Endless Debt.

Chapter 370 2nd Degree Activation

Chapter 370
Shihua's pale face showed the remaining tenderness. Taida had too much to say to Aimiao, but now he had no time, so he could only lift his collapsing palm and slowly land it on Aimiao's cheek.

This time her skin was no longer cold, but possessed the warmth of a human being. Taida showed an ugly smile without any farewell or any sad emotions.

With the breeze blowing, Taida's body collapsed inch by inch, annihilating the dust in order to dissipate.

TEDA gave everything and all of himself to the tyrant.

Aimu could vaguely see the greedy devil, who was calling out to Taida with open hands, taking away his soul and annihilating his body until there was no trace of him in this world.

Amy wanted to stop all this, but she fell down as soon as she stood up, and then a new feeling came from her body.

This is a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling. Aimu only experienced this feeling when he was with Boluoge. In their human terms, this kind of thing is called... Pain.

Aimiao looked at her bruised knee, and there was faint blood overflowing under the worn skin. She stood up staggeringly, and Aimiao felt that the world had become bigger for a moment.

She can feel the touch of the breeze on her body, the icy chill in the air, the satisfaction in her chest with every breath, the pupils of her eyes can catch more light, and the colorful and gorgeous world is reflected in her eyes.

Amy has never felt that the world is so big that she is at a loss for what to do.

The gray dust swept over her body, leaving white traces on her hands, as if some ghost held her for the last time.

No one explained what happened to Aimiao, but Aimiao understood everything just like that. She realized TEDA's dedication and realized her wish.

But all of this is not as important as the call that lingers in her ears, and that voice keeps circling in her mind.

Amy Yazedet.

That's what he calls himself.

This is a land where wishes can come true, and all wishes have been fulfilled, but now Amyu is not happy, she feels her chest hurts, which is something she has never felt before.

Her eyes became sour, and big drops of hot liquid overflowed. At first, Amy thought that her engine oil had leaked, but then she realized that it was tears.

These feelings are so strange, yet so real, that Amy really doesn't know how to deal with them.

"Amyu... Yazdeth."

Amyu whispered her name, wiped away her tears, and raised her head.

A hoarse scream sounded from one side, and Alice climbed up again, her head split into petals, yearning for Amy's blood and flesh.

At the same moment, another voice roared.


Bologo abruptly crawled out from the entanglement of flesh and blood. Half of his body was entangled in wriggling fluff, and most of his face was eroded, half of which was a human face, and the other half was a bloody skeleton.

Even so, he didn't stop. In order to break free from the shackles, Bologo twisted his arm, and the fluff quickly wound up, eating up Bologo's flesh and blood.

But this also made Bologo stand up completely, his expression was as angry as a ghost, and then he stretched out his hand towards Amy.

Amyu was stunned for a second, and Alice's deformed figure suddenly appeared behind her, with sharp bone blades and countless arms raised high.

There is no need for words now, only actions.

Aimu could sense the murderous intent behind her, but it couldn't stop her. She was naked, and the lines of the alchemy matrix were clearly reflected on her body surface.

This is not enough, a flesh and blood body can bring more real feelings to Aimiao and make her understand the world better, but a flesh and blood body is too cowardly after all.

So the glow spread along her feet, and where the burning light passed, the flesh and blood transformed into cold metal, and she rushed out like a gust of wind, leaping towards Burrog.

The ground trembled, and one after another slender arms rose from the ground, intercepting between Aimiao and Burrog. Aimiao's hands also transformed into metal shells, and the heavy punches easily smashed the barriers. arm, but it also slowed down Amyu's speed.Alice caught up with her.

The condensed killing intent was like a sharp iron needle, piercing Ai Miao's body, and the heightened fear spread in her heart. This is the taboo force from the devil, and it cannot be resisted by personal will.

In an instant, the howling wind passed by, and the howling wind engulfed Alice, and the thousands of sharp blades caught in the wind repeatedly cut the deformed monster.

Cutting off the arm, smashing the bone spear, leaving wounds of different depths on the scarlet body surface, and even driving the swaying metal fragments, nailing into it like a sharp sword.

A familiar figure appeared beside Ai Miao somehow, his back was turned to Ai Miao, his gaze was like a torch.

"Keep running!"

Palmer roared, and pushed Aimu along the way, and then the slender arm broke through the strong wind and fell towards Palmer.

His figure was as nimble as a flying swallow, calmly dodging many attacks, and at the same time sharp flying knives accompanied him, leaving many scars on his arms while dodging.

Palmer's attack wasn't enough to kill Alice, but a short block was enough.

The flying blood overflowed and swayed, and some splashed on Palmer's body, and then the blood-squirming maggots bit through Palmer's skin, penetrated into the flesh, and continued to reproduce while devouring the flesh.

Palmer was expressionless, completely ignoring the existence of these injuries. He is not immortal, nor can he use his co-string body to avoid injuries like Aimu.

The only ones who can obey Palmer's orders are these ubiquitous winds and the "gamblers" who are played by fate.

"To be honest, I've always thought I was pretty lucky."

Palmer comforted himself, flung out the hook rope, dragged by the strong wind, he flew up high, circled above Alice's head, and rained down a storm of mixed steel feathers.

Alice had had enough of Palmer, the disturbing little bird, calling out to those taboo flesh, the scarlet fluff ripping open Palmer's body, growing like a virus.

Palmer cut off the fluff with a knife, but they continued to proliferate with Palmer's flesh and blood, like thousands of mosquitoes entangled themselves.

Now Palmer has begun to regret helping Aimu. In this kind of lunatic's battlefield, he is going to die if he is an unlucky ghost, but if Palmer is asked to make a new choice, he feels that he will still make the same choice.

After all, no matter how unbearable he is, he is also a member of the Krex family, not to mention Palmer's father, even Palmer's fiancée will be disappointed in herself knowing that Palmer has been a coward.

Fortunately, Palmer has already played a role, and the next thing is left to the experts.

"Kill it! Burrog!"

Palmer roared and slammed into a cliff. In the battlefield below, Aimu stretched out his hand vigorously and touched the scarred palm.

The brilliant golden light flickered, and Amyu's figure disappeared, replaced by an evil spirit that broke free.

One of his legs was eaten clean, the other leg was also full of scars, one arm disappeared, and the only one arm he took out was the only remaining pocket knife at his waist, supporting himself like a crutch, so that he could stagger Act, not fall.

Bologo really looked like an evil spirit digging a grave. A golden halo appeared in his blue eyes. His steps staggered at first, and then stabilized. With a large amount of ether injected into his body, his bones began to regenerate. body, the flesh and blood are regenerated on it, and then the skin wraps it.

When Burrog walked back to the battlefield of disputes, he changed back to that powerful posture again, holding the jackknife in his blood-stained arm, and taking out a claw hammer with a cyan light track around it in his new arm.

Taking a deep breath, the terrified mist spread around Borrog. He savored the extreme fear and felt the long-lost joy from it.

Now Bologo is going to return this fear to the monster in front of him, whether it can recognize fear or not, whether it wants to or not.

The brilliant golden halo continuously rotated in Bologo's eyes, and even turned into a golden vortex, and the pupil colors melted together, turning into a noble blue-gold.

Bologo opened his hands, swords and hammers staggered, and he was talking to himself first.

"Welcome back, and then..."

Burrog arched his body, and then leaped out, roaring as fast as the sword flashed.

"Come on! The second half of the counterattack!"

The slender arms raised one after another, grabbed the bone spear erected on the back of the deformed flesh, twisted it forcefully, and held it into a sharp bone blade.

Alice screamed, and then swung the bone blade, sweeping across like a thousand sword blades.

The slashing trajectories intertwined, blocking all of Burrog's evasion space, but Burrog still stepped forward without hesitation, and then the roaring ether impact swept across the battlefield.

The strong air wave mixed with ether hit Alice like a heavy fist, and the bone blade she swung was hindered, struggling to hover in mid-air, and then the trajectory of the attack was disrupted.

This is one of the alchemy weapons Bailey gave to Amy. Because Amyu would disarm her own clothes and equipment when she was in the same state, she handed over these alchemy weapons to Burrog. Among them, these alchemy weapons have not been completely damaged.

Alice's defense was breached, Burrog jumped high, and some arms tried to return to the defense, and then were cut off mercilessly by the blade, shattering into large pieces of flesh and bone.

Burrog glared at the twisted petals, and suddenly they closed together, becoming Alice's face again, calling out to Burrog longingly.

"It's me……"

Alice bewitched Bologo, interfered with his sanity, and distorted his cognition.

"To shut up!"

The heavy hammer fell without hesitation, smashing this hateful face into pieces and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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