Endless Debt.

Chapter 321 The Way [Thanks to Lulutia's lord for adding more]

Chapter 321 The Way [Thanks to Lulutia's lord for adding more]

Levius' aggressive posture made Bologo a little confused. In Bologo's script, the two should be in ambush here. Relying on the experience of going back in time last time, they should be caught off guard by killing the king's shield guard .

But now Lebius' behavior is undoubtedly declaring his position and his own strength to everyone.

"Words are words after all, it's better for you to actually see it."

Lebius walked forward as he spoke, and Bologo stood behind him. Only after hearing this did Bologo understand what Lebius meant.

The promotion path of every sublimation person is accompanied by important choices again and again, wandering between narrow and sharp and broad and blunt, and the choice of derivative sub-schools...

From this constant choice, through the experience of their ancestors, the sublimation practitioners have gradually explored a path that has been optimized to the most perfect promotion based on their own school of secret energy.

The closest to Burlogo is the Anti-Riot Operations Group. As an action group completely composed of the original school of thought, all of them have embarked on the path constructed by the original school of thought, such as the road of silence and the road of extreme skills.

However, due to the advancement of secret source technology, a new alchemy matrix is ​​developed every year, thereby deriving brand new secret powers. Therefore, many secret powers of the new generation do not have the path of the previous generation to learn, and can only be promoted based on similar secret powers. .

For example, Geoffrey's Secret Energy Tiger Eye was promoted following the Domination School's path of domination.

There is also the secret energy handed down by the ancient family. In the optimization and improvement of the secret energy from generation to generation, its promotion path is gradually perfected to the extreme.

An example consistent with this point is Palmer. The path that his own secret energy, the wind source, is about to take is the path of wind created by the Klex family.

There are also many perfect promotion paths in the Bureau of Order, but this obviously has nothing to do with Burogo. He is responsible for the alchemy matrix of the overlord Cylinder.

For this mysterious secret energy, the sublimation furnace core doesn't know much, and Bologo still remembers Teda's evaluation of the recruiting hand.

Perhaps this secret ability does not belong to the School of Control, but its current ability is close to that of the School of Control, so it is classified into it.

Burrog is like a rare species, there are only two of them in the world, and one of them is dead.

There is no reference for his promotion path, he can only choose and move forward by himself.

Now Lebius is making suggestions for Bologo's promotion path. Of course, it is more realistic for Bologo to witness this power with his own eyes than making suggestions.

Faster, who was running fast in the distance, slowed down his pace. He clearly felt the etheric reaction of those in power in front of him, which was not something a believer like him could handle.

Others also noticed Lebius's etheric reaction, and quickly approached him. Soon Gold also penetrated the fog and appeared beside Fast.

The expressions of both of them looked extremely dignified. They had already investigated the target long before the start of the raid.

The enemy of the position of power bearer should be only TEDA, but now another power bearer has emerged.

Fast and Gold naturally thought of the same enemy.

Bureau of Order.

The pace of pursuit stopped here. Facing the sudden appearance of the power bearer, the two of them could not make a decision, and the subsequent actions needed to be taken care of by a higher level person.

Within a few seconds, another figure followed and appeared behind the two of them.

Hood looked at the position where Lebius was after the thick fog. At this moment, Lebius's ether reaction was still obvious, like a torch in the dark night.

He arrogantly announced his location to everyone, waiting for their attack.

"What should I do?" Fast asked.

Hood didn't think for too long, and ordered, "The person in power...he may affect this operation, and it is best to get rid of it as soon as possible."

"Fast, Gold, you two come forward to feint, there is no need to fight to the death, just try out the secret power of the opponent, I will find a chance to give him a fatal blow."

Hood is also a power loser. He thinks that at the same level, relying on his own secret ability, the voice of mystery, once a frontal hit is enough to inflict serious damage on Lebius.

Another point is that Hood doesn't know if Lebius is really the only one on the other side?Or is it that the other party has also set a trap, waiting for himself to fall into it.

They were all absolutely loyal to the Shadow King, and they didn't hesitate about this matter. Hood slowed down and followed behind the two, while Fast and Gold approached quickly.

Lebius waited in place for a while. He couldn't see Fast and Gold, but he could clearly feel their etheric reactions.

Jeffrey sometimes joked that Lebius didn't have to worry about being blind. Even if he lost his eyesight, he could still perceive accurately through the ether.

Breaking through the sea of ​​fog, Fast noticed Lebius at a glance, but then Lebius disappeared.

It's not the visual disappearance, but Lebius's ether response is constantly decreasing, even approaching nothing, returning from an extraordinary person to an ordinary person.

He lifted the secret energy?Give up resistance at this time?
Such thoughts flashed through Fast's mind, and then he realized that this was not the release of the secret energy at all, but that the ether shrouded Lebius, compressing the ether reaction to the extreme, even if he was so close Also unable to perceive the fluctuations of the ether.

A cold chill swept through Faster's mind. He realized that something was wrong. Although the other party was a power-loser, the fear brought to him at this moment was not something that a power-loser could do.


Fast tried to call his teammates, but before he could speak, Lebius disappeared.

Bologo also froze in place, last second Lebius was still beside him, but he said to himself, "Look carefully", and then disappeared in place.

After disappearing briefly, there was a roaring crackling sound in the next second, and the ground where Lebius was just now collapsed into countless cracks, as if being trampled by a giant.

Burrog tried to chase Lebius' figure, he was as fast as thunder, he could only hear the sound, but could not catch the figure.

"Is this a lame?"

Burrog cursed inwardly.

Under the absolute aether boost, Lebius was extremely fast. When Bologo observed Lebius again, he had already appeared in front of Fast.

Ling Lie's killing intent rushed towards his face, Fast awakened all the ethers, and the secret energy reached its peak in an instant.

The shadowless barrier wrapped around Fast, continuously compressing, gathering, and compressing again, until Fast was sealed in this suffocating coffin.

Lebius swung his sword at him. This sword was not some kind of powerful alchemy weapon, but just an ordinary weapon.

But now the majestic ether is poured into it along the palm of Lebius, and the ether is attached to the weapon, protecting and sharpening it in the simplest way.

Swinging it casually, like hitting a ball with a stick, Fast's figure froze, dense flames flashed and burst out from the edge of the blade, and then Fast slammed into the ground, smashing to pieces.

The intense ether impact mixed with the pain almost made Fast faint. He tried to get up, but his body fell into paralysis and he couldn't raise his strength at all.

The shadowless barrier blocked Lebius's sword slash, to be precise, it only blocked part of it. A gap was cut out of the solid barrier, and a shallow wound bloomed from Faster's chest. , Lebius's sword is enough to kill Fast.

How is this possible?Even though Lebius is the negative person, he is a little too strong.

Fast couldn't understand all this, but he could see Lebius coming with the falling sword light, and he could block it once, but what about the second time?
The ground trembled, and thick roots entangled Faster's body, dragging him out of the torn ground.

At the critical moment, Gold extended a helping hand. His previous arrogance was no longer present, and his face was full of depression and panic. Levius' power was beyond their imagination. During the split-second fight, this guy didn't even activate his secret power. .

Maybe the other party is the Sublimator of the Origin School?Only the sublimation practitioners of the Origin School can be so proficient in the Taichi technique.

No time to think, Hood ordered the two to make a feint, but let alone a feint right now, whether the two of them can survive is a question.

Levius landed on the ground, and the moment his feet touched the ground, the ground collapsed again, and he rushed towards Gold like a thunderbolt.

A series of thick roots rose from the ground, trying to stop Lebius's steps, but as if Rebius could predict the trajectory of the attack, he dodged calmly and easily passed the heavy attacks.

This is not some kind of predictive ability, but Lebius can clearly perceive the surge of ether. He is not only good at ether amplification and ether shading, but also masters this keen ether perception.

The moment before Gold launched his attack, Lebius could detect the direction in which the roots rolled up from the trajectory of the ether.

There was a roaring roar, and the sound waves almost completely covered the battlefield, and all the areas they passed were smashed into large pieces of dust.

Hood made a move at this time, and he knew very well that if he didn't make a move, Gold and Fast would only be mercilessly beheaded by Lebius.

After rolling the smoke, Lebius stood spotless in the distance, looking at Hood who launched the attack.

"If it's just an enemy of this level, it's really enough to use me alone."

Lebius clenched his sword and muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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