Endless Debt.

Chapter 276 Independent Loop

Chapter 276 Independent Loop
Time returns.

From the current point of view, this is the main ability of Bologo's gift. Bologo has an independent cycle of time axis. Whenever he is injured, the time axis will move forward to return the injured area to the best state. If In the event of death, a full regression will be performed.

Under this big rule, there are still many restrictions on time regression, such as the consumption of ether, multiple deaths in a short period of time, and the extension of the return time.

After knowing this, Bologo felt very calm. He felt the strangeness of his gift a long time ago and had many guesses.

The current information only affirmed Bologo's conjecture and stopped him from thinking wildly, but this led to some other problems.

Bologo looked at the part that was blacked out. It should be someone's name, and this person covered by [information] seems to be the person in charge of the limit test, and he also proposed the idea of ​​time regression. .

The most important thing is that what he added later, he thinks that his gift should be more than that, there should be more secrets, but they are limited by technology and cannot be unearthed.

Bologo was troubled by this for a few seconds, and then put this part of the confusion behind him. These guys can't understand it, so what's the use of worrying about it?
The problem has returned to the initial point. If Burlogo wants to figure out all this, he needs to find the damn devil.

Putting the documents back in the file bag, Burlogo forked the remaining sausage and ate the contents of the dinner plate.

Burrog sat down on the edge of the bed. He wanted to do something else, but he suddenly felt too tired to do anything.

Thinking back carefully, Bologo was indeed a bit too busy this time, from raiding the venue to surviving in the abandoned land, after waking up and resting for a short time, he rushed to deal with these things non-stop...

Burrog rubbed his head vigorously, then lay flat on the bed, let the softness wrap him, and even his tense nerves relaxed.

Breathing gradually calmed down, Burlog tried not to think about these things, and tried to relax his mind a little.

But there is still a question that lingers in his mind endlessly.

"Independent... timeline?"

Bologo opened his eyes and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. There was a constant ticking sound in the silence, and the hands slid forward smoothly.

Everyone's time axis is constantly moving forward, but Burogo is different. He will return to the previous time point while moving forward, and it will continue to cycle for a period of time, so that he can die countless times. back to its best state.

So Burrog will be hungry, grow a beard, and live like a normal person, but unlike normal people, he lives in a cage of time loops, everyone is moving forward, but only he is in a time loop. In the vague time period, he paced around in circles.

The person who was [covered by the information] felt that this would have some impact, but the other party was not very sure about these things.

If possible, Bologo really wanted to chat with the other party, but after so many years, he didn't know whether the other party was dead or alive.

"Time... returns..."

Burlog closed his eyes and muttered under his breath, with an involuntary smile on his face.

At least Bologo has finally figured out part of his own confusion. This is a good start. He can't be too impatient, so let's take his time.

After confirming Aimu's survival and the truth of his resurrection from the dead, Burlogo was finally able to relax completely, temporarily escaped from this series of events, and took a breath.

This is the Undead Club, with these old monsters sitting in town, and the Bureau of Order is not far away, so I don't have to worry about suddenly killing a strong enemy and chopping myself into pieces... Even if I chop it up, it's okay, anyway, I always will come alive.

Bologo didn't take off his clothes, and fell asleep directly on the bed.

Soon there were footsteps outside the door, but this failed to wake up Bologo. In the slightly dim corridor, a weird guy was crawling on the ground. He was wearing a ridiculous doll costume and dressed himself as a dog.

He landed on all fours, crawling skillfully, panting deeply, sticking out his tongue, leaving disgusting saliva marks on the ground.

Sezon was still playing a dog, crawling clumsily, but when he passed the door of Burlogo's room, he stopped suddenly.

He raised his head and stared straight at the door without any waves.

This is a frightening scene. Sezon has played the role of a dog for so many years. He has imitated the dog's posture perfectly, but now the dog's demeanor has a human meaning, and the two things are intersected and separated. , distorted.

Sezon seemed to be able to see through the door and see Burrog sleeping in it.

He paused in front of the door for a while, some kind of evil was brewing in the darkness, just when it was about to rise...

Nothing happened.

Sejong sniffed at the door, then raised his foot, ready to release the pressure from his bladder.


Bode's roar came from behind.

Before Sai Zong opened the gate to release the flood, he saw the bones of the skeleton running all the way and then soaring into the air. The movements were smooth and not standard.

Immediately after a miserable dog bark, Bode shoveled Saizong to the ground with a smooth set of sliding tackle.

It is a pity that Bode was still a little slow in shoveling, and the light yellow crystal liquid sprayed out uncontrollably, and fell to the ground with a clatter.

The world slowed down in Bode's eyes, and he clearly saw the trajectory of these liquids, and Bode, like a diver, moved his body as much as possible in a limited space and time, and then avoided these liquids. Liquid coverage.

The movement is beautiful, extreme...but it doesn't work.

The skeleton man and the dog fell together for a few meters, like a mop, the water stains dragged all over the ground, and finally hit the wall at the end before stopping.

Both of them slowed down for a while, and then slowly got up. Bode was silent. After a short period of calm, he punched and kicked Saizong, cursing constantly, and dragged Saizong by the back of the neck with his last hand. , and dragged him out of the corridor.

"You've been a dog for decades, haven't you learned to pee at the right spot?"

Bode cursed, followed by a yell of "Wow, woof, woof," Sejong was probably protesting.

Burrogo obviously didn't notice this, he rarely relaxed and fell asleep on the bed.

This time, Bologo slept very well, and his whole body regained his strength. When he woke up, bursts of snoring sounded in his ears, like a tractor running beside him, and then Bologo felt chest pain. A little heavy.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a lump of blackness pressing on his chest.

Burrog pushed and pulled, and Val continued to purr, and rolled off Burrog's chest. It was sleeping very hard, and nestled up beside him.

Val's inner soul is human, but sometimes her behavior is affected by her shell, making her behave like a cat.

Burrog rubbed his eyes, judging from the clock, he only slept for a few hours, and these few hours of rest made Burrog feel very good.

He didn't wake up Wei Er, although he didn't know why it appeared here, but Burlogo had long been accustomed to everything in the Undead Club.

Nothing in this ghost place can surprise him.

Putting away the documents of time return, Burlogo tidied up his clothes, opened the door and left.

I slept through the night, and by this time Serley had gone out for a stroll, and Burlog guessed that he should be dancing on a pole in a nightclub by now.

To be honest, it was always difficult for Bologo to connect Serai with the mysterious night clan lord, and it was also difficult for him to find out from Serai's damned smiling face that this guy had a vengeful past.

Bologo had no choice but to pray silently. He was also an undead, hoping that he would not become like Threi in the future.

The bar seemed to have just undergone a big cleaning. The floor was very tidy and the table tops were wiped clean. Bode leaned behind the bar, looking at the wall full of drinks with a slightly melancholy expression.

Bologo remembers the story of Bode. He gained immortality, but lost all his senses. For him, his favorite alcohol was not much different from clear water. He even said that he couldn’t even feel clear water. Arrived.

"It's so clean." Burrog sighed.

"It's mainly that bastard Saizong." Bode cursed Saizong.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, he peed indoors again. I beat him, and he peed while being beaten, screaming and screaming, and it was everywhere."

Burrog's face became embarrassing, yes, it's really hard to imagine connecting these psychopaths with the ancient and noble undead, especially Saizong.

As an existence whose qualifications are older than Serley's, this guy has lived for too long, he doesn't care about anything, he has completely let himself go.

I don't know if Seri will become like Saizong in a few hundred years.

Burrog tried to imagine that scene, a skeleton man chased a dog and beat him, he barked, and sprayed everywhere...

God, help!
"What about... Sezon? Does he need a bath?" Burrog asked hesitantly.

"He? I kicked him out. He should be wandering outside."

Bode looked indifferent, "Don't worry, although it is a dog, it is also a dog that cannot die."

No, Bologo wasn't worried about Saizon's safety at all. Instead, he was worried about the security of Opus. No wonder those people in the Field Service Department all looked like shit when they mentioned the Undead Club.

A person imitating the posture of a dog and rampaging on the street, this will be in the newspapers!

"Ah, okay, okay."

Burrog nodded, he just wanted to get out of this ghost place as soon as possible, and if Sezon really bit someone, don't send himself out to solve this kind of thing.

"Then...bye, Bode."

(End of this chapter)

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