Endless Debt.

Chapter 341 Awareness

Chapter 341 Awareness
Great Rift, Mistpit Fortress.

When the outside world was in full swing, this ancient fortress in the depths of the mist still kept quiet, like a dead building, without the slightest vitality.

There are crystal drops of water hanging on the dark rocks, the ground is full of dust, there is a breeze passing by, and there are bursts of deep sounds in the porch, as if there are invisible ghosts walking here.

At the huge glass round bottom of the atrium, the Shadow King, as always, sat in the center of the glass round bottom, looking at the thick sea of ​​fog rolling below.

This time, the Shadow King didn't pick up the fishing rod to fish, but put his hands on his knees, just simply admiring the scenery, watching the tumbling, never-ending sea of ​​fog.

Under the noble mask, the withered body was getting old. He turned his eyes away from the sea of ​​fog and turned to look at his hands.

The hands are like rotten wood, without the slightest color of blood, all the flesh and blood are withered, like old bark, tightly stuck together, slender and fragile like jagged bones.

The Shadow King's eyes were cloudy, and his hands changed in a daze. They were no longer in this dying posture, but full of strength and youth, like iron walls.

It's not like that...it's not like that...

Looking down at the sea of ​​fog, the Shadow King could see his own ugly face reflected on the glass, and he knew very clearly that this was not his original face, this was not his true self.

His soul is trapped in this dying body.

Faced with this desperate situation, most people will gradually become numb and accept this fact helplessly.

But the Shadow King is different, until now he still has not stopped his resistance, he refuses to die like this, this is far from his end.

The Shadow King keeps himself angry all the time. He knows very well that once the anger in his heart is extinguished, he will accept this cruel despair numbly like those people, and eventually become a walking dead in the dark.

Footsteps sounded, and a shield guard walked over with a dinner plate. He looked very stressed, and looked nervously at the contents of the dinner plate.

When they reached the outer edge, the guard stopped and waited patiently. After a while, another footstep sounded.

The Shadow King is not alone. Behind him, the third seat has been loyally guarding him. Under the silver armor exudes a cold and oppressive atmosphere. The third seat took over the dinner plate, and the shield guard wanted to get rid of some kind of burden. , he saluted the two, and then quickly left the dark place.

Shadow King asked, "How is the situation now?"

"Everything is going well, we have surrounded the alchemy workshop, and it is only a matter of time before we can capture the Heart of Immortality."

The third seat checked the dinner plate, and after confirming that there was nothing abnormal, he held up the dinner plate, bent down and handed it to the Shadow King.

The Shadow King removed the mask from the dinner plate, and there was a piece of scarlet flesh under it. It seemed to have just been cut from a certain flesh, and it was full of vitality and was still wriggling.

"We also found some unexpected surprises," said the third seat.


"A phantom seed, but it has already been activated, but if we can kill its host before the phantom seed is completely consumed, we should be able to use the phantom seed again."

The third seat is very concerned about the fantasy species. The immortal heart can only continue the life of the shadow king, but the fantasy species can endow the cold reality with the possibility of a "miracle".

Today's King of Shadows needs a miracle the most.

"Fantasy plant?"

The imaginary species obviously caused some kind of memory of the Shadow King, but the burden brought by this withered body was too great, even thinking about it would cause extreme pain, like some kind of torture.

The Shadow King grabbed the scarlet flesh, and at the moment of contact, small mouthparts mutated from the flesh and gnawed on the Shadow King's palm.

Bite through the withered skin, but there is no trace of blood under the wound, there is only a thick, dull slurry, which makes people wonder what the body of the Shadow King is made of.

The Shadow King skillfully pressed the flesh and blood against his chest, and the flesh and blood struggled to become one with the Shadow King. In the past, it was the only one who ate other people's portion, but now it was being swallowed by the Shadow King bit by bit.

After merging with flesh and blood, the Shadow King's own pain eased a lot, and even his muddy consciousness became clearer.

"There are more and more impurities..."

The Shadow King raised his injured palm, and the scarlet textiles could be seen under the wound, which were stitched together to heal his own wound.

He is as old as an old man whose physical functions have reached the limit, but he relies on the evil flesh and blood, possessing a terrible self-healing power, and the two contradictory properties of decay and resurrection coexist in the Shadow King.

All this is not without cost, the Shadow King can clearly feel that his own madness has become stronger and stronger, and he is being eaten away by evil little by little.

If implanted with an immortal heart, the Shadow King will go head-to-head with the scourge of evil and either tame it or be consumed by it.

Thinking of this, the Shadow King didn't have the slightest fear in his heart, in his opinion, his victory was destined.

The same was true for the third seat, he trusted the Shadow King blindly, and then he wanted to say something, but before he could say it, a crimson gleam flashed in the darkness under the helmet.

The Shadow King noticed the strangeness in the third seat and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I met an unexpected guest, Lebius Lovisa," the third seat added immediately, "but he only has one person and can't affect the situation."

"Lebius Lovisa..."

The Shadow King whispered the name, he had never faced Lebius with his own eyes, but from the later information, Lebius left a deep impression on the Shadow King.

"I remember him, the one who turned the tide of the battle during the Time Offensive... He even almost killed Red Dog."

The Shadow King believed that the third seat could handle this operation well, but at this moment, strange emotions arose in his heart.


The Shadow King didn't know what he was suspicious of, but soon those imperceptible flaws quickly magnified in his eyes.

"He's alone, isn't he?"


"Don't have any partners around?"


The answer from the third seat was very affirmative, "My rank is higher than that of Lebius. Although I use the dominator to participate in the battle, if I want to avoid my sight, I must at least be at the same rank as me. "

The rank of the third seat is the defender of the fourth stage. As the rank of those who are about to touch the glory, the decondensers of this rank are relatively rare in the Bureau of Order, and they all take on important positions.

Of course, the same is true in the King's Shield Guards. The third seat's task is to protect the Shadow King's safety. In order to implement this, even in the fight for the Immortal Heart, he only uses the dominator to assist from the side.

Except for the bad luck of the third seat, otherwise he may not encounter the defender.

"Is that so..."

The Shadow King thought about it. If the situation is true, Lebius obviously violated the regulations of the Bureau of Order, and Lebius in the intelligence is not a person who would violate the regulations.

What kind of thing would make Lebius make such a choice?
The Shadow King thought about it. The action of the third seat was very fast. It stands to reason that even if the Bureau of Order responded, it shouldn't be so fast, let alone sending Lebius alone.

"Has the fantasy seed been activated?"

The third seat replied curtly, "Yes."

So far, a vague conjecture has gradually formed a clear outline in the Shadow King's mind, he said in an emotionless voice.

"The wish triggered by the fantasy is very likely to go back in time."

"Back in time?"

Even though the third seat completely trusted the King of Shadows, he still couldn't help but look suspicious when he heard the time going back.

"The most outstanding achievement of Lebius is that during the time offensive of the secret war, he launched an attack on the red dog. Although he failed to kill him, it also shattered the time offensive.

The reason why the Bureau of Order was able to defeat the king's secret sword is that there are a group of groups in the Bureau of Order that are not affected by the time disorder, and Lebius is one of them..."

No need for the Shadow King to continue, the third seat has already thought of the reason for all this.

The phantasmagoria triggered time regression and attracted the attention of the Bureau of Order, so Lebius was sent to investigate.

This can explain why only Lebius was dispatched alone, and why he was able to find the alchemy workshop so quickly and accurately...

The third seat remembered the bold attacks of Lebius in the confrontation. As the ruler, he did not lead his pack of wolves, and he did not care about his own safety at all, and repeatedly put himself in dangerous situations.

Anxiety rose in the heart of the third seat, not because he was disturbed by the strangeness of going back in time, but because he realized that he might not be able to regain the heart of immortality.

The third seat does not allow such a possibility.

(End of this chapter)

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