Endless Debt.

Chapter 466 Gunshots

Chapter 466 Gunshots
The elder's eyes were full of surprises. He didn't expect that under such a powerful force, someone would still dare to resist him. What made the elder even more unexpected was that Bologo's target was not him, but the blood of the regent king.

Burrog saw through the strength of the Senator, who was just another Night King, another Cerre Villeris, another coward who was afraid of death.

Whether it is assisting the Night Clan or stealing the "Oath of Dawn", all actions of the elders are to survive, to obtain the blood of the Regent King, and thus become a noble Night Clan.

Bologo doesn't have many friends. For these few guys, Bologo is very concerned about them. At the same time, Bologo is a very grudger. Those who are hated by him rarely die well.

If the Senator desires to live, then Burrog will end it all.

For this surprise attack, the iron spear was almost entirely made of red mercury. Driven by the increase of ether, the speed of the iron spear reached the limit. It pierced the strong wind, and with a roaring sound, it burned into a stream of fire that could melt through metal. .

The roaring flames approached Derby, and an elite bloodthirsty surviving at this time swooped in, trying to block Liuhuo's advance, but then Liuhuo exploded again, spreading into a rain of fire all over the sky.

Out of professionalism, Borrog opted for a wide-area attack, ensuring that the explosion would be large enough to destroy Regent's Blood.

The flames were continuous, like a wall of fire collapsing from the front. Even though the elite bloodthirsty used their flesh as a shield to block a large number of fireworks, there were still many flames overflowing like a tide, and in a blink of an eye, Derby engulf.

Derby tightly held the Regent's Blood and protected him under his chest. Even if he was seriously injured, he had to ensure the safety of the Regent's Blood. This was Derby's only bargaining chip to reverse the situation.

Derby yelled, "Are you going to sit idly by!"

The next moment a strong wind came, reverberating and roaring around Derby, the advancing fire was blown by the howling wind, making it difficult to approach for a while, and then a stronger hurricane passed by, blowing the fireworks down in another direction, and the airflow escaped at high speed , leaving the local area in a vacuum.

The fire rain released by Burlogo with all his strength was easily resolved by the elders, and this is not the end.

The ether lingered around Bologo, and before Bologo landed, blood stained Bologo's vision, and then the noisy noise filled his ears.

Like thousands of ghosts surrounding Bologo, they let out high-pitched and shrill screams, and finally the decibel broke through the threshold, destroying Bologo's hearing.

The world is silent.

A shallow bloodstain appeared on Bologo's body surface, and the bloodstain rapidly expanded, extended, and penetrated into the flesh and blood. The hideous and terrifying wound spread instantly, and dense wounds spread all over the body, almost tearing Bologo into a pool of rotten flesh .

It hit the ground heavily, and the heavy wind pressure pressed Bologo tightly, squeezing his body, and a large amount of blood overflowed from the wound. A pool of blood.

"Don't hold back, he is undead just like me."

In the extinguished fireworks, Derby looked at Bologo with lingering fear. If it weren't for the betrayal of the elder tonight, he really couldn't think of how to deal with Burlogo.

Boluogo is a terrible opponent, with a professional and rigorous attitude, an efficient and cold style, deceitful and changeable, extremely practical secret abilities, and an immortal body that can make him come back countless times.

Derby hates such opponents.

In ancient times, no matter how humble the Night Clan was, they would have a haughty sense of superiority when facing humans.

Yes, humans.

The Night Clans who have gained immortality have long separated themselves from humans. In their world view, the two are completely different species, one will die and the other will not die.

The Night Clan will stubbornly uphold all kinds of noble etiquette, and take the life of the enemy in an extremely elegant way. The battle of life and death is like a game for them. They can die calmly and stand up again, but their enemies They can only do their best.

They only have one chance.

Borogo is like a deformed cell, an episode that twists and turns the plot, and now another undead has appeared, and he is also hunting the night people.

The balance of life and death was broken, no matter how proud the Night Clan was, it would be dismembered by Bologo and cast into a coffin.

Hearing Derby's words, the elder increased his strength, half of Borrog's body fell into the ground, and blood overflowed the gap.

Is this... the defender?

Boluoge whispered in his heart, he could do nothing at this moment, and in the face of absolute power, Bologo could only obey.

"Give me the blood of the Regent."

After clearing the battlefield, the veteran continued the previous deal and asked Derby for it.

The backlash of the oath, the old body... many negative forces affect the elder, his life can be counted in minutes, he must complete the blood as soon as possible to transform himself into a night clan.

Derby hesitated for a moment, but seeing what the elder did and the "Dawn Oath" in his hand, this was the simplest and most direct way to vote.

There is nothing to hesitate, if Derby wants to leave here alive, the strength of the elders is indispensable.

Derby strode towards the elder, preparing for the blood ceremony.

The elder's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and he stared at the container in Derby's hand, where his "new life" flowed.


The strong wind lifted the elder's body, and he floated towards Derby. When the distance between the two was a few meters, another ether wave suddenly rose. Derby turned around, and a black shadow enveloped his head.

Instinctively, Derby folded his arms in an attempt to protect Regent's Blood, while Sombra swung his deadly sword with all his might.

The blade failed to hit the Regent's Blood, but it still cut off Derby's palm, and the Regent's Blood was tightly clenched in the severed palm.

The elder glared at this guy who appeared out of nowhere, obviously he had already dealt with everyone on the battlefield, but at this moment another character appeared.

The aether soared, and the furious attack descended.

Aimiao only had time to cross her hands to protect her chest. The next second, the dense wind blades slashed at her body, leaving dents on the metal body, and then the heavy blow smashed Aimiao into the ruins. The pressure came again, crushing the randomly raised ruins into a flat plane.

The small pieces of ruins were compressed into a cube, and Aimu was embedded in the cube, his left arm was completely bent, and the arc flashed non-stop.

If Aimiao was not an alchemy puppet, the blow of the elder would be enough to kill Aimiao.

Amyu showed a reluctant smile, she did it, completed the surprise attack, even if she failed to destroy the blood of the regent king, she still hindered the elder.

The broken palm rolled down among the ruins. Derby covered the wound and searched for the broken palm in panic. The elder also became anxious. He was about to stimulate the strong wind when suddenly extreme cold fell on the elder's heart.

This is not the sensory coldness, but the low temperature from the instinctive fear. Suddenly, a gentle voice lingered in the battlefield. The other party's voice was not loud, even a little low, but the voice was so clearly transmitted to everyone. in the ear.

"The first act is loaded, the third act is shot."

The movement of the elder came to a standstill, the wind dissipated uncontrollably, and his feet touched the ground again. He leaned on the staff vigorously, trying not to let himself fall down.

"Ha ha……"

The elder panted violently, and the familiar airflow became extremely sharp. Every time he took a breath, he felt that sharp knives were cutting his lungs, throat, and his internal organs were bloody.

In fact it is.

The elder held his heart, something was squeezing his atrium, the unknown entity was rapidly expanding, and then was pulled by another force, rampaging through his body.

broke out.

The elder saw it, it was a blood-stained warhead, it emerged from his heart, then broke away from his body and left.

What's even more weird is that the trajectory of the bullet is like going backwards in time. The bullet rotates towards itself, but it keeps receding until it returns to the barrel.

At the other end of the ruins, the long-awaited assassin appeared, and Church watched the farce with a blank expression.

Just like his plain face, Church has always been a person with a very little sense of presence. Even on this terrifying battlefield, few people will notice him.

As the bullet returned to the barrel, the flintlock gun in Church's hand also experienced the effect of time reversal. The flint was clamped to the starting position, and the overflowing gunpowder smoke gathered again and fell into the dark muzzle of the gun.

Church was exhausted instantly, as if he had gone through a big battle, and the ether glow on his body was completely dimmed. This shot almost exhausted all his ether.

The elder stared blankly at the gun in Church's hand. This was the first time he had seen this alchemy weapon, but it gave the elder an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Many years ago, the elder saw an alchemy weapon similar to it, and he vaguely remembered that it was an alchemy weapon called the "established gun". When it aimed at the enemy and pulled the trigger, it was like a predetermined destiny, no matter No matter how the enemy resists, the bullet will eventually hit.

Different from the established gun, the elder was shot by Chekov's gun long before the trigger was pulled. Now Church's arrival is just to recover the bullet and complete the cycle of fate.

"It's almost..."

The elder murmured, the blood drained from the gunshot wound on his chest, revealing his bright heart.

As early as many years ago, the heart of the elder had been etherized.

Even so...

The elder's vision began to dim, he arched his body, vomited more blood, and even dropped the golden mask, soaked in the blood.

After the elder's breath calmed down, he saw an extremely ugly and disgusting face amidst the blood.

The elder was frightened for a moment, his face was like a ghost.

Then the elder realized that the evil spirit in the blood was himself.

 Try to add a chapter
(End of this chapter)

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