Endless Debt.

Chapter 508

Chapter 508
"Excellent, Mr. Lazarus, even I was taken aback when I first saw this thing!"

Belphegor cheered loudly, and the train on the screen was coming towards the auditorium. It had an indescribable sense of reality, and Burlogo tensed up uncontrollably, as if he was really going to hit the train head-on.

The train runs off the screen.

Burrog could smell the smell of burning coal, and he could also hear the roar of the gears. The moment the train was infinitely close to him, it turned into an illusory phantom and disappeared before his eyes.

"Ha ha!"

Belphegor's laughter was endless. In the movie theater, a guy like him is definitely not welcome.

As a movie buff, Burlogo knew what it was, "A Train Into the Station," the first movie in human history, and possibly the first horror movie, the first time audiences saw the weirdness of "movie." Something, the oncoming train freaked out many people.

"This thing is amazing. Compared with poetry, novels, and music, the information it can carry is undoubtedly the richest and most complex."

Belphegor agrees, the soundtrack of the movie has become more gorgeous, and the picture has become clearer and even colored.

Poets love this new thing, and their function is no longer limited to "poetry". They devote themselves to the new wave and bring countless films to Belfinger every year.

Bologo's heart is still tense, the friendship between man and devil in the film is only temporary, after the dawn war, this continent will usher in another crazy war.

Soon, the scorched earth's fury broke out.

This is not an ordinary film, but a fragment of memory extracted from the soul. It is not a fake performance, but the reality engraved in the soul.

Everything Bologo sees is the first perspective of the poets. It not only brings the real picture, but also gives the audience the real emotion.

The long-lost feeling returned to his body, and in a trance, Bologo felt that he had returned to the battlefield, becoming a member who charged forward and died, and the shells made a loud roar when they fell on Bologo's body On the other hand, Bologo has no means of evasion, and can only leave everything to the mercy of fate.

Burrog was dead, he was shattered by the shells, and the next moment he opened his eyes again, became another soldier, continued to charge forward, and then died, resurrected, died, resurrected, and repeated many times.

Bologo understood that he was not really resurrected, but after a poet died, his perspective switched to another poet.

Different poets saw different aspects of the war, some saw the king bowing his knees, some saw the great scholar defending his city, and some saw the gathering of demons planning something...

A strong light rose from the ground, annihilating everything.

Bologo's face was pale, he could feel the high temperature rushing towards his face, and the phantom pain of burning fire came from his body, and his body trembled slightly.

Finally, all this chaos was over, and Burlog took a big breath, picked up the popcorn bucket, and vomited forcefully.

Belphegor brought him a taste of this long history. Although it was only a cursory glance, the excessive information almost burst Burrog's head, and he had a splitting headache.

"You're a terrible director...you cut something..."

Burrog vomited so much that he felt like he was about to throw up his guts.

Burlogo loved the montage approach, but Belphegor cut it for over an hour, and it felt like a nightmare, a waking nightmare, amidst the cacophony of noise.

"Don't you think I perfectly expressed the depression and madness of war?"

Belphegor thought he was great, but Burlogo didn't know how to appreciate it.

Burrog wiped the corner of his mouth, but he didn't refute.

"Ah... After this war, the world has ushered in peace, and emerging technologies have brought more and more beautiful things," Belphegor stared at the screen obsessively, "All kinds of artistic creations are blooming, and they are born every day. There are more new works born in the old era than in the past few years, dazzling."

"Sometimes I feel that the soul is not that important to me anymore. It is enough to live in this world and watch the birth of this beautiful thing."

It was rare for Belphegor to express his sincere thoughts to a person. He shed his evil shell and tried his best to make himself like an ordinary mortal.

Therefore, among the devils, Belphegor is the one who is least interested in disputes.

Burrog asked, "What happened to corrupt all this?"

"It's nothing. Now it seems that it's more like an inevitability of the times," Belfinger said. "Under the development of technology, new things bring simple and straightforward sensory stimulation. There are countless of them."

"In the old days, some people could never see a few books or read a few stories in their lifetime. For this reason, they are so precious and worthy of being sung by poets. But in the new era, things that were once cherished are everywhere. Yes, within your reach.

Sometimes you may listen to more songs in a week than your parents have listened to in a lifetime, not to mention stories... These precious things have become cheap. Compared with reading those ancient poems, new things will undoubtedly bring Come to a stronger pleasure. "

Belphegor clenched his fists slowly, "The arrival of the new era made one of my brothers and sisters aware of the opportunity. She took this opportunity to corrupt the Unbound Poetry Club. Everyone no longer loves those eternal and distant pursuits, and even more so. Focus on the pleasure of the moment."

Belphegor thought for a while, and asked Burrog, "How did you get it...fast food culture? I remember it was said in the newspaper, right?"


"It's almost like this. Under the influence of the other devil, the Unbound Poetry Club gradually split. Under the temptation of instant pleasure, the poets became fewer and fewer, and they were almost extinct. She just destroyed my love and made it It became a chorus band."

Belphegor glanced at Burrog. "That's the group that attacked you."

"But I still don't understand. What did you promise the poets? Can you fool them just by living forever?"

From the film, Belogo can detect that what Belfinger said is true, he and the poet are equal, just like friends, advancing for the same ideal.

This made Bologo feel confused for a while. It is hard to imagine that there is such a relationship between the devil and human beings, just like a fairy tale.

"The Endless Verse."

Belphegor said softly, "This is how we call our ideal, it will be a collection of poems, an extremely heavy collection of poems, recording the 'poetry' created by every 'poet' from ancient times to the present, no matter what Have you joined the Unbound Poetry Club?

It covers all kinds of art that human beings can create, whether it is music or novels, or even some graphic designs, will be preserved in it. "

Belphegor continued, "As for the eternal life I promised...Mr. Lazarus, do you think there is real eternal life in this world?"

Burrog said, "Are you kidding me? You just mentioned the guy from the Undead Club to me."

"But he also obtained eternal life through the power of the devil. What if the devil dies one day? Does his eternal life still exist?"

Belphegor's words pierced Burrog's heart like a cold arrow. He widened his eyes and looked at Belphegor beside him. At this moment, he was still wearing sunglasses, and Burrog couldn't see his gaze.

"You mean... the devil dies too?"

"Just assume it. If the devil dies, will the eternal life promised by the devil still exist?"

Belphegor looked indifferent, and still pressed Burlogo on this question.

Burrog took a deep breath, "No way..."

"Then let me ask you, what kind of form do you think is the real eternal life?"

Belphegor then asked, "Immortality of the body? Or eternity of the spirit?"

Burrog didn't answer, he was still troubled by what Belphegor said, he felt that it was not a so-called hypothesis, but a real possibility.

Devils are also mortal.

Bologo felt that there was a strong wind and waves blowing towards him in this absurd movie theater.

(End of this chapter)

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