Endless Debt.

Chapter 306 Extraordinary Disaster

Chapter 306 Extraordinary Disaster
Backtracking a second time.

The dome is raised high, and the soft light shines from the top, like the scorching sun in the sky.

Few people in the Bureau of Order can come here, but everyone who arrives here will have an illusion when they look at this building, mistaking it for a magnificent church.

On the dome, countless sculptures stand in a row. They gather together and surround like angels who have descended into the world, and descend to the ground along the surrounding walls.

But if you look closely, you can find that these sculptures are not angels, they just look like ordinary human beings, with different faces and movements, as well as age and gender. This is more like a group of commemorative sculptures.

What is even more weird is that these sculptures are all upside down on the dome, with their heads facing the ground. They are as numerous as a sea of ​​sand, occupying the entire dome, as if they are still extending continuously until they spread to the entire sky.

Below the dome is a bottomless well. On the surface outside the deep well, there are pipelines required for gas flow. The pipelines are like steel blood vessels. They run parallel together, and finally go straight along the well wall. In the darkness at the bottom of the well.

It's not quiet here, instead, the monotonous and boring mechanical sound is heard continuously. In the darkness under the dome, countless figures are bound to the wall.

They are not human beings, they just have a human-like appearance. The entire head disappears from above the mouth, replaced by an oval metal protective shell, with a cable connected to the tail, extending to the darkness above.

These strange beings faithfully carry out their work, laboring mechanically, never resting and never resting.

Some were performing the job of operator. They put down the red microphones and severed five fingers on their bare palms. Instead, they tapped the typewriter with mechanical fingers, and soon a piece of paper with fresh ink was taken out.

Roll up the paper, stuff it into the capsule, and put the capsule into the pneumatic pipeline. Driven by the air pressure, the capsule will run quickly in the pipeline and be transported into the deep well.

In the darkness of the outer edge, countless pipes are intertwined with each other, and huge gears are rotating slowly. They are meshing with each other, and the complex machinery rotates endlessly, as if the exterior of this building is controlled by some kind of huge machinery. wrapped.

After a short wait, a neutral and cold voice sounded from the deep well.

"Identification confirmed, Bailee Iyeta."

"The application has been approved."

"The Unshakable is enabled."

"The program is waking up."

The voices sounded one after another, but it had no effect on the status quo here. Those weird beings continued to work, connected the phone, printed documents, integrated them, and sent them down the deep well along the pneumatic pipeline, as if something happened Neither happened.

But at a certain moment, the melodious bell stopped the busy work for a second, and they all stopped the work in their hands, as if they were waiting for something.

"A timeline out-of-order event detected."

The voice sounded from the deep well.

"Prepare for the shock."

In the outside world, in the city of oaths, Opals, a brilliant white light emerged from the big rift, like a light-cast storm swept across the streets and buildings, engulfing all the people in it.

In the blink of an eye, it arrived at the Lingna area, and immediately engulfed the towering reclamation room. The pure light seemed to be liquefied, turning into a roaring wave and pouring into the reclamation room.

The power of resetting the time axis covered the Court of Crooked Paths, penetrated into the Court of Deep Nest, followed by the Court of Pillars, echoing repeatedly in various departments.

But when it was about to touch this place, it was like a torrent meeting a rock, and the rushing waves were easily divided into two.

The influence of the outside world continued until it completely enveloped the Oath City Opals. When it expanded to its limit, the light suddenly collapsed and returned to the origin of its detonation.

As it collapses, like time goes back in time, things are reversing rapidly until they return to the original point.

The second time regression ends.

The third time backtracking begins.

The silence lasted for a few seconds, and the neutral voice sounded again.

"The shock is over."

"Upside down the hall and start self-examination."

They remained silent, with their heads raised slightly, as if listening to the next announcement.

"The self-test is over, and there is no abnormality on the independent time axis."

Hearing the affirmation of the sound, they became busy again, as if what they encountered just now was just the aftermath of an earthquake, and it was not worth paying attention to. The mechanical fingers tapped endlessly, and in the quiet hall, only this repetition was left. And monotonous sound.

Under that deep well, in the absolute darkness, several voices came and went, talking to each other.

"The program has woken up."

"Retrieve the list of unshakables."

The dusty list was awakened, and ancient eyes scanned the names.

"Set the retrieval interval...within the time axis out-of-order event range..."

Another voice whispered.

"Estimating the threat level of the event... The estimation is over, and the search for suitable candidates begins."

"The search is over, and the order has been issued."


The man stood in front of the coffee machine and made himself a cup of hot coffee. In the past, his assistant would do this kind of thing, but he woke up too early every day. When he had the first cup of coffee in the morning, his Assistants are often not up yet.

This is also something that can't be helped. The man can't let the assistant get up early because of his own problems. The man still understands this very well.

After blowing the steam on the coffee, the man was about to enjoy a sip and start a new busy day, but at this moment the lights behind him started to flicker out.

The man turned his head suspiciously, and then the flickering began to accelerate. After each flickering, the environment the man was in began to change rapidly.

First, the corner of the coffee machine where I was, and after a flash, I was in the corridor, then the office, the hall, the sublimation furnace core, the crow's nest...

It wasn't that the surrounding environment was changing, but that the position of the man was shifting during each flicker, until the last flicker, his surroundings were plunged into absolute darkness, without the slightest light.

The man didn't panic at all, his expression remained calm, and he even took a sip of his coffee.

"Urgent 09."

The man was not surprised when the voice came to his ears. He was very familiar with the operating mechanism of the behemoth Bureau of Order. These mysterious beings hidden in the decision-making room rarely contact the staff directly, but every time they make direct contact, they are accompanied by events of great importance.

Either say nothing, or declare disaster.

For this reason, men always have some strange emotions about the decision-making room.

"Number 09?"

The man quickly remembered the corresponding event, the out-of-order event of the time axis.

As the largest extraordinary organization in the Rhineland Alliance, the Bureau of Order has faced countless dangers since its establishment, many of which are too special to be handled by conventional means.

For example, the eternal life rot that was once set off by the scarlet rot sect, the plague of decay caused by the monks of truth, and so on.

The Bureau of Order categorized and numbered these special incidents, and prepared corresponding countermeasures to activate them when necessary.

Another example is the time retrospective event encountered now.

The man thinks he is an energetic person who can work from morning to night without feeling tired the next day, but just like psychological comfort, he can't help but drink a few more sips of coffee to restore his state to the best good.

These urgent matters are only official names in the Bureau of Order, and field staff like men prefer to use another word to name them.

Extraordinary disaster.

Recalling the last time he dealt with such an extraordinary disaster, the arms of the always calm man trembled slightly, as if yesterday's extraordinary disaster was right in front of him.

"Why am I the only one?"

The man looked around, only then did he realize that he was the only one who came to report, should he handle it by himself?

If there is no response, the man is not dissatisfied. The decision-making room is like this. Even if they are face to face, they seldom answer your questions.

Similarly, the man also understands one thing, the decision-making room's instructions have always been absolutely correct, and he only activated himself, which means that for this extraordinary disaster, he alone is enough.

The man didn't feel relaxed because of this, and the pressure was still lingering in his heart. After all, this was an extraordinary disaster, and taking it lightly would only lead to a wrong ending.

Suddenly, there was a burning pain on the back of the man's hand. Under the severe pain, he held the cup steadily, and saw a brand mark on the back of his hand, depicting a stick and sword representing power and force.

"Temporary permissions delivered."

Before the words fell, another stinging pain came, and outside the brand mark of the stick sword, another barrier was burned, which blocked everything and refused anyone's interference.

"The Unshakable Authority has been delivered."

The man looked at the familiar brand mark on the back of his hand, and was filled with emotion for a moment. He never thought that he would face the out-of-order event of the time axis again. After all, unlike other supernatural disasters, this kind of supernatural disaster is too rare, and only Such an extraordinary disaster requires an unshakable one.

"Immortal armor in transit."

The neutral and cold voice suddenly distorted, as if some monster hunted and killed the owner of the voice, biting off the throat from which he made the voice.

After the sticky and weird murmur, a familiar hoarse voice sounded.

"Lebius Lovisa."

Lebius felt a chill in his heart. He knew who he was talking to at this moment, and his spirit tensed up involuntarily.

The voice whispered in his ear.

"I saw the shadows of the devil and the king's shield guard..."

Lebius was silent for a long time, turned the back of his hand over, and the brand of the stick and sword came into his eyes.

"I see," he replied.

Before the words fell, the darkness collapsed, and after countless flashes, when the vision around him was clear, Lebius had returned to the coffee corner.

Everything just now seemed to be an illusion, but the brand on the back of the hand is clearly visible.

(End of this chapter)

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