Endless Debt.

Chapter 546 Clues

Chapter 546 Clues
Noren has always thought that the free port at night is very beautiful. Thousands of sparks rise among the streets and buildings. Passengers from all over the world gather together. Countless ships are docked in the port, like soldiers in an array. The ships staying in the offshore formed an iron wall to defend the city.

Everyone who sees this scene will sigh with emotion. Unfortunately, Noren has seen enough of such a beautiful scene. No matter how beautiful the scene is, it has now become lifeless in his eyes.

Noren wanted to leave.

Noren wants to leave the free port, go back to the embrace of the sea, and fight against the strong wind and huge waves. That is the life that a person of Xitao should have, instead of spending precious time here like a shriveled and smelly corpse .

"Helt, you're there, right?"

Noren looked at the shadow on the edge of the free port and murmured.

He knew that Hert lived there, he knew about his demon-hunting activities, and his ever-expanding underground forces.

Noren knew everything, but he just didn't care about it. Noren knew his younger brother's current personality, and if he appeared in front of him, it would only bring conflicts.

"Helt, you won't understand me."

Noren said to Freeport, "It's like you can't understand yourself."

Since the exile of Hert, Noren often talked to Freeport in this way, as if Hert could hear him.

"Helt, you..."

Noren wanted to continue talking, but he was interrupted by knocks on the door. Noren froze on the spot, staring straight at the night. The knocking continued for a while, and the other party pushed the door open.

"Are you ok?"

The woman stretched out half of her body, but Noren didn't respond at the first moment. He seemed to be mentally retarded, and it took a few seconds for him to react.

"I... I'm fine."

Noren blinked hard to make sure his vision was clear.

"Sorry, I heard you talking outside the door." The woman glanced at the office, and Nolen was the only one in the room. "Are you calling me?"


"Oh..." The woman nodded without saying anything more.

Noren understood that the woman was hinting at himself, he opened the drawer, poured out a few pills from the medicine bottle, and stuffed them into his mouth.

"I'm fine, it's nothing," Noren said after a while, "I don't have hallucinations or auditory hallucinations, it's just that I sometimes talk to myself... It's just an old family problem."

The woman stared deeply at Noren, her eyes were full of pity and sadness.

"it's nothing."

The woman's gaze hurt Noren, he looked away, turned his chair, and continued to look at the free port.

She understood what Noren was thinking. He longed for the sea, but because of Helt, he was bound in the free port and became the administrator.

When the people of Xitao appeared in the historical records, they had been living on the sea, accompanied by sails, and wrestled with the sea.

Under the changes of the times, the people of Xitao have developed a culture that belongs to them alone. The people of Xitao love the sea and are extremely resistant to land. Even when they are docked on the shore, they also live on board. Set foot on land.

With the development of modern technology and the advent of a world of order, in order to fight against the torrent of the times, the various tribes of the people of Xitao have united and established a joint company that spans many industries today.

In order to restrain the various tribes, like many extraordinary organizations, they have their own oath documents, which stipulate the division of interests among the various tribes, and most importantly, the succession of the navigator position.

Internally, Noren is the navigator who regulates the various tribes and represents the interests of the people of Xitao. Externally, he is the CEO of the joint company, attending various events and signing his name on one contract after another.

Noren doesn't like the current life, he prefers the days when he was young and roaming the sea.

But he couldn't leave.

"Helt is going too far. What he did on the coast of the Hulk made the board of directors feel threatened." The woman whispered in Noren's ear.

"He killed demons, and those who disturbed the order. As for the Hulk Coast, they are just a bunch of rabble, and they are not worthy of vigilance," Noren continued, "The board of directors simply wants to get rid of Hert."

Noren sighed deeply. As the navigator and chief executive officer, he is powerless to guide the will of the people of Xitao. He is just an elected spokesperson, and the tribes hidden behind the scenes are the real rulers.

"You can't protect him forever," the woman said. "The board of directors wants to decide about Hert at the banquet the day after tomorrow."

"But he is my younger brother. I can't just sit back and watch the board of directors just kill him." Noren shook his head. "As long as I'm still here, I can let him live in Freeport."

The woman was puzzled, "Looking at Hert's current appearance, is he really alive?"

"At least he still has hope in his heart."

"What expectations, those crazy delusions?" The woman persuaded Noren, "Why don't you tell him the truth?"

"Tell him the truth, and then? Watch him go completely insane?"

Noren shook his head vigorously and kept shaking his head, "No, this is too cruel to Herter, he has already been punished, and he shouldn't have to bear this anymore."

The woman hugged Noren gently, she knew it was useless to say what she said, Noren is such a stubborn person.

Noren also embraced the woman. He knew how much a woman paid for him, and he also understood that the more he cared about Hert, the more unfair he was to the woman.

"Give me some more time, please."

Nolen whispered next to the woman's ear, "You know my illness is inherited from the family. Every member of the Motley family basically has this kind of mental problem."

"I know what Herter is facing, the more so, the more I can't bear to give up on him."

The woman didn't say anything, but hugged Noren even more forcefully. After a long time, the two let go of each other.

"There's another bigger problem now than your brother."

Nolen nodded and put on his coat, "Yeah, the rest time is over, it's time to go see that guy."

The core members of the joint company are all the people of Xitao without exception. In order to satisfy their hearts of wandering at sea, the joint company did not establish in the free port, but used a huge cruise ship as an office building.

The cruise ship Paradise, which is the headquarters of the United Company, is also Noren's palace, although this palace has never moved since it docked at Freeport many years ago.

Passing through the unmanned corridor, the elevator took the two of them down. Only a small part of the Paradise is open to the public, and the rest belongs to the extraordinary world. To ensure safety, the people of Xitao even covered the Paradise. Going up to a layer of imaginary domain, the Paradise was divided into two worlds.

After passing through the gates, Noren saw him in the ward of the Paradise.

It was a man in his 40s, with muscular muscles all over his body. Compared with him, the hospital bed was a little narrow. Even though he fell into a coma, his expression was still tense, as if he was fighting a monster in his sleep.

Noren met this man, although it was many years ago, but because of the other party's identity, Noren still remembers his name to this day.

Gould Luther, the leader of the tenth group of the Bureau of Order and the safari group in various countries.

Noren took a deep breath, even he had a headache at this moment.

"How is he? Has he woken up?"

"No, since we found him, he has been in a coma, and his injuries are very strange. There are only some skin traumas on the body, but his consciousness seems to have disappeared. We have tried many methods, but we can't Wake him up."

The woman hesitated for a moment, and then said, "It's like the body is still alive, but the soul is no longer in the body."

Noren then asked, "Have you notified the Bureau of Order?"

"Not yet," the woman paused, "When we found him, he already looked like this, with bruises all over his body..."

"Can you injure the defenders into such an enemy?" Noren joked, "There won't be honorable ones visiting Freeport, right?"

The woman is silent, this is not a good joke.

"Leave me alone, Lula."

Noren kissed the woman on the cheek, and Lula hugged Noren again, telling him, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"I know."

Saying goodbye to Lula, only Noren and Gould were left in the ward. Noren looked at the unconscious Gould with gloomy eyes.

The appearance of Gould at this moment was undoubtedly a boulder thrown into the pool, and he detonated Noren's thoughts. What's worse, Noren remembered the change a while ago.

The attention of the people of Xitao is all on the sea, so they seldom take care of the land affairs, but a few days ago, different supernatural organizations came by boat one after another, and everyone came here as if they were attending a banquet. in Freeport.

"Is it for this thing?"

Noren glanced at Gould's arm, where there was a handcuff, and the chain was connected to a square iron box.

The metal was extremely hard, and the doctors tried many methods, but they were unable to cut the chain, or open the box, and there seemed to be only one way to take it away from Gould.

Cut off Gould's arm.

Noren caressed the iron box lightly, a bone-chilling chill came from his fingertips.

(End of this chapter)

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