Endless Debt.

Chapter 544 Old Friends

Chapter 544 Old Friends
The free port in the middle of the night is still brightly lit. The searchlights are like swords made of light, sweeping mercilessly towards the sea. The big ships push the waves into the harbor. The staggered mechanical arms build a forest of steel, and heavy containers stand everywhere. Together, pile up into a tower.

Workers walked through it, directing the forklift to carry the goods. From a distance, they looked like ants crawling with miniature models.

Ants, everyone is an ant, is at the bottom of this food chain.

Herter realized this a long time ago. Freeport is a factory that works day and night. Ships arrive and leave every moment. They are full of goods, like the blood flowing through the heart. Oxygen is transported to various organs of the body.

Looking at the shining light from a distance, and those faint lights hidden on the endless dark sea, each light represents a big ship.

Like worker bees and queens, worker ants and queens, and...

There was a pain like a knife in his mind. Picking up the bottle, Herter gulped down alcohol. In addition to medicine and blood, alcohol is also a good painkiller, which made Herter temporarily escape from the real world.

"Sorry, you can see me now, I really can't find any suitable place to entertain friends."

Hert put down the bottle with an apologetic expression on his face.

"It's nothing, I don't care about such things."

Lebius looked around. This is an abandoned building, but the location is not bad, and you can directly see the busy pier.

Bologo remained silent behind Lebius. Since meeting, Bologo has been observing Hert.

This is an extremely embarrassing guy, with a lingering fishy smell and bloody smell on his body, his eyes are slightly sunken, the whites of his eyes are bloodshot, his cheeks are covered with stubble, and he is full of depression and sickness. The strange long knife on his body, at this moment, there are still traces of blood slowly flowing.

Burrog's intuition warned himself that this was a dangerous guy.

Lebius walked up to Herter and sat with him on the steps, while Borrog stood silently in the shadows, always on the alert.

Herter asked, "How long has it been since we saw each other, Lebius."

Lebius replied, "Nearly ten years."

"It's been ten years?"

Herter didn't expect that it would take so long. Since he had hallucinations, his perception of time has also become dull. In his impression, he seemed to have seen Lebius just a few months ago.

"It's been a long time..."

Hert whispered, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. In front of Hert, there was already a pile of soot and several cigarette butts.

Lebius frowned. During the short conversation, Herter had already smoked several cigarettes, one after another.

Apparently, Herter had been living like this for a while, and Lebius guessed that Herter's lungs must be full of tar.

"What happened all these years? Herter," Lebius asked, "how did you become like this?"

Lebius was a little sad. He still remembered the young man who stood at the bow of the ship and howled against the storm. At that time, Herter exuded endless vitality, and even the mountains could not stop him from conquering.

But now Hert looks like a drug-addicted tramp. If he hadn't noticed the decayed breath on Hert, Lebius even thought that Hert had become a demon.

Luckily he wasn't, and Levius didn't have many friends alive.

"I spent a lot of effort to find you," Lebius sighed, "When they talked about your current situation, I couldn't believe it..."

"Haha, there is nothing I can't believe. People will change. Some people live better and better, and some people live worse and worse. I'm a compromise. When I approached the peak, I fell down."

Herter asked Lebius back, "It's you, Lebius, you look good, I'm very happy."

"I heard from them about the secret war. Since then, you have been hiding in the Bureau of Order and have not shown up... There are many rumors about you. Some people say that you were seriously injured. Even if you are disabled, some people say that you have actually retired and settled in Fengyuan Heights."

Hert was silent for a moment, "I thought I would never see you again."

"But now that you see me, how do you feel?"

"It feels like someone who is already dead, suddenly appearing in front of your eyes... I am very happy."

Herter was serious. He hadn't been this happy for a long time. Even the pain in his head and the rattling of the rats eased a lot, so he took another sip of wine.

"As soon as I saw you, all my memories that I was about to forget all surfaced," Herter excitedly held the long knife in front of his body, "Do you still remember the fish we met when we went out to sea? My God , it's that big."

"Yes, I remember, the fish was so big, it shook like a raging bull, and I was almost dragged into the sea by it, when you jumped in naked, took a diving knife, and slammed it hard. Give it a few hits."

Herter thought, "Unfortunately, let it run away."

The chat between the two was silent for a moment, and they were immersed in the beauty of the past together.

Bologo stood behind and looked at the backs of the two. The usual Lebius always had a serious look, but in front of Hert, he softened in a rare way.

No one is born like this, everyone has gone through something and gradually become who they are today.

Lebius took a deep breath and hesitated, "I heard something about you."

Before arriving in Freeport, Lebius had made a plan, and Hert was an important part of it, but many years ago, Lebius lost the news of Hert.

When approaching the free port, the Bureau of Order finally investigated Hert's recent situation, and Uriel conveyed it to Lebius.

Lebius couldn't believe the news, "What have you done, Hert."

"You violated the oath of the people of Xitao," Lebius turned sideways, and his tone became serious. "You also married a woman on land, and even had a daughter."

Hert laughed loudly after hearing this, and after laughing for a while, his expression was a little lonely.

"I'm sorry, but I'm a broken promise and broke my oath."

"No, I don't care about the damn oath you people of Xitao made. I always feel that someone should tear up your oath so that your fate can be liberated from the sea."

Lebius said with anger, "I'm angry... you are married? You have a daughter, and I didn't know these things until I was about to arrive in Freeport!"

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

Herter said sincerely that the arrival of Lebius gave him a certain amount of comfort, and he hadn't felt this way for a long time.

"This is an unblessed marriage," Lebius demanded. "Is it worth it?"

"I think it's worth it."

"That's good."

Lebius then asked, "Who is she?"

Herter said softly, "An ordinary person, I saw her in the crowd at the pier when I came back from the sea that day... It was just like destiny, I fell in love with her at first sight, and so did she, after that Just go with the flow."

"They're not in Freeport, are they?"

Lebius looked at Herter's embarrassed appearance again. It would be too bad if his loved one saw this appearance.

"They were not used to life in Freeport, and they had to avoid the hostility within the company, so I sent them to live in the interior."

Herter turned to talking about himself, "As for me, as you can see, I broke my oath and was punished. Now I can only hide here, hunting demons and cleaning up the garbage in the shadows for a living."

Knowing what a glorious past Hert had, Lebius looked away, unwilling to look at Hert again, "What a cruel punishment."

"It's nothing, but I feel very lucky, Lebius."

Herter's eyes sparkled, "I found something far more worthy of love than the sea, and that's enough."

"According to the time limit for atonement, I will soon be able to pay off my debts and be completely free. At that time, I will no longer owe the people of Xitao anything, and I can live with them."

Lebius said calmly, "Your brother must be disappointed by this."

"Don't mention him."

Hert's tone became cold, as if Lebius had mentioned a certain taboo.

Burrogo could sense that the atmosphere between the two had changed. The good reminiscence was over, and it was time to talk about some realistic topics.

"A guy who I thought was dead suddenly appeared in front of my eyes..."

Herter wiped the long knife in his hand, the coldness of the metal went deep into the bone marrow, his temperament changed, he was no longer that decadent loser, but a navigator with the anger of the tide.

A glimmer of light floated in Hert's eyes, and he spied on the man beside him from the corner of his eye.

"Lebius, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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