Endless Debt.

Chapter 354 Flesh Hell

Chapter 354 Flesh Hell

Different from many sublimation practitioners of the School of Illusion, the path taken by delusions is the purest and oldest.

Primitive, yet full of possibilities, without limits, down to the fundamental.

fantasy creation.

The delusional man uses reality as paper and ether as pen and ink, to describe the crazy world in his mind to his heart's content, easily smashing the boundary between virtual and real, and making fantasy reach reality.

Before the silver knight got close, piles of white bones piled up, interlaced with each other, like gates raised one after another, scarlet blood accumulated in the bone gates, and then the ugly and weird figure tore apart the blood-colored barrier and descended into the world.

Countless ghouls were created by illusion, they were like advancing legions, no matter how sharp the silver knight's sword was, they could not drive them all out.

The advance was thus slowed down by ghouls, and worst of all, these ghouls were not entirely fantastical creations.

The Silver Knight could detect this. Whenever he killed a ghoul, a large number of scarlet tentacles would overflow from the broken flesh, trying to sew the severed limbs together.

If the corpses were broken enough, they would pile together, become twisted bloody sarcoids, or merge with the creep of the ground.

The silver knight tore through the barrier in front of him, dripping with blood, he saw the delusional man who looked like a commander, the bloody rhizome extended from his spine and connected to the flesh and blood lair behind him.

The paranoid seems to be under the control of the immortal heart, or he may be borrowing the power of the immortal heart... But this kind of thing is not important anymore.

Now the Silver Knight is not only facing the delusional creations, but also the power of the immortal heart. With the power of immortal flesh and blood, crazy illusions are enough to destroy anyone.

The tough flesh and blood submerged into the cliff little by little, took root in the deep underground, and then swelled and grew. In the trembling, the cracks disintegrated one by one, and the white bones were built little by little between the fresh flesh, and then they were fixed like spider legs. on the cliff.

The pace of the Silver Knight's attack slowed down, not only him, but all movements stopped in unison, looking up at the wriggling monster.

It struggled hard, and the flesh and blood were completely combined with the building. With a sound of tremors, the flesh and blood sliced ​​the alchemy workshop out of the rock alive.

Like a huge blood-colored tarantula, its thick spider legs crushed the buildings along the way, and began to move slowly between the narrow cliffs.

The ghouls created by delusions also broke free, and spread in all directions like a bloody plague.

Now TEDA has disappeared, and there are only delusions dominated by evil.

The giant tarantula held up a nest of flesh and blood, and a huge shadow enveloped everyone, blocking every inch of light.

Even the silver knight was in a trance for a moment at this moment, helpless against this huge monster.

But then the silver knight moved again, he turned into a lightning bolt, trying to cut off those spider legs.

The spider's legs were like a long bridge across the crack, but facing the slender steel, it was still easily cut off, and the roaring sound waves and repulsion continued.

Buckle and Hood cooperated with the Silver Knight to restrict the movement of the tarantula and try to find a way to break into the nest.

The monster's behavior may seem insane, but the Silver Knight knows exactly what it wants to do.

TEDA's personal will has almost disappeared, and now it is the immortal heart that dominates everything, and what the immortal heart desires most is to return to its original body.

The tarantula began to make its way toward the depths of the Great Rift.

"Stop it, this matter must not involve those guys!"

The silver knight, who had always been silent and calm, was a little flustered at the moment. He was not worried about the fusion of the immortal heart and evil. The defense mechanism of the abandoned land would never allow such a thing to happen.

What the Silver Knight is worried about is that once the battlefield shifts to the depths of the Great Rift and touches the control range of the desperate outpost, the balance of victory will be reversed in an instant.

He knew very well that in the depths of the great rift, on the abandoned land, there was a garrison guarding it.

It's not that the existing power can't fight against the defenders, but this will definitely expose the power of the king's shield guard in advance, which will have a great impact on the next plan.

"Quick fight!"

Under the order of the Silver Knight, the two power bearers, Hood and Buckle, opened fire and destroyed several spider legs in a blink of an eye.

But this only slows down its pace. To completely solve all this, they need to get rid of the immortal heart, and this is their original plan.

With the help of the two, the tarantula's defense was reduced a lot, most of the scarlet tentacles surrounding it in mid-air were destroyed, and a path that was enough for the Silver Knight to proceed appeared.

He walked towards the gap, and in an instant he was in front of the delusional man, and as he got closer, the paranoid's resistance became more violent.

Flesh and flesh wrapped around his body, like red silk woven together, tightened on the body surface, and then layers of bone armor emerged.

A white puppet mask hung over his face like some sort of misshapen skull.

Seeing this scene, the silver knight thought that the delusional man would fight him in close quarters. Behind the delusional man, in the blood-colored lair, bursts of palpitating fluctuations were released, trying to shock the silver knight's mind.

Along with it came thousands of blood threads, they trapped the silver knight like a big net, trying to infiltrate under the armor, but before they multiplied and proliferated, the aether surged and easily smashed them into pieces. Blood.

For the first time, the Silver Knight showed its own etheric strength, and its restrained power overflowed, exuding a terrifying aura.

He advanced again, but at this moment, an abnormality suddenly appeared.

When the king's shield guards were concentrating on fighting the paranoid, the dark phantoms wandered aimlessly at the edge of the battlefield. After a short judgment, they chose to launch an offensive against the king's shield guards.

Just as the Silver Knight was worried, the Dark Phantoms also rely on this. As long as the battlefield is controlled within the Great Rift, they can solve everything perfectly.

The servant Wang Dunwei has been restrained by delusions, and now is the most suitable time to make a move.

Without any warning, the murderous intent descended in an instant, and several decondensers who were focused on defense did not notice the arrival of the god of death at all. When they were fighting the delusional man, a dark figure appeared behind them.

The biting wolf broke out from the shadows, and the deadly blade easily pierced through their hearts. The blade stirred and pulled forcefully to one side, completely cutting off their lives, and their bodies were cut into pieces.

The blood sprinkled on the cold armor, followed by the attack of the biting wolf, was easily shaken and scattered, like a broken rain curtain.

At this time, the Silver Knight has been acutely aware of the coming of the Bladebiting Wolf. It stands to reason that he should have noticed it in advance, but the ether surrounding the Bladebiting Wolf turns them into mortal steel, and they can only be observed visually. arrive.

"Hold them!"

The Silver Knight ordered.

Buckle immediately turned to face the rushing pack of wolves. As a survivor of the secret war, he was very familiar with these cold wolves.

"Lebius of the Wolves..."

Depressed words came out of Bakker's mouth, he raised his palm, and then the powerful repulsive force was like an invisible city wall, isolating the pack of wolves.

The pack of wolves tried to cross the defense line, but no matter which path they attacked from, there was a strong repulsive force dividing the battlefield, and every impact would be pushed back by a huge force.

"Let them go!"

The Silver Knight then ordered that Hood stopped bombarding the ghouls at this moment, allowing them to flee in all directions, spreading endless death.

Now that Lebius has appeared, the Bureau of Order must have noticed all of this, and the Silver Knight can only make the situation more confusing and complicated.

The Great Fissure is a trash can for filth, but beyond the thick fog of this trash can is the city of oath, Opus.

For the safety of the citizens, the Bureau of Order will definitely allocate a lot of energy to deal with these ghouls. If one rushes into the urban area, it will carry out a terrible spread, thus setting off an extraordinary disaster.

The Bureau of Order will not sit by and watch this happen.

At the edge of the battlefield, a vague figure gradually approached. He wore a wolf-head mask and stared at the battlefield with cold eyes, like a wordless god of death hovering outside of reality.

(End of this chapter)

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