Endless Debt.

Chapter 263

Chapter 263
Bologo slowly opened his eyes, bursts of intense pain lingering in his mind, he did not move his body immediately after waking up, but squinted his eyes to think about something.

He couldn't remember what the void world looked like. For this reason, Bologo guessed that he didn't die, but just fainted after the exhaustion of ether.

Burrog's condition is bad, but he personally thinks it's okay. The long time in the black prison has allowed Burrog to experience extremely strong willpower, as he often mentioned.

Concentration, patience, persistence...

After taking a few deep breaths, Bologo squeezed some strength out of his scarred body. He raised his body, gasped heavily, and looked to his side.

Amyu fell to the side, a little light lingered on the body, but for some unknown reason, the light only covered the upper body, and her lower body was in darkness.

Recalling the memory before he fainted, the two were preyed by evil, countless tumbling scarlet tentacles stirred up ashes all over the sky, and then a fiery foehn came, and all living things were included in the fireworks.

Even thinking about it now, Bologo's steadfast heart will be a little turbulent... The bastards in the Bureau of Order actually locked up a scourge here.

Once the evil wakes up and gets out of trouble, the entire Oath City Opals will become its ration, allowing it to feast on it.

Bologo didn't struggle with this for too long. He was just a sublimator, and he was trapped in this ghost place, and he didn't know if he could escape.

This kind of thing should be troublesome to a guy of Nethaniel's level, and looking at it now, the layers of seals set by the Bureau of Order are still intact, and the evil is very calm. The attacks he suffered before were only It's just a babble in sleep.

After thinking about these, Burlogo began to think about another question.

How many scourges are there in this world?

Bologo didn't feel that the evil he was seeing was unique. It used to be a glorious person who gave his soul to the scarlet mistress, and thus received protection, and finally fell into the evil of this world.

Mistress Scarlet is not the only devil in this world, she also has many brothers and sisters, and perhaps the same is true for Misfortune.

"Amy, are you okay?"

Burlogo stopped thinking about these things, and cared to Amyu who was on the side.

Something is wrong with Amy.

As an alchemy puppet, Amyu does not have all the details to reflect emotions like humans do. Most of the time, she sits quietly by the side like a corpse, only the light in her pupils is shining move.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for Bologo to penetrate the steel body and directly explore Amyu's emotions and thoughts, but he just instinctively noticed it.

Something is wrong with Amy.

Amy didn't react too much to Burlogo's concern, she only flashed the light in her eyes a few times as a response, and then she seemed to be thinking about something and fell into deep thought.

Bologo struggled to move his body. Under the depletion of ether, he and ordinary people undoubtedly suffered from constant pain. Fortunately, the soul fragments played a role at this time.

The invisible twilight rose around Bologo, providing Bologo with meager ether at an extremely slow speed to equalize his own injuries.

"How long have I been unconscious," Burrog asked.

"The foehn passed by three times outside, and it took about an hour."

Aimu counted the time by the number of times the Foehn passed by.

"Is that so? It's not too bad."

Burrog took a long breath, he was afraid that Amy would say that he had been in a coma for a few more days.

It's not clear whether the flesh and blood outside have calmed down, and Bologo doesn't plan to go out now, he needs to take a good rest, even if he can't recover much physical strength, he still needs to relieve his spirit a little.

And deal with...the mental state of some team members.

During the days of Burlogo's training, Jeffrey taught him a lot, not only various methods of dealing with the situation, but also some methods for his teammates.

Of course, what Jeffrey taught was not to kill his teammates when necessary, but how to motivate him when his teammates lost their fighting spirit.

Bologo didn't listen very carefully to this part. He felt that he didn't need teammates at the time, and later he had Palmer as his partner. Although Palmer always looked like a deserter, he never faced a battle. Never cowardly.

Bologo struggled to move his body to Amy's side. The two of them were next to each other. It didn't have any warm picture. It was more like a dead person and a dying person together. The two whispered to each other. , Chat for a while whether to go to heaven, or go to hell.


Burrog continued to call, but Amy still didn't respond.

It feels a little strange now, Burlogo feels like a teacher, comforting and enlightening an autistic child.

In fact, Bologo had some conjectures long ago, but due to the critical situation, he didn't have time to talk about it with Aimu, but he thought, now might be a good time.

"Amy? Amy, listen to me."

Burrogo repeated to Amy that he was rarely so patient.

Stretching out his hand to hold Amyu's head, Bologo felt that he was really playing with a human-sized doll. He turned her head slowly and looked at the blue pupils.

"So, Amy, you feel death, don't you?"

Burlog asked seriously.

When he fell into the big rift, in order to protect Aimiao from breaking, he and Aimiao had been in the same state until he hit the bottom and fell into a bloody mess, and Aimiao also escaped from him safely at that time. .

Everything is going great, except for one thing.

In the state of sympathetic bodies, Bologo and Amy feel in sympathy. Amy can not only feel Bologo's joy, but also feel Bologo's pain...even death.

At the moment when Bologo hit the bottom and died, Aimu also felt the same death, and experienced a real death himself.

Bologo is used to death, but it doesn't mean he is not afraid of death, let alone an existence like Aimu. From the previous chat, Bologo can feel that Amyu is a guy who is very sensitive to death .

This is also why Aimu lost control of her emotions when she woke up. Not only did she think that she was really dead, but she also experienced death with herself.

Amy still didn't respond, and Bologo didn't continue to force her, but sat aside and waited quietly. He was going to take action in the next round of Foehn, but he couldn't figure out what to do. clear.

It is possible to continue to go deep into the interior, try your luck, and find the outpost of the fourth group, or you may try your best to escape to the periphery, but there is a barren place, and Burlogo is just waiting to die when he goes there.

"Nothing is really mine."

A muffled voice sounded, and Amy's voice was so low that Borrog couldn't hear it clearly.

Seeing that Amyu finally reacted, Burlogo turned his head and looked at Amyu expectantly, thinking about what was wrong with the alchemy puppet.

Amy raised her head slowly, and looked at Burrog with azure halo. Her mood was a bit complicated, and it was not easy to say such words.

"Are we friends? Burrog."

"Of course, we're a lifelong friendship."

Burlogo joked that this is what Palmer often said to himself. Every time Palmer wants to help him, this guy will remember that he is his partner, a good brother who was born and died, and so on.

"are we friends?"

Amy repeated again that she didn't care about Borrog's fancy adjectives, she was very serious, as if the next words were a sacred oath.

"We're friends."

Burlogo repeated earnestly this time.

"You shouldn't lie between friends, right?"


"We have absolute trust in each other, right?"


After a monotonous and repetitive conversation, Amyu's lifeless feeling became a lot easier, and Burlogo comforted himself. Amyu is an alchemy puppet, and her cognition is slightly different from that of human beings.

But what Burlogo didn't expect was that the childlike conversation just now had a particularly strong binding force on Amy.

"Yes, I have experienced death, and death feels terrible."

Aimu whispered, like a scolded child.

"It's dark and cold, like walking in a lightless wilderness. No matter which direction you go, there is no end, and there is only a permanent loss."

Listening to Amyu's words, Burlog didn't say anything. He has experienced countless deaths. It stands to reason that Burlog has the most say on death, but Burlog won't die, no matter how strict he is. All punishments are meaningless to him.

"But luckily."

"Lucky what?" asked Burrog.

"I finally understand what death is, such an opportunity is rare," Amyu said with a smile in his voice, "To me, death is no longer an unknown fear, but something that can be understood and accepted. "

Burrog didn't understand what Amy meant, and then Amy moved his body and opened his hands to Burrog.

"What are you going to do?" Burrog asked.

"Hug," Amy said, "we are friends now, shouldn't we hug?"

"you sure?"

Bologo looked at Aimiao suspiciously, and sure enough, the cognition of alchemy puppets is still different from that of human beings.

"Shouldn't you be hugging?"

Amy asked Burlogo back, and she talked about her understanding of hugs.

"Animals only expose their belly when they relax, and so do humans. After opening their hands, the human chest will lose the protection of both hands, exposing many important organs and showing them to others."

Aimu kept opening his hand, waiting for Burlogo's response.

"A hug is a proof of trust. I have shown my important organs and even my heart in front of you. Let go of all defenses. You can choose to launch an attack at this time, piercing through my heart, tearing up trust... You can also choose to show your important organs and hug me together, a proof of mutual trust."

Bologo's eyes were slightly dull, he was taken aback by what Amyu said, and he never thought that hugging in Amyu's eyes was such a recognition.

"Don't you trust me? Burrog." Amy didn't understand Burrog's hesitation.

"No... just..."

Burlogo didn't know what to say for a while, hugging is normal, but Amyu's explanation felt a little wrong no matter how he thought about it.

But what was wrong was wrong, and in this case, Burlogo felt very reasonable.

Yes, very reasonable, after all, this is Amy, unique Amy.

Bologo hugged him without thinking. Amy was hugged in his arms like a big doll. Bologo didn't feel anything special, but a little cold and heavy.

Bursts of rumbling thunder passed by, and the fiery foehn swept across the dead valley, rolling up monstrous ashes, but all of this had nothing to do with the two of them. They hid in the cave on the rock wall, embracing each other, like winter A traveler who keeps warm.

When the violent tremor was over, Amy whispered in Burrog's ear.

"Okay, you can leave now."

Burlogo realized that something was wrong with Amy's mood. He let go of Amy, only to see fine cracks all over Amy's body. The reason why the lower body became dark was that the structure of the body had been completely damaged.

"Amy, you..."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of death anymore, it's no longer unknown to me, and... I don't seem to have any so-called 'death', to me, it's more like 'destruction'."

Aimu leaned back and said nonchalantly.

"In words you can understand... I'm going out of battery."

Her voice was grinning, but under the body, the ether storage unit was either damaged or exhausted, and the blue light in her eyes kept flickering, as if it would be completely extinguished in the next second.

Burlogo grimaced and said nothing about it.

(End of this chapter)

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