Endless Debt.

Chapter 328 Apologize

Chapter 328 Apologize
Bologo feels that he is also a powerful sublimation person, and it is easy to cross the ranks to fight against the believers, but when he meets Aimu, Bologo feels irritated.

Aimiao's body is not strong enough, and her movements are still full of dexterity. The ground is full of traps that she set up a long time ago, and she is also wearing weird alchemy weapons.

Bologo felt that his style of violent law enforcement was no longer there, and it turned into a street scuffle. You punched each other, making everyone embarrassed.

On the other side, Amy also had the same idea. Burrog's Snake Scale Liquid is extremely deceitful, and the recruiting hand is also extremely terrifying. The most terrible thing is that no matter how perfect the trap Amy sets, Burrog can always break the situation. The method, and this guy can't kill him.

As early as in the previous time regressions, Aimu used these methods to seriously injure Fast and Gold, but she only had a deep sense of powerlessness when facing Bologo.

The two fought endlessly in the dead town. Burrog punched Amy into the dusty kitchen. Amy picked up a rusty kitchen knife and threw it at Burrog.

Burrog dodged sideways, and Amyu quickly kicked him into the living room.

Knocking down the dusty sofa, Burrog broke out a plank and slapped it on Amy's head, breaking it apart.

The whole building was crumbling, until at some point Aimur was thrown by Burrog, smashing through several walls and getting caught in another pile of rubble.

Amyu's body was covered with dents, and her delicate cheeks were scratched, revealing the luster of metal.

She struggled to get up, pulled out a broken steel bar from the gravel, and danced it a few times in her hand.

"Can't you let me finish my sentence?"

Burrogo tugged at his collar, sweating from the beating, kicking off pieces of the ground, and he sat down on the tattered sofa.

"Aimu, you are longing for Teda's fatherly love, right?"

Burrog looked at the series of gaps in the wall, at the end of which Amy sat on the rubble.

"I am an alchemy puppet, not a human being. Teta is just my creator, not the physical relationship between human beings." Amyu replied indifferently.

Burrog laughed. "Has anyone ever said that you are stubborn?"

"No... Did someone say that you are very unlikable?" Ai Miao replied.

"Hmm... there seem to be a few more."

Burrogo thought about it carefully, and remembered what Olivia had said to himself, that he was not a guy to please women.

"Don't quibble, this is your wish. You long for Teda's love and approval, but his eyes are all on Alice. No matter how hard you try, he will never look at you again."

Bologo said all his guesses, "You could have been free, but you still returned to TEDA, did you want to sacrifice yourself? This is to shake TEDA's cold heart and make him treat you Open your mind."

"Shut up!" Amy scolded.

"In that case, why aren't you by TEDA's side now? You realize that even if you sacrifice yourself, you can't change TEDA's mind, right?"

Burrogo spoke loudly, roughly tearing Amy's scar open.

"You couldn't get Teda's love, so you fell into hysterical madness... I thought you would destroy Alice's body, let Teda watch you crush the Philosopher's Stone in your chest, and witness Teda fall into despair and remorse. "

Burrog's words were vicious, as if he was cursing Amy.

"That should be great, from love to hate, complete revenge on TEDA, listen to his mourning, watch his mourning, feel his confession...

This is so perfect, even the devil would love this show! "

"To shut up!"

Amy let out a hoarse growl. She was completely irritated by Burrog, waved the steel bar in her hand, and leaped along the gap in the wall.

"Am I wrong? Then you refute me!"

Burrog met Amy, and now he got serious, grabbed the swinging steel bar, and then kicked Amy straight in the stomach.

Amyu was knocked down to the ground by Bologo, and Bologo grabbed the steel bar and smashed it towards Aimiao.

Aimu rolled over to avoid the blow, curled up, and then spread out like a spring, kicking toward Burrog's face.

Neither of them used secret energy or alchemy to arm them. They only relied on the strength of their bodies. From the battle between sublimation fighters, they turned into venting their anger with each other, venting their emotions in this primitive way.

Burlog threw back hard, avoiding Amyel's kick, and then reached out to grab Amyel's ankle, and Burlogo threw Amyel up with all his strength.

After smashing through the wall on one side, Burlogo grabbed Aimu's ankle with both hands, and like a windmill, he pulled her Aimu out of the collapsed rubble, spun a few times, and threw her out.

Amyu crashed into the bedroom, crushing the rotten wooden bed, and the accumulated dust rose up. In the dimness, Burlogo rushed over like a tiger, and pressed Amyu between the broken bed boards.

Burrog grabbed Amy by the throat and controlled her. Amy turned her head hard, trying to attack Burrog, but only then did she realize that her arm length was worse than Burrog's. Too many, unable to catch Burrog at all, only to smash his arm randomly.

Amyu retorted, "Don't get in my way! Wouldn't it be good for me to leave alone?"

Aimiao just wanted to leave quietly alone, to fulfill her wish, without disturbing anyone.

"one person?"

Bologo's words paused for two seconds, and then Bologo became more angry, and he cursed loudly.

"What are you thinking? You are the property of the Bureau of Order! The team members I booked, if you want to be free, you should pay off the debt first!"

Amy was stunned for a second, she was irritated by Burlogo's stupid words, "Are you so damn possessive?"

"I'm just trying to settle accounts with you!" Burrog yelled, "and the injuries I've suffered, the deaths I've suffered..."

Burlogo tried to restrain Amy further, "You owe too much! Amy!"

"Yes... I'm sorry!"

Ai Miao wanted to answer in a strong tone, but when the words came to his lips, his momentum was still a little weak.

Burrog remembered her apology to himself in the abandoned place. It turned out that everything was like this, but Burrog was not going to let her go. "There is no cause and effect. Who would understand if I suddenly apologized!"

"I didn't know death was like this... sorry!"

Amyu's words suddenly started to cry, as if he had truly repented.

Aimu knew the existence of death, but he had never experienced death. Also, who could experience death except the undead?

But Aimu experienced that in the sympathetic body with Bologo, when Bologo died, she also deeply felt the feeling of Bologo's death.

The deadly coldness made her terrified. Thinking of what she had done, Amy felt extremely painful. That's why she said sorry with unknown meaning when Burlog woke up, and blamed herself extremely.

Aimu can fight against everyone toughly, except for Burrog, she only feels ashamed and remorseful in the face of Burrog.

"Yeah, so you still have some help, Amy."

At this time, Bologo also said something unclear. He looked down at Amy, but what he saw was not a sad face. Amy was still stubborn, and then pointed the black muzzle at Own.

Burrogo recognized the gun, the short-handled shotgun he wore on his belt.

"Amy, you..."

The sadness on Amy's face was gone, and he continued Burlogo's words with a smile on his face, "Fuck?"

The roaring gunshots covered the end of Amy's words. In some respects, Burlogo was quite easy to guess, such as his barren swear words... just a few over and over again.

The scorching fire lit up the gloomy world, and Bologo was hit head-on at close range by the dragon's breath bomb. Even though he immediately called for the Snake Scale Liquid, his figure was repelled and slapped on the wall.

The building trembled and collapsed into ruins, the sea of ​​flames scorched the ground, and Amy stood up staggeringly in the dazzling flames.

With a small sound, Boluoge pushed away the bricks and stones that were pressing on his body. His body exuded burning heat, his chest was bloody and fleshy, and the liquid of the snake scales melted, ticking non-stop, like silver, heavy raindrops.

Pain struck, and Bologo stood stiffly in place, with several more blood holes on his bloody chest. He raised his head and looked far ahead. Amy raised his gun and fired steadily at Bologo.

Burrog wanted to keep going, but this time his pace slowed down and his consciousness began to faint. He didn't understand what was going on, but he soon realized it.

Like a broken water polo, the ether continuously overflowed from the bullet holes and escaped from his body.

Aimu raised the gun calmly, ejected the cartridge case, and reloaded the bullet specially prepared for Burlogo.

(End of this chapter)

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