Endless Debt.

Chapter 446 Iron Embrace

Chapter 446 Iron Embrace
The blood flowed along the grooves on the metal, gathered at the end of the handle, and fell in big drops, seeping into the carpet. Above the blade, a monster with barely human form was nailed to the ceiling.

The moment the blade hit it, it spread and exploded into dense iron spines, tearing apart every inch of his muscles and shattering all his bones. His skin still had a form, but the inside had already turned into a mass of mud. Blood.

Combining the experiences of the past few days, Bologo had already guessed what the monster was, but he still observed carefully to confirm it.

Familiar pale complexion, irrational, crazy scarlet eyes, strong resurrection ability, but under the fatal blow of Bologo, this only resurrection ability also lost its effect, and died completely.

Burrogo whispered, "Bloodthirsty."

Inside the Ye Clan, different classes are differentiated according to the purity of the bloodline. The more noble the bloodline, the more able it is to pass on its own power to the next class when performing "blood donation". With blood, the mortal will directly jump to the pure blood class in the night clan.

However, after being passed on layer by layer, no matter how pure the bloodline is, it will gradually deteriorate, and the power of the Night Clan will continue to decline. The most obvious manifestation is the "bloodthirsty" class.

The bloodthirsty is the bottom of the many classes of the night clan. Their bloodlines have been degraded many times, and they have been affected by extremely severe blood thirst all year round. They basically do not have reason at all, and are just monsters driven by blood thirst.

The weaknesses of the Night Clan are also constantly deteriorating, and they are concentrated on the bloodthirsty people. The silverware has greatly increased their lethality, and they will be burned to ashes the moment they come into contact with the sun. Immortality, reflected on bloodthirsty people, only makes them more resilient.

After a mortal blow, they also literally die like mortals, such as the one now beheaded by Borrog.

"After the bloodlines continue to deteriorate, their own blood contracts will gradually be distorted," Serley once commented on the existence of bloodthirsty people. , just a group of unique demons."

Objectively speaking, the bloodthirsty people are still debtors, but under the continuous deterioration of the power of the night clan, they are no different from demons who have lost their minds and thirst for souls.

Boluogo walked to the window and looked out of Morrowind. With the flash of thunder, he saw countless bloodthirsty figures coming with the tide. Without any warning, the night clan's offensive came again , and this time they actually crossed the defense line of the coast and invaded into Morrowind Stronghold.

how can that be?Is the core hinterland of the Krex family so fragile?
Before Burlog could come up with an answer, the hoarse sound came with the wind and rain, and sharp claws were drawn from all directions, like ropes that twisted the head.

The cyan glow suddenly rose, and in the area where Bologo was located, all the bricks and stones touched by the flame of the cauldron turned into sharp spikes in an instant, rushing towards the surroundings.

Those bloodthirsty people who were hanging on the outer wall of the castle and prepared to sneak attack were all pierced through, and their flesh was pierced into a ball of mud, and then thrown towards the pitch-black earth.

On the flat outer wall of the castle, there are also clusters of stone spikes at this moment. Bologo stands among the spikes, with the glow of ether rolling in his eyes.

There was a sharp bird song in the cloud, and then more sharp calls gathered together. Under the background of the thunder, Bologo saw the birds falling from the dark cloud. They were like the clouds touching the earth. Extended palps.

A flock of wind-eroded birds swooped down towards Morrowind.

The first wind erosion bird hit the solid wall head-on, leaving bright bloodstains on the wall as if suicidal.

The heavy rain washed against the wall, but the blood seemed to be very viscous and unmoved. After a short delay, the blood boiled and burned like violent gunpowder, and then detonated.

Violent flames ignited on the outer wall, the explosion shook the building, and the shock was transmitted to Bologo, and this was just the beginning. The densely packed wind erosion birds hit the wall one after another, and the deflagrating blood set off continuous explosions .

For a moment, Morrowind Castle seemed to be caught in an ancient siege battle, with fierce artillery fire intertwined and intertwined.

These wind-eroded birds are different from the ones Bologo saw on the first day. These alchemy creatures have been deeply transformed, and their blood is like red mercury, turning into biological bombs.

The flock of birds chirped continuously, they found Bologo, and several wind-eroded birds swooped down towards Bologo.


Bologo evoked the Snake Scale Liquid, and the dense scale armor was cast into a round shield. Bologo picked up the round shield and ran towards the other end of the corridor, and then an explosion came from the outer wall.

The violent flames easily penetrated the windows, and the rolling flames seeped into the building like a tide, rampaging through the corridors.

Borrog's figure was also pushed up by the violent explosion, and slammed hard on the wall on one side. Fortunately, the round shield withstood most of the impact. Diffusion outside.

The bricks and stones began to overlap and move, and Bologo quickly filled the position where the explosion collapsed, but Bologo's filling speed was far behind the wind-eroded bird's suicide attack.

Violent shocks surrounded Morrowind, and all the glass shattered in an instant, spilling residue on the ground. The fire burned the carpet. In the raging fire, the solid outer wall began to collapse, and finally the wind-eroded bird landed on the solid outer wall. A huge gap was torn.

The sea breeze mixed with the gunpowder smoke poured into the building without any cover. A large number of bloodthirsty people climbed into the Morrowind Bulwark along the gap, and a melee was about to break out.

Bologo stood up in embarrassment. After the smoke and dust cleared, there were many more bloodthirsty people in the corridor that was about to be turned into ruins. Some complex alchemy devices can be seen, and along with their heavy bloodthirsty breathing, complex potions are injected into the body.

Burrog sighed, "What a humble position..."

The Night Clan transformed these bloodthirsty creatures into existences similar to alchemy creatures, relying on potions and weapons to greatly increase their combat effectiveness.

There were many ether reactions rising in the Morrowind Fortress, and the Sublimationists of the Klex family had launched a counterattack, but this counterattack was a bit too late. The opponent had already entered the Morrowind Fortress, no matter what the result was, this It was a fiasco for the Krex family.

The roar of hunger suddenly rose, and the bloodthirsty roared and rushed towards Bologo, with sharp claws on their arms, easily tearing the ground and raising dust as they ran.

Burrog looked at them without changing his face, and said to himself, "It's like this anyway, I took it apart again, and it's okay, Palmer."

In an instant, the flames of the cauldron spread to the entire corridor, covering several bloodthirsty people in it.

Raising his hand, Bologo slowly clenched his fist, holding the controlling scepter.

"Follow... my orders."

The cyan fire seems to have ensouled and given will to these mortal substances, and now they obey the command of Borogo.

The ground began to distort, and the walls also began to squirm. The solid masonry, like a rolling wave, gradually collapsed and engulfed the bloodthirsty people, like a sealed coffin.

Burrog could hear the hideous wail, and as the bricks and stones piled up, they would turn into ruins before Burrog's eyes.

He raised his hand and slammed it down, abandoning this abominable thing. The collapsed and sealed bricks and stones in front of him also suffered heavy pressure in an instant, and the whole collapsed further. Those bloodthirsty people who had not died seemed to be placed Under the hydraulic press, it was crushed into a puddle of mud.

This is a skill that Bologo learned from Palmer. After seeing the impact of air pressure on the enemy, Bologo felt that he could also use matter to seal and squeeze the opponent, grinding it into fine dirty blood .

Just like the instrument of torture known as the Iron Maiden a hundred years ago, but Bologo prefers to call this method the Iron Embrace.

Blood spilled from the gap, a slight etheric reaction rose from the ruins, the calm blood boiled under the call of the ether, and the scorching fire was about to be released, but this time it was under the control of Borrog.

The ether was soaring, and Bologo exerted all his strength to control it. A dazzling fire appeared from the cracks in the masonry, and then a gap was opened in the completely closed side, and the scorching fire was released from it, releasing the huge pressure. out.

Not only the wind-eroded birds will explode, but also these bloodthirsty people. Compared with the feint attacks for many days, tonight's attack is the real attack of the Night Clan.

The noise of the thunderstorm was mixed with the sound of continuous explosions. These difficult monsters caused many people to fall into a bitter battle. Fortunately, during this period of time, Morrowind Base had been fighting for a long time. After a short period of panic, the defense line was rebuilt, and the high-pitched The ether reverberated.

Many desublimators mobilized the power of the ether, and even under the dim night sky, there appeared many glows of the ether, like aurora-like light bands across the battlefield.

In the chaos and disorder, Bologo noticed a clue in the bloody quagmire, and looked vigilantly at the other end of the ruins.

It may be difficult for other people to find the real enemy in this situation, but Bologo is different. He has a deep connection with the devil. He can detect those evil fluctuations and search for the existence of the same debtor.

Looking into the vast darkness, relying only on vague instincts, Bologo locked his eyes on the collapsed gap below, as if he could spy a strange figure from it.

The poisonous mist spreads and permeates, eating away all the things that come close, whether it is life or ether, they are all corrupted and tortured by it.

"Why am I not surprised?"

Bologo murmured, I don't know when, he began to get used to his vacation turning into overtime.

(End of this chapter)

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