Endless Debt.

Chapter 397 Close-up

Chapter 397 Close-up
At the beginning, Burlogo didn't understand the charm of the blue jay's new book, which actually made Palmer so excited. When Burlogo got up the next day, he deeply realized how much the blue jay has. Influence.

On the newspapers all over the street, the headlines on the front pages were all news about Blue Jay's new book, and the door of the bookstore was crowded with people, people were asking about Blue Jay's new book, paying for and ordering books that they didn't even own the title of.

"Is the blue jay so famous?"

Burrog stood by the side of the road, watching the crowd and sighing.

Palmer said, "Of course, he kind of pioneered the fantasy novel."

"Before blue jays, everyone wrote books that were cold reality, but the stories of blue jays were full of romantic fantasies, such as his most famous "Night Hunter".

His appearance made people realize that the original story can not only write the absolute reality, but also imagine the illusory unknown. "

"Is that so..."

Burrog thought for a while, and felt that all this was reasonable.

In the world hundreds of years ago, there were no such high-rise buildings, but castles and farms erected in the wilderness. There were no novels and movies, but only poems sung by travelers.

It is only in recent years that these artistic themes have been released at an accelerated rate... Thinking about it carefully, the emergence of movies is only a hundred years old.

The history of human beings is like a bumpy curve. With the moment of entering modern civilization, the curve surges like waves, throwing the past away.

Palmer asked, "I'm looking forward to it. What do you think that's going to be?"

"Didn't Duddell make it clear on the radio?" Burlogo said. "An autobiographical fantasy novel."

"Autobiography and Fantasy?"

Palmer said in a low voice, and then he laughed, "It's strange to say that the blue jay's works are widely known, but the blue jay is not mysterious."

"If you think about it as an acclaimed author, you realize that there is absolutely nothing about blue jays."

"Know nothing?"

"Yeah, so far people don't know what the blue jay's real name is. It is said that only the editors of the publishing house know, because only by knowing his real name can the manuscript fee be paid into his account.

Apart from these, Blue Jay's past, his experiences, and everything about him are still a mystery. "

Palmer laughed as he said, "By the way, there is also his Daisy Castle, which is the residence of blue jays, but he is the only one living in that huge castle, and he does not allow anyone to approach him. It’s not okay to be lonely and weird.”

I'm guessing that Daisy Castle is overcrowded by now, with reporters everywhere trying to pry news of his new book out of him, and even talk of stealing his manuscripts. "

Burrog raised his hand and caught the fluttering newspaper from the wind.

"He's not in Daisy Castle anymore," Borrog said as he handed the newspaper to Palmer. "He knew the news of the new book would cause shock, so the blue jay went on a trip."


Palmer tossed the paper back into the wind and brought up another mystery with Burlogo.

"Do you know a woman with fire opal eyes?"

"Who is that?"

"A character that often appears in blue jay books, like a mascot, no matter what kind of story, she will always appear."

Listening to Palmer's words, Bologo sketched a ghost in his mind. She shuttled through various stories, was not controlled by the plot, and remained almost eternally.

"and then?"

"There is no more. The blue jay is mysterious. Except for his works, he hardly shows up in public." Palmer's eyes are full of expectations. "I mention this because the new book of the blue jay will explain this. Everything about a woman."

Burrog shook his head, not interested in this. He didn't know much about blue jays, and the only thing he knew was "Night Hunter", so he really couldn't understand Palmer's emotions.

The two continued to move forward, and suddenly the cold feeling of peeping rose from Bologo's heart again, and Bologo turned around suddenly, looking at the bustling crowd behind him, and at the same time, the cold feeling of peeping disappeared .

"what happened?"

"Nothing," Burrog shook his head, but his eyes were still vigilant, "Let's go."

Among the dense crowd, the man hid in the shadow of the alley, panting heavily, and Bologo's vigilance was far beyond his imagination. After being nervous, there was the joy of brushing past danger.

He let out a wicked laugh and kept whispering, "I saw him, I saw him."

The man seemed to be talking to someone else, someone who was everywhere, watching it all.

Soon a sense of full satisfaction rose from the bottom of his heart, the man's eyes turned white, and with great joy, he knew that he had successfully curry favor with that existence.

Beside the man, there was another thin figure. He didn't see Bologo, so naturally he couldn't get the reward of that existence.

Unstoppable exhaustion tormented his mind, he looked enviously at the man who was enjoying himself, scratched his face repeatedly, and soon he thought of something.

Pulling out the short knife, the cold metal cut the man's throat when he was enjoying a pleasant orgasm.

The man's eyes widened, he looked at the thin figure, covered his throat, his eyes were full of anger and fear, and then he saw the eyes of the thin figure, eyes full of joy.

What a drama it is to die at the moment of pleasure.

The thin figure was enjoying his work, and he felt that he had presented a perfect picture scroll for that existence.

Correspondingly, that beautiful grace also came to his heart, making him temporarily relieved from the pain and suffering.

Looking at the other person's satisfied face, the man understood something. He lowered his head, blood spilled all over the floor, gathering into a blood-colored mirror, which reflected the man's tragic side.

The man was about to die, dying with endless grief, and then he felt that the existence would like such a picture.

Yeah, he'd love that picture.

The man tore open his throat with his backhand, and a vague and strange voice came from the wound.

"Did you see it?"

The man used his own life to please that existence. At the moment of death, he vaguely heard the sound of applause, and then a huge sense of satisfaction filled his mind, and he fell down little by little, with words that cannot be described. Died happily and contentedly.

The thin figure beside him was also immersed in a sense of satisfaction, but seeing the man die in such satisfaction, he felt jealous and angry.

This man is always like this, good at pleasing that existence, even after death.

But it doesn't matter, he is dead, but he is still alive.

He scratched his head and thought, how to continue to please that existence, and still follow Bologo?Yes, as long as he sees Bologo, that existence will give him grace.

He was thinking like this, just when he was about to walk out of the alley, some gravel fell from the top of his head and hit him, he raised his head, and saw a dark figure standing on the edge of the tall building.

"I saw him."

He said with joy on his face, he didn't care about the crisis he was in, the next moment the black shadow jumped down, and the sharp jackknife was thrown out and stretched.

The moment Bologo intersected with the short man, the long and narrow line of blood spread and collapsed.

The jackknife easily cut off the man's arm, and before he could groan, Burrog turned the jackknife around and pressed the back of the knife against his throat to silence the scream.

"Who are you?"

Bologo asked, and at the same time the breeze blew, and a twisted barrier wrapped the place, blocking all sounds.

Palmer stood at the entrance of the alley with a gleam in his eyes.

After being promoted to a believer, Palmer's secret energy, Wind Source, was promoted, and he took another step on the road of wind.

The strengthened secret energy has brought Palmer's control over the airflow one step closer. Now he can easily control a vacuum area within the area of ​​influence, and even build a vacuum barrier to isolate the transmission of all sound waves.

Burrogo looked at the smirking man in confusion. He couldn't figure out why a man wanted to spy on him, let alone why a man wanted to kill another man.

What happened just now did not escape Burrog's sight. He stood on the edge of the roof and saw the two killing each other.

To be honest, that scene made Bologo's heart slightly chill, without any sign, the two killed each other and committed suicide just for fun...

Looking at the man in front of him, Boluoge noticed the strangeness of the other party. The man's pupils were extremely dark, and there was a little luster on the dark surface, just like...

Like a camera.

Burlog was confused by this strange metaphor, and then the man became agitated. He looked at Burlog excitedly, struggling hard, even when he was cut by a jackknife.


He stretched his neck and looked at Bologo vigorously. Under the dying struggle, he actually twisted away from Burlogo's shackles, and the bloody broken arm pressed against Burlogo's chest, face to face with Burlogo, eyes Pupil to pupil collided together.

"I... saw you."

A deep and hoarse voice sounded, and for a moment, Bologo had a strange illusion that it was not the man in front of him who was talking to him, but another chaotic existence, using his body as a means of talking to him.

Under the dark lens, Burlogo seemed to be able to see that figure. He was sitting in the auditorium, holding popcorn in his hand, laughing at himself.

Blood suddenly overflowed Bologo's face. It wasn't Bologo's blood, but the blood of the man in front of him. He seemed to be squeezed by some kind of force, and his body began to twist and deform, but he didn't feel pain, but instead Let out an ecstatic laugh.

"He's watching me!"

Amid the frantic ravings, the man's body twisted and collapsed, turning into bloody stains all over the place.

Only Bologo was left standing there blankly. He wiped his face and looked at the blood on his hands. Under his indifferent expression, he forced a smile in his words, "I can't go out like this."

Palmer nodded in agreement. He didn't understand what happened, but it's really not good for Burlogo to appear on the street right now.

Burlogo now looks like he just walked out of a slaughterhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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