Endless Debt.

Chapter 539 The People of Xitao

Chapter 539 The People of Xitao
Due to the struggle between the Kogadel Empire and the Rhine Alliance, the narrow countries that act as a buffer zone seem to be neutral, but in fact they have already fallen into the domination of the two forces. Some countries are inclined to the side of the Kogadel Empire. Some fell to the Rhine League.

Like a worried parent, Jeffrey repeatedly emphasized, "Stay vigilant everyone, in Freeport, we don't have a stronghold for us to hide in."

The Bureau of Order has placed many strongholds in the narrow countries, not only as a means of monitoring the narrow countries, but also as a safe house when necessary.

"In such an important place as Freeport, doesn't the Bureau of Order have a stronghold?"

Palmer was puzzled. Given the intensity of the conflict between the Bureau of Order and the King's Secret Sword, if the Narrow Kingdoms were a chessboard, then it should be filled with chess pieces, but in the extremely critical area of ​​Freeport, there was a blank space.

Palmer thought of the worst possibility, "Is this place controlled by the king's secret sword?"

"No, if you read the mission information carefully, you will understand that another extraordinary organization dominates here."

Burrogo explained on the sidelines that he had thought early on that Palmer would not read mission information carefully.

If you go on a trip, Palmer must be the kind of person who doesn't care about anything and is only responsible for enjoying the fun, and Burlogo is the nanny who makes a tight plan and arranges the itinerary strictly.

Fortunately, there is Jeffrey in the team. Compared with Jeffrey, Jeffrey is the exclusive butler who has been working for many years, and he is many times better than Bologo.

"Is Uriel not with us?"

Amyu looked back from time to time, but there was no one behind the line.

Uriel did not follow the team, she stayed in the exclusive compartment.

"Uriel has something to do." Jeffrey added, "We don't have a stronghold here, but it doesn't mean we don't have influence, but don't expect too much, whether it's us or the king's secret sword, here The influence is extremely limited."

After the few people left, Uriel stayed quietly in the exclusive carriage. A worker dismantled the hook according to the order, and connected the exclusive carriage to another train. Amidst the rumbling sound, she disappeared into the railroad tracks. .

As a correspondent, Uriel has almost no combat effectiveness. She usually stays inside the Order Bureau to provide assistance for the actions of the team members. This place is far away from the Order Bureau. The first thing Uriel needs to do is to avoid dragging down the team members. action.

Uriel locked the carriage tightly, and the thickened steel plate turned it into a cage and a strong fortress at the same time.

After finishing all this, Uriel returned to her room, where a simple secret instrument was placed, and Uriel could use it to connect the team members at any time.

However, the connection range of the secret instrument is limited, and Uriel has not been able to cover the entire port with her secret energy.

The train drags the exclusive carriage, it will not leave the free port, but along the railway, around and interspersed in the free port, keeping moving at all times.

Relying on this, every once in a while, the team members will overlap with Uriel's range of secret energy, and then exchange information. If necessary, Uriel can also stop the train and use it as a mobile communication station to continue Offer assistance.

Inhaling deeply, then exhaling, Uriel peeled off her sleeve, and stuck the syringe on her arm. The alchemy potion was slowly pushed into the blood vessel, gradually affecting Uriel's body deeply.

In the next few days, if nothing happens, Uriel will stay in this dark iron cage. This is a severe test for both spirit and body, but compared to going deep into the battlefield, facing the life and death crisis of the group Members, Uriel thinks that these are nothing.

After sorting out her supplies and medicines for the next period of time, Uriel closed her eyes in the dark, and soon a faint light appeared in her eyes.


"People of Xitao."

Burrog recalled the contents of the mission information and repeated it to Palmer.

"Their structure is an extraordinary family, but this extraordinary family is composed of multiple tribes. The people of Xitao have been wandering on the seven seas for many years, taking pleasure in conquering various sea areas and exploring new continents.

It is said that when Scott opened up the unknown, he was helped by these Xitao people. "

When Scott was mentioned, Bologo's words paused. He thought of the cassette that Belphegor was holding, and the stone sculpture that stood forever in the club of the undead.

If Scott is still conscious, will he be immersed in the joy of eternal life, or will he be imprisoned for a long time, tearing his sanity apart.

"The people of Xitao rarely go deep into the land, so Freeport is the only place they have a foothold on land, where they rest, replenish, and trade."

Palmer said, "Sounds like a bunch of . . . extraordinary boatmen?"

"Extraordinary boatman? It's a good title. They really can't compare with the Krex family living in the castle... But it's best not to be heard by them."

Bologo then asked Palmer, "The people of Xitao have lived in Freeport for hundreds of years. Guess what they were doing a hundred years ago?"

"doing what?"

Palmer still doesn't have a clear understanding of the people of Xitao. It's not that there is a problem with his education, but that the Krex family rarely deals with them.

The remote and treacherous environment of the Fengyuan Heights limited the scope of the Krex family's external mobility.

"Pirates. What else do you think you are doing? Navigators? Merchant Marines?"

Bologo said, "Hundreds of years ago, everyone was not as civilized as they are now. The people of Xitao relied on extraordinary power to guide the water flow and call for the strong wind. They were invincible at sea, and sometimes they would go against the flow of the Rhine River. up, and plunder the cities along the coast."

Palmer looked a little shocked.

"During the Wrath of the Scorched Earth, the people of Xitao also participated. The Kogadel Empire and the Rhine Alliance burned it into ruins in order to snatch the waterway of the Freeport. The people of Xitao ambushed the fleets of both sides and plundered some.

By the time the two sides were ready to fight back against the people of Xitao, they had already sailed deep into the Seven Seas and disappeared without a trace. "

Burogo emphasized, "The people of Xitao are a group of pirates through and through. It's just the reorganization of the modern order and the development of the economy, which made them realize that trade will be more profitable than plunder."

In order to restore the history shrouded in fog, Bologo has read a lot of books. Even if he has not received higher education, Bologo has mastered most of the knowledge by relying on his self-study ability.

It's normal that Palmer doesn't know much about the people of Xitao. Anyway, Palmer is not a studious person. In addition to the distance between his Krex family and the people of Xitao, there will be problems if they are very familiar with each other.

Krex's family is located in a plateau area. Even if the people of Xitao want to go upstream along the Rhine River, it is difficult to touch the wind source highland. As for approaching from the sea, they have to go around half the continent, and they have to be careful when approaching the wind source highland. The raging sea, that is the real death zone.

"In history, various extraordinary organizations have also set off conflicts in Freeport, but the final winner will always be the people of Xitao," Burogo continued to explain the history of Freeport. The center of gravity of the conflict has gradually shifted to Opals."

Bologo and Palmer were very lucky in this regard. When they joined the ranks, the Secret War had long since ended, and the City of Oath, Opus, was completely under the control of the Bureau of Order.

According to Jeffrey, before the Secret War, various forces divided Opus into several pieces, and there were constant conflicts secretly, and miniature wars broke out every moment.

"Over time, Freeport has been completely controlled by the people of Xitao. They are also very knowledgeable. They have always maintained absolute neutrality and never leaned towards any side."

Burrogo added, "In this regard, they are very similar to the Gray Traders Association, only doing business and not participating in conflicts."

"Wow...what a smell."

Palmer covered his nose and looked around for the source of the strange smell.

Amyu sniffed, the halo distorted into a ball of symbols that Burlogo couldn't understand, and then returned to normal.

"Just the normal fishy smell."

Palmer asked unexpectedly, "Can you still measure the composition of the air?"

Ai Miao said, "In the experiment, there are many links that need to detect gases."

Burrog looked straight at Palmer, couldn't bear it anymore, and grabbed Palmer's collar.

Burrog demanded, "Did you just listen?"

(End of this chapter)

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