Endless Debt.

Chapter 483 Red Dragon

Chapter 483 Red Dragon
So far, Bologo's life has been amazing. First, the memory of "past life", ordinary childhood and growth, and then he was involved in the wrath of the scorched earth, and was taken in by the Bureau of Order during the fall of the holy city, and until now... …

With the meeting with the astronauts, Burlogo realized that he began to be confused about whether his "past life" was really a "past life"?

Is this forged by some power of the devil?And what role does this play in the astronaut's conspiracy.

Too many thoughts kept flashing in his mind, and Burrog slowly lowered his body, put his head in his hands, and tried to control his thinking so as not to fall into the quagmire of madness.

Bologo is special, he thinks he is, and all his past experiences are also strengthening Burogo's idea.

He possesses the almost perfect immortal body of the Axis of Time Tracing, bears the alchemy matrix of the overlord Xilin, and is also the chosen one of an astronaut and a devil...

My God, putting my own experience in the novel is simply the protagonist chosen by heaven.

Bologo was not happy because of this, but realized the horror hidden behind the curtain. If he was the protagonist, then he would have to take on the role of the protagonist to face the violent wind and waves.

Burlogo wasn't terrified by it, he was just a little excited now.

Unhappy, but very excited, his heart was trembling because of knowing the secret, the blood in his whole body was hot, every nerve was screaming vigorously, and he let out a hoarse battle roar.

In Jerry's words, Bologo is a somewhat narcissistic person, and his past experiences and all kinds of encounters have further distorted his personality.

Bologo is a somewhat narcissistic person with the spirit of a deformed savior. He believes in his own iron law of justice and feels that he is a flaming sword that should cut off the blood of the wicked and kill all the evil.

Beneath his seemingly sane and sober face, lies an unquenchable bloodthirsty heart.

Now Bologo is closer to the devils, and even participates in the disputes among the devils as the chosen one.


If you say that you are really the creation of King Solomon, the existence that is enough to arouse the vigilance of many chosen ones and eager to destroy...

This shows one thing, Bologo possesses the power that makes the chosen ones fear, but he has not yet noticed it.

The former Bologo felt powerless in the face of the devil, but if he was the creation of King Solomon and the cause of the fall of the Holy City, then he would have the burning sword, and then he only needs to find a way to hold it, Then go hack and kill.

"No... you're not."

Nethaniel replied bluntly, extinguishing the flames of Balogo's delusions.

"You look disappointed."

Nethaniel observed Burrog's expression. Just now, Burrog's expression was excited and distorted, like a bloodthirsty butcher, but after hearing Nethaniel's answer, he was very disappointed and looked lonely.

Bologo calmed down and covered his nature with reason, "A little bit, but it's okay."

"Oh? Your mentality... is really strange."

Nethaniel was a little hard to figure out what Bologo was thinking, "Others should be panicked and afraid when they learn that they are involved in the disputes of the devils and are deeply involved in many conspiracies, but you are very excited, as if you want to raise your sword same as people."

Bologo didn't know how to describe this, "Is it... some hobbies?"


Nethaniel laughed loudly, and then gave affirmation, "Very good hobby."

Bologo relaxed, and then laughed at himself. Sure enough, he was not the chosen one, but he thought too much.

Fortunately, Burlogo was not lost because of this. As early as in Fengyuan Heights, when Ralph scolded Palmer, his mentality changed there.

Palmer was not special, he just happened to be the son of Vaughan, and he happened to be born in the era when the road to the wind was completed.

The same is true for Burlogo. Burlogo is not special, and many of his experiences just happened to catch up.

No one is special, everyone is replaceable.

"Red Dragon."

Suddenly, Nethaniel stated, "This is our code name for that unknown thing."

Bologo is not unfamiliar with this term. After Adele saved himself, Bologo began to listen to her teachings, which mentioned this existence.

"Seven heads and ten horns, wearing a crown."

Adele described the red dragon rising from the abyss in this way. It flapped its wings vigorously, and everywhere it went was scorched earth, destroying the paradise on earth, and then marched towards the kingdom of heaven above the dome until the stars fell.

The world-destroying red dragon.

"It's interesting to say, according to the records, we really thought you were the 'Red Dragon' at first," Nethaniel said, "The only survivor of Fall of the Holy City, carrying a near-perfect immortal body. "

"During the 66 years of detaining you, we have been investigating things related to you, trying to find evidence that can prove that you are the 'Red Dragon'. Unfortunately, you are not."

Burrog said, "Maybe it's just a coincidence. I just happened to be there, became a debtor, and became an undead."

"Coincidence, but not entirely a coincidence," Nethaniel said, "After all, you are the chosen one of the devil, the agent of the next dispute."

Burrog froze.

Yes, on the one hand, he feels that he is not special, but the identity of the chosen one always reminds him of his specialness.

Nethaniel put forward his own conjecture, "Perhaps... you are indeed related to the 'Red Dragon', so you were chosen by the devil?"

The words deep in memory echoed in Burrog's mind at this moment.

"The tyrant once said this to me. He has been looking for someone. He said that I resemble that person, but it's just like that. I'm not that person."

Bologo suddenly realized, "What the tyrant is looking for is the 'red dragon'?"

The devil cannot interfere in the world, and can only send chosen ones to win the disputes for them. The "red dragon" created by King Solomon is enough to threaten all the chosen ones and become the only winner.

Whoever gets the "Red Dragon" is the winner.

"Maybe, no one knows what it is, it may be a person, it may be an object, or even a conceptual level."

Nethaniel waved his hand, expressing his helplessness, "After all, apart from you, we can't find another survivor, and you have very little memory of that period of history."

Bologo said, "I feel that even if I remember anything, it will not be of much help. From the beginning to the end, I have never reached the inside of the sacred city. I 'dead' on the periphery."

The two of them fell silent at the same time, sorting out the thoughts in their minds and soothing their tired will.

What is certain is that the sacred city was destroyed before the "Red Dragon" released its power, which means that the "Red Dragon" is still in this land, but after so many years, no matter the order , or the king's secret sword, or even the tyrant, could not find its trace.

Burogo said, "So, the strife between the devils is not over yet. The Fall of the Holy City is just an intermission. Everyone is accumulating strength and making a comeback."

Nethaniel replied, "In the records, this is the longest dispute among demons."

All the wars are connected in series, from the Scorched Wrath to the Secret War, all these are not a continuation of the war, but a part of this grand dispute.

It never ends.

"So... behind the Bureau of Order, there is also a devil standing, right?"

Bologo's tone became solemn, and he clenched his fists slowly. In fact, when Nethaniel mentioned these, he was already mentally prepared and guessed such a possibility, but when the conjecture became a fact , Bologo still has a feeling that can't be said.

The devil never went away, he was always around Burrog, maybe when Burrog worked every day, he was watching himself from the sidelines.

"Yes, there is also a devil behind the Bureau of Order, but this devil...is a bit special."

Nethaniel didn't know how to describe him, "Among all the devils, he can be regarded as the most harmless one."

"That's a devil too!"

Boluoge said firmly, and then he was discouraged. After all, Boluoge himself is also a debtor, and he is also a chosen one. He is a minion imposed by the devil on the world...

"Then put it another way, Bologo."

Nethaniel said mysteriously, "We have enslaved this devil."


"Yes, enslavement, we bound him in some shady way."

Nethaniel raised his hand and clenched his fist vigorously, showing his strength.

"See, the devil isn't always invincible.

At least for now. "

(End of this chapter)

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