Endless Debt.

Chapter 257 Free Will

Chapter 257 Free Will
Bologo didn't tell Amy about the hallucinations he saw... Maybe it wasn't an illusion, but something real. Bologo didn't have much pressure. As a debtor, he often had to deal with some weird things. He has become accustomed to the things that appear in the hallucination.

As for why he didn't talk to Amy about this, it was because Burlogo felt that the current situation was bad enough, and even telling Amy couldn't change anything, it would be better to let her feel at ease.

Sometimes ignorance is a kind of happiness. Thinking of this, Bologo began to miss himself before he became a Sublimator. At that time, his perception of the world was so naive. Looking back now, this strong contrast Bologo couldn't help but smile bitterly.


Burrog glanced at the ground under his feet, and he recalled the mysterious fourth group.

The Bureau of Order knew about the anomaly in the Great Rift, and the fourth group most likely existed in response to the anomaly here. As for the surrounding ether vacuum environment, it might have been created by the Bureau of Order.

And this big crack...

Bologo is actually a little excited at the moment, he is very close to a certain secret, so close that he can touch it.

"One good news, one bad news."

Burrog carried Amy on his back, and the terrain opened up until Burrog thought he was walking on a gray wasteland.

"Bad news," Amy said.

"It's kind of queer, very queer," said Borrog. "The good news is, I've got a plan, and I might be able to get out of it."

"what's the plan?"

"The Bureau of Order has an operation team stationed in the big rift. They may be nearby. As long as we find them, we will be saved. Even if we don't find them, I have the worst plan, but unless we are in a desperate situation, I suggest not Start the program."

The ashes here are much softer, like snow, one foot deep and the other shallow, and the warm ashes poured into the shoes.

Burrog walked to the edge of the gray-white wilderness. In front of him was a cliff, and the gray-white earth extended under the cliff, and then another cliff, like a giant's staircase, kept moving forward.

The jackknife slammed into the cliff face, and Burlogo struggled downward.

In the past, at this height, Bologo would jump directly. Under the protection of the ether, he can easily resist the impact. Even if he is injured, he can heal quickly.

But now that Bologo has turned back into a mortal body, everything must be careful. Like a climber, he climbed down the two cliffs with great effort, and then he was out of breath.

"I think we should take a break, don't you think?" said Burlogo.

"Listen to you."

Aimu is now like a pendant, carried by Bologo on her body. She completely trusts Bologo and leaves all actions to Bologo to judge.

In Bologo's eyes, he crawled on the cliff at the edge and found a raised spot, which was small and hidden. So far, neither of them had encountered another living creature, but out of vigilance, Bologo decided to rest here for a while.

Leaning in the shadow, his tense nerves relaxed slightly, and then pain and hunger came to his heart.

Before, Bologo could use actions to divert his attention, but now that he calmed down, all these messy things came to him.

Burrog is a patient man. He closed his eyes and endured the torture, his breathing was smooth and steady, as if nothing had happened.

"Bologo, have you ever thought about what the world after death looks like?"

Suddenly, Amy asked softly.

She fell to the side like a doll, with her head tilted and her pupils shimmering.

"Why do you want to ask this?"

"Just curious," Amy said.

"The world after death?"

Bologo pondered for a few seconds, then said, "It was a world of nothingness, surrounded by the endless and deep starry sky, everything looked dead, lifeless, and broken boulders collided with each other everywhere.

There... it's like a dream, where anything can happen, and thunder can be seen passing by from time to time. "

Burrog tried hard to describe that weird and abstract world to Amy in understandable language.

"It does sound like a dream, but why do you think that the world after death is like this?" Amyu continued to ask.

"There is no reason, because I can indeed reach the afterlife...if that counts."

Amy thought that Burlogo was imagining art based on his own ideas, but in fact, this is exactly what Burlogo could see after his death. Almost no one has ever had such an experience, so we talked about these moments , Bologo is still so proud.

Burrog continued to explain.

"Every time I die, I will arrive at that void world for a short time, and then be banished back to the human world," Bologo hesitated, "I also don't understand that place, and I thought about exploring it before, but Every exploration requires death, and my multiple deaths in a short period of time will make my dormant time longer, so I can only give up temporarily."

Aimu was silent for a long time. She was trying to digest what Burlogo said. Not only would this guy not die, but he could also personally reach the world after death.

"That sounds awful, Borrog." Amy sighed long.

"what happened?"

"You have crushed people's beliefs," Amyu said, "for example, people thought they would go to heaven after death, but an undead man came over and told them that there is nothing after death, just nothingness, at most there are some stones bumping into each other go."

"Don't think about it too much. 'The world after death' is just a name I give to that environment. It can also be called 'the world of nothingness', 'between nothingness' and the like."

Burlogo didn't expect Amy to think so seriously, he quickly explained.

Treating Amy from a human point of view, Amy is in the stage of forming a world view, and Burlogo tried his best not to make her a freak like himself.

Hmm...Bologo couldn't guarantee that, but he tried to avoid it.

"To be precise, it's not really the afterlife. It's more like a place where my consciousness will stay for a short time when I'm in the resurrection state."

After a long time, Ai Miao whispered "hmm", so that she could still have some illusions about the world after death.

Seeing her like this, Burlogo smiled, and then said, "You remind me of Palmer."

"Why do you think of him?"

"Our daily patrols are actually quite boring. On the way, Palmer and I will chat about some weird things, and sometimes guess what is in each other's pockets."

"Sounds so childish."

"I also think it's quite naive, but it's really suitable for killing time."

Burrog said, Palmer will never be boring, if you can accept his bad luck... To be precise, it's because of this bad luck that you won't be bored.

Amyu couldn't understand the sympathy between these two guys, and she didn't want to waste ether emphasizing it, just perfunctory "enhmm", and continued to listen to what Burlogo had to say.

"Palmer asked you a similar question once, where he asked me where people's souls go after death?"

"How did you answer?"

"I didn't answer him," Borrog waved his hand nonchalantly. "That's childish."


Without waiting for Amy to ask questions, Burrog laughed. He thought it was fun to tease Amy in this way. Such fun is so rare in this dark and ghostly place.

"Okay, okay, I really didn't answer him. This guy is too talkative. Once he talks, he can't stop talking... This time is no exception. Seeing that I didn't respond, he just started talking on his own." .”

Burrog told the memories of that time.

"Palmer said that people die in a car, with their hands on the wheel, on the never-ending highway.

The car never breaks, the gas tank never runs dry, your favorite music is playing on the radio, and maybe your best friends are in the passenger seat, the backseat, or the trunk, whatever. A very happy scene.

Everyone seems to be going on an outing, stepping on the accelerator, facing the howling wind, chasing the sunset, laughing and laughing, but they can never reach the end, and they will always be on the long road. "

Burrog's voice fell silent, and after a brief silence, Amyu sighed.

"Sounds so...romantic."

"It's not romantic at all, it's just that this guy has put together the elements he likes," Burlogo said, "driving, racing, radio music, and an audience to listen to his endless bad jokes." , for Palmer, this is his heaven."

"Then Palmer is really easy to satisfy." Aimu didn't know how to comment.

"Probably. After all, he is the heir of the Krex family. He has had enough material wealth and wealth. He just wants to pursue some spiritual pursuits."

Speaking of this, Bologo paused and continued.

"Palmer's spiritual pursuit is pitiful..."

Amy laughed this time, and she said, "You've rarely been so funny, Burlog."

"It's just that when the environment is right, say something appropriate. We really need some humor in this kind of ghost place to relieve the pressure in our hearts." Burlogo replied.

The blue halo rotated slightly, and Aimiao couldn't figure out whether Burlogo was really humorous or professional, which made him rationally feel that he should be humorous now.

There seems to be no difference between the two, and there seems to be a big difference.

But there is one thing that Burlogo is right, they all need some light words to ease their depressed mood.

Amyu relaxed, her tense mood slowly melted into warm water like ice.

"Bologo, I have a secret." Amyu said suddenly.

"I am listening."

It was dark and dark, and when Burrog said nothing, he became one with the shadows.

After hearing what Burlogo said, Aimu was relieved a lot, and then she continued.

"I don't seem to...have free will."

(End of this chapter)

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