Endless Debt.

Chapter 374

Chapter 374 Gathering Together

"I remember he just got out of the hospital yesterday?"

"I remember too...how did he come back?"

"Isn't there really something wrong with this guy's mind? Or does he really like this and come back so soon."

"Hush, keep your voice down, we can't discriminate against patients."

"Oh oh oh."

"But... he won't really have that kind of thought, who is he looking at us?"

"But didn't he say he has a fiancee? Could it be..."

"That's disgusting enough!"

Palmer fell on the hospital bed, closed his eyes tightly, and tried his best to pretend to be sleepy, not to listen to the whispers among the nurses, but what he didn't notice was that his brows were already frowning, as if he was constipated .

Ever since Palmer was pushed out of the operating room, he has been scrutinized by the nurses' strange eyes. It seems that in their eyes, Palmer has become some kind of pervert with psychological problems. Hustle around, not hesitating to hurt yourself.

"I don't want to do that either!"

Palmer yelled inwardly, "Damn Burrogo! Damn job! Damn life!"

I don't know whether to say Palmer is lucky or unlucky.

After being swallowed by flesh and blood, Palmer was bitten and bruised all over his body, and his whole body almost became a blood man, but the wounds were only skin trauma.

Palmer looked miserable, but none of his vital organs were attacked. After simple wound debridement, this guy was out of danger. He just needed to rest for a few days and wait for the wound to heal.

The nurses placed Palmer in the ward, and the room fell silent, and Palmer slowly opened his eyes.

"damn it!"

No one was around, and Palmer vented his anger.

"This job is really beyond human ability. Today is King Shield and Immortal Heart. Who knows what will happen tomorrow!"

Palmer yelled, lifted the quilt and sat up reluctantly.

"No, I can't take it anymore. I want to take annual leave. If I continue this class, even if I don't die, I will suffer from mental problems."

Palmer couldn't bear it anymore. Although his body was in terrible pain, he still stood up awkwardly, opened the partition curtain, and was about to leave the ward. Then Palmer saw another person lying on the other side of the hospital bed.

Palmer was not the only one in this ward, another person was sent in long before him.

Palmer immediately realized that something was wrong. The Bureau of Order was a violent institution, but it was more or less a kind of workplace. Complaining about his company in the workplace was a big taboo.

Swallowing, Palmer looked at the other party nervously, hoping that the other party was not his acquaintance... Then he saw a person who could no longer be called familiar.

"Old... boss?"

Palmer froze completely in place, looking at Lebius lying on the hospital bed.

At the moment Rebius is in worse condition than Palmer, most of his body is wrapped in bandages and his right arm is still in a cast.

In the final assault on the Immortal Heart, Lebius seized the blade of the Iron Cutter and injected aether into it to animate it.

While cutting the Immortal Heart with the Iron Cutter Sword, it also almost shattered Lebius' right arm. Thanks to the doctors who arrived in time, Lebius' arm was saved.

The injuries in both ears have been treated with alchemy potions, and part of their hearing has been restored. For Lebius, this little hearing is enough for him to listen around.

Rebius reluctantly opened his eyes. He was already very tired, but he refused to sleep and tried to stay awake.He didn't want to fall asleep until he had finished listening to the mission report. He had always looked like this workaholic.

"Write the mission report first." Lebius' voice was very soft and his breath was low.

"Okay... okay."

Palmer felt his legs shaking, whether it was nervousness or fear.

For a long time, Palmer has full respect for the warrior Levius. Just sitting there without saying a word, Palmer can bring a lot of pressure to Palmer, let alone I just said those words.

Regardless of how injured Lebius was like this, Palmer always felt that if Lebius wanted to, he could strangle himself with just one hand.

"After the report is finished, hand it to me, and then you can go on your annual leave."

"Annual... annual leave?"

Palmer was stunned, he was ready to write a review, but Lebius suddenly gave him a leave of absence.

"Haven't you been back to Fengyuan Heights for a long time? It's time to go back too."

Lebius was completely oblivious to Palmer's strange mental activity.

After thinking about it, Lebius added, "You did a good job in this operation. I will report this to the Krex family. You don't have to worry about being scolded when you go back."

Palmer was stunned, and then his eyes were sour, and he almost couldn't control his emotions.


Palmer grabbed Levius' hand, and was moved incoherently, while Lebius looked at Palmer with a bit of confusion, not knowing what Palmer was doing.

At this time, there were bursts of footsteps outside the door, the door was opened, and the nurse pushed another patient into the ward.

They skillfully placed the patient on the hospital bed, buried the infusion needle for him, and hung the bottle on the side.

Someone noticed Palmer. Instead of lying on the hospital bed, this guy grabbed Lebius's hand, his face was moved, as if he was about to cry.

"This guy……"

The nurses whispered.

Palmer took a deep breath and controlled his complicated emotions. He told them that these were just the opinions of others, and he didn't need to care about those, no need...no need...

Rubbing his eyes, Palmer always felt that his career was strangely outrageous.

He staggered to the side, the guy on the hospital bed was too familiar, it was Bologo, his eyes were closed, and his breath was calm.

"He's fine, he's just tired and needs a rest."

Jeffrey walked in on crutches, his abdomen was wrapped in circles of bandages, and a little blood seeped out.

He sat down on a chair beside him, his eyes lingering between the faces of several people, and then he let out a long breath.

Jeffrey said, "What a terrible morning."

"It's not bad enough to describe it."

Palmer sat back on his bed, filled with emotion.

"I can't think of it... Is this our after-work party? We just met in this kind of ghost place." Palmer said bad things.

Looking at it now, all the staff of the special operations team who can go out to work are here, and everyone is hurt and happy.

Then Palmer noticed that there seemed to be someone outside the door, but she had been hiding at the door, hesitating, not daring to come in.

"It's okay, come in."

Jeffrey waved his hand, and after a few seconds, Amy came in cautiously.

As the initiator of the chaos of the time axis, Aimu was full of fear of Jeffrey and Lebius. At the end of the battle, she felt that she would be imprisoned, but in fact no one cared about her, so she was so inexplicably locked up. Followed to the frontier nursing home.

Amy nodded to Levius and Geoffrey, and quietly came to Burlogo's hospital bed.

The long-lost peace has come, until now Aimiao is still in a trance, as if she is still in the vain fantasy constructed by fantasy.

But the fantasy is over, and the futures of all branches are unified and plugged into this absolute and only reality.

Everyone in the ward was healed by such tranquility, even Palmer stopped his wild thoughts, looked up at the ceiling, and wasted time in a daze.

It's a pity that this kind of tranquility didn't last long. There were bursts of running sounds in the corridor, and then another person pushed open the door and appeared in front of several people.

Bai Li looked at Ai Miao panting, she rushed all the way from the sublimation furnace core to the frontier nursing home without any delay.

When Aimu saw Bai Li, she no longer resisted. Before Bai Li could say anything, she opened her hands with a smile. In this time axis disorder incident, Bai Li did not appear on the frontal battlefield, but the assistance she gave was ineffective. everywhere.

Bai Li was not polite, and flew over, and the two hugged each other.

"You're still alive!" Bailey's voice was full of surprise.


Amy nodded vigorously, and then Bai Li's arrogant laughter continued to quarrel.

(End of this chapter)

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