Endless Debt.

Chapter 261

Chapter 261
Flesh and flesh like rotten roots rose from the ground of ashes one after another. Scarlet tentacles and blooming flowers covered the ground layer by layer, turning the rift valley into a stunning sea of ​​flowers in a blink of an eye, bursts of fragrance spread Come, but there is a disgusting rotten smell in it.

Boluoge can be sure that these ghosts are not rotten roots. From the previous fights, he can feel that under Nadai's fireworks offensive, the rotten roots are retreating steadily.

But these flesh and blood that drilled out from under the ashes were different. They crawled out from the depths of the burning ground... Maybe it was these flesh and blood that were burned by the high temperature.

Burrog ran away quickly with Amy on his back. Now is not the time to fight with these ghosts. It doesn't matter if he dies here. He will wake up one day, but if Amy dies here, She might as well be dead.

These monsters are so hungry, they will devour all matter that disintegrates.

Yes, that's right, just like those falling corpses, all the substances that fell into the Great Rift, whether it's flesh and blood, or steel and brass, were eaten by these monsters, and they were hungry at the bottom of the abyss. Know how many years.

No wonder these guys are so excited, dense flesh and blood covered the entire rock wall in a blink of an eye, and countless slender tentacles stretched out, like thousands of outstretched arms, trying to grab Bologo.

In the eyes of this monster, for so many years, he should be a rare living creature.

Burrog rolled over a raised rock, and at the same time turned around sharply, slashing in an arc, cutting off the flesh and blood that approached.

So far, this monster has not exerted much pressure on Bologo. Whether it is the attack frequency or attack strength, it is much worse than the rotten roots.

Burrog remembered the high temperature under the ash layer, and all kinds of clues were pieced together. He felt that there should be a group of never-ending fireworks burning in the depths of the earth, and this monster had been burned by the fireworks for an unknown number of years. .

Perhaps from the beginning of the birth of this great rift, it and the fireworks have existed here.

"Gorilla Sect."

Amy's voice rang in her ears, and when Bologo was fighting these flesh and blood, she also relied on her only perception to observe these monsters.

"That's right, I guess these things should be made by the Scarlet Sect."

Bologo jumped up and avoided another rolled-up tentacles. Under the exhaustion and pain, his movements were far less swift than before, like a wounded lone wolf, staggering, as if the next second to fall.

But no one could catch him.

"Scarlet flesh, immortality, and the fact that the Bureau of Order is so resistant to the arrival of the Scarlet Sect, I guess this ghost thing must be a creature-like existence of the Scarlet Sect, but it was imprisoned by the Bureau of Order many years ago. here."

Burrog responded as he ran, putting together as many clues as he could think of.

"Damn it, so the fourth group is watching this thing? Why can't they say it in advance!"

Borrog cursed again and again. If he knew there was such a ghost here, he and Aimu would have waited for rescue on the edge of the big rift.

The roaring sound continued, and these flesh and blood seemed to gradually wake up from their long sleep, and more and more powerful power merged into the body, and the tentacles collided powerfully, setting off bursts of smoke and dust.

Bologo's mind has completely tensed up. The more this monster wakes up, the umbilical cord connected to the evil becomes more and more solid. Bologo is very clear that the weirdness that called him before It was this monster.

An avalanche is erupting in this rift valley, and Bologo is running ahead, and the tentacles behind him are surging up, rolling up large pieces of ash, and the gray blizzard is advancing all the way. Once it is swallowed by it, Bologo will be instantly, The countless mouthparts were bitten into pieces of meat.

Thousands of thoughts ran rampant in Burrog's mind, and Burrog once again recalled the fireworks under the layers of ashes, and the crazy monster.

This monster has existed since the birth of this great rift, and the firework also coexisted with it. The firework burned it all day long, causing the monster to die continuously, and the scorched body turned into ashes, filling up the entire rift bit by bit. .

His thoughts continued to run, breaking through layers of shackles, and Burlogo suddenly discovered that the previously unreasonable places seemed to be connected in series.

The fireworks and monsters under the ashes of the earth, the wandering fork in the upper layer dominated by the tyrant, and then the bureau of order.

This is like layers of seals, binding this abandoned land in darkness forever.

Familiar voices kept flashing in my ears, which was what TEDA had said to himself.

"In the big rift, the key of the winding path cannot be used."

Is this really just the environmental impact of alchemical waste?Or is it that the Bureau of Order deliberately created such an environment to prevent someone from passing through the key of the crooked path, crossing the defense lines of the Bureau of Order, and going deep into it...

Unleash this monster.

Yes, they are afraid that someone will release this monster, especially the Scarlet Sect, that's why the Bureau of Order cares so much about all this.

So what role does the tyrant play in it?

Bologo felt that something was wrong early on. The tyrant assisted the Bureau of Order to win the secret war. The Bureau of Order should pay a price, and this price was for the tyrant to occupy an area in the hinterland of the Bureau of Order and become his country.

Become a cold arrow buried inside the Bureau of Order.

Bologo felt that under normal circumstances, the Bureau of Order would never allow a devil to get so close to him and manage his land so swaggeringly.

Unless the role of the tyrant is more than that, he also exists as part of the line of defense that seals this monster.

So... what is this monster?
What kind of existence can make the Bureau of Order so vigilant and set up a heavy seal, just to make the world forget it forever.

The ground under his feet began to tremble, interrupting Burrog's thoughts, and then the ash layer collapsed, and scarlet flesh appeared at Burrog's feet.

Bologo jumped up vigorously, and then the flesh and blood under his feet cracked into huge mouthparts, almost swallowing Bologo in it.

Leaping to one side of the rock wall, Bologo stabbed out the jackknife with all his strength. It is indeed a weapon produced by the sublimation furnace core.

Bologo hung on the rock wall, and below was the restless scarlet ocean.

As I guessed before, the body of this monster covered the entire rift valley, and all the ashes were just the waste that faded away after it burned itself.

Usually it would sleep peacefully under the layer of ash, enduring the burning of the fireworks, but when it sensed the presence of food, it would wake up and gnaw on the flesh.

All the matter that was thrown into the Great Rift will eventually usher in such a fate.


The voice passed by Bologo's ear lightly. For a moment, Bologo thought he had heard it wrong, but later realized that it was Amy.

"Do you know what this is?" Burrog asked aloud.

"Just doubt."

Ai Miao is not sure about this either. Most of her cognition of this world comes from books, but there is a gap between books and reality after all.

"speak out!"

Boluoge stepped on the bulge of the rock wall with one foot, drew out his jackknife, and relying on the explosive power of his body, he abruptly jumped a few more points out of thin air, fixing his body higher up.

The flesh and blood below were restless. After a short evasion, they failed to find the trace of Bologo. Compared with the rotten roots and shoots they encountered, these flesh and blood were obviously much more clumsy.

It's also possible that they haven't fully awakened yet.

Burrog glanced at the vast chasm. Compared with this guy's huge size, what Burrog faced was just a beard and hair.

From this point of view, Bologo has been walking on this monster before, and he actually tried to detect the existence of this monster with a group of snakes...

"The misfortunes and evils in this world have gathered all the evil, monsters and evils in the world, and then manifested them."

Amyu briefly introduced that she also discovered this information while reading some books, but she never thought that one day, she would actually be able to use this knowledge.

"You mean, this monster is evil incarnate? Like the devil?"

Bologo recalled the devils who represented the original sin, so it seems that evil is somewhat similar to the devil.

"No, the evil is prompted and born by the devil." Amyu continued.


Burlogo didn't react for a while, only listening to Amyu continue.

"You know the existence of the Contract School, right? Through the Contractors, people donate their souls to the devil, seek the protection of the devil, and thus degenerate into demons."

"Like those guys from the Gorilla Sect?"

For Bologo, the Scarlet Sect was already an old acquaintance, and all the incidents this time were caused by these lunatics.

After the sublimation person donates his soul, he will become a so-called carnivore, who can gain strong resilience just by eating, and a power bearer like Latis, he even has the ability to fuse with rotten roots, So as to gain the ability of immortality.

But these guys all have an ultimate collective name, devil.

People who have lost all their souls will gradually alienate into demons, and those who have lost all their souls will also become more evil and terrifying demons with extraordinary power.

"Yes, have you ever thought about it, if a glorious person sacrifices his soul to the devil, seeks protection, and degenerates into a devil?"

Amyu's words pierced Burogo's heart like a sharp knife, and for a moment he felt that his blood was cold, and a bone-chilling chill climbed up his spine.

Bologo lowered his head and looked at the scarlet flesh that was restless in the ashes and smoke, and the madness became stronger as it woke up.

"It came from the fall of the Glorious One."

In the depths of the ground, under the layers of defenses, the Bureau of Order imprisoned a glorious man who gave his soul to the scarlet mistress and gained the power of immortality.

Or to put it another way...the world is evil.

(End of this chapter)

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