Endless Debt.

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

Bologo lay quietly on the ceremony table. The liquefied ether contained many alchemy materials, covered Bologo's body, and continued to penetrate into Bologo's body, nourishing his soul, and Such a strong soul.

Amy asked in a low voice, "Is he alright?"

Burlogo has been in this state for a few minutes. It seems that the ceremony went smoothly, but even though it went smoothly, Aimu was still full of worries.

"well enough."

Bailey wasn't sure either. In her opinion, Burlogo wasn't haunted by definite doom and blessings like Palmer, but sometimes he was always able to encounter some weird things.

Thinking of this, Bailey realized a problem. Bolog himself is very special. He is an undead who survived the fall of the Holy City. Regarding the past, Bolog himself does not know the truth.

Borrog Lazarus is a mystery in itself.

Bailey realized that she might be too familiar with Burlogo, and she had been used to it for many days, which made her ignore these things.

Amy looked at Burrog worriedly. Since the time axis disorder incident, Amy's affection for Burrog has grown day by day...

In a sense, Aimu experienced three rebirths. The first time was when she named herself, the second time was when Bologo made her get out of the prison of her soul, and the third time was when TEDA sacrificed for Ai Miao. Myu's rebirth.

In Amy's short life, Burloge was considered one of the most important people in her. After the time axis disorder event, even though Burlogo behaved as usual, he had little to do with the events in the time axis disorder event. mentioned, but Amy always felt a sense of guilt towards Burlogo.

Burlogo didn't care what Amy was doing. He had the right to be emotional as a child, but Amy couldn't accept it. She felt that she had done something wrong.

Under these factors, Aimu pays special attention to and cares about Bologo. As for Bologo's reaction to this...

"Bologo, would you like a drink?"

"No, I don't like drinking very much."

"Bologo, do you want to go shopping?"

"No, the uniforms issued by the Field Service Department are enough."

"Bologo... um... thank you very much for what you have done to me..."

"It doesn't matter. Protecting colleagues and maintaining the property of the Bureau of Order are also part of the experts."

After a few conversations, Amy was a little confused. She couldn't understand Burlog... Few people could understand Burrog. Sometimes Burrog could see through her heart keenly, and sometimes he was dull. Itchy teeth that make people angry.

Over time, Amy felt relieved. Back to the present, Amy looked at Burlogo on the ceremony stage with concern. As the ceremony progressed, her inner anxiety gradually amplified.

Bai Li's expression gradually became serious. She glanced at the time, logically speaking, it should be over at this point.

On the ceremony stage, Bologo had already absorbed the liquefied ether, and the alchemy materials were also used as a medium to integrate into his body to strengthen his soul. Next, Bologo should wake up.

"Something's not right."

Bailey walked up to the ceremony stage, directly ignoring all the rules and regulations, and raised her hand to lift Bologo's eyelids. Under the strong light, Bologo didn't respond.

Looking at Baldr in the shadows, Baldr pressed the switch of the instrument, and the electrode patches read various data, and all the values ​​of Burlogo remained stable.

Everything is fine but can't wake up.

"Lost...You won't meet again, kid!" Bai Li became nervous, "In this comparison, you are the more unlucky one!"

Palmer's promotion ceremony has never encountered such a thing!
Encountering a "lost" sublimator, the body will remain intact, and the soul will be bound in the flesh and blood intact, but the will will never wake up again.

Bai Li didn't know how to deal with this situation. To be precise, no one knew what to do. The probability of being "lost" was too low. This was more like a rumor that existed in the promotion ceremony. Bai Li saw it for the first time. See you.

Behind the thickened observation window, the elders watched the ceremony below and whispered.

"It seems that Bologo has encountered 'lost', do you need to use some special methods? Teacher."

The old-fashioned Morgan showed a mean smile, moved to the side of the old man in white robe, and suggested.

The old man in white robe didn't respond immediately, but just stared at Bologo deeply, and then he told about the past, "I also experienced a 'lost' once when I was promoted to the Glory One."

Morgan suppressed his smile. He knew the secret rumor and asked seriously, "What did you see?"

A bright storm flashed through the mind of the old man in white robe. He ignored Morgan's words and continued to talk.

"We can understand enough about the material world, but we still don't know anything about the higher level that is higher than the material world and is more ethereal and mysterious."

Morgan asked tentatively, "Are you referring to... the ether world?"

etheric realm.

For the vast majority of alchemists, this is an absolutely unfamiliar vocabulary, which is normal. Since the alchemists assumed the high-level level and gave it the name "Ether Realm", this knowledge has only been circulated in the In the palace of scholars, nothing has been leaked.

"Yes, the etheric world," said the white-robed old man, "since then, I started to study all of this."

"Based on the assumptions of the ether world, I put forward more hypotheses," he said, "If the secret source is real, why we have been chasing it for thousands of years, but still can't touch one or two."

Morgan followed his words and replied in a very low voice, "Because the secret source does not exist in the material world, but is located in a higher layer, the ether world that we assumed."

As the best disciple of the teacher, Morgan knows this part of the knowledge. You must know that Morgan was his assistant when the old man in white robe made the assumption of the ether world.

If the ether world is the unique knowledge in the scholar hall, then Morgan's understanding of it is second only to the old man in white robe.

The old man in white robe nodded softly, "This may also provide an explanation for the home of our souls."

This is the same question Bailey raised to Bologo, where does our soul go after human death?
The hypothesis put forward by Bai Li is a secret source, but the old man in white robe put forward a more specific hypothesis.

"The soul, like the secret source, does not exist in our real dimension. It is far higher than us, in the ether world. When we die, the 'heart' is annihilated, the 'body' decays and dies, and the 'spirit' loses its bondage." ' will return to the etheric realm."

Morgan added, "We are like a projection of the soul in the etheric plane."

The old man in white robe said softly, "It may be the other way around."

"Now Bologo has crossed this boundary. He is in the ether world, facing the secret source, and lost..." Morgan looked at Burogo on the ceremony stage, "That is to say, he and the ether world, and the secret The source is deeply connected, isn't it?"

Morgan asked his own question, "But now he is just a sublimation person, not even a prayer believer is a sublimation person."

In a series of hypotheses related to the ether world, Morgan clearly remembered the part of the connection with the secret source. The sublimation person's perception of the ether was equivalent to the perception of the ether world, and then perceived the power of the secret source.

The ether world and the material world are parallel to each other, and the sublimation person is a person who is in the overlap of the two worlds at the same time, but most... It can be said that almost all sublimation persons are more inclined to the material world, and it is difficult to perceive The deeper etheric realm.

Even if there is a certain overlap, the connection between them is extremely thin.

Only when they carry out the promotion ceremony and explore the depths of their souls, will they go deep into the ether world and get in touch with the secret source under the effect of the ceremony, and this is also a part of the promotion ceremony.

When sneaking into the ether world and peeking at the secret source, some people can't perceive anything because of the different depths of connection between the Sublimator and the secret source, while others can see a little bit of the scene.

This connection is like the "umbilical cord" between the devil and the debtor. For this reason, the white-robed old man called the connection between the sublimator and the secret source "entanglement".

Just like the projection of the material world on the etheric world, the deeper the "entanglement" is, the more definite the body and complete self are in the etheric world.

Just like when Palmer was promoted, driven by the ceremony, Palmer's "heart" and "spirit" left the material world, arrived at the etheric world, and felt the existence of the secret source.

However, due to Palmer's humble rank and his own shallow "entanglement", Palmer could not form a complete projection in the etheric world. For him, the process of the ceremony was like an anesthesia operation. Except for power, nothing can be felt, nothing can be seen.

Bologo is different, his "entanglement" is extremely deep, and he easily forms a projection in the ether world, facing the storm of the secret source.

But the problem is also here. There are not no desublimers like Burogo who are "entangled" deeply in history, but in the low-level state, they often encounter accidents in the ether world and can no longer wake up. Come, and this is called "lost."

The white-robed old man also encountered "lostness". At that time, he was promoted to the Glory One, and he already possessed extremely strong power, so he was able to break free from it.

"At this stage alone, there is a Desublimer with a very deep 'entanglement'," Morgan recalled the report of the Field Service Department, "he also has a very deep 'umbilical cord' between him and the devil."

"Teacher, is there something you are hiding from me?"

The respect disappeared from Morgan's face, and he looked at his teacher seriously.

The appearance of Bologo and the return of the teacher, he didn't think it was a coincidence, it was more like a well-designed conspiracy.

The white-robed old man just stared at the ceremony platform for a long time, and murmured, "The ether world, projection, entanglement...all of these are just hypotheses we put forward, fantasies that have not yet been proven.

That being the case, we may be able to confirm the authenticity of all this through Bologo Lazarus. "

"But now he has fallen into 'lostness', and if we don't do anything, he won't be able to wake up completely."

Morgan controlled his emotions and gave up questioning the teacher. He was very aware of his teacher's temperament, and he would get nothing if he pressed him, and he didn't have the strength to press the teacher. You must know that he is a glorious man, even when he is old. This appearance still possesses lofty power.

"No...we don't need to do anything, first of all I want to determine something more important than proving the 'Ethereal Hypothesis'."

The old man in white robe said expressionlessly.

"I want to know whether Borrog Lazarus is a product of Albert's plan, and if he is, then he will not be 'lost'... At least he will be fine until Albert's purpose is achieved. "

"If not?"

The biggest difference between Morgan and the teacher is probably the enthusiasm for the secret source.Morgan is a rational man, no matter what he faces.

"If not? Then I will save him myself."

The white-robed old man's tone was calm and his voice was unquestionable.

Morgan remained silent. From the teacher's words, he had already noticed something strange.

The teacher is using "lostness" to judge whether Bologo participated in Albert's plan. This priority is far higher than falsifying the ether world. You must know that the ether world is the teacher's lifelong painstaking effort, but in comparison, he I care more about Albert's plan.

Albert's plan...


There is only one Albert in the Bureau of Order.

Albert Alfredo, the original director.

Morgan remembered everything to do with the name, and what he had done in the end.

It is disgusting and disgusting, but also admirable and pitiful.

Albert Alfredo was a difficult fellow to judge, both in life and in death.

(End of this chapter)

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