Endless Debt.

Chapter 239 Beheading

Chapter 239 Beheading
Everything that happened today was terrible for everyone involved in the chaos, and so was Jamon.

First came successive heavy injuries, then the entry of the Bureau of Order, and now Gray's appearance.

If it wasn't for the severe pain in his abdomen that almost made Jamon faint, he must have thought that the man in front of him was just a vain hallucination.

Unfortunately, this is not an illusion, but absolute reality.

Gray did not die on that stormy night, he was still alive, full of vengeance, and vowed to tear the man in front of him to pieces.

"How does it feel! Captain!"

Gray laughed and drew out his sword. The dazzling alchemy matrix wrapped around his arm. As a Sublimationist of the Origin School, every blow of Gray was amplified with ether, and the blade of the sword was as heavy as a thousand catties of steel.

Jamon didn't respond. He was wounded heavily and was shot coldly by Gray. If it wasn't for the power of the prayer believers to support him, he would have died by now.

The blood shifting sword flickered again and again, and the red trajectory collided with Gray's blade. The sparks lit up Jamon's pale face. Every sword of Gray was causing him to die.

"Old friends reunited, don't you want to say something!"

Gray roared presumptuously, all the anger and resentment that had been accumulated for a long time were poured into his hands at this moment, casting a verdict of revenge.

"I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time!"

Jamon hissed, he didn't understand how Gray survived, nor why Gray appeared here.

If it were the previous Jia Meng, facing such a situation, he might have let go and greeted death calmly, but now it is different, he carries the heart of immortality, the key to the Shadow King's survival, for the real The king is willing to give everything.

The shadow of emptiness and reality swung the long knife in the skyrocketing, creating a circle of air waves, and then the narrow and long knife marks spread all over the ground and walls, and the entire cliff trembled violently.

Gray's figure was deceitful and swift, and he was like a phantom under the aether boost. When avoiding the attack of the shadow of reality, he did not forget to fight back at Jamon.

Just like when he fought against Bologo back then, Gray carried a lot of alchemy weapons under his body. The stability may be a little bit less, but the victory lies in the large quantity. These alchemy weapons are enough to deal with the seriously injured Jamon.

Countless small darts were thrown out with a wave of his hand. They were blocked by the solid shadow of reality, but they all ignited and exploded in the next second. The roar shook the shadow of reality, but it still failed to hurt Jamon.

Unlike many people, when Jamon was promoted to a believer, he did not choose to derive sub-schools, thus making his own secret energy deceitful. He chose to go to the path of extreme illusion, so even though his fantasy creation has many restrictions , but still powerful.

In the smoke and dust raised by the explosion, the blade of virtuality and reality forged by ether suddenly lifted up, splitting a huge gap between the rising rocks, and countless gravels crashed down.

Jamon roared madly, and the waving of the Blade of False Reality also became faster and faster. The blade followed Gray's figure closely, and even turned into a meaningless slash.

Gray moved between the falling blades. He was a Sublimator of the Origin School, and his fighting power was limited when he was single-handed, let alone a prayer believer like Jamon, even if he was seriously injured at the moment.

In fact, Gray just had a chance to blow Jamon's head off with a single shot, ending his revenge, but he felt that this was not enough, far from enough to vent his anger, so he would rather take the risk, expose his identity, and let Jamon die clearly.

Since Jia Meng loves his Shadow King so much, he will crush all his hopes with his own hands.

The glow of the ether rose, Gray's figure froze slightly, and then turned into a sharp sword and stabbed forward at a faster speed, and Jamon's slashing indiscriminately also turned instantly, falling towards the path of Gray's advance.

Jamon is not weak, on the contrary, he is very powerful as a believer, but after coming to Opals, this guy's luck is not good.

At the beginning of the betrayal, Levius and Geoffrey were encountered before showing their hands and feet. After finally being able to kill the Quartet in the Colosseum, they were met by Burogo again.

Immortality gave Burrog an almost terrifying error tolerance rate, and Burrog's own treacherous and changeable secret abilities also made Jamon tired of dealing with it.

It wasn't until now that he was fighting Gray that Jamon had regained some of his courage as a believer, but this courage was more like hysteria against death.

Facing the falling blade of reality, Gray abruptly stopped his pace, and then rushed to the other side, while not forgetting to continue to release alchemy weapons to interfere with Jamon.

Until one of the several attacks, the expected explosion did not happen, and a poisonous mist rose instead.

Under the wrapping of Shadow of Void and Reality, Jamon can effectively resist attacks, but what about when it faces the gaseous poison?

The sound of strong acid corrosion continued, and even the shadow of emptiness and reality also had ripples of light. The secret energy successfully defended against the fierce poison in the front, but the gaseous poison overflowed everywhere, and touched the part that was not protected by the secret energy in a blink of an eye. .

The skin that came into contact with it began to swell and fester. Fortunately, Jamon withdrew from the range of the poison in time, and when he was about to attack Gray again, Gray jumped towards him.

Gray held the fire-calling staff, outputting all the ether, and the blazing fire filled every corner, and the tyrannical dragon's breath completely swallowed Jamon.

Under the scorching flames, the aura of ether suddenly rose, and the blade of virtual reality split the sea of ​​flames.

Jamon's voice was in a state of embarrassment, like a crumbling dying man, but his pupils were bright and fiery, filled with absolutely pure ether.

The alchemy matrix on the fire-calling staff began to flicker, and dense sparks suddenly appeared. Without the slightest hesitation, Gray threw the fire-calling staff directly at Jamon, and then the alchemy matrix began to collapse and explode.

The violent explosion caused countless cracks to break out on the entire cliff, and scarlet flesh grew under the cracks. As long as the battle between the two was too intense, the entire ground would collapse into the deep darkness below.

Jamon successfully resisted another round of Gray's attack. His pupils were bloodshot and scarlet, and his hair was clinging to his face with blood.

"Grey, you can't stop this!"

Jamon yelled at Gray, his frenzy overwhelming his fear of death.

"He will come to his throne at last!"

"What do you mean by the so-called King of Shadows?" After the smoke, Gray held Miransha's secret sword and sneered, "I don't care about that anymore, Jamon."

"You're a good teacher, Jamon."

Gray said kindly, but his voice was full of resentment, "You taught me everything, the cruelty and ruthlessness of this world, and the pleasure of revenge."

Slowly set up the secret sword, just as Gray had learned at the beginning.

"I don't care about the shadow king, nor about the king's secret sword and the king's shield guard."

Ether fills every part of the body, and they triumph in the alchemical matrix, endowing the mortal body with extraordinary power.

"All I want is revenge, to kill you, that false king, everything!"

Gray trampled the ground, and his figure twisted into a sharp and narrow blade of light.

Under the fury, Miransha's secret sword also shone with the light of ether, it was activated, and the extraordinary power was blessed on the steel.

Jamon was slightly distracted by the residual glare, and then he remembered the power of Miransha's secret sword, and recklessly swung the blade of virtual reality to meet the falling secret sword.

The ether is fully released, and a real sword is constructed between the fantasy, and the phantom is continuously solidified, and even as if the fantasy has come true, under the illusion of Jamon, it is realized into a real entity, just to stop this deadly attack. of a sword.

The moment the blades intersected, Gray suddenly moved his body and turned around, allowing the blade of illusion to tear his left arm. Then he raised the secret sword with his right hand, brushed past the blade of reality and pierced Jamon's heart.

"This is Miranda's revenge!"

Amidst Gray's roar, the Shadow of Void and Reality condensed into solid armor, covering Jamon's body heavily, but this time the absolute defense failed to stop Miransha's secret sword.

The sword of silence.

This is the name of Miransha's secret sword. Its effect is just like its name. It can silence the ether touched by the blade and cannot be mobilized. The scope of its influence is extremely limited, but at this critical moment, it has become Kill Jamon's Armor-Sundering Edge.

The blood and pain were cut in half by the sword of silence, and all the hatred and resentment were wiped out.

After that, everything went very smoothly. After a difficult piercing, the Sword of Silence pierced through Jamon's chest with ease. Gray pressed down the blade with all his strength, and the Sword of Silence slashed down viciously, splitting It tore out tree roots and ribs, crushed internal organs, and then cut out from Jia Meng's waist and abdomen, breaking a shocking wound.

Minced meat and dirty blood mixed with broken internal organs, splashed all over the ground, and the condensed smell awakened the crazily growing flesh and blood in the ground. They were like tender shoots that pushed open the soil, and the scarlet shoots pierced into Jamon's broken body. In the body, wantonly biting his body.

The radiance of the shadow of reality gradually faded until it completely dissipated behind Jamon, leaving only a dim light, still struggling to maintain the operation of the alchemy matrix. Jamon raised his head dully and looked at the broken arm. gray.

"You...you have no idea what you've done."

Jamon's voice was somewhat distorted, as if he was crying bitterly.

But this kind of sadness didn't last long, he fell back slowly, and the dense scarlet branches wrapped his body.

On the pale face, the blood-red eyes stared at Gray, and the curse sound echoed.

"It's all right, Gray."

Jamon smiled.

"He'll come back...it's meant to be..."

Jamon was like a fanatic, and he still chanted his gods until the end of his life.

Gray didn't care about this. He didn't even look at the storage container that fell on the ground. He just strode up and pierced Jamon's heart with the sword of silence, nailing him to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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