Endless Debt.

Chapter 485 For All Humanity

Chapter 485 For All Humanity

The strife among the devils harvests the souls of human beings. This is a sacrifice that uses the world as a melting pot. The devils will feast on it every hundred years and carry out the greedy atrocities.

This kind of sacrifice lasted for an unknown amount of time, until a hundred years ago, with the advancement of human beings in the alchemy matrix technology and the betrayal of Thurley, human beings ended the War of Dawn, successfully prevented the demons from eating for the first time, and disrupted their normal life. Disputes and sacrifices.

Bologo lowered his head slightly and clasped his hands together. After a while, he stretched out his hand, took Nethaniel's wine glass, and drank it down in one gulp, letting the wine irritate his throat.

The former Bologo was entangled in the anger of hatred, relying on alcohol to numb his nerves every day and night, so that he could sleep peacefully.

Since avenging Adele, Bologo's heart has ushered in a long-lost peace. He no longer needs to rely on alcohol to escape the night. Bologo no longer drinks, at most he just drinks juice or something.

Now, Bologo needs alcohol again. After drinking a glass, he feels that it is not enough, so he directly grabs the bottle and pours it vigorously towards the mouth of the bottle.

Nethaniel raised his hand to stop it, but Bologo had already gulped down, and Nethaniel looked at the falling water in the bottle with a heartbroken face.

This bottle of wine was Nethaniel's treasure, and what made him even more unacceptable was that Bologo's attitude of drinking plain water was simply ruining a good thing.

Throwing the empty wine bottle into the darkness, the expected sound of glass shattering did not sound, and there was no echo, as if Bologo threw the wine bottle into the abyss and fell into the endless darkness.

Burrog looked suspiciously at the dark space, thought for a few seconds, and then smiled in relief.

Forget it, the weirdness of the summoning room is completely incomparable with what Nethaniel mentioned today.

Centuries of soul sacrifices, strife among demons, fighting of the chosen ones, and even the lost red dragon with seven heads and ten horns...

The devil is interspersed in every time point of human history, like a real chess player independent of the world, wantonly manipulating the direction of the world.

In their eyes, human beings are just livestock that can sustainably produce resources. Everything the devils do is for greater profits, more souls, and within the scope of sustainable output, do their best to steal more souls.

Bologo even felt that the dispute among the devils was not only about dealing with conflicts, but also dividing the accounts of the souls obtained in the soul sacrifice according to the success or failure of the chosen ones.

That's right... that's it. Isn't the biggest contradiction and the biggest dispute among the devils the pursuit of souls?
The world is limited, human beings are limited, and souls are also limited. Every devil is a competitor. No matter how great the contradiction is, it cannot compare with the competition between them.

"Become the chosen one, and go deep into the disputes of the devils, so that you can know their purpose, and even the essence of the devils, and find the possibility of counterattack."

Burrog murmured, his eyes brightened, full of motivation and desire, "I think, I have nothing to refuse."

"Oh? I thought you would agree, but I didn't expect it to be this happy," Nethaniel said. "I thought I needed to do some mental work for you."

"Why do you think so?"

"After all, it is a mysterious devil. Even if your immortal body can make you ignore death, you must know that this gift is bestowed on you by the devil, and of course they can take it back."

Nethaniel said, "In other words, if that day does come, you will no longer be undead."

"Do you think I'm afraid of death?" Bologo smiled and shook his head. "I'm looking forward to that day, so that I can clean up with the devil. He takes away his gift, and I redeem my soul."

Nethaniel, "Interesting, maybe you are still young, so you feel that way."

"I'm not like those people, and time changes something inside, but I don't think I'm corrupted," Burlogo said.

Cerley, who had been a mystery in the past and had a gloomy heart, and Ralph, who was once honored and now struggling to survive...


The awe-inspiring ultimate, facing the scythe of death, whether it is a noble hero or a humble thief, will reveal their own essence in front of the silent death and undergo consideration.

In the face of death, Bologo is not afraid, on the contrary, he feels that he is very honest.


Nethaniel asked again. He found that his understanding of Borrog was basically derived from various text files. Some things cannot be recorded in words. Only when you really face this person can you perceive a thing or two. .

"It's simple, I am blessed."

Burrogo said innocently, "I must have been born for something, such as killing those damned devils."

After experiencing so much, Bologo's illness seems to have aggravated a bit. He regards himself as the savior, the savior who achieves salvation by means of destruction.

Nethaniel was stunned for two seconds, and laughed uncontrollably. He had chatted with many people, and when they talked about the essence of their hearts, they also gave different answers. In any case, he did not expect that Burrog would say so.

"What is this? For love and peace."

"Love and peace?" Burrog nodded thoughtfully. "A good goal."

Bologo actually thought that Nethaniel was approving his own words, love and peace. Bologo began to like this word, simple and straightforward, easier for the enemy to understand than his twisted iron law of axioms.

"Damn it."

Nethaniel sighed, covered his face, and tried hard to control his smile.

love and peace.

This sentence often appears in the words of children, but now it comes out of Burrog's mouth, there is an unimaginable sense of contrast, the contrast is so strong that Nethaniel even feels a little dazed.

It was at this time that Nethaniel truly felt the strangeness of Bologo. Under all kinds of terrible, noble, or ordinary auras, what was covered was such an undisguised person.

"However, there was only more than forty years between the Wrath of the Scorched Earth and the Daybreak War."

Bologo discovered some problems. According to the calculation of the Hundred Years War, the interval between the soul sacrifices this time has been shortened too much.

Nethaniel said, "We don't know the specific situation, but judging from the information we got from the devil we restrained, we speculate that because of the failure of the Daybreak War, we disrupted their soul harvesting steps. And then affect themselves.

The soul is very important to them... They are very anxious, so after only 40 years, another war started, and this war was interrupted by the power of King Solomon, and has continued until now. "

Bologo tried to put himself into the perspective of the devils, "It seems that these devils also have their own goals, and they are eager to harvest enough souls within the deadline."

What is it for?

What is the soul to the devil?A source of strength, or some kind of essential food?
In the dark world, Bologo's mood is a little delicate. After learning about the secret past and the actions of human beings hindering the devil, Thurley's figure keeps flashing before his eyes.

Thurley Villelis.

For this casual night clan lord, Bologo knew more and more about him, but the more he knew, the more he felt an indescribable... strangeness.

As an undead, everyone has an extremely complicated past in a long life, but Bologo never thought that Threy's past could be so complicated that even if it was made into a movie, it would have to be made into a trilogy. The type that can be barely explained.

Bologo decided that next time he saw Threi, he must torture him thoroughly, even if he kept silent, he would find a way to pry out some clues.

Bologo thought of this question, "After Thurley's betrayal, the devils should start to be wary of this."

"Yes, it is much more difficult to stop the dispute this time. Fortunately, we are not the same as we were a hundred years ago."

Bologo understands what Nethanir relies on. The alchemy matrix technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years. Even if human beings cannot fight against devils, it is no longer a problem to fight against those who are chosen with chips.

The chess pieces on the chessboard gradually had their own will, and they no longer belonged to any side, and burned blazingly until they burned through the chessboard and broke the shackles of fate.

Added Nethaniel, "Honestly, it could have been worse."


"Have you noticed it? The concentration of ether has risen."

Nethaniel's words struck Burrog's heart like a thunderbolt. Since Amy mentioned the TEDA research to himself, Burrog has been concerned about the increase in ether concentration. Now he realizes that he is not alone. , Nethaniel also noticed this.

"If you know anything about your staff, you should know that TEDA mentioned it," Burlogo said.

"Yes, I also know this phenomenon from TEDA's research."

Bologo was stunned, and asked back, "Then why do you..."

"If this phenomenon is true, then the scope of influence is too great. The decision-making room chose to deal with it coldly, but in secret, it has been sending scholars to conduct research. If there were no things that happened later, when Baili took over TEDA and joined the scholars When he is in the palace, he can continue to study this phenomenon."

Nethaniel explained, "You also know what happened later."

Burrog fell silent.

"After the research of the Palace of Scholars, it can be determined that with the passage of time, the concentration of ether in the entire world is constantly rising, and an ether tide is affecting this world in units of a hundred years."

Nethaniel continued, "We made a lot of hypotheses about this, such as whether the etheric tides are related to demons."

"The results of it?"

"There is no result. We don't even know what the devil is," Nethaniel said helplessly. "We are like pioneers in the dark night. God knows what we will encounter next."

"But what we can know is that with the arrival of the ether tide, our perception of the secret source has become clearer, and the alchemy matrix technology is also advancing by leaps and bounds."

Nethaniel said worriedly, "Technology is advancing so fast that it's scary."

"What are you afraid of?"

Bologo straightened out his thoughts and found that most of the part of the induction training that Jeffrey told himself before was false.

It's okay to look at it this way. With my position at the time, knowing what is enough is enough. Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

Some people can be muddled, some people need to stay awake.

"A hundred years ago, even if we tried our best, we could only tear down castles, let alone castles, as long as a suitable extraordinary disaster is enough to destroy a country."

Nethaniel is worried about the unknown future, "We have such power, and our enemies also have such power."

"What's worse is that the devils have become vigilant. They have discovered the progress of our alchemy matrix technology under the ether tide. The human beings who have been harvested by the devil have the power to resist. What do you think they will do next?"

"The lambs raised in captivity have grown fangs and claws," Burrog said in a low voice, "the teeth were pulled out, and the claws were cut off."

"The decision-making room has been suspecting that what we are facing next may not be another dispute, but a mass extinction, the mass extinction of the sublimationists, destroying our alchemy matrix system, and completely breaking our backs."

"Do you think the devil can wield that kind of power?"

Bologo doubts this, the devil cannot directly affect the world, as long as the chosen ones are dealt with.

"I've always felt this way, Bologo, don't underestimate the glory of human beings, and don't underestimate the despicableness of human beings."

Nethaniel said meaningfully, the sadness on his face disappeared, and turned into a little joy.

"It is difficult to deal with the devils. We have always been under a lot of pressure, but this time is different. We have the opportunity to try and make mistakes, and we are no longer alone."

Now that the Bureau of Order has two Chosen Ones, no matter what the devil behind them wants to do, it will always be the Chosen Ones who really make the decision. Although the other Chosen Ones are still hidden in the dark, at least for now, they occupy the Certain advantages.

Nethaniel stared at Balogo, as if swearing.

"No matter what the devil's conspiracy behind you is, the Bureau of Order will always be on your side, just like you will always be on the side of love and peace."

Nethaniel stretched out his hand and said, "For love and peace."

Bologo didn't respond immediately, but thought about the information he got from talking with Nethaniel. Should he be the deputy director of the Order Bureau?Compared with other people, what Nethaniel said is the real secret.

Thinking of what I will encounter next, the mission with unknown purpose, the upcoming conspiracy, and those hateful devils...

Burrog nodded solemnly, and firmly held hands with Nethaniel.

"For love and peace."

Burlogo added, "By the way for movies, rock music... and everything worthwhile."

 Returning to Shenyang was delayed for a while, and I will temporarily update it today

(End of this chapter)

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