Endless Debt.

Chapter 522 The Person Who Has No Past

Chapter 522 The Person Who Has No Past
No matter how much Belphegor said he was his fan, he couldn't hide his obvious purpose.

After the decision of the decision-making room, they affirmed Belphegor's information. The attackers were the Zongge Orchestra, and they were chasing and killing the tenth group.

Belphegor's intervention caused Burrog to struggle for a while. He didn't know whether he was being used by the devil or whether he was being helped by them.

Fortunately, Burlogo figured everything out quickly.

I am only temporarily in the same interests as the devil. When their interests conflict, the devil who looks like a friend will stab himself with a dagger without hesitation.

It's just a cold deal.

That's right, as in the case of coaxial out-of-order events.

Burrog took out a coin from his pocket. It was very strange. It was different from ordinary Mammon coins. The one in his hand seemed to be specially made. Even after leaving Opals, the coin was still glowing with gold.

Interesting to say, this mammon coin seems to have some kind of magical power, no matter which clothes Burlogo changes into, he can always find it by looking through his pockets.

Just as he was afraid that Bologo would forget it, he always hides in his pocket, walking like a shadow.

This sounds weird, but Bologo can barely accept it. After all, things related to the devil are like this. After working for a long time, Bologo has begun to get used to it.

This mammon coin has always followed him, and no one told Borrog what to do, but every time he picked up this mammon coin, he had a premonition in his heart.

The way to get rid of this mammon coin is very simple, as long as Bologo throws it away, when Bologo throws it away with his own hands, it will disappear completely instead of endlessly appearing in his pocket .

The devil never forces others, he gives the choice to himself.

Burrog played with the mammon, and it rolled on the back of Burrog's finger like polished gold in the morning light.

The tyrant once helped himself, but it was also for himself. When the tyrant didn't need him, he would stand against himself.

The reverse of the coin depicts the greedy mammon, while the obverse is the symbol of quicksilver.

This is the connection between Bologo and the tyrant. Bologo has tried countless times to throw away the mammon coin and sever the relationship with the tyrant, but he gave up every time.

There is always a voice whispering in my head.

"One day you'll need him."

Bologo laughed at himself. Now he can feel the strangeness of the devil more and more. It's like playing with fire. You think you can control everything, but unknowingly, you gradually become firewood for fireworks.

Bologo thought that every debtor has had such a mental journey, thinking that as long as he does not sacrifice his most precious soul, he can play with the devil, but they still end up in the same situation.

He clenched the mammon coin tightly in his hand, the metal rubbed against the brand mark on his palm, and there was a dull pain of squeezing under his tight grip.

The Iron Whistles scattered in the narrow countries rushed to the scene immediately after the incident and investigated the situation. They found traces of the battle at the scene, and continued to investigate and found many corpses, but they did not find Traces of the tenth group.

After further tracking, the Iron Whistles roughly deduced the direction of movement of the tenth group, and they were moving towards Freeport.

The Zongge Orchestra launched an attack on the strongholds, not only to prevent the reinforcements from the Bureau of Order, but also to prevent the tenth group from leaving through other winding doors.

In this case, the only choice left for the tenth group is to go south. The place where the battle took place is not too far from the free port. As long as they arrive at the free port, they can return to the city of oath, Opals, by sea.

There are shadows of demons behind this incident. On the one hand, it is the actions of the Witch of Desire, and on the other hand, it is Belphegor's revenge. He wants to take revenge on the Witch of Desire for the corruption of the Unbound Poetry Society.

When the devil got involved in this incident, Rupert's Tail was the most suitable action group to take on this task. Relying on the debtors' sensitivity to the devil, Bologo and others were sent here.

Burrog unlocked the latch on the railing, pushed it out of the way, and sat down along the opening, his feet dangling in the air.

The car door behind him opened, and Ai Miao came out, "It seems that someone has preempted her."

Burrog turned his head back, and Amy let out a hard breath, as if he hadn't woken up, his hair curled up randomly, like a cat with fried fur.

Amyu took a few steps forward, leaned on the fence, looked at Burlogo's appearance, "Why, are you in a daze?"

"Well," said Burlogo, "the scenery along the way is not bad, it's very suitable for a daze."

Burrog put away the mammon coins and forgot about the damned fuss.

Bologo has always had such a sense of self-confidence in his heart. He doesn't think it's arrogance, but after experiencing countless hardships, he already has a heart made of iron.

Bologo absolutely believed in himself, believed that he would not get lost in the temptation of the devil, and he would master this power until the outcome was determined with the devil.

After a short boost of mood, Bologo would doubt himself again, even though he didn't think it was arrogance, but this kind of ignorance, in itself, is not a kind of great arrogance, like a paradox that cannot be violated.

The thoughts became so heavy and fell into an endless loop.

Bologo sighed and admired the scenery along the way, "I actually really feel like traveling now."

As the train passed through lush fields, Burlogo could see white sheep and faintly hear their bleating.

Amyu said, "Didn't we just go to Fengyuan Highland? Isn't that considered tourism?"

As soon as he said this, Aimiao thought of Bologo's experience in Fengyuan Heights. Thinking about it carefully, it was really not a trip, but an overtime work, or the kind without overtime pay.

"It's different. Through the gate of winding paths, I'm thousands of miles away, as if Fengyuan Highland is next to the Order Bureau. It doesn't feel like going far away at all. Instead, it's like buying a cup of coffee by the side of the road."

Burrog thought deeply, and thought of a vocabulary, "Without a sense of distance, there will be no joy after arriving."

Amyu nodded in agreement, the sun gradually brightened, and the piercing person couldn't open her eyes, she squinted her eyes hard, "Yeah, watching the familiar city disappear under the horizon bit by bit, it feels like I'm really leaving. "

Burrog looked into the distance, just like Amy said, from this moment, Burrog truly felt that he had walked out of the city of oath, Opus, where he spent 67 years.

67 years.

Compared with the macroscopic history of human beings, 67 years is too short. An undead like Thurley may have passed 67 years before playing for a few days, but when the perspective is narrowed to the individual human beings, this is often a life of a human.

The lives of countless people, the lives of countless people living on this land.

"It's over, I don't have any impression at all." Bologo looked at the scenery with a helpless expression and a little more loneliness in his eyes.

Amy asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"You may not believe it when you say it," Bologo pointed to the vast world, "I've been here before."

"Did it happen during Scorched Earth's Wrath?"

Amy knew about Burlogo's adventures in the army, and every time she listened to it, she said that Burlogo's story could be used to write a novel, and it would definitely make a lot of money. Burlogo said that the Bureau of Order strictly forbids field staff to write memoirs. This kind of thing, even if you write a memoir, you have to keep it in the Bureau of Order.

"Well, it wasn't like this at all at the time, but now, any trace of the past is gone, as if what I experienced at that time were all hallucinations."

Bologo lamented that the delineation of the narrow kingdoms only appeared after the fall of the Holy City. At that time, people more often called this vast land a war zone. The Kogadel Empire and the Rhine Alliance fought here. It's up to you.

As a soldier, Bologo personally measured the vastness of the battlefield and experienced the death of everyone.

"It would be great if there was a map, and I can also be a historical tour guide for you, explaining the progress of the war," Burrog joked. "In these years, there are not many veterans like me who have personally experienced it."

Ai Miao was silent for a few seconds, and couldn't help but said, "Is this the mentality of youth? That's great."

"what happened?"

"Look at you, Bologo, according to your actual age, you are already a grandpa, but I always forget this, you are no different from young people at all."

Amy believes that as long as you are always full of vitality, then the years can not hurt you.

"Who knows?"

Burrog continued to look into the distance, and after a long time, he said suddenly.

"That's what I looked like when I left home."

Burrog smiled heartlessly and swung his legs vigorously.

"Just like that, sitting in the back of the car, with my feet dangling, I thought this was just an ordinary war, and it might be over before I got to the front line."

Burrog began to babble.

"I'll get a lot of money, plus my military experience, and I'll go to a good university for a few years..."

Bologo fell silent as he spoke. Looking back now, his wish at that time was really humble and insignificant.

Amyu's eyes were full of surprise, she said cautiously, "Are you talking about your past?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

Aimiao's expression was a little abnormal, and a progress bar of thinking appeared in his eyes, "Since I know you, you have never mentioned anything about yourself before joining the army."

Not only Amy, but many people who know Bologo, their understanding of Bologo is limited to the beginning of his military career, and that is the beginning of Bologo's nightmare.

The story before the nightmare was rarely mentioned by Bologo, and few people knew about it.

"You... are like a person without a past."

"How could it be?" Burrog shook his head, "Everyone has their own past, and no one appears out of thin air."

Burrog stared into the distance, and after a long time, he suddenly asked.

"Want to hear it?"

(End of this chapter)

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