Endless Debt.

Chapter 39 The Flexible Bottom Line of Loyalty

Chapter 39 The Flexible Bottom Line of Loyalty

"Palmer Clarks."

Lebius picked up the "Crow's Nest" file, which was the name of the new team member.

"Born from the famous sublimer family, the Crakes family.

As the eldest son of the family, he received a comprehensive elite education since he was a child, and studied at the Rhine League Military Academy in college.

During Palmer University, he performed amazingly. Whether it was theoretical courses, actual combat, or physical training, he maintained extremely excellent grades, and graduated with the first grade in his grade. "

Seeing this, this resume can be regarded as "perfect", but Lebius is very clear that the "perfect" in front of him is just an illusion. If Palmer is really so good, "Crow's Nest" will not be so easy. After letting him go, Ivan will not have such an attitude towards his nephew, the future successor of the family.

"Because the Krex family has maintained a long-term cooperation with the Bureau of Order, he joined the Bureau of Order after graduating from university, and passed all the assessments with full marks. In his first year of work, he even won the Best Newcomer of the Year Award. "

Lebius' voice paused.

"But in the later work, Palmer's inferiority was gradually revealed. After many missions, it was discovered that Palmer has an extremely 'flexible' loyalty bottom line. When necessary, he will choose to betray the organization, but also, in After ensuring his own safety, he will choose to continue to perform tasks and work for the organization."

While Lebius was muttering, his eyes glanced at Ivan. For the first time, the stern Ivan seemed a little ashamed, avoiding Lebius' gaze.

As an intelligence department that most needs loyalty, it is a shame for the entire department to recruit such a person. The reason why "Crow's Nest" can release people so happily is probably because of this.

"After that, several loyalty tests were conducted on Palmer, and he passed with passing performance. During the follow-up observation period and several missions, Palmer also showed his outstanding talent. Of course, among them There were still several defections, which he justified as 'expediency'."

"Don't talk about it, he is a disgrace to the Clarks family. I don't understand why you chose him, just because he is a debtor?"

Ivan couldn't bear it anymore, and his indifferent words were tinged with anger.

Palmer Clarks, the shining star of the Krakers family, the future successor, everything is so perfect, but until he puts into work, everything changes.

He finally shed the disguise of a good student and turned into such a shameful appearance.

"No, in fact, he is very good. Haven't you discovered it yet? In so many critical missions, he has successfully completed the mission and kept himself. people.

There is no problem with Palmer's loyalty, otherwise the Bureau of Order would not have chosen him. It's just that this guy likes to surrender to the enemy as a means of coping, right? "

Lebius looked at Ivan as he spoke, paused for a few seconds, and Ivan said helplessly.

"We then put him to a limit test that almost killed him, but it did prove his loyalty.

As you said, he just likes to surrender to the enemy as a means. In his words, instead of being tortured, it is better to disclose some unnecessary information and avoid some physical pain. "

When they heard the limit test, Jeffrey and Yass had a little panic on their expressions. They knew what it was. In fact, Bologo had also experienced the limit test, but the direction of the test was different. After listening The second half of Ivan's words made these people want to laugh.

"But the limit test is not publicized. Palmer's behavior is well known. Since then, everyone has known that there is such a comedian in the Krex family."

This time, even an indifferent person like Ivan had a grumbling expression on his face.

Fingers run over the paper, feeling its roughness, Lebius said.

"It's his disguise, pretending to be someone like this...I can feel it."

Looking at the unlucky face in the photo, Lebius had a high appreciation for Palmer.

"What we need is not the strong, but the fittest."

"Only the fittest will survive, and only the fittest will win in the end, like this."

Lebius looked at the last paragraph of the material and read.

"A misjudgment by 'Crow's Nest' caused Palmer's Iron Whistle Squad to stray into the evil ritual scene and fall into the siege of the enemy. They were bound to die, but Palmer saved all of the squad. People, and also solved the enemy by the way.

He first took advantage of surrendering to the enemy, engaged in endless nonsense and dealing with the enemy, delaying time, and realized that even if he surrendered to the enemy, he would be treated as a sacrifice, so he simply facilitated the ceremony and usurped the power of the ceremony. "

This line of text was marked with three red lines, and only those with a third-level authority could see these words, and those with a lower level of authority could only see blurry handwriting.

Lebius read.

"It was a ritual to summon the devil. Palmer facilitated the ceremony, called the devil to come, and made a deal with it."

Seeing the next text, even Lebius couldn't help but smile.

"Palmer actually tried to play the devil, he made a wish, but signed someone else's name - his boss's name."

Ivan's face turned black, and Lebius didn't need to say, everyone else knew whose name Palmer had signed.

"This trick is too simple, it's an insult to the devil's IQ. The devil saw through it at a glance, but it didn't get angry because of it. Instead, it found Palmer very interesting and gave him a 'gift', making him a debtor. With that 'gift', he led the team to kill successfully."

Looking at the description about Palmer's "gift", Lebius looked up at Ivan.

"That's why you 'Crow's Nest' want to drive him out, right? It's not because of the loyalty test, nor his casual attitude, but because of this terrible 'gift'?"

Ivan was silent, and finally sighed helplessly.

"Yes, as you said, Palmer is very good. He is a natural intelligence officer with a flexible mind. No matter what the complicated situation is, he can make this guy find life...Of course most of the time , he will choose to surrender to the enemy, this simple and efficient method.

But what intelligence work needs is 'stability', absolute 'stability', we can all accept and tolerate what Palmer did before, but his 'gift' is really terrible, maybe it's a coincidence that they collided together , would cause a disaster. "

As the words progressed, Ivan became more and more decadent. It can be seen from the side that Palmer had a great influence on "Crow's Nest".

"However... since you want it so much, we can only reluctantly give up."

Finally, Ivan gave Lebius a bad smile.


"What information do you want to know?"

"The location of the Bureau of Order." Eugene asked.

For a desublimator like Eugene, who is separated from several major forces, the Bureau of Order is like a mysterious legend. They know very well that this behemoth is stationed in Opals, but no one knows its origin. The location, as if it were in another dimension.

"This is..."

Palmer looked aside, the walls of this building were not sealed, and the outside world could be easily seen, so Palmer saw it at a glance.

The black-gray obelisk stands tall among the steel buildings, almost supporting the sky and the earth.

This is a scene that only those who have been approved by the "reclamation room" can see, otherwise the powerful cognitive distortion will affect everyone who tries to spy on the "reclamation room".

"No. 77, Lingna District!"

Palmer said without hesitation.


Eugene was stunned for a moment, never expecting to get the address of the Bureau of Order so easily.

"Really, I didn't lie."

Palmer thought to himself, "Only part of the lie."


Eugene and the thugs were silent. They exchanged glances and responded silently. Then Eugene grabbed Palmer's head with both hands and squeezed it hard.

"Aww! Head! Head!"

Palmer screamed, and it felt like he had stuck his head into a hydraulic press, and he was crushed.

"Are you really from the Bureau of Order?"

Palmer is a member of the Bureau of Order, and Eugene is very aware of this. Under the current situation, only the Bureau of Order will come to trouble them, but after Palmer's frank words, Eugene still has to doubt.

Eugene has dealt with the Bureau of Order a lot, and he has narrowly escaped death several times, so he knows exactly what kind of people they are.

But now Palmer has completely shattered the nightmare in his mind and turned it into a comic performance.

The Bureau of Order recruited someone to come in. Someone like Palmer, even if he recruited his own thugs, he would not want him. Is this guy a related household, who entered the Bureau of Order through the back door!
Thinking back on his experience of capturing Palmer, Eugene even began to wonder if what was going on right now was a conspiracy against him.

"Really! Really! I have a 'Passport' in my pocket!"

Palmer screamed.

Eugene slowly let go of Palmer's head and motioned to the thug at the side. The man put down the long knife in his hand, walked over, took out Palmer's pocket, and found a badge from it .

A coat of arms with chains and swords.

"Look, you've always seen the logo of the Bureau of Order," Palmer said.

Silence again.

Eugene had seen this sign before, and he still remembered that when he first entered the extraordinary world, the person who led him said that if he saw such a sign, he had better stay away.

"Looks like the Bureau of Order really recruited a bad guy."

Eugene probably believed in Palmer, comforting himself in his heart, even if there were a few insiders in the Bureau of Order, it should be quite reasonable.

Palmer continued to show that ingratiating smile, as if answering everything.

"So... who are you? You betrayed the Bureau of Order so easily, I'm curious about your name."

Eugene played with the switchblade in his hand, and looked at Palmer coldly.

Palmer didn't hesitate, and responded almost as soon as Eugene asked.


Palmer didn't change his face.

"My name is Ivan Krax."

(End of this chapter)

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