Endless Debt.

Chapter 314 The Enemies

Chapter 314 The Enemies

The roots entangled Bologo's body little by little, wrapping him heavily. With a little force, a large amount of plasma overflowed from the gap, and the thick branches crushed the fragile mortal body into a pulp.

Gold didn't care about Bologo any more, he reported to the man, "Fast was killed by that guy... He seems to be a field employee of the Bureau of Order, and ordinary Desublimators don't have that kind of will."

It seemed that Gould admired Burlogo's death-defying charge very much, and he just appreciated it. This did not affect Gould's crushing of Burlogo.

"Is that so? The loss is still expected." The man nodded, then looked at the unresponsive alchemy puppet in his hand.

The man sighed, "I didn't expect her to be an alchemy doll, and she also got a fantasy seed."

"The phantom seed has been activated, and I don't know what kind of wish she made with this phantom seed," Gold looked at the broken Amyu, and was also surprised, "Should I remove the phantom seed first? Once the power Once consumed, the thing is useless."

"Take her back first. Phantasmal species are too rare, and I don't know how to remove them, and..."

The man frowned, and reached out to play with Aimu's cheek, but she still didn't respond to it, as if she was dead.

"Moreover, she has already successfully made a wish on the fantasy species, which means that her wish is in progress, and she doesn't know what kind of vision it will trigger."

Gold nodded in agreement. He released the secret energy, and huge roots were created, stretching out long bridges connecting various cliffs.

"Let's go, the containment of the Immortal Heart over there should also be over." Gold said.

This time, the guards of the king and shield put all their efforts into it. Their primary goal was the Indestructible Heart carried by Teda, but the fantasy seed on Aimiao was a surprise.

But no matter what, they have already won half of this operation. The operation was so sudden that even if the Bureau of Order could react, by the time they arrived, it would be almost over.

"This is just the first step towards returning to the throne..." Gould whispered, with ecstasy in his eyes.

As long as you get the Heart of Immortality, the Shadow King's life can be extended, and then the next thing will become easier.

To take back what was rightfully theirs...

Gold couldn't help showing a smile on his face, immersed in the beautiful fantasy, so he didn't notice the hidden danger at all.

The man next to him noticed the danger and tried to warn Gold, but it was too late.

The cumbersome glow crawled along the man's throat, and the man roared like a lion, his roar shaking the sky and the earth.

The ether was tumbling in the sound waves, and the deadly impact was rushing like raging waves. Gold was on the verge of impact, and his beautiful illusions were shattered by the roar. When he noticed all this, the silver figure was already close at hand.

"how is this possible!"

Gold exclaimed, but his voice was completely covered by the man's roar, and he himself was also affected by the roar, trembling constantly.

I saw the silver figure come back from the dead, and Bologo stretched out a series of silver hands, grasping the ground, even the impact of the sound wave could not slow down his pace.

The man was shocked by this, even if the sound wave could not shake Bologo, this high-pitched sound should have a dizzying impact on Bologo, and then he saw it.

A little silvery-white liquid overflowed from Bologo's ear canal, mixed with bright red blood.

Now Bologo's world is silent, he only has Gold in his eyes, and the roots have no time to return to defense. Gold's indifferent expression finally disappeared, and turned to the anger of resisting death.

The ether was soaring and shrouded Gold's body. As a believer, Gold also mastered a certain amount of ether skills, but because of the nature of the secret energy, few people could get close to Gold. Use less etheric skills.

"Go away!"

Gold roared angrily, a milky white barrier formed in front of him, and the high concentration of ether gathered in it, condensing into an ether barrier.

Burrog was blocked by the etheric barrier, and his figure became blurred. Gold thought he had stopped Burrog, but the next second a crazy evil ghost appeared out of thin air.

The terrifying face seemed to come alive, and the stretched leather completely covered Burrog's face. It opened its fangs and opened its mouth, with burning flames rolling in its throat, and sparks in its breath.

The wailing of the dead came from it, as if reaching the burning hell.

Gold's heart was completely occupied by fear, but as the king's shield guard, he soon came to his senses.

All of this was indeed an illusion, the hateful ghost in front of him was gone, only the extremely angry Bologo was left.

No... something else has changed.

At this moment, the ether barrier is full of cracks, and the sparks of collapse continue. In this dense spark, a sharp and narrow sword blade penetrates.

At the moment of the impact of the Soul Horror, the ether output supporting the ether barrier also stagnated for a second, and the sword blade broke through the barrier in this critical second.

"Rule Two!"

Burrog roared and shattered the etheric barrier, Gold's face was quickly reflected on the sharp blade.

"Wait for the moment!"

The two figures overlapped, a biting chill passed by, and the sharp blade pierced Gold's chest.

The long sword began to squirm, ready to explode into wildly growing thorns, completely smashing Gold's internal organs, but at this moment, the belated roots finally grabbed Bologo, wrapped around his lower body, and pushed Bologo hard. thrown out.

The blade was pulled away, spilling a large amount of blood in mid-air.

Gould clutched his chest and knelt down. He gasped in pain, bleeding profusely, and soon a pool of blood accumulated under his body.

Bolog's voice was rolling in mid-air. This time, there was no friend by his side. The man roared angrily, and heavy sound waves hit Bologo's body. Even if Bologo lost his hearing now, the powerful impact would still He was pressed firmly against the cliff on one side.

Like countless heavy hammers, he kept hammering Bologo, and his bones and internal organs were twisted and broken in an instant. He had just been resurrected, but at this moment he turned into a puddle of mud again. It fell off the cliff and was smashed to pieces.

"Are you all right, Gold!"

The man stared at the place where Bologo fell, and called out at the same time.

Gold didn't reply, he held his chest tightly to prevent more blood from spilling out, the rapid gasps continued, and the aura of the ether also became disordered.

"damn it!"

The man cursed, if Gold died too, then they were hunted and killed by two second-stage believers by a first-stage desublimator.

This is no longer a disgrace.

"Hey, that one over there."

In a pool of blood, Bologo stood up slowly leaning on the blade of his sword. He had already sensed the man's strength, and the deadly ether intensity crushed him in an instant.

The other party is a person in power... In other words, in the fourth time regression, will there be at least one person in power and two believers here?

Forget it, forget about it for now.

As the self-healing progressed, Burlogo's hearing gradually recovered, and the noisy world returned again.

Hood looked at the guy who stood up again, and he remembered the information related to the Bureau of Order not long ago.

"The resurrected... Lazarus."

(End of this chapter)

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