Endless Debt.

Chapter 430 Pure Blood

Chapter 430 Pure Blood
The Krax family counterattacked extremely quickly, and the endless screams of the wind-eroded birds came from above their heads, as if they were preyed on by another more violent monster. Apart from fleeing, their only choice was to die.

The offensive of the black-armored soldiers also changed at this moment. They all slowed down, and the ether gathered together to form an ether barrier, resisting the attack of the hurricane.

This high-concentration ether hurricane is full of lethality. From the aurora-like trajectory, Bologo can find the route of the hurricane. All the materials covered by the hurricane begin to weather rapidly as if time has accelerated. withered, broken.

Many scratches appeared on the solid armor, and the marks began to increase and overlap, causing cracks and cracks to appear on the pitch-black metal, as if invisible bugs were gnawing on them, and the cracks continued to expand until they turned into dust and followed the wind blows away...

The Desublimator who launched the attack noticed the presence of Burrog, and he did not cover Burrog in the strike range, but the deadly hurricane still passed Burrog, and the breeze brushed his cheeks, bringing needles. like tingling.

Burlogo realized that the Krax family hadn't been silent all the time, they were just waiting for the right time to fight back, and the appearance of several people disrupted their pace.

So what's going on here?
Bologo still didn't understand this, the majestic etheric reaction came from above his head, not in the wind-eroded flock of birds, but in a higher place, above the dome of the sky, at the end of the storm.

The roaring thunder fell and hit the sea, like a huge raindrop hitting the water, causing ripples in the waves.

Relying on the dazzling thunder light, Bologo vaguely saw the silhouettes criss-crossing on the cloud. They called to each other for the strong wind, fighting at high altitude like birds.


Boluoge realized this problem. The offensive of the black-armored soldiers was too ostentatious and too deliberate. With the power they displayed now, it was impossible to conquer the Morrowind Fortress.

They didn't expect to be able to conquer the Morrowind Fortress. This was more like a feint attack, attracting the power of the Krex family to the defense line of the cliff.

Sublimation fighters are extremely capable of single-soldier combat, and this strength will become more pronounced as the rank increases. Even if there are more black-armored soldiers, the pressure they bring will not be as good as the appearance of a defender.

And then... the defenders showed up.

The roaring thunder took away Bologo's hearing in an instant, and the whole world fell silent. Like a disaster movie, someone pressed the mute button, and then Bologo saw the surge of thunder that broke the earth, in the dark clouds break out.

The astonishing etheric intensity hit Bologo's mind like a heavy hammer, exerting infinite pressure. If there were ordinary people here, they might faint directly.

Bologo couldn't see the opponent's figure, but he could clearly perceive the opponent's existence. Unlike the third seat who relied on puppets to act, it was the real defender.

A defender who descends on the battlefield in full glory.

Fortunately, Burlog didn't need to worry about how to deal with the defender. When Burrog resisted the pressure and raised his head to look at the raging thunder above the cloud, the defender's ether intensity climbed to the top, and suddenly It has declined, as if the power that just burst out was just his life-threatening blow.

The thunder gradually faded away.

The battle above the sky was like an episode. After the terrifying power dissipated, the people on the ground fought again.

There was a faint sound of cracking from the din, and by the time Borrog turned his attention from the sky to his eyes, the burning tombstone had been broken, and the broken limbs were put back together.

It was difficult for Bologo to describe the grotesque scene. The flesh and blood struggled to escape from the solidified metal one by one.

The bony bones were covered with a thin layer of flesh and damaged skin, the burns condensed into hideous blood clots, and the viscous liquid dripped non-stop. It was completely different from the noble and elegant night clan in Bologo's impression. The monster that walked forward from the nightmare stepped out of the fire.

"You are not pureblood."

From his ferocious face, Bologo judged the rank of the opponent's bloodline.

In the Night Clan, not all the Night Clan will be named with the surname of Villeris, just like the family tree, only those who come from the direct blood of the Night King will have this noble surname and be regarded as As an orthodox pure blood.

Judging from the knowledge that Bologo learned later, the high-level night clan has absolute control over the low-level night clan, and the nature of immortality is much stronger.

A low-ranking night clan will evaporate into ashes in an instant when bathed in the sun, while a night clan lord like Serei can even walk in the sun for a short while with burning pain.

The resurrection speed of the Night Clan in front of him is too slow and ugly.

A longing whimper came from the bloody throat, and the scarlet eyes were no longer rational, but were full of thirst for blood.

Thirst, this is a disease that plagues every night clan, making them full of desire for blood, the lower the blood, the more obvious the symptoms, the crazier, even like a beast.

Inside the Ye Clan, they have such a view that the low-level Ye Clan is not a real Ye Clan, but just a beast with the power of immortality, and these low-level Ye Clan do not have the general The ability of others to transform into night clan, their "blood endowment" will only create monsters with the same bloodthirsty deformity.

During the War of Dawn, there were not many truly powerful and high-ranking Night Clans, but there were many low-ranking Night Clans under his command, as well as bloodthirsty monsters transformed from low-ranking Night Clans. The coalition forces brought great pressure.

Fortunately, the sun can end everything.

A corner of the pitch-black cloud collapsed, and glaring rays of light fell from the crack. With Leiyun's defeat, Sao Feng once again dominated the battlefield, like a long knife across the sky, cutting down a corner of the sky.

Noticing the fall of the light, the night clans scattered on the battlefield retreated one after another. Even the crazy night clan in front of Bologo actually stagnated for a few seconds. The fear of the sun easily overwhelmed the thirst for blood , turned around and wanted to escape.

Bologo would not let him go so easily. A series of high walls rose from the ground, blocking the way of the Night Clan. They surrounded one by one, and Bologo occupied the only exit.

This is very much like a gladiatorial arena, and only by defeating Burrog can he leave alive.

The Ye clan understood what Bologo meant. The cracks in the sky were constantly expanding, and the light was projected on the ground. Against the background of the shadows, a clear dividing line emerged.

That was his life and death line.

"The guy who gets in the way!"

The Night Clan roared and attacked Bologo. He knew that Bologo was higher than himself, but he was a Night Clan and an undead after all. This was his advantage.

And in the previous battle, Ye Clan also noticed the weakness of Bologo, he kept a distance from the enemy, maybe he is not good at close combat, as long as he gets close to him, he has a chance to kill Bologo .

The radiance of the secret energy is soaring. As a sublimation person of the first stage, his secret energy is not complicated. , He also has room for confrontation.

Bologo was a little surprised. The Night Clan's injuries were obviously not healed, but the speed was faster than before. Bologo guessed that this might be caused by his secret power.

The snake scale liquid staggered forward, but was quickly dodged by the Yezu, which made Boluoge a little serious. In the eyes of the Yezu, Bologo's figure continued to enlarge. He opened his hand and moved towards Boluo. Ge's throat slammed a fatal blow.


He thought so in his heart, but at this moment he realized that there was something more in Bologo's hand, it was a hammer made of snake scale liquid, the surface was rough and mottled, and it was held tightly by Bologo hands.

It's nothing.

He felt that his attack was about to be achieved, and it was too late for Bologo to counterattack or block, but then the rising ether shattered his thoughts.

A cyan glow appeared in Bologo's hand, the muscles were tense and twisted together, and the ether boost was applied, and Bologo swung the hammer far faster than he imagined.

Comparing the actions of the two, the actions of the Night Clan are like a movie that has been slowed down, while Bologo has pressed the fast forward button.

He only heard the whistling wind in his ears, and then the heavy blow hit the head, and before the claw hit Bologo, the Night Clan's head exploded into a spreading blood flower.

Skull, brain tissue, eyeballs... The scarlet substances were thrown into the air, but they defied gravity and failed to fall. In the scattered flesh and blood, the scarlet threads connected all the substances, and it was only waiting for the threads to sew them together again.

No chance.

Due to the inertia of swinging the hammer, Bologo still maintained the hammering action, but another series of rapid footsteps approached at this time. Aimu accelerated his run-up, took off, and smashed the night tribe's chest with a knee blow, and then He kicked his legs and kicked the broken body to the side.

The Night Clan staggered a few steps and fell into the sand. After a short delay, the broken head reassembled again. He didn't understand why Bologo didn't chase him. He stood up in embarrassment and prepared to flee the battlefield, but The moment he raised his head, he saw it.

He hadn't looked directly at this warm beauty for a long time. The warm sun fell and gently touched his cheek, which reminded him of his mother's figure, but that was many years ago.

The warmth dispelled the madness, and when he regained his sanity, he shed hot tears and blood.

In an instant, the eyeballs evaporated into sunken blood holes, the pale face was burned into carbon black, the throat was shriveled and collapsed, and even the screams of fear before death could not be uttered.

The Ye Clan knelt down slowly, their figures shriveled and shriveled in the sun, and burned to the ground, leaving only the ashes of the embers floating.

(End of this chapter)

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