Endless Debt.

Chapter 285 Witch

Chapter 285 Witch
With the awakening of consciousness, bursts of purring sounded from his ears, and Bologo opened his eyes, and he could see the black cat nestled on his chest without raising his head.

It may be that no newcomers have come for too long. During the few days when I lived in the Undead Club, Wei'er was very clingy to herself. Even if I drove it out of the room, I could always see it beside me when I woke up.

Bologo sat up from the bed, and carefully moved Weier aside. In the Undead Club, there were not many people that Burlogo respected, and Weier was one of them.

It's not that Wei'er is so powerful and knowledgeable, it's just that Wei'er is one of the rare normal cats among this group of weirdos.

Walking out of bed, out of vigilance against other people in the Undead Club, Bologo dared not take off his clothes while sleeping here, and every time he fell asleep, he just took off his coat.

After simply stretching his body, Bologo summoned the Snake Scale Liquid, and the icy snake crawled across his palms, woven into silver gloves like soft fabric.

For the Burlogo in the past, this level of precision control was very difficult, but now it is extremely easy.

But under this kind of progress, Bologo also gradually discovered some of his own weaknesses, such as the lack of powerful means of one-hit kills.

After successfully conducting the triple trial yesterday, Burlogo had a sparring session with Hart in the combat room.

Although Hart had a simple and honest appearance, he fought with great momentum. Seeing that he was an undead, he simply let go and did it.

Then the intense etheric reaction of the believer was released in front of him without reservation.

It wasn't until this moment that Burlogo realized that Hart was a man of prayer.

As a believer of the Origin School, under the aether boost, Hart's movements were a bit clumsy, but every punch he made was extremely deadly, and the halberd that rose from the ground was easily shattered by him.

If Bologo was hit head-on without protection, his internal organs would be smashed into blood in an instant.

Fortunately, Bologo was dexterous enough, and with the deceitfulness of the Sly Snake Scale Liquid, Hart couldn't touch Bologo throughout the fight.

It is a little regrettable that this duel ended in a draw.

While dodging Hart's onslaught, Bologo was also trying to fight back, but no matter what kind of offensive he launched, he couldn't penetrate the etheric barrier built by Hart.

Even after passing the triple trial, there is still a certain gap between Bologo and the Believers.

The pure ether formed a defense line around the body, and Hart easily blocked all of Burrog's attacks. This was Hart's bare hands and did not use his own alchemy weapon.

To be honest, this made Bologo a little bit disappointed. He thought that after the triple trial, he could punch the sublimator and kick the believer, but when it came to Hart, this guy was as hard as a shield wall.

It's okay to say that, Hart's role in the team is the shield wall, and the etheric barrier he aroused in the previous operation can even resist the attacks of those in power.

Bologo has nothing to do with Hart, as long as Hart is exhausted, constantly consuming his ether, looking for the weak point of the ether barrier, and launching a fierce attack.

But in the end, Bologo did not do this. This was just a discussion, not a duel of life and death, and there was no need to fight like that.

"You are very strong, but you met the wrong opponent," Hart commented afterwards, "I specialize in the ultimate skill of ether barrier. Although I haven't reached the extreme level, it is not something ordinary people can break through. You The dexterous guy happened to be restrained by me."

Boluoge understands this truth, and the battle between sublimation people is sometimes quite a matter of luck.

If Burrog was an Ethereal School Desublimator, he would be able to cross the aetheric barrier and smite Hart's mind, or create hallucinations that would expose him.

Had Hart been a Desublimer of the Ethereal School, he would have been beheaded in the blink of an eye when he attacked under the heavy rain in Bologo.

In short, after fighting Hart, Bologo discovered his own shortcomings. Before that, he still had the ray blade to use. The pure ether sword was enough to pierce most defenses, even Hart's ether barrier , also have the opportunity to penetrate.

But in the battle with the scarlet bishop Latis, this radiant blade, which has made outstanding achievements, was completely shattered, and Bologo lost this deadly method.


Bologo's expression was a bit grim, he lacked alchemy weapons, so he had to go to the sublimation furnace core, and if he went to the sublimation furnace core, he would definitely meet Bai Li.

Thinking of Bailey's roar yesterday, Burlogo felt a headache. He thought he could hide for a while, but the next day he was going to see her again.

"Good morning."

Walking out of the room and entering the bar, it was still a familiar look, Selei collapsed on the side, messy all over the floor.

Borrog reached the Bureau of Order shortly after jumping over the bottles to avoid getting some unknown liquid on his shoes.

"Hmph, you kid..."

Bailey looked at Burlogo with a smile, raised her white thighs, leaned her back against the back of the chair, and put her hands on the armrests, with an arrogant look of winning.

Burrog directly ignored Bailey. He looked around and sighed, "You actually have an office. I always thought you were tired, so I just found a place to rest."


Bailey tilted her head, she didn't react to Burlogo's ridicule for a while.As the minister of the sublimation furnace core, few people dare to talk to her like that.

Different from the office in her impression, Bai Li's place is more like a small workshop, with various containers piled up on the shelves, and a small vise is set up on the edge of her desk.

With Bailey's pretty face full of smirks, Burrog felt that she was like the old witch who lived in the tree in the story.


young witch.

Burrog was mentally prepared, but surprisingly, the witch didn't jump up and kick him.

What made Burlogo even more disturbed was that Bailey's smirk disappeared and she looked at herself seriously.

Burlog has always felt that Bailey and Palmer are alike in some respects, such as some brain problems, but the difference is that Palmer will get sick regardless of the occasion, even if he is about to die in the next second, he will Force you to listen to his bad jokes.

Bailey, on the other hand, knew exactly when to laugh and when to be serious, so whenever Bailey got serious, Burlogo knew that the fun time was over and something important was happening.

"I need some lethal alchemy weapons." Bologo said.

"Compared to studying these things, there is another more important thing now."

Looking at Bailey's expression, Burlogo knew she wasn't joking.

A few minutes later, Bailey brought Burlogo to the familiar place, where he would come every day.

Aimu floats in the solution, after continuous reconstruction, the whole body has been assembled, but it has not been covered with coating, and the whole body is still metallic, like a delicate white doll.

"Aimu has some problems." Bai Li said from the side.

"What's the problem? I think she's fine now." Burlog didn't understand.

"Yes, it looks good, just like new, but the problem is, we reconstructed Amy's body, but we couldn't wake her up."

When she said this, Bai Li's voice became cautious, and she looked at Burlog's reaction.

"Failed to...wake up?" Burrog repeated.

"All of Amy's values ​​are within the normal range, and the perpetual core and mental projection are also running stably. It stands to reason that she can regain control of her body, but we have tried to wake it up several times, but she has no response."

Bailey racked her brains for a way to describe all this to a layman like Burlog.

"Like a vegetative person, the body is intact, but the consciousness cannot be awakened."

Burrog frowned gradually. He remembered the nightmare he had encountered yesterday, and was lost in the nightmare.

"This is really like the door of the operating room. I am the doctor and she is the patient. When the teacher is not around, I can't think of anyone but you who can sign the critical illness notice." Bai Li muttered.

Amy is extremely lonely in this world, and the people who have contact with her can be counted on one hand.

Interpersonal relationships are like big nets that bind everyone firmly in the spider's nest of society, but Amyu is different. There are only a few threads connecting her, and when they are all broken, she will fall silently. into the dark.

"Is there anything you can do?" asked Burrog.

"The solution is you. It is certain that Aimiao is still alive, but she can't wake up. You have read similar reports. The family members shouted endlessly beside the vegetative person, and finally woke up the vegetative person."

Bai Li thought for a while and continued, "Although she is my little junior sister, I don't have much contact with her. She must not remember my voice, but you are different."

"Want to try?"

 You know what I mean?

(End of this chapter)

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