Endless Debt.

Chapter 453 The Messenger of Winter

Chapter 453 The Messenger of Winter

The shape of the hummingbird is extremely delicate. With the faint light of the fireworks, Burlogo can observe that the abdomen of the hummingbird is a transparent glass structure, which is filled with scarlet blood, and emits etheric fluctuations to provide energy for the hummingbird.

Bologo and the hummingbird looked at each other, as if they could penetrate the dominator's support, and observed the mysterious dominator.

Derby's voice had disappeared since he was captured by Burlogo, and Burlogo felt that he hadn't left, and that he was still observing himself, just as he was observing him.

Zephyrin below became nervous. She had to be nervous. The bloodthirsty man's suicide attack caused multiple explosions. Bologo faced the fireworks. Even with alchemy potions to heal his body, he should have some injuries. .

But now, apart from some ragged clothes, Bologo didn't have the slightest injury on his body. Even if it was stained with blood, Zephirin could clearly tell that it wasn't Bologo's blood.

"damn it!"

Zephyrin cursed, backing away quickly.

At the level of a believer, Zephyrin can be regarded as a full-fledged elite. In order to cooperate with her deceitful secret power, Zeffilin is proficient in ether shielding. When the secret power is activated, she can make her poison completely lose the etheric response.

Palmer and many guards can be easily paralyzed by her, relying on this, coupled with her own immortality and alchemy weapons, even in the face of negative power, she has the power to fight.

But it was different now. The mysterious man who suddenly appeared in front of him brought endless pressure to Zeffilin.

She knows Boluoge's offensive methods very well, and the strength of ether is equal to her own, and she is also a believer.

Zephyrin felt that she had learned enough information from Borrog, but she still couldn't let go of her mind.

It's like... like facing a dark cloud.

An unknown, silent darkness, you don't know what lies behind the darkness, it may be an innocent child, or it may be a monster that chooses people to eat.

Everything is unknown, and you need to take risks to verify the things after the darkness.

Secret energy · soul-breaking poison.

The scarlet mist spread in an instant, covering the surroundings like a tide. The ground, rain, bricks and stones...all the substances that came into contact with the toxin began to rot, as if corroded by strong acid, rotting and decaying.

Zeffilin picked up the chainsaw and scythe, and after she calmed down, a conjecture arose in her mind, but this conjecture was a bit too unbelievable.

She needs to put her ideas into action and test them out for herself.

Burrog looked at Zephyrin below vigilantly. The flames of the cauldron spread and burned, and the scarlet mist rolled up, like the tide of battle.

Zephyrin diffused the secret energy in advance, and the poisonous mist covered the surrounding area, filling Zephyrin's ether. Under the nature of the mutual repulsion of the ether, it was difficult for Burogo's fire flame to expand for a while, and then control the surrounding world. substance.

It seems that Zeffilin is not as weak as Burlogo imagined. As a believer, Zeffilin is also experienced in many battles, and he can be regarded as an elite among the believers.

It's nothing, this world is so vast, there will always be some sublimers with extraordinary talents.

Burrog clenched his fists and crushed the hummingbird into a mass of metal residue. The blood inside spilled out, and the warm liquid exuded familiar etheric fluctuations.

As expected, the blood boiled quickly, burning Burrog's palm, but this time the dose of blood was too small to ignite the explosion.

So far, Bologo has roughly understood the battle situation. These raging bloodthirsty people are someone's dominator. He dominates these monsters with blood, and he can also make the blood boil and explode.

The scarlet mist and the flame of the cauldron are intertwined, and crackling arcs and sparks burst out between each other, but in the mutual elimination, the flame of the cauldron of Bologo is obviously weaker than the disadvantage.

This deadly toxin can not only bring about many negative effects, but its most powerful property is to erode the ether, which in turn affects the critical integrity of the moment soul.

A near-perfect assassin, this is what Burlogo said of Zeffirin.

He is good at using ether cover to reduce his own ether reaction, and releases the poison silently. Bologo guesses that the bloodthirsty man can break into the Morrowind Barst. Zephirin should also have a share of the credit. If she can concentrate and concentrate her toxin , it is not impossible to corrode an offensive gap in the defense line of the imaginary domain of Morrowind Base.

It's just... Bologo still doesn't understand a little bit. Could the Morrowind Fortress that has stood on the wind source plateau for so long be broken so easily?
Pressing his head hard, in the previous battle, Bologo also took a little bit of toxin, his mind was a little muddled, and he no longer thought about these things.

There were screams all around, and more and more bloodthirsty people approached. Zephyrin ordered them to launch a surprise attack on Borrog. Yu Wu, and then merged into the scarlet mist.

Zephyrin used the poisonous mist to cover the surrounding matter, preventing Burogo from controlling it. Fortunately, Bologo himself carried the liquid of snake scales, and a group of snakes entrenched on the body surface, casting it into a heavy armor.

Bologo clenched his fists, two heavy and narrow blades stretched out, arched his body, and more sharp blades extended from the armor on his back, and as Bologo stepped forward, the blades Rubbing against each other, they made a crisp and piercing sound.

He was like a deformed porcupine, or like a scarred monster with many arrows.

Combining the previous battles, Burrog tried to imagine his image in Zephyrin's eyes.

A ruler who has a strange self-healing ability and is good at long-distance combat... it should be like this?
Under the icy face mask, Burlogo smiled unconsciously. He likes this kind of plot very much, creating a solid image in the hearts of others, and then breaking it with great contrast.

Burrog guessed right, he was indeed such an image in Zeffilin's eyes, otherwise Zephilin would not have chosen to fight in close quarters in the end to end the dispute.

At this moment, Zephyrin's state of mind has undergone some subtle changes. She stared at the armored Burrog. In the previous fights, Burrog was indeed using the armor to protect himself, but he had never created such a heavy and aggressive monster. armor.


Before Zeffilin finished his thoughts, driven by the aether boost, Bologo jumped out like a cannonball, and the ruins under his feet collapsed into rubble on the ground.

His speed was extremely fast, and he came to Zeffilin's eyes almost in the blink of an eye. He raised two pale long swords high, and the shining sword light filled Zefeilin's eyes.

Zeffilin never expected that Bologo would take the initiative to choose close combat, and what made her even more puzzled was that Bologo seemed to be full of confidence in this.

Shouldn't it be, shouldn't this kind of sublimation master of the control school keep a distance and smash opponents to death by relying on control objects?

The swing of the two swords interrupted all of Zephyrin's thinking. She relied on instinct to raise the chainsaw scythe to resist Burrog's attack. The moment the two touched, Zephyrin only felt a huge force from the chainsaw The scythe was transmitted, and the next second Zephilin was directly sent flying.

After breaking through many gravels along the way, she stopped at a high wall, and she lifted herself up with difficulty. Zeffilin felt that her arm was about to break off.

The steel monster didn't stop, he turned his head and charged towards Zeffilin again. Zefeilin was obviously undead, but at this moment she felt a strong emotion that was familiar and unfamiliar from the depths of her heart.


Bloodthirsty rushed over from both sides and blocked Borrog's attack trajectory. Derby still dominates the battlefield from a distance. Zephyrin's poison can corrode the ether. When they finally invaded the wind cellar, they still needed Zephyrin's Power, she can't die here yet.

The ferocious and terrifying figure did not slow down Bologo's speed at all, and the sharp blade easily cut them into pieces of broken flesh, but more bloodthirsty people rushed over, and before they could touch Burogo's body swelled rapidly, and his blood boiled.

Several bloodthirsty heads exploded together, and the boiling blood sparked frenzied flames, which gathered together and turned into a flame tornado on the ground.

The fear in Zeffilin's heart eased a lot, she stood up with difficulty, but soon, she heard the footsteps coming from the flaming tornado.

The voice was so clear and heavy, as if a giant was walking towards him.

A dark and fuzzy shadow emerged in the flames, and then a tall and hideous figure walked out of the sea of ​​flames. The blue fireworks burned in the gaps in the armor, and the armor shattered by the explosion peeled off one by one like a python shedding its skin, and the new armor overlapped and covered.

Zeffilin suddenly realized one thing, maybe this is the true strength of Burlogo, and he might just be testing himself in the previous fight.

This desperate fact made Zephyrin fall into the ice cellar, but she did not give up resistance. There was no need to hide anything at this time. She simply threw away the chainsaw and scythe, raised her fists, and the glow of ether appeared on the gauntlets .

one strike.

Zephyrin whispered in her heart that as long as she could penetrate Burrog's armor and give Burrog a physical blow, she still had a chance of winning this battle.

Bologo stepped forward, gradually accelerating his pace, and even ran wildly, like an advancing bull, whether it was ruins or corpses, he was easily crushed and knocked away by him, and at this time another etheric reaction rose.

The torrential rain from the sky was mixed with frost, the temperature in the environment dropped rapidly, and the burning flame tornado was also extinguished, the ground began to freeze, and the heavy rain turned into endless ice edges and hit the armor.

The extremely cold air visible to the naked eye spread, and the soaked armor froze one by one, and even a thick layer of solid ice covered Bologo's feet, and he continued to climb along his upper body.

On the other side of the battlefield, Zeffilin's reinforcements arrived, and Haiqi's eyes glowed with red light, controlling the temperature of the battlefield, like a messenger of winter.

(End of this chapter)

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