Endless Debt.

Chapter 372

Chapter 372
The machine body was overloaded, the ether boost was completely covered, the heavy iron fist set off waves of whistling wind in the air, and then accurately hit the silver knight's broken helmet.

Under continuous corrosion, the silver knight's armor was no longer as tough as before, and it was covered with cracks and rust.

Metal and metal collided, rubbed, and squeezed each other, and the silver knight's armor began to deform, the cracks continued to expand, and a large amount of rust collapsed and scattered into metal dust.

In the brief flash of sparks, Amyu punched most of the broken helmet, and the complex structure was completely exposed, and the crimson ether glow flickered.

In order for the third seat to perfectly synchronize with the Silver Knight, although the Silver Knight is an alchemy armor, its design is compared to that of humans. With most of the helmet destroyed, most of the third seat's sight has fallen into darkness, making it difficult to observe The movements of several people.

Another heavy punch came down, this time the attack came from the Silver Knight's back, Amyu completely dented the armor, and the edge of the butt was raised, like a machine on the verge of being damaged.

The silver knight clenched the secret sword in his hand, his sight was blocked, but he could still detect Aimu's position, and was about to swing the sword horizontally, but suddenly he found that he couldn't swing the blade, and turned his head to see the ferocious face very close.

Bologo supported the silver knight's sword-wielding arm with both hands, and a cyan light track appeared on Burlogo's arm, and it also broke through the physical boundary and gradually spread to the silver knight's body.

"You should be tired too!"

Burrog yelled at the crumbling Silver Knight, under Alice's constant corrosion, no matter how powerful the alchemy armor would be, it would collapse, and the ether contained in it would also escape.

From the incomparably powerful when we first met, to the sluggish aura now, Bologo can see the transformation of the Silver Knight.

His own armor was riddled with holes, and even the attached alchemy matrix was damaged. Bologo didn't know whether the alchemy armor had the critical defense mechanism of the moment soul, but at this critical moment, he still chose to give it a try.

Touching the mottled armor, the recruiting hand forced the silver knight's armor, and Bologo felt a strong resistance at the moment of contact. This is not the critical moment of the soul, but the silver knight's ether is resisting him.

Burrogo remembered this property, ether mutually exclusive.

Different ethers will resist each other, which is why the Sublimator cannot forcibly confiscate the ether emitted by the opponent during the battle.

The broken Silver Knight refused Burrog's invasion, but now he was no longer in full power, Burrog held up the secret sword, preventing him from swinging it, and at the same time, Aimu swung a series of heavy punches at him.

The already damaged and collapsed body was accelerated by external forces, and the silver knight never expected that the battle would come to this point.

Thousands of red threads surged around, they pulled the broken flesh and blood, trying to pull them back to the Immortal Heart, make them reorganize together, and then protect this important heart.

A slight metal tremor sounded, and the cyan light track resisted the mutual repulsion of the ether and spread to the armor. Bologo's eyes were full of madness, and he gave an order.


In an instant, dense cracks appeared on the armor, and collapsed into fine dust, first the peeled outer armor, and then the steel frame and structure under the armor.

Just like when it was corroded by the red tide, the silver knight's entire arm holding the sword was quickly dissipating into dust, until the deadly iron-cutting sword was released, and the blade was stably inserted into the ground.

The Silver Knight looked at Burrog, only half of his face was left, and his red eyes were like burning will-o'-the-wisps.

"You shouldn't exist..."

A great sense of grief swept over the Silver Knight's mind. Unexpectedly, he still failed in the end, but he didn't have any hysterical reaction, which was a bit too gaffe.

The Silver Knight just felt very sad. He was witnessing the success of the devil's conspiracy gradually, and he was powerless to stop it.

No... everything is not yet settled, and before the real decisive battle comes, they all have a chance to resist.

The iron fist smashed through the Silver Knight's chest, and the winding door hovering in the chest also collapsed. Amy hugged the scarred Burrog, and overlapped him again.

The ether refilled every inch of his body, and Bologo stood up unsteadily, and took advantage of the opportunity to lift the secret sword stuck in the ground.

Bologo is only a first-stage sublimer, and has no ability to command this deadly iron-cutter sword, but it is just a weapon in the final analysis, even if it does not have its own terrifying power, it cannot change its status as a weapon. Sword-edged facts.

"Tell that devil and we'll stop him."

The Silver Knight finally said this.

Burrog smiled slightly at this, and replied, "Coincidentally, I am also looking for that bastard. If you have information, we can share it."

"But before that!"

Bologo ruthlessly swung down the secret sword, the blade pierced into the armor, and the sharp edge easily shattered layers of mottled metal, splitting it in two.

"I still want to kill you!"

An icy light flashed across, and the wreckage of the Silver Knight collapsed completely, turning into debris and dust all over the place.

Panting, Burlogo finally dealt with a formidable foe, and now there was only one final piece of work left to do.

The thousands of red threads all around began to twitch, and they pulled and danced wildly with pieces of flesh and blood. They were obviously soft flesh and blood, but they easily cut them off as they passed over the matter, like scarlet sword blades.


Jeffrey yelled, his eyes were bloodshot and red, and even a little blood spilled from the corners of his eyes.

The long period of stagnation has made Jeffrey reach the limit, and the alchemy matrix covering the body is like an overloaded machine, bursting out many dangerous sparks.

Tiger Eye's stagnation began to loosen, Alice regained the ability to move, and the red tide continued to surge, trying to strangle all enemies that approached.

The surrounding pack of wolves were corroded and bruised, and Lebius was also covered in wounds. No matter how sharp his pitch-black blade was, it would be useless as long as it could not hit the crucial heart.

Boluoge picked up the secret sword and ran wildly. He was not far from the immortal heart, but this short distance seemed extremely long under the surging red tide.

He couldn't stop. This was a task that only Bologo could complete. The red tide slapped Bologo's body, and his body became dripping with blood in an instant, and the wound was deep enough to see the bone.

Fortunately, Bologo is used to all this. As an undead, this kind of injury is not painful to him.

The icy bone spears extended from the surrounding flesh and blood fragments, and the silver knight chopped Alice into countless fragments with a sword, which undoubtedly made Alice's body several times larger. This time the attack came from all directions.

Alice was not afraid of Bologo, but the secret sword in Bologo's hand.

None of the secret abilities of the people present had strong direct lethality, but this secret sword was different. It possessed the power to cut iron and steel, which was enough to make the immortal heart powerless.

The bone spear with killing intent tried to penetrate Bologo, at this time the brilliance of ether reappeared and wrapped around Bologo, and the earrings hanging on Bologo's ears exuded power, and collapsed at the moment when the power reached the limit.

Only this one chance.

Bologo's figure disappeared. Traveling down the winding path, he overcame all obstacles and appeared out of nowhere in front of the heart of immortality, the core of thousands of red tides.

Although Bailey was not on the battlefield, Bologo unexpectedly wanted to thank Bailey. Relying on her strange gadgets, Burlogo gradually regained the balance of victory.

The strangely deformed heart was right in front of him, and as Bologo approached, his heartbeat also intensified, and there was an unbearable pain deep in his chest.

Burrog gasped in pain, as if stepping into an abominable vortex, his vision began to blur and distort, his sense of direction became disordered, and blurred hallucinations were repeated in front of his eyes.

"Not enough, far from enough."

The shaky figure suddenly stood firm, and Bologo raised his head. Even though the hallucinations of treacherous killing intent eroded his will, it still couldn't interfere with his actions.

In Bologo's short life, he has experienced too many terrible things, whether it is the fall of the holy city or the long imprisonment in the black prison. ...

All kinds of experiences have made Bologo's will extremely tenacious, and no matter how frightening the scene is, he has long been accustomed to it.

The Immortal Heart is just dying, it is making the final resistance, the surrounding flesh gathers, as if to swallow Boluoge, but Boluoge also jumps up at this moment, sending the secret sword into this abominable place. in the heart.

There is no complicated process, just a simple jump and stab, the cold secret sword completely penetrates the heart of immortality, but even so, it is still beating vigorously.

The collected flesh and blood slapped on Bologo's body, quickly covered him, and gnawed at its body. The mocking sound echoed in Bologo's ears, as if mocking Bologo's dissatisfaction. Self-restraint.

The iron-cutting sword can be lethal to the immortal heart, the most important thing is the power of cutting iron and steel that it carries, but Bologo can't use this power at all, and the iron-cutting sword in his hand is nothing more than Just an overly sharp blade.

This degree of injury can't affect the Immortal Heart at all. Scarlet eyes emerged from the surface of the Immortal Heart, and each pupil was full of playful expressions.

The playful look froze suddenly, all the pupils fell into a momentary sluggishness, and then great panic rose from these pupils.

Bologo had exhausted all his strength, both physical strength and ether had reached the limit, but in this limit state, he actually pushed the secret sword forward again, and the blade did not reach the hilt.

"This sword... I should be able to command it."

A cold voice sounded behind the Immortal Heart, a bloody palm firmly grasped the penetrating blade, even if the palm was cut, the blade would be dragged further to penetrate the Immortal Heart heart of.

Lebius cast admiring glances at Borrog, and then poured all the ether into the blade without hesitation.

Cut iron and steel, and everything collapses.

(End of this chapter)

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