Endless Debt.

Chapter 51 Bailee Iyeta

Chapter 51 Bailee Iyeta
This is not the first time that Bologo has used the "Key of the Crooked Path", but when he really arrived in the Order Bureau, the strange surging feeling in his heart was still unstoppable.

I couldn't help but recall in my mind, the pattern carved on the box when I got the weapon, and the mysterious door with the vortex hidden.

Bologo began to wonder how many unknown departments there are in the Bureau of Order, and what's more, since the secret war, the "reclamation room" has been repairing itself, and it has not been completely rebuilt until today. Most of the area belongs to the "ruin area".

So what kind of brilliance is the whole picture of "reclamation room"?

"Bologo, Palmer, here."

In the hurried atrium, Jeffrey, who had been waiting for a long time, waved to the two.

"Okay, then Bologo just follow me," Jeffrey said, looking at the two of them, and stretched out his hand to Palmer, "It's time to return it to me."

"What?" Palmer pretended to be stupid for a few seconds, but seeing Geoffrey's gradually sharp eyes, he still took the initiative to hand over the "Key of the Crooked Path", "I can't borrow this thing for a few days ?"

"Do you think this is possible?" Geoffrey said unceremoniously, and took the "key of winding path" away.

Since the Secret War, the Bureau of Order has strictly controlled the "Key of the Crooked Path" to prevent anyone from entering this core "reclamation room".

After taking away the "Key of the Crooked Path", Geoffrey signaled Burlog to follow, when Palmer asked.

"By the way, what are you going to do?"

"Bologo's implantation ceremony, you don't need to know the rest." Jeffrey responded simply.

Palmer wanted to ask more, but seeing Jeffrey's fierce gaze, he swallowed his words back, waved his hand, and said goodbye to several people.

He and Jeffrey are not very familiar, but he also vaguely remembers the existence of such a good old man, but he never thought that sometimes the good old man's eyes are so sharp, as if a sword is about to burst out of his pupils and cut himself. Same.

This made Palmer feel uncomfortable, but soon this optimistic guy forgot about these things.

It may be a blessing in disguise, the work of the special operations team is unexpectedly easy, at least for now, it is not much more comfortable than the crow's nest, that damned guy Ivan, as if he has opinions on himself, keeps assigning tasks to himself, Never give yourself the chance to stay in the crow's nest for a long time.

Palmer continued his complaints, but he didn't know why Ivan did this.

Burrog followed Geoffrey into a long and dark corridor, where only the two of them advanced, and the sound of their footsteps bumped and echoed on the surrounding walls.

"The part about the overlord needs to be kept secret, right?" Borrog asked.

"Yes, it's best not to let other people know about it," Jeffrey said, "not even Palmer, he can know the power of your secret energy, but don't let him know how your secret energy came from .”

"Only us participants know about this matter. After all, it involves the authority of a 'Glorious One', and more importantly, the name of this 'Glorious One' is Xilin Kogadel."

Jeffrey took Bologo around and came to another huge atrium. According to the sign on the side, this is the second floor of the Order Bureau. As for how many floors the Order Bureau has, there should be no one. clear.

What's even more weird is that when you look up, you can still see the familiar dome, under the soft white light, you can't experience the slightest warmth.

The layout of the atrium on the second floor is similar to that on the first floor, except that the building at the core is different. The core of the atrium on the first floor is the towering gates, which are responsible for communicating with the staff who arrived through the "key of the winding path".

The core of the atrium here is a tall tower that reaches the dome, and inside the tower are elevators one after another, constantly transporting back and forth.

"The atrium on the first floor is called the 'Court of Crooked Paths', and the atrium on the second floor is called the 'Court of Pillars'." Jeffrey said.

"Is there any point?" asked Burrog.

"Of course there is. The first-level authority of ordinary employees can only move around the 'Court of Crooked Paths', and all departments with second-level authority go up, all need to go through the elevators of the 'Court of Pillars'."

Jeffrey continued.

"Due to its special nature, the Department of Field Service can arrive as long as you have a 'pass', no matter which floor you are on, as long as you can find the 'door' of the Department of Field Service."

Burrog recalled the long corridor stacked with countless cubes when he first arrived at the Field Service.

"Of course, the rules are not as rigid as they are stuck. People with higher authority will change the 'reclamation room' in their eyes, and there will be a mobile elevator specially prepared for them, just like the last time we went to the 'Safe Containment Department'. "

The "reclamation room" is "alive", a labyrinth that is constantly growing and winding. Conventional spatial cognition is useless here. Everything is more like a conceptual level, which door leads to which place...

"It is said that the director of the Bureau of Order has the ability to directly order the 'reclamation room'. Wherever he wants to go, the door leading there will be opened in front of him."

The two stepped up the stairs and stepped into the opened elevator. Bologo glanced at the rows of buttons. There was no specific floor written on it, and there were only signs one after another.

A crow with an iron whistle in its mouth, a poisonous snake entwined with fruits...

Because of the expiration of the temporary authority, Burlogo did not see the logo of the "Security Containment Department" and the logo of the "Vortex Gate".

"By the way, you haven't been to the sublimation furnace core yet, have you?" Jeffrey asked.

"To be precise, I haven't been anywhere."

This is the truth. Every time Bologo came to the Bureau of Order, the scope of his activities was only in the Field Service Department. After knowing the weirdness of the "reclamation room", Bologo realized that once he got lost in the "reclamation room", maybe Bad things happen.

After learning the information just now, the idea of ​​getting lost deepened again in Bologo's heart.

"Well, that's right. You'd better not wander around until you are familiar with the 'reclamation room'. Every year, there are a few unlucky ghosts who get lost and disappear."

What to say, listening to Geoffrey's words, Burlogo's face turned black all of a sudden.

Geoffrey laughed and patted Burlogo on the shoulder.

"Just kidding, it's not that dangerous. The only dangerous place in the 'reclamation room' is the 'ruin area', but it's all under the control of the 'Security Containment Department'. Unless you force your way in, it's still very safe here. "

Burlogo reluctantly believed Jeffrey's words, and then Jeffrey pressed the logo of the sublimation furnace core. After a short pause, the elevator shook slightly, and then moved upwards.

When the elevator door opened again, scorching air waves rushed towards the face, and one could clearly feel the temperature rising by a few degrees, the clanging of metal continued, and the noise of machinery rang through the ears.

The first thing to enter is an extremely huge reaction furnace. Its shape is like a tall tower. The gaps in the metal shine with extremely dazzling red light, and the surface is covered with red dust. Under its huge base, there are countless Clear cables, and power tubes extending from the reactor.

The pipes are densely packed, like spider webs spanning every corner of the line of sight, and the rumbling sound coming from them can be vaguely heard.

Technicians walked among them wearing various protective clothing, carrying heavy tool boxes in their hands, and their faces were covered by gas masks.

The supernatural mystery is no longer there, but it looks like a large factory, and the two misfits, Burrog and Jeffrey, look like inspectors who came to inspect the factory floor.

Burrog took a deep breath, and the hot air rolled into the airway, causing a slight sting.

Here is the sublimation furnace core, or the "scientific research and equipment department".

"Yo! Jeffrey, you are here."

The shouts sounded, and there were also bursts of fragrance, just like the harsh winter, which made Bologo wake up for a moment in the heat, and then a guy in a white coat appeared in front of him.

It was a strange fellow, and she was dressed very differently from the other guarded ones.

The long golden hair is tied behind the head, leaving a long ponytail, wearing a white coat with black clothes inside, and a dangling badge on the chest, which represents the core of the sublimation furnace and is entangled by poisonous snakes. Guo Guo, her lower body is in loose shorts, her smooth thighs are directly exposed, and her feet are wearing sandals.

Everyone else looked nervous about carrying out a high-risk experiment, wishing they could wear more protective clothing, but she looked like she had just left a beach party, still holding a glass of wine, asking the others if they wanted to have another one.

"I should have said that as a minister, you should be a good example of leadership and pay attention to your behavior! Put on your protective clothing!"

Behind the woman, a guy in heavy protective clothing said, judging from the voice, it should be a man.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, I believe all the technicians," the woman shouted loudly, "There has never been an accident in the sublimation furnace core this year, and everyone will keep it going, right!"

No one responded, and the other technicians directly ignored the woman's voice, as if she didn't exist, and continued their work. The woman smiled awkwardly when she saw this. In order to ease the atmosphere, she walked directly towards Burogo.

"Bologo Lazarus, right? I've heard of you for a long time. I've seen your name in various experimental documents before."

The woman looked at Bologo with joy, and the cold aroma became clearer. In this volcanic sublimation furnace core, the woman is like a flower that should bloom in the cold winter.

"A living undead."

She looked around Burrog, reaching out to stroke him now and then, or tugging at his hair, judging that Burrog was a real entity and not some kind of illusion.

Gradually, Bologo could clearly hear the woman's voice panting, and she looked at him with bright eyes, as if Bologo was some peerless beauty.

Burrog's body trembled uncontrollably, as if encountering a predator, his body's instincts reacted.

"I said, after the matter is done, should we make a deal, you can help me test something, of course, you are also beneficial."

She suddenly moved close to Burlogo, her voice lingering in her ears, and she began to seduce herself, and bursts of bad whispers sounded.

"Little white mouse that won't die, where should we start? Organs, limbs? By the way, we lost something in the 'ruins area'. It just so happens that you won't die. Do you want to help my sister get it?"

The woman's voice became broken and weird. The beautiful big sister was no longer there, but turned into some kind of evil witch. Burrog's expression froze for a moment, and he looked at Jeffrey beside him with difficulty. Foli had the same expression as himself, all gray and white.

"Speak up, Geoffrey!" Burrog screamed inwardly.

Jeffrey turned his back directly and greeted other technicians. Even this socialite didn't want to have too much involvement with this woman.

Wait, these technicians all look the same, how do you tell the difference?

A sudden chill came from the back of his neck, interrupting all of Burlogo's wild thoughts.

"I said, brother Bologo."

The woman's arm was put on Bologo's body intimately, with a strange smile on her face, and she asked herself in a low voice.

"Would you like to change jobs and come to me? The sublimation furnace core is very safe. There is no killing or killing, just screwing and screwing. And the funds are still too much. Whatever you want, my sister can get it for you." Yes, whether it's alchemy weapons or even weirder 'contracted items', you'll have whatever you want."

It is simply the devil's slander!

"I said! Be serious!"

The voice sounded, and the man in the protective suit lifted his foot and kicked her violently, without any intention of pity, the woman fell down without standing still, and was picked up by the man with one hand like a chicken.

"I'm sorry for her first."

While bowing, the man pressed the woman's head together.

"Hello, I'm Bader Villiers, her deputy."

After finishing speaking, Badr whispered to the woman, "Hurry up and introduce yourself!"

"Oh oh oh, hello, hello."

The woman quickly grabbed Bologo's hand, and while shaking it vigorously, she also stroked the back of Bologo's hand morbidly, her eyes were full of Bologo.

"Baili Yiyeta, the sublimation furnace core, is also the minister of the 'Department of Scientific Research and Equipment'."

In this way, amidst the woman's absurd laughter, Burlogo saw the ministerial position of the Bureau of Order for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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