Endless Debt.

Chapter 493 Fan Meeting

Chapter 493 Fan Meeting

Oath City Opals.

This is a magical, interesting, and demon-dancing city. In some travel magazines, editors often describe it like this,

"If you are bored with your numb life, if you are bored with the same life, if you want to see things beyond your knowledge.

Come to Oath City Opals!This ghost place will never let you down. "

ghost place.

That's right, that's how those editors described Opals.

This is a charming land that fascinates everyone, but when you ask them why they came here, they can't tell.

It may be the strange culture of people from other lands intertwined under the mixed fish and dragons, it may be the city's sense of tolerance that accommodates everything, it may be the wonder of the big crack in the center, or it may simply be the history of the city.

Duddell, like many strangers, came from a remote town, where news was cut off, outdated, there was no music, no movies.

Duddle used to live in that world. According to the plan of his family, he would work in a factory when he became an adult, get married at an appropriate age, have children, and repeat the process for his next generation.

In the dead of night, Dudell would think about what is the meaning of such a life, but after thinking about it, Dudell himself could not figure it out.

One day, under a certain opportunity, Dudell heard that passionate melody, and since then he can no longer bear the dead and silent town.Duddell left his hometown and came to Opals.

Duddell likes this city, although many people say that Opals is not a city suitable for living. It is changing with each passing day, and new things are born every day, and old things are eliminated.

Many people can't adapt to the rhythm of Opals, and once many people get used to this place, it will be difficult for them to get used to other cities. This place is just so amazing.

This is a gorgeous city, but also a dark city, with a huge gap between rich and poor, numerous gangs, an astonishingly high crime rate, and a steady stream of foreigners. Oh, yes, there is also a dark city like the Great Rift. land, and the gray tide smog that erupts from its interior from time to time.

Those editors were right, it really is a hell of a place.

Here is everything you want, and this city will take away everything you want.

Duddell is well aware of all this, but he doesn't mind it. If he can, he is willing to live here forever.

The lights flickered continuously, the elegant melody disappeared, people screamed and fled the building, only Duddell stood calmly by the pothole in the chaos.

The raised dust stained Dudell's high-end clothes. Under such circumstances, Dudell was also stunned for a while, and then laughed out loud.

The stressful date he felt was messed up like this, and Dudell suddenly felt an unspeakable sense of freedom, and then fear overwhelmed Duddle's consciousness.

People who have lived in Opals for a long time are more or less nervous, and they are used to seeing all kinds of criminal conflicts, such as the robbery involving several blocks a while ago, but when this When this kind of thing really falls on me, it still tests my mentality.

The dug hole confined Dudell to a corner of the room, and he had nowhere to escape. After forcing himself to calm down, Duddell sat back on the chair and poured himself a glass of wine. If you have paid for it, you will lose money if you don’t drink it.

Alcohol slightly numb the nervous nerves, Dudell comforted himself, after this matter was over, he could tell this bad luck as a joke on the radio.

That's right, Duddle comforted himself like this whenever he encountered bad luck.

"The station has a story to tell tonight."

From this point of view, Duddle is also a very dedicated expert.

There was a violent vibration from below the pothole, as well as the roar of wild beasts. The ghost knew what was going on below, and Dudell's face began to turn pale. He tried to think of some good things to relax his spirit.

Suddenly, the restlessness below subsided, and it was completely quiet.

Dudell looked nervously at the pit, and then a grapple hook was nailed into the edge of the pit, the hook cable was tightened and retracted, and the man jumped up from below.

The man's body was gray, and his clothes were torn with several big holes. He looked very embarrassed. He seemed to be looking for something, his eyes swept around vigilantly, and he exuded a full killing intent.

His eyes fell on Dudell, and Dudell felt that the man's eyes were as sharp as knives. Dudell instinctively looked away, avoiding the man's gaze.

Then something happened that Dudell couldn't figure out, the knife-like gaze actually softened, and turned a little fiery.

In this absurd situation, the man held the cold blade in both hands, and said excitedly, "Duddle?"

Duddell was about to cry.

For a moment, Dudell recalled his social circle. With his nocturnal creature's work and rest habits, he hardly had any friends except work, so how could he know such a person.

The man walked over quickly, the bright light was reflected on the blade, matching the excited look on the man's face.

Duddell was really about to cry, tears were already rolling in his eye sockets.

"It's really not a good time to meet."

The man complained in a low voice, and looked around vigilantly from time to time. He seemed to be in a hurry, let go of the blade in his right hand, grabbed Duddell's hand, and shook it vigorously a few times.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Duddle!"

It was difficult for Dudell to think about the matter at hand.

The man said happily, "I'm your fan!"

Duddell began to have trouble understanding the word "fan".

"Ah... ah ah ah!"

Dudell has lost his basic speech ability, and can only utter different syllables to express his emotions.

The man's enthusiasm has not yet been vented, he imitated the classic opening speech in front of him, imitating Dudell's tone.

"Gray fog! Industry!"

The man looked at Dudell expectantly, making mouth shapes, as if he wanted to shout out the next words with Duddell.

“Delicious Shrimp Crackers!”

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

Duddle was crying, the tears blurred his vision, and he didn't know why he was crying.

Is it the shock of fear, or the passionate interaction with fans in this situation, which made me cry with excitement.

Forget it, who cares about such a thing?
At least it is certain that this guy in front of him is really his fan, and then Dudell sighed in his heart, how can he have such a fan, who usually listens to his radio station.

The man was very happy, and God knows why he would be happy because of this kind of thing.

"See you next time, Durdle!"

After the two clapped hands, the man waved his hand at Dudell, threw the hook upwards, and disappeared.

He came like a hurricane and left like a hurricane, leaving only the ruins of this place and Dudell's desolate heart.

Dudell was stunned for a long time, and then he slowly collapsed on the ground with a dazed expression.

"I love this damn place."

Duddell murmured.


Burrog leaped into the shadows of the city again, sprinting on hooklines.

I never thought that I would meet Duddell here. Unfortunately, I still have things to do now, otherwise Bologo would have to pull Duddell and talk to him about music appreciation.

Burlogo is indeed a fan of Dudell, in every sense, and it is difficult for him to refuse peripheral products related to Duddell, such as the meals recommended by Duddell.He couldn't say why.

But private life is private life, work is work, and now Burlogo has more important things to do.

After falling into the building with the beast, the beast thought that he could gain an advantage because he was in close proximity, but Burrog quickly taught it a sufficient lesson.

In the blink of an eye, Burrog pierced the body of the beast with his spear, and when he was about to kill it, the beast disappeared into the shadows strangely and left the battlefield.

Bologo guessed that this should be some kind of diversion method, it should not have escaped far, and now Bologo can still vaguely detect the etheric residue of the beast.

Under Bologo's speculation, the other party should not be an alchemy creature, but a Sublimator, and the secret energy may be the Ascension School, turning itself into that weird beast.

Anyway, the riots had already started, so Bologo simply stopped holding back. With the blessing of the ether, he was as fast as a phantom, walking between the roofs of the city, chasing the beasts.

Suddenly, an invisible threat approached from a distance, without any sound, and there was no etheric reaction. In this night environment, Burlogo was completely unaware of all this.

The cold metal brushed against his arm, scraping off a patch of blood. Bologo stopped on a rooftop and quickly hid in the bunker, but soon another bullet pierced through the air under the night.

According to the location where the previous bullet hit, this bullet should not have hit Burogo who was hiding behind the bunker, but the high-speed bullet deflected at a certain angle and hit Burogo.

Faint sparks flashed on the scales, and Bologl had already put on iron armor. It seemed that there were more than one attacker, and they were all hiding from Burrog's sight.

"Mr. Borogo Lazarus."

A distorted murmur sounded behind Bologo. When Bologo turned around, a dark beast jumped out of the shadows. It seemed to be able to walk through the shadows, and its whereabouts were strange and unpredictable.

Bologo and the beast collided and wrestled with each other. For a while, no one could do anything to the other. Dense spikes burst out from the scales, piercing the body of the beast repeatedly. Under the damaged wound, there was no blood overflowing, but Strands of restless ether.

The beast's bloody maw was close at hand, and a human face emerged from the darkness on the head. His dark and crazy eyes were fixed on Bolog, and he shouted to Bolog.

"I am your fan!"

(End of this chapter)

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