Endless Debt.

Chapter 266 Touching the Crown

Chapter 266 Touching the Crown
The bottom of the great rift, the land abandoned by ashes, the place where evil and evil occupy...

King Solomon's sacred city, Lemongayton, has stood here silently since the fall of the holy city 66 years ago, like a city of shadows inverted in the dark, echoing the city of oaths, Opus with.

The endless flames of war during the Wrath of the Scorched Earth failed to destroy this city, and neither did the burning and ashes of the evil 66 years later. It stands here forever, like an obelisk that will never collapse.

The roar of thunder sounded again, like a great bell tolled, but the city was dead, it could no longer wake anyone, and then the fiery foehn was thrown from behind the walls, and the heat waved the ashes, toward the In the farther surroundings, rifts spread.

Bolog stood numbly under the majestic city wall, which blocked most of the heat waves for Bolog. The burning sparks kept rising behind the high wall, and a strange wind could be vaguely heard, like the whisper of some kind of monster and roar.

"One light……"

Burrogo whispered, and now he has completely verified the long-standing conjecture through personal practice.

The Fall of the Holy City is not as simple as the official records, at least it does have some kind of power similar to "a ray of light".

Whether or not it destroyed both warring parties, Borrog is unclear, but it is certain that it must have had something to do with the formation of the Great Rift, and the fall of the Holy City into it.

The earth changed and everything burned. Under his anger, sulfur streaked across the sky, and everyone turned into pillars of salt...

This is a mighty force that transcends everything, and it is probably difficult for even the glorious ones to achieve it.

"Awarded with a divine crown..."

Burrogo was talking to himself, and all the voices disappeared from his ears in an instant, leaving only the echo in memory.

Bologo still remembers his previous conversation with TEDA. The two discussed the power of King Solomon and the destruction of the Holy City.

In the past, Bologo thought that the destruction of the Holy City was just a victim of the long dispute between the Kogadel Empire and the Rhine Alliance. But after he became a sublimer and learned all kinds of secrets, he discovered that the Fall of the Holy City may have other meanings. reason.

King Solomon was not only a master of alchemy, but also a man of glory.

King Solomon is so close to the "Secret Source" that he may be the first recorded crowned person in history...

"So he was destroyed..."

Burrog murmured.

All official information cannot be trusted. Bologo doesn't know what the reason for the war between the two behemoths is, but what is certain is that the appearance of King Solomon must have broken the balance between the two sides.

Judging from Bologo's cognition, he feels that King Solomon should not have touched the real crown. It is more likely that he was discovered by both sides on the way to be promoted to the crowned person, and the two sides also tacitly truce, and turned to King Solomon. Go on the offensive.

It is hard to imagine how terrible the power of the crowned one will be, but it is a pity that Borrog will not see these, and King Solomon is dead.

From the moment King Solomon broke the balance, the red-eyed parties would never let him survive.

"Touch the crown and become the absolute and only king."

As if telling a secret that shouldn't be known, after realizing all this, Bologo actually felt like being spied on.

As if this secret had been cursed by someone, and everyone who knew it would be noticed by him, Bologo became vigilant unconsciously, but there was only gray silence around here, and there was no life except evil.

Burrog raised his head again, looking up at the ash-covered high wall and the sparks wafting from behind the high wall.

Once there seemed to be a kingdom of heaven behind this high wall, but now behind this high wall there is only a dead hell.

Burrog turned to look at the steep cliffs around him. The cracks continued to spread, leaving terrifying scars on the ground.

If all this extrapolation is correct, then Burogo understands where the Great Rift came from.

This is the death counterattack of a man who touched the crown. He almost wore the holy crown. strength.

So when he was about to die, King Solomon pierced through the earth. With this terrifying scar, the world will forever remember his existence, and even his sacred city will remain here forever.

"Bologo, are you all right?"

Amyu said, since a few minutes ago, Bologo has been standing there stupidly, clenching his fists or holding his breath from time to time.

"so far so good."

Burrog simply replied that he needed some time to digest the information.

If the speculation is correct, this also reasonably explains what Bologo saw at the beginning, the rain of fire and sulfur all over the sky, everyone was burned into a pillar of salt...

The power of King Solomon.

Taking deep breaths repeatedly, Burlogo immediately thought of another thing, one he had asked himself repeatedly and doubted.

Oath City Opals.

Why does this place become a continuation of the war? Why does this place seem to be the core of the vortex, attracting all demons and ghosts to this city? Fight each other.

Now Bologo understands that what is special has never been the city of oath, Opus, but what has happened here, this sacred city that stands in the shadows and is forgotten by the world, Raymond Gaidon, is this The original owner of the land.

King Solomon.

If King Solomon did touch the sacred crown, then he must have had some way of ascending to the crowned...

Yes, this is the craziest part of this land, and it is also the source of endless disputes between the Bureau of Order and the Rhineland League. Whoever masters all this and finds the buried secret may be the first to become the crowned one. Break the balance of strife.

Burrog began to have some headaches, and now is really not a good time to know the secret.

While realizing all this, Bologo also has doubts about the past history. Just like this city flooded with ashes, the secrets of the past have also faded with time. What happened to the land.

What made Burlogo suspicious were those evil and crazy beings.


Judging by the damned character of the devils, whether it is the wrath of the scorched earth that triggered the bloody battle among the nations, or the fall of the holy city that terminated everything, Bologo believes that the devils must be involved in it, and they have a great time playing it. Most importantly, what role did the devils play in the events sweeping the continent.

Enabler or destroyer?
Bologo couldn't figure it out, he could only ask those devils about these things, and the price required must be extremely high.

"The devils are a bunch of damned guys..."

Bologo was amazed again. From the beginning, Bologo was involved in the dark fate of the devils. The more he advanced, the more he was involved with the devils.

Recalling the feeling of numbness and irresistibility when he fell into the Great Rift, Bologo even felt that he fell into this place and discovered all of this because the tyrant was secretly operating. The secrecy of the mind breeds a thirst for knowledge, which pays a higher price.

Burrog didn't think about these things any more, he pulled himself together and dragged his tired body towards the high wall.

In my memory, until I lost consciousness, the besieging legion still did not break through the defense of the city gate. It stood like this, isolating all foreign enemies like a natural barrier.

As he approached, Bologo's mind gradually calmed down. At this moment, he had a wonderful feeling that he had returned here after 66 years, as if to complete his original mission, to capture this dead city.

The dark shadow gradually engulfed Borrog, and just as he was about to reach the city wall, bursts of thunder sounded again, and the fiery Foehn passed over his head, and the whole city became part of the doomsday scene in the fiery light.

Burogo walked under the city gate. After 66 years of burning and devastation, a thick layer of ash stuck together and became a gray shell attached to it.

After knocking it off vigorously, you can see the rusty metal, which is covered with various dents, and there are many dense cracks, all of which show the wars it has suffered.

It is not so much a city gate as it is two huge iron walls erected. The narrow cracks spread all the way to the top. Bologo tried to push the city gate, but his strength was obviously not enough to shake the city gate at all. , As for trying to pry open the city gate with a jackknife, let alone.

It was unshakable 66 years ago, and it will be the same 66 years later.

There was a burst of roaring thunder, and the fiery Foehn surged behind the city gate. The rotten shells fell off one after another in the constant vibrations, revealing the relief sculpture of an angel holding a flaming sword on the city gate. The two flaming swords intertwined , guarding what is behind the door.

A little light emerged from the crack of the door, turned into a white line and fell out, passed through the pupils of Bologo, and reached into the heavy shadows behind him.

"Come here……"

A voice rang in the ears, it called for Bellogo.

The cyan pupils spread slightly, covered with a layer of confusion, and Bologo didn't have any strength to resist, so he was captured by this mysterious voice.

With his hands between the cracks of the door, even though the red-hot metal burned his hands, Burrog didn't stop, vowing to open the door.

At this time, Amy also realized that something was wrong with Bologo, but she had already been removed by Bologo, and she could do nothing except call out Bologo's name.

This time the roaring thunder did not stop, and in the shadows that the light could not reach, strips of scarlet things crawled out, and they meandered among the ashes on the ground like a group of snakes, gradually approaching Borrog.

Bologo was too close to the evil, and the influence he received was multiplied. He thought he was normal, but he didn't know that since he approached the sacred city, the evil pollution had covered Bologo's will, as if It was so poisonous that it didn't completely break out until this moment.


Amy yelled in panic, but Burlog could no longer hear her, and was still stubbornly trying to open the city gate.

The scarlet tentacles also crawled over from behind at this time, wrapping around Bologo's calf little by little, then the thighs, waist, and throat, until Burlogo was completely controlled by the tentacles.

With a slight force on the tentacles, Bologo was like a crushed fruit, blood was squeezed out from the gap, and Aimu's remaining body also made the sound of metal cracking.

When the desperate situation was about to die, there was a heavy sound, and then accompanied by a sharp whistling sound, a huge crossbow arrow fell, nailing the scarlet tentacles to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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