!"

"Thanks! Sidor!"

Burrogo and Palmer sang together, and after the fireworks cleared, they ran directly towards the passage where Jamon and the others had come.

Nadai tried to stop them, but Yas didn't give him such a chance at all. While suppressing Nadai, Yas stepped forward and kept getting closer to Nadai.

Slowly pulled out the saber at his waist, under the blessing of ether, the metal blade was completely alienated into pure ether, as if it could split everything in the world.

It's a pity that Burlogo didn't have the chance to see such a scene. He and Palmer walked into the dark corridor together and ran wildly.

Burrog knew why Yas had assigned him to pursue, relying on his extremely keen umbilical cord, in dealing with these troubles, Burrog was like a hound with an extremely keen sense of smell.

The fact is also the same, Bologo can feel a vague direction, from that direction, there is a disturbing breath coming continuously.

"Be careful, too many monsters and monsters are involved in this operation."

Palmer became serious. After a short rest and medical treatment, his condition is much better than before. "When I was trying to destroy the Void Realm, I also met a Night Race."

Hearing the Night Clan, Burrogo immediately thought of Olivia.

"You fought her?"


Palmer shook his head chicly, but no matter how chic his movements were, in Burlogo's eyes, it was just a black hood shaking his head and tail.

"She was conquered by my talent and charm, but unfortunately I have a fiancée, so I can only refuse with tears in my eyes."

Palmer said as he took off the black hood, which was already tattered after successive battles.

Using it as a rag, he vigorously wiped off the blood on his face, then Palmer took out another ball of black stockings from his pocket and put them on his face, and dug two holes for his eyes.

"But don't worry, when she asked for your name in the end, I reported your name."

Palmer raised an eyebrow at Burlogo.

"You now have a Night Clan suitor, partner."

"You fucking?"

Listening to Palmer running the train with his mouth full, Burlogo couldn't help but want to scold him again.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! I'm doing this for your own good."

Palmer's eyebrows were beaming, and the translucent stockings could hardly conceal his excited expression.

"Think about it, Bologo, as an undead, you can't be single forever, right? It just so happens that the other party is also an undead, can you give it a try?" Palmer's voice suddenly rose, "Although You don't have much respect for me, but as a member of the Clakes family, I also have the tolerance I deserve."

Burrog looked at Palmer in disbelief, and he began to think that Palmer was really crazy.

Amyu was listening to the conversation between the two. In her opinion, the two of them were crazy. Under such a terrible situation, the two of them could still chat while driving, and the topics they talked about were so wild and unconstrained.

"Of course, the Ye Clan is not important in this operation. She seems to be just a simple buyer. I didn't expect to be involved in such a dispute."

"Our real target is the guy who escaped, and his accomplices," Palmer suddenly became serious again, "The King's Shieldguard...I really didn't expect things to turn out like this."

"The king's shield guard?"

Burlogo couldn't make out what Palmer was talking about. It sounded like the name of an organization, the one that Nady and Jamon belonged to.

"It's a bit of a long story."

Palmer didn't know how to explain this to Burlogo for a moment.

"Long story short."

"Well... In short, the king's secret sword began to split inside, and the split part is called the king's shield guard, which is the group of people you just met. They are supporting a man called the shadow king. The presence."

Palmer explained to Bologo, "This information is highly confidential, and I was told all this when I met Yas."

Hearing this, Burlogo suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

"That is to say..."

"Yes, the target of this mission is not the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce and the Scarlet Rot Sect at all. As for Teda? No one cares about him at all. The real target is the King's Shield Guard."

Speaking of this, Palmer couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"This is a trap, a trap that tricks everyone into it... just to kill these servant king shield guards."

Before Burlogo could say anything, Palmer complained loudly again.

"Damn, these bastards are really inhuman, they didn't tell me the danger of this task at all," Palmer yelled, staring at Burrog, "In order to connect you with that night tribe, I almost Killed by her!"

After being yelled at by Palmer, Bologo was a little dazed. He could clearly feel that Palmer's words were all farting, but he really made him refute. He couldn't keep up with Palmer for a while. train of thought.

When it comes to bad talk, Palmer is better.

The two kept running around in the long and narrow corridor, which was as huge as a maze. They couldn't figure out why the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce built this place like this.

But if you look at this place as a blood-stained sacrificial field, Bologo thinks it is somewhat reasonable. He thinks that the tyrant should be hiding somewhere, aloof and admiring people's various follies.

On the way of chasing Jamon, Bologo also saw many fallen corpses along the way. Their death conditions were very tragic, as if their bodies were twisted to pieces in an instant by some powerful force.

This is definitely not something that Jamon can do. Burrog became vigilant. It seems that there is another hunter advancing in this huge maze.

Teda Yazidette.

The current situation is perfect for TEDA. What he needs is complete chaos. Now all forces are entangled together, and the injured Jamon fled alone.

Burlogo couldn't have imagined a more perfectly timed shot, and Teda's strength was unrecognizable.

TEDA's path is a pure, classical fantasy creation. With his secret power, all of TEDA's thoughts will become reality. That is to say, his power is ever-changing, and there is no basis for judgment at all.

The same negative person, Nadai gave Bologo the feeling of violence like a blazing sun, so TEDA is as cold and weird as a poisonous snake.

"Aimu, we may fight TEDA next, what do you think?" Burrog asked abruptly, "If you don't want to, you can leave."

"Is the teacher going to do something terrible?"

"Probably? This guy TEDA doesn't say anything to anyone, who knows what he's thinking."

In Burogo's view, Teda didn't have the composure of an old man at all. Instead, he looked like a violent young man, paranoid, hiding all his thoughts in his heart, and refusing to talk to others.

Amy fell silent and did not respond.

Burlog shook his head helplessly, it was a bit too difficult for Amy to make such a decision.

Taida doesn't love his child, but the child still loves her father, which is understandable and helpless.

"And you, Palmer," Burlogo suddenly turned his head and said to his partner beside him, "If you still want to maintain your image in my heart, then you'd better be more reliable."

"Oh my god! I still have an image in your heart. I thought I'd collapsed a long time ago." Palmer looked flattered.


Burrogo didn't catch his breath, and he raised his hand and was about to draw out his knife to chop Palmer.

"Just kidding, kidding."

Palmer yelled again and again, and looked at the corridor that was gradually collapsing. Countless scarlet tentacles stretched out from the wall and followed them.

"At such a terrible time, I think we should make some jokes at the right time to ease the atmosphere... What do you think? Bologo."

(End of this chapter)

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