Endless Debt.

Chapter 503 Sunshine Hotel

Chapter 503 Sunshine Hotel
Solemn, depressing, heavy, cold, clear straight lines and right angles, advanced and modern, simple and efficient...

For a long time, the staff have had many words to describe the style of the reclining room, but under the conclusion of Burlogo, he felt that one word is enough to perfectly describe everything in the reclining room.


Well-organized order.

This is the style of the reclamation room. Whether it is the benches for rest, the division of areas, or even the classification of authority, everything is classified and sorted according to a certain standard, completely bound by a cold and solid order.

Order brings sanity and stability, just like an unshakable safe house. As long as you are in the reclamation room, you can let go of all the sense of crisis and let the reclamation room protect you.

But now, the reason and order fully trusted by the staff are gradually collapsing in front of Bologo's eyes. The neat bricks and stones are broken, and the straight edges are covered with broken gaps. Behind the collapsed walls, endless darkness is exposed, and the A series of pale electric arcs.

Signs of safe passages piled up in disorder on the ground, walls, and ceiling, all pointing to the back of Bologo, as if the will from the reclamation room was guiding Bologo to escape from this place.

That's too late.

The light around him began to flicker rapidly. In the alternation of light and dark, Bologo could clearly perceive the changes around him. The whole space was distorted and deformed by some kind of force, and the straight lines twisted into arcs, showing that The annihilation of order and sanity.

In an instant, the safe passage sign emitting green light turned into eye-catching red, as if a virus was spreading in the light, and the red light spread rapidly, devouring all the green light, and turning Burogo's face red with blood .

Bologo was not interested in exploring the mystery of the reclamation room. He turned his head and ran towards the direction indicated by the safe passage. The previously straight and deep corridor had begun to bend and deform.

As if a pair of big hands were forcibly breaking the space, the corridor was twisted and forged like iron bars, the bricks and stones began to shatter, and a lot of gravel and dust swayed, and Bologo's pace was a little unsteady as he ran wildly. The ground under his feet is bending towards the other side.

The corridor's supposedly rectangular cross-section is being twisted into a weird parallelogram, and some positions have been twisted around in space, and the bricks and stones are stacked together, presenting a superimposed spiral pattern.

The alchemy matrix operates efficiently, and the ether is inexhaustible. Bologo tried to spread the flame of the cauldron to prevent the deformation of the space, but this is a reclamation room, a huge imaginary domain, and the imaginary domain is full of ether. Under the mutual repulsion of ether, Burrog's resistance was useless.

Bologo still remembers Fu En's praise for the reclamation room. If the Void Realm is divided by the rank of sublimation person, the reclamation room is undoubtedly the Void Realm of the level of the Glory One, and it is the closest to the crowned person among the many Glory Persons. virtual domain.

In a stable state, the reclamation room is a safe house sheltered from wind and rain, but when the reclamation room becomes agitated, it will turn into a crazy and disorderly ruined area.

Boluogo poured all the ether into his legs, relying on the aether boost, he moved forward at high speed like a cannonball.

Behind Borrog, the corridor began to collapse, like wrought iron full of threads, the space folded together, exposing the dark space behind the masonry, the bright arc broke through the limit, whipping the matter in the way, obliterating them into powder.

Bologo gritted his teeth and moved forward. He noticed that the corridor in front of him had changed, and it was the same as when he came before. It split into multiple forks. Just as Bologo was hesitating, signs of safe passages appeared on the wall , Continue to guide Burlogo.

Time was running out, and Bologo had no time to think. He rushed into the fork indicated by the safe passage, and the scenery in front of him was still the monotonous, unchanged corridor, with no end in sight.

While running wildly, Bologo vaguely heard singing, coming from behind the cracked darkness.

A woman sang emotionally, in a language that Bologo couldn't make out.

The warm liquid ran across Bologo's cheeks, and Bologo's expression froze for a moment. He raised his hand to wipe his cheeks, only to see many teardrops on the palm of his hand.

In Burlog's life, he cried very few times. Sometimes, Burrog felt that he would never cry again in his life, but now the tears overflowed uncontrollably.

Out of fear?

How is this possible?As an undead man, how could Bologo be so frightened that he shed tears because of this kind of thing? Facing the disorderly reclamation room, Bologo was at most a little anxious and nervous, as well as worried about the unknown.

Emotions mixed together, far from being able to evolve into tears of fear.

But Bologo cried uncontrollably like this, and as the woman continued to sing, an unimaginable sense of sadness overflowed from his heart.

This sudden emotion made Bologo very confused, and the euphemistic lament was poured out in his ears, and the incomprehensible language gradually became clear.

"On this day of tears."

The syllables struck Bologo's heart, and the tears had already flowed out. Bologo's eye sockets were red, and scarlet blood overflowed from under the eyelids.

Bologo staggered a few steps, vomited blood, his spirit began to be in a trance, and endless exhaustion covered his body, urging him to stop and sleep here.

It can't stop yet, Bologo has a hunch that once it stops here, even the Axis of Time Tracing will not be able to save himself.

The building shattered and collapsed, revealing the dark emptiness behind it. Electric arcs and lasers coexist, like the handwriting of a master, scribbling masterpieces.

Bologo didn't dare to look back, and he didn't have time to look back. At the end of the corridor, the gentle dawn light was emitting warmth, like a rope made of light in this endless darkness.

Holding on tight to the rope, Bologo thought, whatever lies beyond this dawn is better than being swallowed by the darkness behind.

As Burrog got closer, his body became more and more tired. At the same time, the wailing female voice became clearer and louder.

"Sinners to be judged."

She is so sad, as if carrying all the sorrows in the world.

"Will rise from the ashes."

Burrog couldn't run anymore, and the surrounding masonry twisted together, shattered into debris and returned to darkness. Soon, Burrog would also be one of them.

Just when Bologo was about to fall, an inexplicable force grabbed Bologo's body, like the silk thread of a puppet, forcing his body to move again.

Towards the dawn.

This time, Burrog's speed was much faster than before, and he was at his mercy like a walking dead.

As the light approached, Bologo could clearly see what it looked like at the end of the dawn.

It was an open door. Near the door, there were densely packed safe passage signs stacked on top of each other, like clusters of crystals.

Now they all dimmed, leaving only the villain on the logo, keeping running.

Run behind Burrog.

This is not a safe house, and even compared with the darkness behind, the real crisis is after the dawn.

Bologo was stunned. Unfortunately, at this moment, he had no strength to resist. He was dragged by that unknown force and crashed into the dawn.

The gate closed, the light dissipated, and the safety passage signs lit up again, flashing a dazzling red light.

The female voice became severe, and the darkness became restless. All the surrounding bricks and stones collapsed into the darkness, and just before the darkness approached, the door began to blur and dissipate.

The darkness engulfed everything, and in the turbid shadow of nothingness, only female voices remained, continuing to sing elegy.


Bologo fell to the ground. Judging from the touch of his body, he was lying on the cold tiles. The coolness made his hot body cool down a lot.

Reluctantly opening his eyes, under the blurred vision of blood, Bologo could see neatly arranged grid tiles.

Seeing these orderly lines now, Bologo was unexpectedly happy, even though he knew that he might have stepped into another dangerous place.

The strength gradually returned to the body, and the lost senses became sharp again. Boluogo raised his head, and bursts of warm light hit his body, making people feel like the sunset in the afternoon.

Rubbing his eyes and wiping off the blood, Bologo's vision became clear, and then he realized that he was in a strange place.

In fact, there is nothing strange here, on the contrary, it is normal.

It's a bit confusing to say, after seeing too many strange things, this place is too normal, but it makes Burlogo feel a sense of distortion hidden in the normality.

This is an inn, an inn full of sunshine.

Burrog swears that the lighting here is better than any house he has ever seen.

It was as if the sun was rising outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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