Endless Debt.

Chapter 473

Chapter 473
Vaughan sighed, he has always had nothing to do with Thurley.

"The bad news first."

"The bad news is that this is a strange bloodline. At least among the night clan lords I know, there is no such branch. In other words, the regent may have been born after the Daybreak War."

The blood of the Night Clan can be traced back, and different Night Clan lords represent different branches, and they will eventually belong to the Night King.

After the War of Dawn, all the Night Clan returned to the Land of Eternal Night and were cut off from the world of the living. They could not continue to generate new Night Clan, and were tortured endlessly by bloodthirsty in the eternal cage.

Fu En became serious, "A bloodline that even you don't know?"

"It looks like this," Threi nodded. "Maybe he is my father's new son, but this possibility is unlikely. Everyone knows what my father is like now."

Regarding the ending of the Night King, it is not mentioned in "The Oath of Daybreak", and even Fu En is not clear about the specific situation, but what is certain is that Serley must have given everyone a satisfactory answer, otherwise he would not be able to Live so leisurely until now.

Vaughan asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

Selei glanced at Fu En, and laughed uncontrollably, "I haven't seen you for a few days, Fu En, you have become stupid, has it been a long time since you drank alcohol?"

The two hadn't seen each other for many years, but in Se Lei's eyes, it was only a few days. Fu En didn't bother to care about these, and looked at Se Lei without saying a word.

Threi didn't keep Vonn waiting too long, "The devil, the devil who caused all these disasters."

"If you regard the devil as the boss of a company, then we, the Night Clan, are his best employees, and we can harvest a lot of souls every year by relying on the spread of the blood.

Now that this dedicated salesperson has resigned, what would you do if you were the boss? "

"Hire a new salesman."

"That's right! When we formulated the "Dawn Oath", we prepared for all possibilities, but we can't restrain the devil alone, can we?"

Sai Lei said, "That mysterious regent may be another... Night King supported by the devil."

Vaughn became nervous, "Another initial bloodline?"

"No, no, don't be so excited, Vaughan," Threi explained, "Even the most greedy devil must abide by the conservation of value."

"There are very few people in this world who are worth more than my father, that's why he has this immortal blood and will continue to multiply it."

Selei sniffed vigorously again, then stood up abruptly.

"Do you have a blood sample?"

Vonn said, "Our captives are still in the dungeon..."

Threi urged, "It doesn't need to be so complicated, just take some blood samples."

Hearing this, Vaughn raised his hand, and a gust of wind rolled up on the coast, pulling out a little bit of blood from the scarlet blood, and flowing into the room with the wind.

Threi stretched out his fingers to gently touch the flowing water polo, tasted the blood in it, and after feeling it carefully, traced the source of the blood, and finally noticed a familiar aura.

"Damn it, maybe that Prince Regent is really my father's illegitimate son!"

After careful inspection, Thresher felt the presence of the Night King at the end of his bloodline. Although the regent's bloodline was unfamiliar, he and Thresher were indeed of the same origin.

Thurley came up with another idea, "Perhaps the devil preserved part of my father's blood and gave it to others many years later."

"If it's the devil's will, it's not too difficult."

Serley had a headache. In order to completely cut off the possibility of the rise of the night clan, they sealed the night king and destroyed all the blood of the night king to avoid the birth of a new pure blood class. But now it seems that the blood of the night king is still drifted out.

"Is it the devil again? Damn it."

Fu En cursed in a low voice, if anyone is worse than the Night Clan, then it is the source of all this chaos.


"The devils only care about the value and only the soul. The regent may be a mercenary hired by the devil to rescue his most loyal salesman."

Thurley still had that relaxed posture, as if all this had nothing to do with him.It really has nothing to do with him, Serley has already retired, lived in the club of the undead, and bid farewell to the troubles of the world.

"In short, no matter what happened, the fact is that a pure-blooded Night Clan who is not bound by the oath has appeared, and now no one knows what he has expanded into."

Fu En covered his eyes with one hand, feeling extremely tired.He felt that he was talking nonsense with Serley, raising a bunch of useless conjectures.

Vonn noticed another question, "What about the good news?"

"The good news is... this matter has nothing to do with me."

Cerley paused for a moment before spreading his hands.

The good news he was referring to was good news for himself. As for Vaughn, it was not in his consideration.

Fu En stared at Ser Lei for a long time, and the two had been together for many years. Fu En could detect the intention beyond his words from some micro expressions and movements of Se Lei.

"What are you hiding?"

"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with the situation. You know, my name is also signed on the "Dawn Oath."

What Thurley said is correct, so far none of his actions have caused the oath to bind him, and all his actions are within the scope of the oath.

Vaughan frowned, clenched his fists secretly, and then slowly relaxed. He comforted himself that dealing with a guy like Thurley required enough patience.

"You always lie, Thurley."

"If I wasn't so capable of lying, I wouldn't be able to marry so many wives."

Serley raised his eyebrows, and took Vaughan's words as appreciation, "Every one of them feels that they are the only ones for me."

Thorey was very happy to tell about his love story, so when he was young, Vaughn heard a lot about Threy's love stories, and when he thought of those distorted pasts full of hatred and deformed emotions, Vorn felt disgusted.

Vaughan almost couldn't catch his breath, he stared at Seri, and finally sighed, "This is boring, once you talk about the depths of your heart, you start to change the topic."

"I thought we were friends."

Vaughan played the emotional card.

"Deep in my heart? Forget it, only gentle ladies are welcome there, men please go around." Serley waved his hand, refusing.

Serley always looks so leisurely and frivolous, like a child who will never grow up, but Von is no longer the Von who can hangover with him back then, and now he is the executive officer of the Krex family. bear many responsibilities.

"Why don't you talk about things other than work?" Sai Lei said, "Don't you feel tired after working all the time?"

Things other than work.

Vaughan thought about it carefully, and he realized sadly that he really had nothing to talk to Serai about other than work.

Since returning to Krex's house, Vaughan has taken responsibility, and he is no longer the arrogant look he was when he was young... He can't even remember the last time he was hungover.

You must know that when living in Opals, except for working days, Vaughan and Selei almost always nestled in the club of the undead, letting the alcohol swallow their nerves and humming that strange tune.

Vonn said, "Bologo, he is also a member of your Undead Club, right? He is still the unretired one."

"That's right, the best member in recent years...how did you mention him, are you interested in him?"

"A bit."

Before the battle, Furn knew that Bolog was undead, but after the battle, Bolog's immortality still surprised him.

All it takes is a period of rest and enough ether, and Bologo can be revived again as if going back in time.

Boluo Ge's immortal body has no obvious weaknesses. In terms of immortality, even a night clan lord like Threi is hard to compare. This has to be noticed by Vaughn.

Thurley asked back, "What do you think of Burrog?"

Vaughan thought carefully about how Bologo made him feel, and the various performances of the Night Clan's attack...

"Competent field staff."

In Vaughan's view, this is already a very high evaluation.

Thrai whistled and clapped, agreeing with Vaughn's words, "You see people as accurate as I am."

Vaughan didn't like such compliments from Thrai, it sounded like Thurley was praising himself in a different way.

(End of this chapter)

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