Endless Debt.

Chapter 532 Deflagration

Chapter 532 Deflagration
Bennett glanced at the time. According to the speed of the train, they had already left the city and stepped into the wilderness. Then he looked to the other side of the aisle and exchanged glances with his colleague Woolley.

After making eye contact, the two each picked up their bags and walked towards the back of the carriage.

As the time entered the night, most of the passengers had already rested, sleeping in various positions, and the snoring sound kept the same frequency as the shaking of the carriage.

Passing through the carriages, there are gradually more followers behind Bennett and Woolley. In addition to showing restraint and calmness, the remaining followers all showed fiery eyes on the passengers, as if they were some kind of delicacies.

"Are we really going to rely on these guys?"

Woolley whispered to Bennett, his eyes were full of distrust for the followers behind him.Even they cannot trust demons.

"No way, we are short of manpower now, so we can only take these guys out," Belt looked forward, "They are useless in conflicts, but they are very convenient for dealing with the scene."

Woolley said, "Does your convenience mean eating other people clean?"

Bennett didn't care about the life and death of the passengers at all, "Anyway, the next day's newspapers will report the derailment of this train. These people are destined to die, so let's treat it as a second use."

The pace of the two stopped, opened the suitcase, took out the weapon and the gas mask from it and covered their faces.

"According to intelligence, the iron whistle of the Bureau of Order is at the rear of the car, and the target is only one person, so be careful."

Bennett's voice sounded from under the breathing valve, low and indistinct.

Wu Lai nodded. The two did not act rashly, but waited in place. The followers behind them, like the two of them, also took out gas masks to cover their faces, and held sharp weapons of different styles in their hands.

They were waiting for something, and soon a mist filled each compartment. This is a kind of anesthetic mist, which has little effect on decondensers, but can easily intoxicate ordinary people.

Silently, they controlled all the people in the car. After doing all this, the two continued to move forward. The followers behind them looked at the unconscious people reluctantly, suppressed their anxiety, and continued to move forward. forward.

As long as the iron whistle is solved, they will be able to feast on it.

The followers comforted themselves inwardly, suppressing their hunger.

Before pushing open the penultimate car door, Bennett warned Woolley, "Even if there is only one opponent, don't let your guard down. The opponent is someone from the Bureau of Order."

"I know I know."

As he spoke, Woolley pushed open the car door before Bennett, revealing the last carriage.

"Phew...it's so luxurious, there's a separate carriage for it to come out."

Wu Lai squatted down and pressed one hand on the connection between the cars, "Let them do it."

Bennett nodded, and the demons behind him received the order and were ready to fight. Looking at these dark figures from the corner of his eyes, Bennett noticed that there were a few demons missing.

It is estimated that they are demons who left the team without permission to hunt for food. Bennett can already imagine that their mouths are full of blood, and they devour flesh and blood to extract their souls.

Thinking of this, disgust appeared on Bennett's face. Even in the same camp, Bennett still loathed these despicable existences. If it wasn't for the lack of manpower, he didn't want to take these guys with him at all.

In order to contain the actions of the Bureau of Order, the Zongge Orchestra dispatched a large number of people to stop all the actions of the Bureau of Order against Freeport.

The same goes for tonight.

Two people in place, ready to go, no annoying passengers to interrupt their move, demons hungry for souls... it's time to do it.

The crimson gleam spread along Wu Lai's arm, and just as he was about to press his hand on the joint between the carriages, he found that his body had been petrified in place, unable to move, and then a golden gaze fell on him body.

Jeffrey pushed open the door, with a ferocious smile on his face, "It looks like we have guests."


In an instant, the two realized Jeffrey's rank, which was completely inconsistent with the information they had received.

A gust of coolness passed along the back of the neck, and the breeze floated, interspersed between the gaps of each person, and then narrow wounds spread along the demon's neck.

The opponent was a master at using a knife, every blow was precise and deadly, easily piercing through the spine, not even causing any bloodstains.

The bodies of the demons were like melted candles, they all softened and fell heavily to the ground, making bang bang noises.

The corpses are stacked together, like a path made of corpses.

Huge fear engulfed Woolley's mind, and he lost control of his body, bringing a great sense of horror. The same was true for Bennett behind him. At close range, Jeffrey's stagnation completely suppressed the two of them. .

There was a slight sound of footsteps behind him. The man had already dealt with the demons quickly and deadly, and the next step was to deal with the two of them.

Just like that, without any resistance, he died easily.

Woolley roared like a beast. He mobilized the ether in his whole body to fight against Jeffrey's suppression. There was a distorted pain in his body, but then the pain turned into pleasure.

He laughed maniacally, blood gradually seeped from his eyes, and at the same time, the etheric reaction became more and more high-pitched.

Jeffrey stood where he was, just watched indifferently, observing Woolley's various reactions.

Blessing and care, evil and chaos.

This power has only been heard in the description of Bologo, and now that it is truly presented in Jeffrey's eyes, Jeffrey realizes that this is not the first time he has faced the guardian of evil Chaos Weile.

Many years ago, Geoffrey and Lebius encountered this power, but they didn't know it at that time, and this power came from the devil.

"Happy Garden..."

It was an abnormal void that bothered Geoffrey so much, and it was there that they encountered enemies with such weird powers.

It's just that until the end of the operation, Jeffrey and Lebius failed to catch up to the Happy Garden, but let it disappear from sight until it returned after so many years.

From deeper inside the carriage, came a cold and weird aura, carrying bone-piercing cold and fear, impacting Wu Lai and the others.

The faint blue shadows stood up one by one, like ghosts wandering in the wilderness. From this moment, the two realized that Jeffrey in front of them was not the most terrifying enemy tonight.


Wu Lai roared, the intense pain brought majestic strength, and in a short moment, he broke through Jeffrey's suppression, even if it was only a second, it was enough for Wu Lai.

The flooded palm pressed hard on the connection of the carriage, and the ether surged violently.

Mysterious Energy: Touch of Explosion.

A fleeting flame ignited in Wu Lai's palm, and then the joints of the carriages melted and collapsed, as if a high-temperature stream of fire had burned the metal.

Jeffrey's suppression restrained Wu Lai's next move, preventing him from causing the next explosion, but the instantaneous high temperature still burned through the connection between the cars.

The exclusive carriage shook violently, and it began to slow down, gradually opening the distance from the train.

A hook cable pierced through the air, and the pointed cone at the end was nailed into the roof of the car. Then, more hook cables were like tentacles, grabbing the train and connecting the train and the exclusive compartment again.

The hook rope was tightened, shortening the distance between the two, and the chain began to melt at the same time, turning into large and large drops of silvery white water, falling down, like soldering, recasting into hard metal, restoring the structure destroyed by Wu Lai.

The road of steel was paved. Jeffrey held the bone-crushing knife covered with rough serrations in his right hand, and the golden light in his eyes burned, like molten gold, as he strode forward.

The two are no different from lambs waiting to be slaughtered. When Jeffrey walks in front of the two, it is their time of death.

The extreme fear was devoured and turned into extreme joy, and the following ether filled the bodies of the two of them. With sincere smiles, the alchemy matrix they carried shone violently, and the excess ether accumulated Together, bursts of arcs burst out.

Geoffrey's secret energy invaded the critical moment of the two souls. Under the power of the guardian Nie Chaos Weile, they mobilized the majestic ether to fight against it, and then gained the ability to move temporarily.

Bennett activated his own alchemy weapon without hesitation, and the thick darkness was released from his body, covering all the light and covering the surrounding substances, leaving only the deep darkness spreading.

Jeffrey's gaze was interrupted, and then the bone-crushing knife fell with terrible wind pressure, and the knife shattered the darkness, but at the end of the blade, Bennett and Woolley could not be seen.

Jeffrey was not in a hurry, he slowly put away the bone-crushing knife, and looked at the dark and distant wilderness.

Bennett ran at full speed, advancing at high speed in the dark wilderness. The more frightened he was, the stronger his own strength became, which made his speed continuously increase.

After realizing that there was more than one sublimation person in the carriage, and that there was someone in charge, Bene chose to flee in a different direction from Woolley.

The opponent is not a lone Iron Whistle, but a terrifying team of power bearers.

Bennett didn't know if he could survive, so he could only move his feet mechanically. The sound of the wind covered his ears, and then he heard a roar echoing under the night.

In the pitch-black world, Bennett couldn't see anything, and then he felt an etheric reaction from behind. The reaction suddenly appeared beside him.

Close at hand.

Before Bennett could react, the wind gun, wrapped in a sharp flying knife, pierced through his waist and abdomen at high speed, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood on his side.

The figure staggered a few steps, and a large amount of blood gushed out, raising bloody flowers all over the sky, and sprinkled on the overgrown weeds.

(End of this chapter)

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