Endless Debt.

Chapter 383 Prologue The Woman With Fire Opal Eyes

Chapter 383 Prologue The Woman With Fire Opal Eyes
The sky was gray, and the ancient castle stood silently in the sound of the pattering rain.

Trees and weeds grow savagely, green vines cover the cold stone walls, fine greenery spreads in the gaps, if it weren't for the shimmering light from the stone windows, this ancient castle seemed to have been abandoned many years ago Lost.

Compared to the castle itself, the name of the castle has long since disappeared. It is said that the birth of the castle can be traced back to before the Wrath of the Scorched Earth, but no one can verify the truth of the story.

Many years later, this unnamed old castle has a new owner and a new name. People nearby often call it Daisy Castle, because the owner of the castle planted a large area of ​​daisies in this messy greenery. , They formed a sea of ​​white and yellow flowers around the castle. Whenever the breeze blows, the sea of ​​flowers will play bursts of music.

The sea of ​​flowers left a deep impression on Dudell. He has lived in the gloomy steel jungle of Oath City Opus for a long time, and he has not seen that beautiful natural scenery for a long time.

After walking down the dusty stairs, Durdle met the owner of the castle in the big library of the castle.

Based on Dudell's understanding of the owner of the castle, he was already an old guy, but at first glance, Duddell didn't think he was old. Instead, he read endless words in those divine eyes. vitality.

The owner of the castle was wearing casual pajamas and welcomed Dudell with a smile. This kind gesture surprised Dudell, who still remembered the rumors about the owner of the castle.

People say that this is a lonely and strange guy, who obviously has such a vast territory, but never takes care of it, and there are no servants in the magnificent castle, only he lives here alone.

Regarding the second half of the rumors, Dudell didn't really believe that he came here, but on the way here, he could observe that the castle was covered with dust everywhere, and some places were even sprinkled with rainwater. Only in a place can you feel a little breath of life, such as this large library full of countless books.

Duddell felt that this was not only the large library of the castle owner, but also that the castle owner was still working and living here.

Not far away, you can see the castle owner's desk, with a typewriter on it, manuscripts piled up on the side, blankets in the corner, pillows and shotguns next to it.

Noticing the shotgun, Dudell raised his eyebrows slightly. He remembered that a long time ago, a certain newspaper interviewed the owner of the castle. The reporter asked him how to ensure his personal safety when he lived alone in this empty castle far away from the city.

The owner of the castle said with a smile that he would carry a shotgun with him, and that uninvited guests would be full of the gun.

At that time, Dudell only thought it was a joke of the castle owner, but it seemed that what he said was true. Thinking of the experience of the castle owner when he was young, Duddle felt that it was reasonable.

"Mr. Duddell?" The castle owner glanced at Duddell, then at his watch, "You are very punctual."

The master of the castle is very concerned about time, and Durdle knows it.

Taking a deep breath, Dudell tried to relieve his nervousness, and then he spoke.


As soon as he spoke, Duddle became nervous again, and he suddenly realized that he didn't know how to address the other party.

That's right, another reason why the other party is regarded as a lonely and weird person is that no one has ever known his real name for so many years.At least for the public.

"Just call me Blue Jay."

The castle owner smiled. He knew what Durdell was hesitating. This kind of plot had happened many times, and the castle owner had long been used to it.

Dudell swallowed, and said cautiously, "A blue jay?"

When he came, Dudell had done his homework. He knew what a blue jay was. It was a beautiful bird with a lavender blue color.

The owner of the castle once mentioned in an interview that there are very few blue animals in the animal world, and the blue jay is one of them. Its feather color is so special and beautiful... The owner of the castle likes this rare uniqueness.

"Otherwise? You are interviewing an author now, and you call me by my pseudonym. Is there any problem?"

Blue Jay looked at Durdle with a smile, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were stacked together.

Duddell gradually got used to the conversation with the blue jay, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "Sorry, this interview is very important to me, and I am also your loyal reader..."

"It's okay, it's okay."

The blue jay waved his hand, stood up from the sofa, picked up the wine bottle and poured a glass of wine for Dudell and himself, and they clinked glasses lightly.

"Don't be so nervous, relax, just treat it as an afternoon chat." Blue Jay said and patted Dudell's shoulder.

Looking at this mysterious and withdrawn author, Dudell felt a little complicated. The pressure of work, the excitement of seeing the real face, the contrast between rumors and reality... Dudell adjusted his mentality and entered the working state.

"Mr. Blue Jay, I'm here to interview you on behalf of the radio program "Fog, Industry and Delicious Shrimp Crackers."

"I know, I've been listening to your program, and I quite like it," the blue jay praised, "Looking at it this way, I'm also your fan, Mr. Dudell."

The kindness of the blue jay made Duddle feel a burst of panic, and then he completely relaxed, muttering, "There is a discrepancy between rumors and reality after all."

"Just like fantasy and reality, the discrepancy is our creator's stage."

The blue jay sat back on its seat, raised its feet, and protruded its hairy thighs from the pajamas, not caring about its own image, "Please hurry up, Mr. Duddle, I have something to deal with later."

"Okay, okay."

Dudell took out the notepad that he had prepared in advance. Several questions that Duddle wanted to ask were listed on it, and he asked the blue jays one by one in sequence.

"There is a woman in all your works, a woman with fire opal eyes. I want to know why? Does she have some symbolic meaning?"

After finishing speaking, Duddell hurriedly added, "I know that many people have asked you this question, and you have not answered it. If you don't want to answer, we can skip this question."

"It's okay, I can answer this question," Blue Jay explained, "One of the reasons why I accept your interview is that I think it's time to talk about this with you."

Dudell was stunned. It took him tens of seconds to understand the meaning of the blue jay's words, and he couldn't control his emotions.

The woman with the eyes of fire opal.

There will be such a character in all works of blue jays, she does not participate in the main line of the plot, just like the abrupt shadow shuttles in the text of the book.

Pervasive and eternal.

Critics once criticized this meaningless role, but as the blue jay created a series of amazing works, the woman with fire opal eyes gradually became a kind of spiritual totem, and became the centerpiece of blue jay works. sign.

Afterwards, there was even such a joke, how to judge whether a work was written by a blue jay, you only need to see if there is such a woman with fire opal eyes in the book.

As time went by and past criticism faded away, everyone wondered what the fire opal woman really meant.

In the past few decades, countless people have interviewed this lonely weirdo, trying to learn a thing or two about that woman from him, but the blue jay has always kept silent, no matter how much the other party promises, or what the other party promises. Even if it was a personal threat, he didn't care.

until today.

"Sorry, I lost my composure... It can be said that I have read your books since I was in school. I am curious about her, and it has been in my heart for a long time."

Dudell apologized again and again. As a radio host who talked in the middle of the night, he felt that his social skills were quite good, but in front of blue jays, he often made ugly appearances.

The blue jay smiled and waved his hands, "It's all right."

"Then who is she?"

Dudell picked up the pen and notepad, and listened carefully to every next sentence of the blue jay.

People have many speculations about the woman with the eyes of the fire opal, the most credible of which is that some people believe that it is the woman that the blue jay couldn't ask for when he was young.

Judging from the perception of the outside world, the blue jay has never been married, and he is still like this until he is 59 years old. The more the blue jay is like this, the more convincing this guess is.

"It's still a secret."

The blue jay put up a finger and blocked his lips, "But what I want to tell you is that my new book will explain everything about her."

"Your new book? You mean new book!"

Duddell almost couldn't catch his breath again. It has been ten years since the last work of Blue Jay was published. People thought that Blue Jay would not write any more books. After all, he already had enough reputation and With a lot of wealth, now blue jays should only enjoy themselves in life.

"That's right, I've been preparing for a new book for ten years... no, far more than ten years. What I can tell you is that this will be a... um..."

Blue Jay himself didn't even think about how to describe the content of this book. After hesitating for a while, he decided on the type of the new book.

"It's going to be an autobiographical fantasy novel.

All the secrets you care about will be answered in this book. "

Dudell's breathing became short of breath. He didn't understand what an autobiographical fantasy novel was, but he knew the importance of the news. "This is big news. Is this an exclusive report?"

"Of course not." Blue Jay raised an eyebrow at Dudell, "I wrote letters to various newspapers to express this matter, but you just happened to ask about it."

Hearing this, Dudell was a little disappointed, but the disappointment was quickly covered up by the excitement.

Duddell pressed, "So when is your new book coming out?"

The blue jay explained seriously, "It should be a while. I've already finished the first half of the story, and I still haven't finished the second half. When I sort it out, maybe it can be divided into upper and lower parts for publication."

Duddell asked again, "What about the title of the new book?"

Blue Jay showed a helpless smile on his face. He shook his head and responded, "I'm sorry about that. I didn't think about it myself. What name should I give it."

"Are there any other news that can be disclosed?" Dudell asked unwillingly.

"No, I want to present this work as a surprise to my readers. Excessive words will only make this surprise pale."

Duddell expressed understanding, and then he sighed, "For readers like me, it is the greatest comfort that you have new works coming out."

"Then please wait at ease, I don't think it will disappoint you."

Blue Jay is very confident about his new book, and promises to Duddell.

The two then talked for a while, until the blue jay stood up, bringing the interview to an end.

"Okay, it's time to end, Mr. Duddle, I still have things to do."

"Okay, but I still want to ask..."

Dudell glanced at the notepad, there were still a few questions he didn't ask, he looked up at the blue jay, the blue jay's expression suddenly became serious, the previous kindness was gone, he stared straight at Dudell , with an unquestionable look in his eyes.

"The time has come, Mr. Duddle."

Blue Jay raised his wrist and tapped the case of his watch.

The blue jay is an extremely punctual person, Dudell knew this, but the various news he learned from the blue jay made him completely forget this.

"Hold... sorry, I'm really sorry."

Duddell got up, bowed and apologized, the blue jay didn't mean to be polite to Duddell, but just indicated with his eyes that he should leave.

Not long ago, the two had a very happy chat, but now they have become extremely strange and somewhat hostile.

At this time, Duddle realized that the rumors were not without reason. In some respects, the blue jay is really an odd person.

Picking up his own things, Duddell greeted a few more times, and left in a hurry, while the blue jay stood where he was, until the sound of Duddell's footsteps gradually disappeared in the castle, and he felt move.

Walking to the blanket where he was sleeping, the blue jay picked up the shotgun. After making sure that the shotgun was full of ammunition, he dragged the shotgun in one hand, and held a wine glass in the other. He swayed on his slippers and strolled in the quiet corridor.

Walking down the spiral stone stairs to the cellar of the stone castle, the blue jay took a sip of wine, put the wine glass on the ground casually, picked up the candlestick on the ledge, and illuminated the invading darkness with a faint fire.

The surrounding temperature gradually dropped, and with the blue jay's breathing, bursts of white mist emerged, and there was still a little blood in the cold air, as if the dark depths led to a slaughterhouse full of corpses.

Not long after, a mottled iron door stood in front of the blue jay. He held the shotgun in the corner, took out a bunch of keys from his waist, and unlocked several lock cylinders. The ancient iron door slowly opened. , the condensed blood became more intense.

The blue jay was used to the smell, walked in calmly, and closed the iron door behind him.

The dim light of the fire illuminates the dark cellar, which is regarded as another workshop of the blue jay, an ulterior workshop.

The walls are covered with all kinds of sticky notes, cut-out newspapers, black and white photos, and some pages torn from books...

The blue jay's gaze swept across the wall on the other side, which was covered with photos related to the blue jay.

If someone carefully studies the content, he will find that the blue jay was a sailor and a train conductor. The blue jay not only knows how to use most of the firearms, but also has some knowledge in fighting and swordsmanship.

In fact, these experiences of blue jays are not a secret. Readers who pay more attention to him know the past of this wonderful life of blue jays.

For a long time, for blue jays, the author was just his sideline job, and his real occupation was a wandering adventurer, but what people don't understand is that the world has been discovered by humans today, and adventurers With this, it has withdrawn from the stage of history, so what is the current blue jay chasing after.

The hand of the blue jay brushed the edge of the table, the ancient book was opened, and the scribbled handwriting filled the blank pages of the book, and all the information was integrated and summarized in thick notes.

The sound of heavy breathing came from the depths of the darkness, followed by the sound of iron chains rubbing against the ground, as if something was bound in a cage.

The blue jay didn't pay attention to those. He picked up his notebook, and lightly brushed the black text with his fingertips. Words that shouldn't be known by the world spewed out from his mouth one after another, like a curse being told.

"The secret source and the devil, the Sublimator and the devil..."

In fact, blue jay no longer needs notes. He spent his whole life investigating that extraordinary world. During the long excavation, these hidden knowledge have already been engraved into his memory like steel seals.

On the last page of the note, there is a bookmark, said to be a bookmark, which is actually a ticket. According to the time marked on it, this ticket originated from a train 33 years ago.

Thirty-three years have passed, and this ticket has been carefully collected by the blue jays. Except for the yellowing of the paper, there is no damage at all, and there are very few creases.

The blue jay looked deeply at the ticket that changed his life, until the restlessness in the darkness interrupted his thoughts, displeasure flashed in his eyes, he picked up the shotgun and walked towards the depths of the darkness.

"Blue Jay... Blue Jay..."

A seductive moan came from the darkness, and the woman called the blue jay affectionately, as if it was his long-lost lover.

The blue jay stood in front of the cage, staring at the imprisoned woman. Most of her body was hidden in the turbid darkness, and her exposed skin was smooth and tender.

She noticed the arrival of the blue jay, and climbed to the edge of the cage with her hands leaning on the ground. Through the dim light, she could see that the woman's joints were driven into iron nails. These spikes had been there for many years, and the dried blood Congealed into dark stains, mixed with rough rust.

The blue jay stared at the woman in the cage. She didn't feel pain from the physical injury, but instead looked at the blue jay with a confused look, sticking out her tongue and licking the corner of her mouth seductively.

"It's useless to me, you should have known it many years ago." The blue jay said coldly.

The woman didn't speak, but just let out a groaning smile, which was not surprising to the blue jay. The woman rarely answered his questions, and didn't care about the predicament she was in. As for the temptation of the gesture, the blue jay From the perspective of this group of cognition, this is more like the hunting instinct of animals.

"I'm so hungry, blue jay, I can smell the breath of living people, did you bring me new food?"

The woman stretched her hands out of the cage, twisted her waist to her heart's content, and showed herself to the blue jay.

"No, I let him go," the blue jay shook his head, "and I don't think it's necessary to do this in the future."

The woman didn't understand what the blue jay said, "It's not necessary?"

She felt something was wrong, but when she thought about it carefully, the deep hunger in the woman's mind made her miserable.

The woman has been suffering like this for many years. Ever since she sneaked into the Daisy Castle to hunt the blue jay's soul, but was countered and imprisoned by it, the woman lost her freedom and only relied on the occasional handouts from the blue jay to survive. to date.

Everyone has an ulterior side, and so is the blue jay. Those who broke into his castle without authorization and harbored ill intentions towards him all died in the hands of the blue jay, and then handed over to the woman to continue. with her miserable life.

This can be regarded as a transaction between the blue jay and the woman, a mutualistic symbiosis, but starting today, the blue jay feels that it is time to end this deformed relationship.

"I remember what you said, you... As a demon, you remember the breath of your creator, right?"

As the blue jay spoke, he took out an envelope and hovered it over the woman's head.

"Then can you confirm its authenticity?"

The woman stared blankly at the envelope, she could sense the power hidden under the paper, an extremely familiar and frightening power, even if there was only a faint breath, it was enough to prove its authenticity.

"What can I get?" The woman tried to maintain her sanity, resisting the hunger, and asked the blue jay.

"You will be free."

Blue Jay still had that icy attitude.

"You don't have to worry that I will break my promise. I will bring you food for your soul, and you will provide me with clues to the extraordinary world. We have cooperated for decades. I think there should be a certain degree of trust between us."

The woman hesitated, and then she showed a charming smile, her face pressed against the cage.

She affirmed, "It's her, it's her strength."

Women know what blue jays are up to, she continued.

"Should I congratulate you? Blue Jay, after so many years of hard work, you finally found her trace."

The blue jay's cold expression lasted for a few seconds, and then a maniacal smile bloomed from his face, and he grinned silently.

"It's time for you to release me, blue jay, you won't break your promise."

The woman begged, her eyes were pitiful and pitiful.

Blue Jay felt that few men could refuse such a woman, and then he thought, maybe this is the power of the devil, even after so many years, the woman is still young and full of charm, and he has changed from a majestic youth to an old guy .

"No..." The blue jay shook his head, before the woman scolded him angrily, the blue jay stretched out his hand and gently raised the woman's face, "We've been together for so many years, haven't we?"

The cold eyes were full of warmth, and the woman was a little dazed. It was the first time in so many years that she read such emotions from the eyes of this freak.

"If I release you, you no longer belong to me."

The blue jay smiled at the woman, approached the cage, held the shotgun in one hand, and pulled off the pajamas with the other. His muscles supported his old body. Together with the scars, under the dim light, he looked like an old man. bronze statue.

"Close your eyes and look up."

The blue jay lowered its body, as if about to kiss the woman, and the voice came into the woman's ears. The woman hesitated for a while, and she repeatedly confirmed the blue jay's intentions. From the old eyes, only sincerity was revealed.

The woman laughed softly, "I thought you were different, blue jay."

"No way, human beings are animals with emotions. No matter how rational a person is, he will inevitably have feelings for a person who stays with him day and night... The same is true for you, right? Even if you are a demon, you were at least once a human being. You Don't you feel anything about me?"

The blue jay lifted the woman's chin, "Close your eyes."

The woman smiled and closed her eyes. She guessed that it might be the years that have corrupted the will of the blue jay, or maybe it was the joy that his goal was about to be achieved that made him relax his vigilance. After being tortured by the blue jay for so many years, the woman has been looking for revenge. Opportunity, opportunity is in front of her now.

She made a cooperative appearance of kissing, but she had already thought about the next attack in her heart. After all, she is a demon, and the blue jay is just an old guy. If it is not restricted by the cage and spikes, she can kill him by herself easy.

The woman thought this way, and the roaring gunshots shattered all her thoughts.

The blue jay put down the shotgun, and the woman's body lay horizontally in the cage. The whole head exploded into an indistinct mass of flesh and blood, which was evenly covered in the darkness.

Looking at the dead body, the blue jay raised the shotgun again and fired at the belly of the body, cutting the body in half.

"you're free……"

The blue jay said indifferently, he wanted to say something else, such as telling the woman's name, so that the farewell would be more ceremonial, but only then did the blue jay realize that he did not know the woman's name.

It's not that the woman is hiding something from herself, it's just that the blue jay never asked about it. In her memory, the woman seems to have mentioned her name a few times, but the blue jay never cared about it.

The blue jay pulled the body bag, and it took a while to pack up the woman's body. It was troublesome to gather these pieces of meat together, but the blue jay didn't feel at ease without cutting these demons into pieces.

Ever since he came into contact with this extraordinary world, blue jays have been extremely vigilant. This world is full of evil demons, as well as the Sublimator who wields extraordinary power. You can't be too vigilant.

Carrying the body bag, the blue jay walked through the deep and dark underground corridor. Both sides of the corridor were covered with sealed iron doors. Mottled blood was everywhere, and the disgusting blood filled the air.

The blue jay thought about cleaning it up, but he was the only one in the Daisy Fortress, so cleaning it up would be too much trouble after all, so he just let it go on.

There was the buzzing of mosquitoes and flies, and the blue jay glanced at the iron gates as it moved forward, whispering the numbers inside.

Finally he came to the depths of the ground, where the faint light of the fire could only illuminate the blue jay's feet, and beyond the stairs was an unfathomable darkness.

As the owner of Daisy Castle, the first time the blue jay found out that the castle had such a huge underground space, he was also taken aback. He thought it would be put on hold forever, but not long after, the blue jay took it Take advantage of it perfectly.

"the last one."

The blue jay counted, and threw the body bag on his shoulder into the darkness, and the sound of falling came a few seconds later.

Blue Jay wanted to leave directly, but he remembered the characters in his writing, every murderer would return to his crime scene and enjoy his own work.

With this in mind, the blue jay dropped the candle in his hand.

The fire light jumped a few times in the darkness, and the flickering gleam outlined a hideous and distorted shadow in the darkness, and the piled up body bags could be vaguely seen.

The blue jay smiled unconsciously, turned and left, the iron gate slowly closed, blocking all the light, making this place forever forgotten.

Walking out of Daisy Castle, the blue jay had already changed into another outfit. He seemed to be going on a trip, dragging a suitcase in his hand.

The blue jay stayed by the sea of ​​daisies, and the breeze blew by, bringing a strong fragrance of flowers.

The sweet breath seemed to turn the air into honey. It had been a long time since the blue jay had been so happy. I remembered that the last time he had such a mood was 33 years ago, on that never-ending train.

The blue jay took out the envelope and poured out a brand new ticket from inside. This ticket was a bit strange. It marked the time of boarding, but not the place of boarding, and the name of the train was also unpredictable.

The pitch-black words were intertwined together, the blue jay said softly.

"Happy Garden..."

In a trance, the blue jay heard the siren sound from afar, and the train came roaringly. It has no starting station and no end station, only the endless track.

(End of this chapter)

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