Endless Debt.

Chapter 536 Damn it

Chapter 536 Damn it

The girl hadn't eaten for a while, her stomach was empty, and she vomited for a long time, but she was just retching.

With the relief of the crisis, a strong sense of fatigue followed. She squatted obediently in the corner, moving her body so as not to get stained with the flowing blood.

While the passengers were still in a coma, Irwin opened the car door leading to the outside world, and threw out the corpses of the demons one by one. When he threw the last demon, Irwin took off the gas mask on the demon's face. His face was directly exposed.

In order not to scare the girl, Irwin deliberately avoided her sight, and then kicked the corpse into the wilderness. Before dawn, the blood of the corpse would attract the attention of the wolves and eat them up.

Like a hard-working cleaner, Irwin picked up a wet mop and quickly cleaned up the blood. Fortunately, most of the blood was spilled on the joints of the carriages, so it was very convenient to deal with it here.

The girl was watching from the sidelines, and Irving showed proficiency in every move. He seemed to have done this kind of thing countless times.

"So who are you? What...retired killer?" The girl's face was very bad, but she still maintained a sense of stubbornness at this time, "These people are here to hunt you down?"


Thanks to the well-developed entertainment works today, Irwin has greatly enhanced the acceptance of these young people. She doesn't need to say anything, she has already imagined the answer in her heart.

This reminds Irving of his youth, when in a dark alley he rescued a lady who was nearly killed by a demon.The lady didn't give Irving a chance to explain, she just kept screaming at him until Irwin knocked her out.


The girl's eyes lit up.

Irwin didn't bother to care about the young man's wild thoughts. He was suffering from a headache from the broken window, and the blood on it had seeped into the gap. Irwin couldn't deal with it for a while.He tried to restore everything as if nothing had happened.

After ventilation, the fog in this carriage has dissipated a lot, but the cold wind is blowing. Irwin guessed that these passengers may have a little cold after waking up, but it is much better than being killed by a demon in their sleep.

"Cough cough..."

Irwin clutched his chest, coughed a few times, and spread his hands, the palms of which were stained with blood.

It should be the injury he got during the fight just now, or it might be due to other reasons, forget it, these things are not important now.

Irwin looked at the girl hiding in the corner. She had just witnessed the whole process, plus what happened before...

What to do with her?
Irving got a headache, he shouldn't have gotten out of the car to blow the air, and he shouldn't have smoked that damn cigarette, what's so good about it, it's like bait, it lured the girl out of the grass, and she was like a wild boar Same, knock yourself over on the head.

Well, it needs to be admitted that without this wild boar, Irwin would have just died at the hands of the devil.

Irwin's thoughts slowly fell into darkness. Now Irwin is far from reaching the end of the journey, but he is very clear that there is something waiting for him at the end.

Now a few demons can make me very troubled, once I meet a sublimation person, even if it is the most ordinary first-stage sublimation person, it is not something I can fight against as an ordinary person...

Irwin caressed his chest, feeling the evil power, and those charming voices faintly sounded in his ears.

The low sound made Irving wake up in an instant. The sound was extremely subtle and was hidden in the noise, but Irving was still keenly aware of the sound.

The girl exclaimed, and saw Irving standing there in a daze for a while, and suddenly his expression became tense again. Could there be a killer?
Irwin picked up the girl by the waist and put it under his armpits. Before Irwin could cover her mouth, she covered her mouth cooperatively.

This made Irving a little astonished, but now was not the time to think about it. Irving found an empty seat and stuffed the girl in first, then himself.

Irving was lying on the table, pretending to be sleeping, and the girl was pressed down on the table by him, which reminded Irving of his experience of being forced to take a nap by his mother when he was a child.

In fact, the mother didn't want Irving to take a nap, she just wanted Irving to disappear by taking a nap—from her life.

"what happened?"

The girl turned her face sideways and mouthed to Irwin.

Irwin lip-synced, "Shut up!"

Pulling the overcoat that was draped over the girl's body, completely covering the girl's face, Irwin closed his eyes as if deceiving himself.

Irwin should have realized that the Desublimators had been hunting demons, and when he encountered demons, the Desublimators chasing them must be nearby.

Maybe there is no need to do it yourself, just wait a little longer, and the sublimation master will come to deal with these demons.

Irving couldn't wait.

During the waiting time, it was enough for the demons to kill several people, and he couldn't sit idly by.

As for those Condensers...

Irwin was afraid that he would be discovered by them. He had always kept a respectful distance from these mysterious beings. If they found out that they had solved these demons by themselves, what would they do?
Reward yourself?Or let yourself forget about these?

forget it.

Irving didn't dare to hand over his fate to others. What's ridiculous is that now he wants to bet everything on his fate, betting that the sublimation people will not find him.


"The protection of the Zongge Orchestra is not an absolute positive gain."

After a short chase, Burlogo easily caught up with the train and returned to his exclusive compartment.

"Protective care makes them ignore the pain and also makes them ignore the potential dangers, and we can take advantage of that."

Bologo talked about the experience he had just gained. In a state of ignoring the pain, the enemy didn't notice the wire mesh that Bologo had arranged, so he hit the dense blades and cut himself into pieces.

Jeffrey nodded after hearing this. During the time of departure, this is one of the few good news.

"Is there no one to help me?"

Palmer yelled at the door, and while the passengers were still awake, Palmer laboriously cleaned up the corpses of the demons and threw them into the wilderness one by one.Aimu picked up the mop and wiped the blood in the aisle.

Bologo and his party have left the city of oath, Opus, and the logistics department cannot take care of it in time. They need to deal with the current follow-up matters by themselves.

"I'll go check it out and see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net."

After Bologo finished speaking to Geoffrey, he turned his head and walked out of the exclusive compartment, jumped onto the roof of the car, and moved from the rear of the car to the locomotive, like a ghost following in the dark night.

There was a breath of decay in the wind, and Bologo tried his best to perceive the existence of demons, patrolling the carriages one by one.

When he reached a certain carriage, Bologo stopped. He noticed a faint smell of blood and a devil's breath, but these smells were fleeting, leaving only the snoring of the passengers.

Irving could hear the footsteps stopping above his head, his heart beating violently and rumbling.

The footsteps began to move again, gradually receding, Irwin's tense nerves could finally relax a little, but suddenly the footsteps sounded again.

It doesn't come from the roof, but from inside the cabin.

Burrog stood at the junction of the carriages, looking suspiciously at the broken small window and the blood stains on it that had not been cleaned.

Looking into the compartment, Bologo can be sure that there are no other demons and sublimation inside, and this makes Bologo even more confused.

Sure enough, there are still fish that slip through the net?

Irwin tried to suppress his breathing, and he comforted himself in his heart. These decondensers can easily distinguish demons from other decondensers in the crowd, but human beings have no difference in their eyes.

Just like the hunter guarding the sheepfold, the hunter can easily notice the wolves, and can also see other hunters from a distance, but he cannot distinguish the sheep.

And...Moreover, the Sublimator should not have imagined that there are ordinary people who have the courage to fight against demons, and even kill them.


In Erwin's eyes, they are a group of somewhat arrogant guys. These arrogant beings will not notice mortals like themselves. Mortals are just the background board, and they are the protagonists of the stage.

Burrog stared at the carriage for a long time before he looked away, and pushed open the door of the next carriage, searching for the fish that slipped through the net.

Irwin didn't relax because of Bologo's departure, he continued to maintain this posture for a long time, until late at night, he carefully raised his head.

Cold sweat soaked Irwin's clothes, and then dried them again. Now he is so cold that he seems to be in a cold river.

In a tense state, his whole body maintained a movement, tensed for a long time, and now his body was too stiff, he was injured in the battle, and his whole body was aching.

Irwin picked up the coat on the side and opened it. The girl lay on the table and let out a gentle breathing sound.

When he was suffering, the girl fell asleep long ago, and it might be that she inhaled a small amount of mist, and now the effect of intoxication takes effect.

Irwin sighed, loosened his coat, and covered the girl with it.

Holding his chest with his hands to maintain his body temperature, Irving frowned, his messy thoughts tangled up in his mind like wool.

"damn it."

Thousands of words turned into a curse of complaint.

(End of this chapter)

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