Endless Debt.

Chapter 259 Curiosity

Chapter 259 Curiosity

Burrog struggled forward on the gray and white ground, the sharp edge of the blade became pitted, and Burrog held it in his hand like a trekking pole.

It's the seventh day since Burrog fell into the Great Rift...or maybe the eighth, and Burrog doesn't care much about time anymore.

Physical strength is constantly being consumed, and the amount of ether in himself is also continuously decreasing in this ether vacuum environment. Bologo feels like a balloon with several holes in his body, and the gas keeps escaping out, making a rattling noise. sound.

Amy remained silent, like a dead body, being carried behind Burrog's back. The two hadn't spoken for a long time, and the atmosphere of silence lingered between them.

Bologo felt that he was also a talkative person. As long as he wanted to talk, he could always talk to Amy about messy things, such as movies, music, and inexplicable topics such as the ultimate life.

It is a pity that this bad environment is oppressing the will of the two of them little by little. No matter how much Burlogo wants to relax, this bad environment will not give him such a chance.

Burrog needs to conserve his strength to go further.

Along the way, Bologo is also constantly investigating the bottom of the big fissure. Bologo speculates that this is not the case here.

What Bologo refers to is the appearance after the formation of the Great Fissure. At that time, it should be covered with countless rock protrusions, but it is unknown since when, endless ashes have sprung up in the Great Fissure. Like a sea of ​​sand, it covered up the original appearance of the bottom and hid everything under the deep ashes.

There is something entrenched at the bottom of this big rift, it is huge, it fills every gap in the big rift, and since the day it comes, it has been burning infinitely, and the raised ashes will one day fill up This deep crack.

Bologo stopped and looked deeply at the ashes under his feet. The coverage limit of his own secret energy is ten meters, but this does not mean that the thickness of the ash layer is only ten meters, maybe it is actually tens of meters, or even hundreds of meters. meters deep.

Recalling the incomparably hot touch at that time, Bologo couldn't imagine how high the temperature must be in the deepest part of the ash layer.

Presumably that would be a scorching sun that was deliberately buried and forgotten.

Bologo kept crawling down along the layers of cliffs, like a giant's ladder, under the piled up ashes, Bologo was still moving deeper and deeper.

The further he advances, the more complicated Bologo's mood becomes. There is a little panic, but also endless... curiosity.

Just as explorers had sailed the seas to see what lay beyond the horizon, so Borrog wondered what lay in the dark depths of the Great Rift.

Bologo didn't know what was waiting for him there, but he already had a faint premonition in his heart.

Ever since relying on the group of snakes to explore the things under the ashes, Bologo has been able to feel a kind of evil madness that seems to be absent. This force lingers around him like a ghost. From the ashes on the land, it has not left.

No one told Bologo the answer, but relying on the connection of the umbilical cord, Bologo has begun to implicate the birth of the Great Rift with the devils.

"Bologo, what about those things that fell into the big rift?" Amy asked in silence.

Calculated according to the distance, the two of them had advanced a lot, but they still found nothing along the way.

This world is lifeless, there is no life at all, even the garbage that was thrown into the big rift no longer exists, and the monotonous scenery keeps repeating. If it weren't for Aimu who could feel the passing of the ether, she even felt that time was stagnant at this time of.

"I don't know," Burlogo shook his head, "It's my first time here too."

Burrog laughed suddenly, and continued, "To be honest, the experience of falling into a big rift is rare."

"Are you proud?"

"I just think it's kind of an interesting experience, don't you think?"


Amy had some difficulty understanding Burrog's train of thought, but Burrog continued to move forward.

Going down the cliffs that look like giant steps, fine ash filled the air, the surrounding area was foggy, and even the dim light above the head became even more dim.

Boluoge felt that he was heading towards the vast night. Beside another huge cliff, Boluoge paused for a few seconds, and he called the snake scale silver.

Aimu crossed his hands in front of Bologo's chest, and the group of snakes entangled and strengthened again.

After doing all this, Bologo grabbed the jackknife and continued to crawl downwards. This time, the descent was much longer than before. The surface of the rock wall was extremely smooth, as if it had been cut down by some kind of vicious force. become.

After Bologo climbed down from the cliff, the surrounding light had become extremely dim, and the visible range was pitifully narrow. After walking two steps, a hazy black shadow appeared in front of him, and Bologo couldn't help becoming vigilant. .

As he approached, Bologo saw the thing clearly, which was a broken stone pillar.

This stone pillar seemed to have been around for some years. A thick layer of ash had accumulated on the surface of the stone pillar, and the bottom of the stone pillar was also deeply sunk into the ash layer.

Burrog looked forward, and more hazy black figures appeared in front of his eyes. He seemed to have come to a ruined area.

"Did it fall from above?" said Amy.

"Maybe, there are often buildings collapsed around the Great Rift... and there are wandering roads." Borrog replied.

The current situation is still within expectations. To this day, the big rift is still slowly expanding, and buildings are constantly collapsing in. Bologo guesses that the ruins should have fallen into it some time in the past.

But what Bologo felt was a little wrong. After careful observation, he found that these buildings had exquisite reliefs, as if they came from temples. There is no such building in the fork road.

The history of this ruined area is longer than Burlogo could have imagined.


Amy's exclamation sounded.

Boluogo raised his head vigilantly, and a series of faint blue light trails flashed across his head, like woven silk, reflecting the hazy aurora deep in the ground.

"No etheric response."

Bologo felt it carefully, and the surroundings were still in the ether vacuum, and there was nothing unusual.

"It's beautiful."

Aimu didn't care about this at all, she kept sighing like a child.

Burrog walked among the ruins, and the hazy light gradually increased. They seemed to have life, shaping different shapes in the dark, and undulating in the tranquility.

This is not a product of ether. Bologo guessed that it should be a luminous gas formed in the air after various alchemy potions are mixed together and evaporated.

This kind of scene can often be seen in the hesitant fork road. The brilliant light floats in the hazy mist, adding a few touches of fascinating color to the strange land.

Amy admired the twilight, while Burrog moved forward in the darkness under the light, wiping away the ashes from time to time to observe the appearance of these ruins.

The years have eroded the surface of the building, but Bologo can still see the exquisiteness of the building and the glory of the entire building complex from the details of the carvings.

This seems to be some kind of temple-like building, and there is no such thing as Opals or Wandering Fork Road.

Bologo vaguely thought of something, but he felt that it was a little impossible, and then Bologo realized that he might be a little closer to a secret hidden in the darkness.

"Did you hear anything? Burrog." Suddenly Amy said.

"What did you hear..."

Before Burlogo finished speaking, he also heard that voice, which came slowly from a distance, like a loud bang of thunder.

It seems that there is a giant sleeping in the darkness, its snoring hits back and forth between the cracks, mixing into roaring thunder, and walking with it is a storm caused by that breath.

Bologo felt that he was facing a natural disaster. The moment he heard the voice, at the end of his field of vision, a hazy black shadow rose up in the dimness, and then covered the sky like a dark cloud.

A strong sense of crisis rose from his heart, and Bologo jumped towards the ruins on one side, hugging Amyu tightly, and the two curled up in the corner.

The next second after the two of them hid in the bunker, thunder mixed with the storm and set off a storm of ash, passing among the ruins.

Like an avalanche, the vast ash engulfed the surrounding buildings in a blink of an eye. If there were no shelter from the buildings, Borrog and Aimu would probably be easily blown up and thrown into the dark depths.

But even with the protection of the building, the ashes that infiltrated in a blink of an eye almost completely buried the two of them. What's more, a painful burning sensation came from Burrog's body surface.

In order to save ether, Amyu turned off most of her perception abilities. She couldn't detect these abnormalities, but the flesh and blood of Bologo could clearly feel that these ashes carried a hot residual temperature, and they were only attached for a short time. , will soon scald the flesh and blood.

Burrog could only hold back the pain, until the avalanche ended a few minutes later, and he crawled out of the ashes exhausted.

The skin was burned and swollen, but apart from the further consumption of ether, the injury did not have much impact on Bologo. Bologo dug Aimu out of the ashes and carried it on his back again.

"At least we know why these things are buried." Burrog muttered in a low voice.

"Do you want to move on?"

Amyu was a little scared, the darkness was too deep, scratching the fear in his heart.

Burlogo didn't respond, but just stubbornly took steps, the more he moved forward, the clearer the invisible connection became.

Something is waiting for me.

In the depths of darkness, Borrog believed, something was calling to him.

(End of this chapter)

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