Endless Debt.

Chapter 517 The Cook

Chapter 517 The Cook
Bologo is a person who keeps his promises. Generally speaking, as long as he promises you, he will definitely complete it. However, in Amyu's opinion, there may be some deviations in the form of completion.

Amy was sitting on the sofa with a wreath on her head, looking at other people's busyness, she also wanted to help, but was persuaded by Burlogo to go back, what to say, as the protagonist of tonight, she doesn't need to do anything, as long as the old Just stay where you are.

Similarly, Wei'er didn't need to do anything. As a cat, it was lucky that it didn't make trouble. The two of them just nestled on the sofa and watched other people busy.

Amy asked, "What are they going to do?"

Weier shook her head, "I don't know."

"Huh? You didn't know anything, so you came out with them?"

"What did Palmer say, he moved to a new house and hasn't invited us to play yet, so he asked if we're interested," Weier thought hard, "Anyway, if you're idle, you're idle."

Burrog came over, "Wait a minute, there are still some things to finish."

"oh oh."

Amy gradually gave up thinking.

"You can eat some of this first."

Burrog picked up his pocket and took out a dessert from it. Amy nodded and reached out to take one.

This is not the end. The pockets in Burlogo's hands are like a bottomless pit. He took out dessert after dessert and placed them neatly in front of Amy, forming a tower.

Amy stared at Burrog with wide eyes, but Burrog looked confused.He didn't know what Amyau liked to eat, so he simply bought one of each dessert.

Palmer carried a stack of video tapes, piled them on the sofa, and said to Amy, "You decide what to watch."

It was Hart who also came over. He was sitting on the sofa, a big lump.

Hart and Amy had met several times, but they were not very familiar with each other. Burlog hoped that Amy would have more friends, so he brought these acquaintances with him.

Hart was a little reserved, and Amy was even more cautious.

"I've seen it many times, but let me introduce it again," Hart said, holding out his hand, "Hart Vine."

"Amy Yazedet."

Amyu shook hands with Hart as she spoke, and she said friendlyly, "I feel like we have something in common."

Hart thought for a while, then nodded in affirmation of Amyu's words.

Hart, like Amy, has been forced to stay away from the world for a long time because of his own posture. Now Amy has a flesh and blood body and can walk on the streets openly, but Hart is still unable to do so.

"Oh, right."

Hart turned up the bag, and took out a felt doll from inside. From the appearance, it looked like a miniature version of Hart.

"Just treat it as a meeting ceremony."

"Thank you!"

Amyu took the felt doll. It was exquisitely crafted and heavy in her hands.

Palmer caught a glimpse of the felt doll, saw the familiar fur color on it, and moved his eyes uncontrollably to Hart.

The two looked at each other with different expressions.

"Don't mind your own business."

"What kind of hobbies are you doing!"

Excessive information was passed between the eyes of the two.

Ever since he saw Hart using his own woolen scarf, Palmer put together all the fabrics that Hart sent. But...it's so weird.

Every time he used those things, Hart, who grinned at him and forced his thumbs up, flashed in Palmer's eyes, and put his "friend" on his body. Just thinking about it, Palmer's mind was blown It's about to crash.

Hart was more or less aware of this, and he began to transfer his handicraft ability to felt dolls and the like, which no one had noticed so far except Palmer and Burlogo.

It's best that no one else finds this out.

"Come and help."

Burrog came out of the kitchen in his apron and greeted Hart.

Bode was sitting on the chair on the other side. He was wearing a skeleton frame. In order not to look so thin, Bode put on a thick coat on his body, which looked like the god of death holding a scythe in the story, solemn and depressed .

When Amy first saw Bode, she was still a little scared in her heart. The image of the skeleton was still very scary, but soon Amy realized that Bode was actually the same as herself and Hart. The strange appearance is absolutely different in the eyes of the world.

Amy felt that he could understand their thoughts more or less, and felt close to them unconsciously.

When Burlogo and Palmer lived, the living room was quite big for two people, but now that there are more people, the living room suddenly becomes crowded, not to mention that they are constantly busy.

Bode looked at all this and sighed, "That's great."

"This reminds me that I haven't become an undead yet," Bode said to Amyu. "Thinking about it now, that was actually the happiest time in my life."

Amy moved towards Bode's position, and kept stroking Wei'er's back with her hands.

"Is it a bad time to be an undead?" Amyu asked, "I see you in the club, and you are very happy every day."

"It's just a group of walking dead, trying their best to pass the time."

Infected by the atmosphere, Bode unexpectedly talked more, usually he was the most silent one.

"We have chosen to 'retire' and are like those devils, unable to interfere with this world, and can only enjoy the endless and pale time... In fact, it sounds like a group of prisoners bound by eternal life."

Bode knocked on his own bones as he spoke, making a crisp sound.

"I used to be a businessman who was extremely wealthy, and with my wealth piled up into mountains, everything in this world was within my reach, except for one... time.

I made a deal with the devil, gave all I had, and since then gained eternal life, but also lost my perception of things. "

Bode said sadly, "I can't feel anything in my current body."

"I like drinking very much. Unlike Serey, a coward who uses alcohol to paralyze himself, I like it from the bottom of my heart," Bode half-jokingly said, "but the skeleton can't drink alcohol, at most it can be drunk with alcohol. Take a shower."

Amyu replied in a low voice, "I can understand."

Before receiving the gift, Aimu could only rely on her body to perceive the world, and she could feel the boring feeling of Bode's walking dead.

"I have lost the stimulation of the physical senses, but the spiritual infection is still there," Bode looked at the room with relief, "Different from the decadent and lifeless joy of the Undead Club, this place is full of vitality. I’ve never been involved in something like this before.”

Amyu looked at Bode, Bode's face was just a big piece of bones, there was no expression or eyes at all, and he could only judge his emotions from his tone.

Amyu remembered the stories about the Yezu people she knew when she was in Fengyuan Highlands, and she asked softly, "Will everyone regret it after gaining eternal life?"

This question stopped Bode, he pondered for a while, and said, "Maybe."

Bode felt that his answer was too vague, and he continued, "More often than not, people don't know what they want.

Human beings are like this, short-lived poor ghosts, some people need to spend their whole life to find what they really want, and some people don't have an answer until they die.

In order to keep searching, we start to chase time, to find what we want and live for in eternity. "

Amy asked, "Did you find it?"

"I found it, but I didn't find it." Bode smiled and turned the topic to Aimu. "You are a lucky child. Your father paid the price for you, so you will no longer be teased by fate."

Bode blessed, "May you in the long time find something to live for."

"Thank you."

"It's nothing, I want to thank you instead."

Amy didn't understand, "Why?"

Bode put on a relaxed posture, "I haven't felt such an atmosphere for a long time, and this atmosphere is because of you."

"It reminds me of my family...although I can't remember what they look like," Bode continued in a regretful tone, "It's a pity that Thrai is not here, and he likes it very much."

Thinking of Thorey's appearance, Amy waved his hands again and again, "No, he will only bring everyone hangover when he comes."

Bode complained in a low voice, "That's true... It's strange to say that Serley has been living in a daze for so many years, but recently he suddenly became sober, and he doesn't know what to do."

Bode didn't continue to think about it. He didn't have the energy to worry about that bastard Seri. When he thought of what Seri had done in the past, he felt that it was no pity for this guy to die outside.

"Give way!"

There was a shout from the kitchen, and Bologo came in staggeringly holding a large plate of roast chicken, and the aroma filled the room.

Smelling the scent, Aimiao looked surprised, "Do you know how to cook?"

Burlogo confidently picked up a cookbook, "Is it difficult? Just follow the process strictly."

Burlogo believes that this is one of the characteristics of his expert, as long as he has an operation manual, he can quickly master various skills.

 I still haven't recovered from my illness for a while, so I will take a day off tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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