Endless Debt.

Chapter 481 The Chosen One

Chapter 481 The Chosen One

Bureau of Order, Watchtower.

In the cold and simple order bureau, the observation tower is a very suitable place for leisure and relaxation. Under the overly large panoramic sunroof, not only can you directly see the blue sky, but even the bright stars at the end of the deep blue are faintly visible.

Looking down, the sea of ​​clouds is rolling, and the reclamation room is like a reef in this endless ocean current. The sea of ​​clouds is divided in front of it, and then gathers again.

Bologo likes this very much. In this cloudy Opals, this is one of the few places where he can get some sunshine. Since he learned about this, Bologo often likes to make appointments here. Go with what Nethaniel thinks of,

When Lebius said that Nethaniel was going to meet Bologo here, the cloud in Bologo's heart dissipated a lot. Ever since he knew the existence of astronauts in the void, Bologo had always felt An invisible boulder pressed against his chest.

Bologo wanted to confide these disturbing troubles, but he knew very well that these were ominous information, and once he confides them to the people around him, it is very likely to bring disaster to them.

This is what Burlogo does not want to see.

After weighing several times, Bologo found that the only one who could listen to him was Nethaniel.

I was released from prison at the beginning because of Nethaniel's suggestion. Because of the deep umbilical cord between myself and the devil, Nethaniel seemed to regard himself as a pioneer, responsible for detecting information related to the devil.

Now that Burlog has finally uncovered a piece of the mystery, it's time to report to Nethaniel about the recent situation.

Most importantly, with Nethaniel's self-confidence and strength, Burrog believed that even if it came from the devil's revenge, he would have the ability to deal with it.

Suddenly, a powerful big hand pressed Bologo's shoulders from behind. Before he touched him, Bologo didn't notice any changes.

"Long time no see, Bologo."

A familiar voice sounded, and Bologo sat on the bench, raised his head, and saw a tall figure looking down at him, his face was backlit, blurred, and he couldn't see clearly, but Bologo knew it was Who.

"Long time no see, Minister."

Nethaniel sat next to Burrog, and stretched out his big hand to embrace Burrog's shoulders. The two seemed to be close brothers rather than bosses and employees.

With so many people in contact with grotesques, Burlogo has been desensitized, and he is used to this kind of intimacy.

"You seem to have a lot of important things to talk to me about."

Nethaniel looked at Bologo with a smile. From the initial vigilance to the calm treatment now, Nethaniel recognized Bologo's ability, and at the same time praised the director's ability to select people.

There aren't many field workers as dedicated as Burlogo these days.

Burrog said bluntly, "I seem to have seen the devil who traded my soul."

While waiting for Nethaniel, Burrog has been thinking about how to tell Nethaniel all this.

During the promotion ceremony, the weird storm and snow field, the division of body, mind and spirit, the memory of the nameless soul, breaking the anchor of the wind and snow, followed by the experience of nothingness...

These events stacked together, causing Burrog to have a splitting headache. In addition to describing these events, Burrog had to find a way to explain to Nethaniel about the world after death, and... the astronauts.


This is a vocabulary that only belongs to the memory of Bologo's "previous life". In today's era, although human beings have conquered the sky, they have not yet broken through the shackles of the sky and reached the high sky.

In this world, in this era, astronauts are something that should not appear.

But the facts cannot be refuted. The astronauts just appeared in front of his eyes, and they were deeply entangled with Burlogo's "previous life".

Just trying to explain the concept of "astronaut" to Nethaniel, Bologo found it extremely troublesome, let alone describe the matter in full detail.

So Burlogo is going to pick only the key parts to make a statement.

"In the afterlife, I saw that devil."

Burrogo went on to add.

"He said I was his...chosen one."

"The devil?" Nethaniel nodded with a smile, repeating what Bologo said, "It's still the so-called Chosen One."

After speaking, Nethaniel's expression froze, the smile on his face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his narrowed eyes gradually widened.

Serious, depressing, cold... In an instant, Nethaniel's temperament changed, like a waking lion, the muscles of his whole body were tense, and the twisted veins jumped violently, as if crawling with snakes.

"The Chosen One..."

Nethaniel repeated the word again, putting his hands on Burrog's shoulders, as if to crush Burrog's body.

"Are you sure? That devil told you so?"

The identity of the chosen one seems to be extremely special, so special that Nethaniel doesn't even care about the authenticity of the devil.

Bologo realized the importance of this information, he nodded seriously and affirmed.

"That's what he said," Burlogo said. "He said he was betting on me."

Nethaniel took a deep breath, tried to restrain his emotions, and let his breath calm down.

He sighed in a low voice, "God... Albert..."

Burlog caught "Albert", and was unexpectedly familiar with the name Burlog, as if he had heard it somewhere before, but before Burlog continued to think about the origin of the name, Nethaniel suddenly stood up .

Not allowing Bologo to resist, Nethaniel pulled Bologo up, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and then the ground began to squirm violently, and the bricks and stones were neatly separated, collapsing into a continuous flow in front of the two. down the stairs.

This is the prerogative of the deputy director. Under the will of Nethaniel, the reclamation room will open an emergency passage for Nethaniel at any time.

In the dark staircase, green safety signs were lit up, and Borrog was dragged in casually by Nethaniel like a large doll.

Burrog followed closely behind Nethaniel, "I guess the identity of 'chosen one' is very important, isn't it?"

"It's more than important! Why are you telling me this now!"

Nethaniel's voice rose, both excited and panicked.

"Huh? I can't find you!"

Burrog retorted, "I don't have any means of contacting you!"

Nethaniel fell silent. He didn't expect that he had forgotten this point. As an ordinary employee of Bologo, it was too difficult to contact him proactively.

"Alright alright……"

Nethaniel felt a little headache, "Hell, maybe he has heard our conversation."

"By whom?"

"A guy who likes to watch movies, it's part of the deal, he stays here honestly, and we act like actors, interpreting the direction of history before his eyes... Well, these things are not important, let's go first A place he can't see."

Nethaniel spoke words that Bologo could not understand, and the road in front of him continued to extend. Probably because Nethaniel felt that this was still too slow, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the figures of the two people began to blur and distort, and Bologo felt that his internal organs were moving and changing, and then the strange feeling disappeared.

It was still dark all around, nothing had changed, but Burrog could be sure that he had just traveled through a winding path.

Without waiting for Bologo to say anything, Nethaniel snapped his fingers several times in a row, and the two of them shuttled through winding paths many times.

Every time the fingers are snapped, the surrounding environment is changing rapidly, first the Court of Pillars, then the Field Service Department, the Sublimation Furnace Core, and the Court of Deep Nest...

After many times of shifting positions, Bologo and Nethaniel were finally placed in the darkness.

It's not pure darkness here. Although there is no observable light source, Bologo can still clearly see Nethaniel's appearance, as if the two of them have become some kind of luminous body, reflecting in the darkness. .

Nethaniel motioned, "Sit down."

Bologo turned his head and found that there was an extra chair under him, and then looked at Nethaniel, who had already sat down, and there was an extra low table between the two of them, with wine glasses on it.

Burrog asked curiously, "Where is this place?"

"The summoning room."

Nethaniel explained, "When you're called in by the decision-making room, you're in a space like this."

Burrog looked at the endless darkness all around, "That is to say, we are very close to the decision-making room now?"

"Almost, there is no definition of spatial orientation here, but if you have to point out the direction..." Nethaniel pointed to the top of his head, "The decision-making room is above us."

The space in the reclamation room is distorted and misplaced, and does not have a specific sense of direction. Sometimes Bologo even feels that each area is actually completely independent, but when passing through certain "doors", it will pass through a sense of no sense at all. Shuttle through winding paths, sending individuals to different areas.

"Then let's talk about the Chosen One."

Nethaniel smiled with unknown meaning, "I haven't been this nervous for many years."

(End of this chapter)

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