Endless Debt.

Chapter 519 Driving Without a License

Chapter 519 Driving Without a License
The time was approaching midnight, which was a time period that Burlogo was very familiar with. During the internship period, he often appeared at midnight, hunting demons between cities, walking between cities, and stopping under high bridges.

After joining the job, Bologo often spent time with Palmer in the Undead Club. It was often at midnight when Serley went out to work as his part-time pole dancer, and everyone broke up at this time.

The previous singing still echoed in the car, and the man kept humming.

"What is love?"

Compared with the crowded and joyful atmosphere in the car, now only Bologo and Aimu are left, and the city outside the car window has also fallen into a deep sleep. No matter how happy the singing is, there is a bit of joyful and sad loneliness at this moment.

"It's sort of an after-party vibe," Burrog broke the silence, "although it's true."

Objects were scattered all over the place, the wine glasses on the long table fell sideways and rolled down, the red carpet was full of water stains, the guests had already left, only the phonograph was still singing, echoing in the empty hall. "

Aimu leaned lazily to one side, she was just able to curl up on the seat and hugged into a ball.

"Thank you."

"It's nothing," said Burlogo. "It's for helping people to the end. We are always together, and sooner or later you will know everyone."


Amy looked out the car window. The shops on the street had long been closed, but the lights on the plaque had not been extinguished. They were connected together like an aurora floating on the surface.

It just rained in the morning, and due to the gloomy weather in Opals, the rain has not dried up until now, leaving a shallow puddle on the ground, reflecting the neon light.

The streets were empty at night, only the red light hindered their progress. With the current speed, the two would return to the Order Bureau soon, and there was not much time left for Aimiao.

Aimu was just about to say something and launched an offensive, but Burlogo said it before him.

Burrog looked forward, "I have to thank you too, Amy."

"Thank me for what?"

"If it wasn't for your reason, I wouldn't be able to invite everyone over to cook and watch movies together."

Speaking of this, Burlogo had a smile on his face.

Aimu didn't think it was a problem, "Huh? Is it so difficult?"

"How should I say it?" Bologo pondered for a while, "If Lebius invited you to the amusement park one day, what would you think?"

The bright cross appeared in Aimiao's eyes, "It's over, and I have a mortal task to entrust to me."

"What if Levius went to the amusement park by himself?"

"The team leader is a little too pitiful..."

"Rebius said that there will be a team building this month, and we will go to the amusement park together," Burlogo said, "What do you think?"

"The team leader is really nice."

"That's right! That's right!"

Boluoge repeatedly emphasized, and then he said with some embarrassment, "I often say that I don't care much about other people's eyes, but when it comes to these things, I'm actually a little embarrassed. With you as an excuse, let's do it It's much easier."

This gathering was not just for Amy, but for Burlog himself.

"It's a win-win situation."

Amy didn't respond, Burlogo glanced at her out of the corner of her eye, and saw Amy holding back a smile, and soon she couldn't help it and laughed out.

"what's so funny."

"Just laughing, you still have such a side," Amyu said, "Your cooking skills are good, you should have practiced for a long time, right?"

"I always bring Palmer breakfast, which is kind of basic training," Burlogo emphasized. "Today's one, it's really the first time I've done it."

"Then your cooking skills really have unlimited potential."

After Aimu sighed, she rolled down the car window and put her hands outside, feeling the aftertaste of joy.

"Actually, I'm a little afraid of your displeasure," said Burlogo.

"what happened?"

"You found me, but I brought a group of people here."

"It was really a little bit at the beginning," Aimu didn't hide his emotions, "especially when I saw Palmer's smug smile that succeeded in plotting."

"But you also said that you need my excuse."

"Yeah, so do you want to be together tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow what?" Amy didn't understand, "What are you going to do?"

Bologo stopped in front of the red light, turned his head and said, "Go to the appointment, I will invite you this time, I just know a good place."

Ai Miao thought she had heard it wrong, and kept saying, "You... invited me?"

"Yeah, today is not considered to be messed up by everyone, and I will compensate you once."


The halo in her eyes enlarged slightly, and Amy looked incredible, then she covered her head and sighed, "Bologo, sometimes I really don't understand whether you are stupid or smart."

Bologo defended himself, "Actually, you can understand me as a fool."

Aimu rubbed her face vigorously, maybe it was blown by the wind just now, she felt her cheeks were a little hot.

"Looking back on this journey, you have always been an efficient person, why did you do those unnecessary things for me?"

Amy looked at Burrog's side face, whenever she thought she could grasp Burrog's heart, Burrog flashed past her like a deft deer, but she felt hopeless. At the moment, poked his head out from behind the jungle again,
"Excess things... how to say?"

Burlogo leaned forward, lying on the steering wheel, and this time the red light was unexpectedly long.

"Every time I see you, I seem to see myself, my past self."

Burrog tried to recall his childhood. His childhood was neither bad nor good. The mediocre ones were the same as the general public, and they could no longer be distinguished when thrown into the crowd.

"When I encountered some difficulties before, I would think, is there anyone who can help me, but unfortunately no one came to help me.

When I was sad, when I was sad, when I was defeated, I thought about it, but unfortunately no one came..."

A gentle figure flashed in front of Bologo's eyes.

Burrog said in a low voice, "No, it's not like nobody's here."

"So when I saw you, it was like I saw myself in trouble. I faced the same problem as you, felt the same pain as you. No one came to help me at that time, but I can help now. other people."

Burrog turned his head, "I helped you, it feels like I helped myself."

"Is it so complicated?"

Amyu felt a little cold, she rolled up the car window, and rubbed her hands vigorously on her chest a few times, "I thought experts only thought about work and how to improve work efficiency."

Facing Amyu's ridicule, Burlogo smiled, and then sighed, "How could it be? No matter how efficient an expert is, he grew up from a child."

These words moved Amy. She looked carefully at Burlog's face, and an indescribable feeling rose in her heart.

The stance of the Burlog expert is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that Amyu often forgets that Burrog is also a human being. He likes his friends, but there is no good way to express his emotions.

Yes, just like Lebius invited you to the amusement park, if one day Bologo is not enthusiastic about his friends, they should also reflect on themselves, whether they have a terminal illness.

Amy couldn't imagine what Bologo looked like when he was a child, as if Bologo was born with cold steel, fiery fireworks, and blood spilled into the rainstorm.

But Bologo has human nature after all, he was also a rebellious child...

To grow up is to put on thicker and heavier armor, bury the once childish and young self deeply in the darkness of the armor, and leave only a strong side to confront the enemy.

Amy felt that this was a suitable opportunity, and she wanted to ask Burrog, how does a human being become an adult, after all, it was her first time as a human and she had no experience.


Amy was about to ask the question, but she noticed that Burlogo's expression had changed, from being comfortable and relaxed before to very nervous and focused.

Amy and Bologo became nervous together, and there were not many situations where Bologo could show such an expression. The gift, the doppelganger, was always on standby to transform Amy into a body of steel.

Burrogo said, "Aimu, put your seat belt on."

Ai Miao put on the seat belt cooperatively, and then a figure on the side of the road came towards here and knocked on the car window.

"Sir, take your time," the sheriff said to Burlogo, rolling down the window. "Recently, there are often disturbing racing incidents in this neighborhood..."

He said and glanced at the inside of the car, "Can I trouble you to show your driver's license?"

Burlogo didn't respond, but Amyu pushed and whispered, "What's the matter? Just give him your driver's license."

Burrog turned his head, his face was ashen, and Amy felt a little confused for a moment, and the next moment Burrog stepped on the accelerator, and the engine roared under the night.

As a vehicle for field staff, despite its plain appearance, the body is bulletproof, and the engine is made of sublimation furnace cores. The roar of the sound waves makes people's ears hurt.

"damn it!"

Burrog cursed, and he began to reflect on whether he should take a driver's license test.

(End of this chapter)

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