Endless Debt.

Chapter 304 Road Rage

Chapter 304 Road Rage
Backtracking a second time.

Boluoge didn't go to the warehouse to get the alchemy weapon. First, it was too time-consuming. Second, Bologo still doesn't know the location of Amyau. He decided that his primary goal in this time travel is to find Amyau.

After determining the target location, in the follow-up time retrospective, Bologo can save more time on the road, saving himself from having to look for it. What's more, Bologo doesn't know what he will encounter next What a fight.

He regards this time going back in time as a trial and error, and after confirming Amyu's location and what the specific threat is, it's not too late to arm himself.

The blue car rushed out of the street, and there were not many vehicles on the road in the early morning. Burlogo stepped on the accelerator and drove forward all the way.

Glancing at his watch, he bought a lot of time this time, and then followed the instructions of the tracker. The car rushed through one intersection after another, and advanced along the straight road.

There were also several red lights in the middle, but Bologo accelerated unceremoniously, and some cars passed by Burlogo. I don’t know what kind of mood the other driver was in, but Burlogo could hear Until the honking continues, it's like cursing yourself.

Bologo is racing against time, and he is also racing against the morning rush hour of Opus. He must be faster, otherwise the citizens will all get up and go out, and the crowded streets will strictly restrict Burogo.

Hurry up, hurry up!
Grab the steering wheel tightly, and move your eyes back and forth between the road conditions and the watch.

Following the instructions of the pointer, Bologo gradually approached the destination, and the turbid mist rose, like a column of fog supporting the sky and the earth, standing behind the reinforced concrete.

Great Rift.

Bologo had expected it a long time ago. According to the tracking of the sixth group, Taida disappeared with the alchemy workshop, so Amy should have found Taida now. They may be in the wandering fork, or they may be in a narrow crack.

This is a good start. Burlogo made full use of each time regression without any waste, and this is what an expert should look like.

"Give Way!"

Bologo rolled down the car window, roaring and honking his horn like a rampant bandit.

Out of the street, up the rough road, to the outer edge of the Great Rift.

The dust was raised and the bumps were constant. The brand-new new car became quite old in a blink of an eye. In addition, Burlogo drove to the extreme all the way, and scratched against other vehicles several times. The smooth surface of the car was covered with mottled scratches.

Jeffrey would have had a heart attack if he had seen this, and Palmer would have done the same here, dragging Burlogo out of the driver's seat and punching himself.

To be precise, this car was assigned to Palmer. Palmer had pestered Jeffrey before, saying that it was too shabby for a dignified field worker to go out on duty and ride a motorcycle, so it should be cool.

Jeffrey refused because the two were on duty in the Great Rift and there was no need to drive.

After raiding the venue, due to the excellent performance of the two and the tragedy after the two, Jeffrey thought about it and got them a new car.

The screeching noises continued, and the early workers saw this roaring metal behemoth. Its driver must have road rage syndrome. When driving to the edge of the big chasm, he slammed on the brakes, accompanied by a muffled sound, the vehicle It stopped, followed by black smoke from under the hood.

Boluogo opened the car door smartly, let the little sparks ignite, and walked quickly towards the big rift without looking at it.

Anyway, after the next time rewinding, the vehicle will also be reset, so I don't need to care about it at all.

Glancing at the hands and then at the watch, Burlogo found some problems, such as the time retrospective being delayed.

On the way here, Bologo accidentally knocked down a street lamp, because he found that the node from the last time backtracking was getting closer and closer, and he was impatient.

But when the hour hand moved past that node, the expected time regression did not happen, and the reset node was pushed back.

"Is it your fault? Amy." Burrog said to himself.

This time regression is most likely created by Aimu and TEDA, and they will be the deciders of the time regression, and they will delay the reset node.

"Is it related to resurrecting Alice?"

Burlog has learned about Amy's true desire, and he has indeed always regarded Amy as a human being like him, but Burlog has not noticed another point.

Aimiao is just a child, and a child's world is very simple. In order to gain her father's love and approval, she will inevitably do some stupid things.

For example, cooperating with TEDA to revive Alice, which sounds ridiculous, for a little love, choose to self-destruct.

But Bologo thinks this is not impossible. He has seen too many similar idiots. For some inexplicable reasons, he sacrificed his soul and went astray.

One thing that Burlogo can be sure of is that the devil must be involved in this incident, and these unscrupulous businessmen will never let go of a suitable target customer like Amy.

The workers on the side watched the irascible Bologo, and saw him thinking hard about something, and then the irascible took a few steps back, accelerated, and ran up.

"and many more!"

An enthusiastic workman tried to stop Burlogo, but he couldn't keep up with Burlogo's speed.

Running up and jumping, Bologo jumped up like a cannonball, and directly smashed into the thick fog in the big rift. Only the workers were left looking at each other in the position where Bologo disappeared.

"This... is this suicide?" Someone asked in doubt.

"I've seen a lot of suicides. This is the first time I've seen such a violent suicide... What a nice car."

The other person looked at the dilapidated car reluctantly. Even though Burlogo drove so violently, he could still tell that the car was very new.

"It's nothing, after all, this is Opals, and everyone's life is quite stressful."

One of them seemed to be a well-informed man who didn't care much about Borrog's suicide.

The others nodded in agreement.

Yes, these days, everyone is under a lot of pressure.

What they didn't notice was that the figure of Bologo fell rapidly in the mist, and then the hook line was thrown out and nailed into the rock wall.

Burrog swung a few times in mid-air, his figure was like a falcon, he landed steadily, and stood on the corridor in the air.

The corridor in the air trembled a few times, and then stabilized. Bologo raised his head, and the face of horror was already worn on his face, and the sound of breathing became deep and depressing, like a bloodthirsty beast.

"Is it lower?"

Bologo moved a few steps, observing and following the indication of the pointer, he looked down at the sea of ​​fog.

Some palpitations came, and Bologo immediately turned out of the air corridor, continued to fall, and nailed himself to the edge of the rock wall again.

Along with the descent, the fluctuating feeling became more and more intense, until a clear etheric response came from the depths of the sea of ​​fog.

Burrogo can be sure that that is where Amy is, even the pointer indicates so.

Let go of his hand, and Bologo fell straight down. After penetrating through the thick fog, he saw a dazzling light, and then the aether surged violently, setting off a storm.

The dross left after the burning was like ashes flying up, dancing with the wind, hitting the scarlet flesh, and the ferocious flesh continued to spread, almost covering the entire cliff.

The criss-crossed corridors were also wrapped in flesh and blood, dripping with blood, protruding from the rock wall one by one like the bones of some kind of monster.

The hook hooked the promenade above, and Bologo hung in the air, watching the crazy battlefield from afar.

The fluctuation of palpitations turned into a resonance to the heart at this moment, squeezing the blood of Bologo, this feeling was too familiar to Bologo.

"The heart of immortality."

So far, Bologo can be sure that the heart of immortality is in it.

Just like what happened at the venue, the entire rock wall was engulfed and assimilated by flesh and blood, and a few figures could still be vaguely seen shuttling through it, but Bologo didn't think it was Aimu and Taida.

Bologo thought about what to do next, but in an instant a blazing sun rose in the abyss.

The light did not erupt in the flesh and blood, but in another corner of the great rift. At this time, Bologo looked at the tracker on the back of his hand, and the pointer began to move, not pointing in the direction of the flesh and blood.

Amy isn't here?
Bologo didn't have time to think. The blazing light dispelled the mist, squeezed through layers of rocks, and shattered the corridors interspersed one by one. Under the power of annihilating everything, time would also freeze and reverse.

Cyan pupils stared at the brilliant light until it engulfed the Borrog completely.

The ever-extending trajectory began to dim and disappear, and before it completely disappeared, it branched out into a new fork.

After a brief trance, Burlogo regained control of his body's perception, and his consciousness gradually came to life. He blinked vigorously, and a familiar picture came into his eyes.

"say what……"

"To shut up."

Bologo interrupted Serley's nonsense, he had heard it enough times... although in Serley's opinion, this was the first time he said it.

There was a taste of iron in his mouth, and Bologo touched his nose, and blood dripped down, staining the corner of his clothes red.

The second time regression ends.

The third time backtracking begins.

 Live out the second life!

(End of this chapter)

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