Endless Debt.

Chapter 24 The Evil Spirit

Chapter 24 The Evil Spirit
The change of time is not obvious in the wandering fork road. When the sunlight passes through the haze of the big crack and reaches the wandering fork road in the rift valley, the weak light can only slightly brighten the darkness. Therefore, the lighting in the wandering fork road , almost always bright all day long, pale light through the fog, like giant eyeballs of monsters, peeping at people coming and going.

The time here seems to be frozen, whether it is noon or midnight, there are only gray and pale, reflecting it into a monster's lair.

In the depths of the lair, Vika was busy behind the bar, looked at the clock, it was almost midnight, and at this time, business was very busy,
The ghosts and goblins came out of the shadow of the wandering fork in the road one after another. They gathered here, some were drinking and having fun, some were exchanging secret information, and then they moved towards different purposes.

The singing and alcohol were so intoxicating that they almost soaked the tables and chairs and engulfed everyone's mind.

Looking at all this, Vika has long been used to it. Drunk guests slowly fell along the edge of the bar, like a corpse, lying on the side, and there are many such corpses in the bar.

Vika rubbed his eyes. Although he said he was used to it, it might be because of his age. When he was young, he could still dance to these restless music, but now he just thinks these things are noisy.

After mixing a new batch of wine, Vika signaled others to replace him for a while. He needs to rest for a while. When he left, he didn’t forget to take the small box under the bar. This is Vika’s treasure. No matter where he goes Take it with you, it is full of Mammon coins.

After leaving the bar, conscious guests will raise their glasses to pay respect to Vika. It seems that everyone respects the bartender.

Stepping into his office, closing the door, and isolating the noise from the intoxicating alcohol, Vika finally felt that he could relax a bit. In this ghostly place, the quietness is extremely precious.

He picked up a cigarette and smoked it calmly. The lights in the office were not turned on, and the blurry outline was illuminated by the little firelight.

Vikara opened the cabinet under the desk, and there was a safe in it. It was unclear how many times it had been opened. Vikara unscrewed the safe with only his sense of touch, and then put all the Mammon Coins in the small box. put it in.

In the darkness, only cigarettes were used as the light source, and the shimmering light fell on the mammon coins, and they shone brightly one after another.

Relying on the only light, the golden color flows on the edge of the mammon coin, like a philosopher's stone, with some unknown magic power, reflecting Vika's pupils into gold, like Melted gold paint.

Vika's gaze was calm and unaffected in the slightest. Just as he was about to close the safe, a mammon coin slipped out of it and rolled to Vika's feet.

Pick it up, the back is still the mammon embracing gold, but the front is the roaring wolves.

Seeing this scene, Vika's eyes were slightly absent, and then he read the name that was almost forgotten by him.


Vika closed the safe, and instead of putting the Mammon coin back, he held it in his hand and rubbed the surface of the coin vigorously with his rough fingers, feeling the ups and downs of the coin, and polished it to a shine.

"Seven years in a flash, I almost forgot about you, why did you suddenly appear again?"

Vika thought deeply, and he was a little uneasy. Lebius has been keeping a low profile for the past seven years, and no news has come out. Vika once thought that he left Opals and returned to his hometown of the Rhineland League to live a retired life. Life.

But now he appeared again, and sent his messenger.

Recalling the appearance of Bologo in his mind, Vika frowned.

He has been wandering in the fork road for a long time, and has seen countless monsters and ghosts. His nose is more sensitive than Bologo, and he can smell that smell from Bologo.

A slight, decaying rotten smell, as if the soul under this body is rotting and collapsing, but his smell is not as strong and obvious as that of a demon.

Like a struggling soul... between continuation and collapse.


Old words rose up in his mind, and Vika looked solemnly.

Breathing became a little depressing for a while, as if the air in the room was a bit heavy, and there was a roaring wind and rain approaching the hesitant fork in the road.

Vika knew very well that Oath City Opals was far from being as simple as it appeared on the surface.

He felt that something was about to happen, and there was an undercurrent. After seven years or even longer years of recuperation, the monsters hiding in the darkness had regained their strength. They were grinding their teeth and sucking blood, trying to break out of the shadows and continue That unfinished war.

There was a sense of helplessness and sadness in his heart. Vika knew very well that such a peaceful life would not last forever, but when it really was about to be broken, he still couldn't bear it and tried to continue prolonging this life .

Closing his eyes, darkness descended, and he tried to calm his thoughts, but was interrupted by a rapid knock on the door. Vika opened his eyes, and the door was pushed open by a corner, and the light fell in. It was Nellie.

"problem occurs."

Nellie looked anxious.

"What's the matter? Someone kicked the field?"

Vika stood up, he was able to stand on the hesitant fork in the road for so long, not only relying on his connections and relationships, he also has enough force to protect himself and deter the enemy.

"No, it's not that bad, but it's not that simple either."

Nelly didn't know how to explain it for a while, he could only signal Vika to come over quickly.

Walking out of the office and returning to the restless bar, Vika could clearly feel the change in the atmosphere, the psychedelic joy disappeared, and it seemed that everyone was sober in an instant, whispering and discussing something in the dark.

"What's going on?" Vika asked.

"Norm Ward has had an accident," another man stepped forward and whispered to Vikka.

Vika maintained a superficial calm, and he was not surprised by this situation.

He is very clear about what kind of business Noam is doing, and he also knows the existence of the so-called "human addict". More importantly, he also knows that Bologo represents Lebius and the Bureau of Order.

What happens when these two groups of people meet is too simple.

"Is Norm dead?" Vika asked calmly.

"It could be worse than that, are you going to see it?"

The man continued, and his words caught Vika's attention, and he glanced at Nellie.

"I'll leave it to you first, and I'll be back in a while."


Nellie nodded.

Some people left the bar with Vika, they were in groups, and the sparsely populated streets became unusually crowded. Along the way, Vika noticed that there were some other people walking towards Norm's clinic.

The Wandering Fork Road has been quiet for too long, and there has been no sensational incident for a long time. What's more, the business run by Noam.

Those demons hiding in the wandering fork are all Nome's customers. They are anxious to know about Nome's situation. They don't care about Nome, but those sweet philosopher's stones.

These demons are wandering in the hesitant fork in the road. They don't have the courage to leave here and face the iron-blooded order. They can only linger here, looking for a sliver of soul to satisfy their hungry emptiness.

It didn't take long for Vika to arrive at Noam's clinic. There were already some people around here, and everyone stood far away, watching what happened here.

Vika walked up the rugged path and stepped into Noam's clinic.

For a moment, the stench of blood rushed to his face, almost knocking Vika unconscious. He looked intently, and saw that the ground was covered with a layer of blood that had already solidified, and every step brought a viscous feeling of obstruction.

The demon's corpse was lying on the side, with the panic before death on his face, his mouth was open, and the wailing of the dead soul could be heard faintly.

"It's like a massacre, and these people have nothing to fight back."

Someone said at the side that they had long been accustomed to demons, and that in the depths of the wandering fork, there were things far stranger than demons, so what really shocked them was that these demons died so easily.

Like a lamb, it was easily slaughtered.

"The secret door is ahead, but there is a heavy iron door at the end of the secret door, and we cannot open it."

The man continued.

Vika did not speak, but walked into the dark tunnel, and the iron door appeared in front of him, with dents all over it. It seemed that someone tried to break through the iron door by force, but failed in the end.

Stretching out his hand to cling to the edge of the iron door frame, Vika breathed hard, a strange force surged and attached to his body, his hands slammed on the frame, and then there was a violent rumbling sound, dust and debris The stone fell, the iron gate trembled a few times, and then fell backwards.

After a metallic sound, the door opened, revealing a bloodier hell.

"So that's how he got in?"

Vera looked up, and he saw the big hole made by Boluoge, and the ceiling collapsed one by one, crushing everything in his path.

"This is Reed, and he's dead too."

Someone found Reed's head in the corner, kicked it a few times, and his pale face was exposed. Like the other corpses, there was horror on his face.

After the doubts, people began to wonder what they saw before they died.

"Where's Norm? Has anyone seen Norm?"

Vika asked loudly, he wants to find out what's going on, is the Bureau of Order planning to take action against "Human"?
Or... another behemoth has returned and this is just a harbinger of their return?

Vika felt a chill in his heart.

"No, his body was not found. He may have escaped."

Someone responded, but Vika didn't think so. It was the Bureau of Order who came to him, and they weren't so good at letting go.

Others are busy searching. They have the same interests as Vika. Although the Wandering Fork Road is a chaotic place, it is also their only shelter. They cannot tolerate the destruction of this last shelter.

Therefore, under the many dark desires, more and more people living in the shadow of wandering fork in the road began to believe in the name of "tyrant".

"Evil spirit!"

A mournful wail sounded suddenly, and Vika's gaze was swept towards the direction of the sound, only to see a scarred hand stretched out from the collapsed ruins, its face was completely covered by gray dust, like Solidified sculpture.

It was the only survivor, and its flesh and blood were crushed by the collapsed rubble, which saved its life instead of letting it die under the claws of the evil spirit.

The crazy mania should have driven it into complete madness, but the beast also had instincts. Under the extreme fear, its instincts recalled a little reason, just like a mad patient, it kept wailing.

"The evil spirit is coming! It will devour everyone!"

Nightmares lingered in its ears, and endless whispers whispered repeatedly, as if they were about to tear its eardrums, and marched along the ear canal all the way to the brain, until the flesh and blood under the skull were completely boiled.

Vika walked over quickly, trying to dig it out from the ruins, but moved a few pieces of gravel, and what he saw was a body pierced by steel, blood and dust mixed together, turning into a dark Red lumps.


Vika immediately squatted down and asked eagerly.

"what happened?"

"Evil spirit... blue-eyed evil spirit."

The demon grasped Vika's collar tightly, and Vika's face was reflected in its horrified eyes. It whispered the name of the evil spirit repeatedly, and the condensed blood spit out from its throat, blowing on Vika's face.

"It's coming, and we're sure to die."

Fear occupies all of its thoughts, like a machine, constantly telling all this.

Soon, its body stiffened, slowly let go of its hand, and fell powerlessly, its eyes were completely frozen, like a turbid crystal, wrapped in a blue phantom.

It's dead.

"The evil spirit..."

Vika murmured, and the sense of uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense, until the sound of a crash sounded.

Under Burlogo's violent demolition, it is not safe here, and the building is cracked and crumbling.

At this moment, the remaining ceiling above the head continued to collapse with the huge gap as the core, and the bricks, stones and steel fell, drowning the blood and corpses.

The collapse didn't last long, and the roar in his ears gradually dissipated. Vika stood up and looked around. In the thick dust, other people also stood up. It seemed that no one was injured.

More rays of light came in, illuminating the darkness full of decay. Vika turned his head, his body stiffened, and stood there for a long time, and so did the others. Their eyes kept looking at the corner.

It was a wall hidden in the darkness, and as the ceiling collapsed, more people noticed its existence.

Vika stepped over the corpses and ruins, walked towards the wall, and stretched out his hand to touch it lightly.

Fingers walked along the knife marks made by the jackknife on the wall, which were intertwined with dried blood, turning into a mural of knife and blood.

"Evil spirit, blue-eyed evil spirit."

Vika whispered and backed away slowly, and the hideous painting gradually became clear in front of his eyes.

As if a monster had swung towards the wall, the slender and hateful scratches cracked and spread, like thunder crossing across the sky, and under the thunder, the corpses of demons were piled up, like trophies, piled up on the wall. together.

Later, such a story spread in the Wandering Fork Road. At a certain moment that no one knew, an evil spirit appeared in Opals out of thin air. No one knew where it came from and what kind of The only thing it knows about its purpose is that it is hunting.

The hunt is on and on, never ending.

(End of this chapter)

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