Endless Debt.

Chapter 279 Scholars

Chapter 279 Scholars
Badr didn't let Bologo wait for too long, after a while he led Bologo to a familiar place.

"Are you here again?"

Bologo glanced at the operating table that could be turned into a bathtub, and the ground under his feet that was full of arrays, like a ceremony table.

This is exactly where Burlogo implanted the alchemy matrix. He still remembered that he had destroyed most of this place, but he did not expect the sublimation furnace core to repair it.

"It can be regarded as not forgetting the original intention."

A familiar voice sounded, and Bailey stood not far away and waved at Burrog.

A heavy trolley was pushed, which contained one sealed container after another, which contained the alchemy materials needed for this trial.

There are still many researchers working in the field, dragging the cable to connect to the power supply, the lights turn on one by one, and then the ether circles in the air.

Every time he sees this, Bologo feels a little weird. It looks like he is preparing for an operation, or it seems like a repair shop, repairing some kind of large machinery.

He has been here once before, and Bologo is very familiar with the process of all this. He walked aside, took off his shirt, and folded it neatly.

This time, Bologo didn't remove a lot of weapons from his body, only a cold snake wrapped around his body. After removing the ether, the snake's scale liquid collapsed like mercury, filling the pre-prepared container .

After a vigorous stretch that was likely to hurt, Burlogo relaxed his muscles.

"Just lie down?" Burrog asked.

"Well, leave it to us," Bailey nodded, "All you need to do is endure the pain."

To bear the pain, it couldn't be easier for Burlogo.

Lying flat on the operating table, the soft light filled Burlogo's field of vision, and Burlogo couldn't help but recall that scene.

Sadly, Taida, who implanted the alchemy matrix for himself, disappeared. He became his own enemy, and he might die in his own hands, or in the hands of others.

"You know what's going to happen next, right?"

Bai Li's voice sounded, and then she appeared in the field of vision, blocking a large area of ​​light.

"The triple trial is like an alternative implantation ceremony," Borrog recalled the knowledge he had learned, "relying on the ceremony to make the alchemy matrix continue to grow until it can enter the second stage."

"As long as you know it, remember to stay awake and control your alchemy matrix." Bai Li instructed again.

Burrog nodded and took a deep breath. Suddenly, he noticed that there were some changes between this place and before. For example, there was an observation window at a high place, and several figures could be vaguely seen standing behind the observation window.

That should be the alchemists in the Hall of Scholars. Bailey mentioned this to herself, and they wanted to observe her.

"He still looks like that, I'm really moved."

Behind the observation window, the old man sat in a wheelchair and said in a low voice.

When he saw Burlog for the first time, he was about the same age as Burlog, but when he saw him again, he had become an old man, but Burlog remained the same and never changed.

"Bologo Lazarus . . . would like to study him thoroughly."

Another hoarse voice sounded, it was another old man, his body was bent like a mummy, with an oxygen mask on his face.

"So why would you allow such a guy to regain his freedom? Not to mention mastering extraordinary power."

"What did he trade with the devil?"

"Why did the decision-making room choose to hire him?"

The old men were whispering, their voices rising and falling.

They are all alchemists who have participated in the research of Bologo. After so many years, relying on the medical technology of the frontier sanatorium, the old people are lingering in the dark.

There was a violent coughing sound, and then medical personnel rushed in, took the old man out and rescued him.

Others are accustomed to this, their lifespan has long since come to an end, and the breath of death is lingering on them as a companion.

At the door, Yas watched the old man being carried out, his expression was a little subtle, but he remained silent.

These old guys look like they are going to die, but everyone is an extremely powerful alchemist and an important property of the Bureau of Order.

Every year, a lot of money is spent on these old guys, just to keep their broken bodies alive for a while.

With a sweeping gaze, Yas easily recognized the important characters.

The old man wearing a breathing mask has produced many alchemy weapons, most of which have been incorporated into the standard equipment of the Bureau of Order, such as the jackknife and the adaptive arm.

The old man in a wheelchair is good at virtual domain technology. He optimized the quiet line of defense, and repaired part of the ruined area, allowing it to return to the reclamation room.

There are also some old men who don't have too specific achievements, but they basically all participated in the compilation of "Gold Discourse".

These old guys are very important, so Yas came here to act as security today.

Except for the overlord Xilin, no one can go deep into the reclamation room, and the security of Yas seems a bit redundant, but only those who really understand know that Yas is not guarding against foreign enemies, but beware of Bologo.

Anyone who has participated in the implantation ceremony of Bologo knows how much commotion Bologo caused at that time. At that time, these old guys wanted to come to observe the ceremony, but they couldn't arrive because of research problems.

Fortunately, they didn't come at that time, the physique of the old guys couldn't bear such a toss, with the lessons learned from the past, this time Yas needed to protect them from the influence of Burogo.

The accident failed to interrupt the conversation of the elders, but the sound of another deep breath silenced the conversation for a moment.

The sound of deep breathing gradually approached, and the sound sounded like a howling wind surging in the pipe, producing a deep echo.

They turned their heads one after another, and the sound of breathing was accompanied by the sound of crutches hitting the ground.

The old guys saw the comer clearly, it was a human...human being who didn't know whether it was human.

The withered face is as ferocious as a ghost, the skin clings to the bones, and the blood vessels are clearly visible.

He is barefoot, with age spot-covered soles visible as he walks, alternating with metal prosthetics.

An external trachea is inserted in the throat, and the hoarse and deep breathing comes from there. The loose white robe is attached to the body, and the angular bulge is outlined on the abdomen, as if the flesh and blood body is no longer, replaced by some kind of machinery.

Strange breathing sounds continued, and behind the white-robed old man was dragging a small cart, which carried a mobile ventilator and many complicated equipment, which together constituted the life support device for the old man.

When they came to the observation window, the medical staff moved a chair. They always wanted to build a special wheelchair for the white-robed old man, but he always sternly refused. Don't want to be chained to cold steel.

After the white-robed old man stopped, the life support device behind him injected medicine into the infusion tube, and soon it flowed into the withered body, which relieved his physical pain a lot.

His dark and turbid eyes fell on Burrog, and after a while, he nodded with a smile.

"He's still the same, just like when I first met him."

No one answered the words of the white-robed old man, and the other old men were all stunned, looking like a ghost.

The old people didn't live as long as the undead, but these old people had seen a lot of storms and waves in their lives, but the appearance of the white-robed old man made them as shocked as young people.

"Old...teacher?" An old man asked tentatively.

"Oh? Your kid is not dead yet."

The old man in white robe turned his head and seemed to recognize him, his voice hoarse.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and just about to say something, his expression suddenly twitched, and then he clutched his chest and fell down uncontrollably.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

Seeing this, Yas quickly shouted, but immediately after the others confirmed the identity of the white-robed old man, the sirens sounded one after another.

It wasn't that the reclamation room was invaded, but that the life supporters of these old men sounded an alarm.

The heart rate of these old people soared, the blood pressure was full, and their chests were beating violently. Some of them jumped vigorously. The small electrocardiogram directly showed a smooth straight line, their heads tilted, and they fell into wheelchairs.


This time, the medical staff were panicked, and it was fine if one had an accident. Why did everyone fall ill together?

After so many years, these old people are all living well, but they died together here today?
Yas was also stunned. These guys are going to die, don't die during his tenure. If they die here collectively, the deputy director will kill him, and is it necessary to die together?Is it just so sympathetic?

Soon, these well-known alchemy masters were like dead fish, pouring one piece after another. Only a few sporadic ones remained conscious and wanted to say something, but they faltered and couldn't make it clear.

The old man in white robe glanced at it, and just as Yas was about to do something, he raised his crutches and hit the ground hard.

In an instant, the ether surged violently, and the instantaneous impact made Yas stunned in place. At the same time, a green glow rose up, twisting out of thin air countless branches and buds, which grew wildly on these old people and took root in them. in the flesh and blood.

Yas stood there, not because he was so sluggish on purpose, but because he couldn't do anything, and the powerful ether pressure made him unable to move.

The moment soul criticality of the elders was easily broken through, the ether penetrated into the alchemy matrix, and then detonated the vigorous vitality.

The dying old men came to their senses one after another, and all the indicators returned to normal values. After a brief trance, they climbed back into the wheelchair in embarrassment.

The medical staff were also stunned at the moment, not knowing what to do.

"Teacher, if you are not dead, can't you tell me in advance?"

The old man who fell first got up, clutching his heart, and said with lingering fear, "I am also an old man, and my heart can't stand such a toss."

"Yeah yeah."

The others agreed, everyone was so tormented by the white-robed old man.

A person who has been dead for decades suddenly appears in front of you, and anyone will be terrified, let alone they are already so old.

The old man in white robe didn't care about this, he just looked at Burlogo on the operating table and motioned.

"Let them begin."

(End of this chapter)

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