Endless Debt.

Chapter 500 Collectors

Chapter 500 Collectors

Only Ferguson and Burlogo were left in the empty carriage. The carriage shook slightly, and the two looked at each other.

"Strange...how did you find me."

Ferguson asked inexplicably. According to the intelligence, Burlogo should have no means of tracking.

Burlog didn't hide it either. He raised his hand, and there was an extremely slender silver thread wrapped around his fingertips. It was lighter than a hair. If Burlog hadn't shown it on his own initiative, Ferguson would not have noticed its existence.

Waved his hand to disturb the silver thread, many entangled silver threads appeared in the air, dancing wildly, Ferguson lowered his head, and at some point, a silver thread wrapped around his ankle.

Ferguson thought about it, the handaxe that was thrown, extended a silver thread the moment it hit the ground, and connected Ferguson. Relying on the characteristics of the snake scale fluid, as long as Burogo continues to proliferate the silver thread in his own domain, Just let them extend indefinitely.

"Do you want to continue fighting?"

Bologo opened his hands and leaned back carelessly, the flames of the fire were ready to go, and Bologo could turn the train compartment into a closed iron coffin at any time.

Ferguson thought for a while, then he shook his head, took out Tranquility Fang from his arms, put it aside, and disarmed himself towards Burlogo.

"I have no chance."

Ferguson raised his hands as he spoke, with a wry smile on his face.

A hint of disappointment flashed in Burrogo's eyes, "I thought you would resist to the end."

"I'm still more or less sane, and fighting with you now is just asking for my own death."

Bologo was too close to Ferguson. Judging from Bologo's violent methods, at this distance, even with the protection of the devil, it was still difficult for Ferguson to fight against him.

A steady stream of ether cannot heal a traumatized body.

Ferguson had a whim, the undead seemed to be a perfect match for this protection, the immortal body could suffer all the pain and obtain endless ether.

But Ferguson was just thinking about it. He didn't envy the undead, especially the undead who had obtained the protection of collectors.

Ferguson had seen that person, the power of immortality made him stand forever, and the emptiness brought about by the protection gave him endless torture.

It was after meeting that man that Ferguson understood that death is a kindness and the key to escape from this prison of suffering.

"Indeed, you have no chance of winning. Your tendency is to be blunt. No matter what you want to do, I can be one step ahead of you."

Burrog nodded affirmatively, expounding on Ferguson's power, capturing his mind.

Now Bologo has roughly figured out Ferguson's secret power. He is also a member of the School of Control just like himself, but unlike himself, Ferguson's secret power tends to be broad and blunt.

Relying on the tendency of being broad and blunt, the range of influence of Ferguson's secret energy can reach several kilometers, so he can control those galloping warheads and hit him at a deceitful angle.

Ferguson is an excellent assassin. Under the limitation of distance, few people can survive his shooting, but once Ferguson is close, his advantage will be converted into an irreparable disadvantage.

The tendency to be broad and blunt is doomed that Ferguson's secret energy efficiency is not as high as that of Burrogo. In this kind of close game, the battle may last only a few seconds.

In these few seconds, Bologo can swing a sword, gun, sword and halberd, and it is a question whether Ferguson can move the sword to resist.

Ferguson made the best solution, his heart was blank, without the slightest sense of shame.

Sometimes Ferguson felt like a walking dead.

"who are you?"

Burrog played with the fire ax in his hand and began the interrogation.

"Zongge Orchestra."

Ferguson was surprisingly candid.

"Why are you attacking me?"

"Collectors want to add a piece to their collection, so we're here to try and capture you."

Burrog narrowed his eyes. He thought that these psychopaths belonged to the Unbound Poetry Society, but now it seems that this is not the case, and there is another collector...

"Favorite me?" Burrog laughed. "Does he have strange hobbies like you?"

"Well," said Ferguson, "if you really knew her, you would understand that."

"What do you mean?"

"Collector is just one of her many pronouns," Ferguson said. "You should understand this. The name is magical. The closer it is to her real name, the more it will attract her attention."

Burrogo pretended to be flattered, "That means... I'm being targeted by a devil?"

Ferguson saw through Burlogo's poor performance, "Aren't you scared?"

Burrog shook his head. As early as he knew his duty as the Chosen One, Burrog had anticipated the direct conflict between himself and the devils.

It is easy for human beings to adapt to the status quo. Bologo has begun to get used to the frequent appearance of devils in his life, but he did not expect that all this will come so soon.

"You are more mysterious than I imagined. It seems that the information given by the collector has hidden a lot of important information," Ferguson murmured, and then he smiled, "It's not important anyway."

"Yeah, it doesn't matter anymore."

Burrog stood up slowly, carrying the fire ax on his shoulders, and then he saw something in Ferguson's eyes.

The dark pupils were like mirrors, reflecting Burrog's figure and the silvery white light floating outside the dark car window behind Burrog.

Secret Energy · Driven Order.

Mastering the secret energy of the School of Control and the broad and blunt tendency, Ferguson can inject his own ether into the matter to consume the ether stored in the matter, and then gain the power to control it, and the range of control is extremely wide, covering several kilometers scope.

At this moment, the advantage of range was gone, only Ferguson's desperate fight, the suspended sharp sword pierced the window, and at the same time, the flames of the cauldron were blazing, engulfing the entire train in an instant.


The subway entered the station silently, and stopped steadily beside the platform. The previously crowded platform was empty, only a group of gloomy-looking guys stood here. Outside the subway station, they pulled up a cordon in the name of criminal incidents to separate the crowd.

The surrounding area has entered a state of control, and many figures are hiding in the crowd, searching for those restless figures.

Marion inhaled forcefully, the flame on the cigarette butt brightened, then dimmed again, he swallowed, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and stomped it out.

"I'm starting to hate this job."

Marion complained to his colleagues on the side. A few minutes ago, he was about to clock in when he got off work, and the order from the Field Service Department came out suddenly.

They detected multiple abnormal etheric reactions in Opals, and identified the etheric reactions of the field staff from them. The field department classified this incident as a sudden extraordinary conflict. As a member of the logistics department, Mali En is responsible for rushing to the scene and dealing with follow-up matters.

Only the logistics department was dispatched for this operation, and the field department did not send anyone. It seemed that they had great trust in the field staff and felt that he could handle these things well.

Great, the absolute trust between each other, but as a victim of this trust, Marion is very upset. This sudden overtime work will be extremely unpleasant to anyone, not to mention how many disturbances this field worker has created along the way. It all takes Marion to handle it.

The car door was opened together, and the door facing Marion overflowed with blood, and Marion instinctively put his hand on the pistol at his waist.

Through the open door, Marion could see the twisted and deformed carriage, and the painted blood everywhere.

A figure stepped out from behind the car door, he noticed the staff on the platform, and before Marion drew his gun to warn, he identified himself.

"Yo! Good evening, Marion."

Hearing the familiar voice of the other party, a nightmare rose in Marion's mind. He gritted his teeth and said, "Bologo..."

Burrog held the fire ax and waved it vigorously, saying hello.

After working for a long time, Burlogo has become more or less familiar with the people in the logistics department, such as Marion who often handles troubles for Burlogo.

Burlogo regards Marion as his good partner, just like a knight and his war horse, while Marion regards Burlogo as a disaster star, and every disturbance caused by Burlogo is extremely difficult to deal with. For example, when the time axis is out of order.

Marion covered his forehead, he was ready to work overtime until late at night.

"By the way, come and do me a favor!"

Boluoge greeted, and then dragged out a scarred body from the carriage. What was even more puzzling was that the upper body of this unlucky ghost was ragged, and his underwear was exposed on the lower body.

Marion shifted his gaze to Burrog, who shyly raised his ill-fitting trousers.

(End of this chapter)

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