Endless Debt.

Chapter 552

Chapter 552

Heavy rain clouds engulfed the free port, and the strong wind carried raindrops and repeatedly hammered the house. The loose and simple house gradually shook, as if it would be uncovered in the next second.

The room is extremely humid, everything is wet, even people, the clothes stick to the body, and there is a feeling that they have not been wiped dry after taking a shower.

Water was leaking from the roof, dripping to the ground, and pooled with the accumulated water on the ground. Messy things floated on the water, and swarms of rats swam by from time to time.

The seawater that rose a few minutes ago poured back into the pipe, and the mouth of the pipe was opened, and the dirty waste water overflowed into the room, everywhere.The mouth of the pipe was half open, and there was the sound of howling sea wind and gurgling waves, as if a big snake was rampaging in the pipe, looking for the exit.

Another rainy day.

Herter remembered that the last time he went to sea was also a rainstorm, and that rainstorm was engraved into his soul like a brand. Herter had returned to that day countless times in his dreams, smelling the damp sea breeze, and his own The stench of scorched souls.

Ah... that trip to sea.

After that trip to sea, everything changed. Noren became the navigator, and he was banished into the shadows. In order to keep his wife and daughter alive, Herter was in debt and kept company with these filthy things all day long.

How did everything come to be like this?

Herter tried to think, but there was a throbbing pain in his mind, babbling whispers continued, countless mice emerged from the stagnant water, they crawled all over Herter's body, layer upon layer, Herter Walt could barely maintain the weight of the rat group, and almost knelt down.

A flash of thunder flashed outside the window, and the rumbling sound of thunder awakened Herter. He stood in front of the sink in a daze, and the rats disappeared.

Where does your debt come from?
Herter couldn't remember clearly. Since that trip to sea, his hallucinations have become more and more serious, and even his memory has begun to decline significantly.

He leaned on the sink with both hands, a hoarse laugh sounded in his throat, looking at himself in the mirror, Herter thought of his dead father.

In the end, his father was no different from a corpse. His atrophied muscles made him unable to speak, and he was trapped in crazy hallucinations all day long.

Even if Sublimation can etherize the body, the defects from birth are still difficult to escape, let alone get rid of. My father would often lose control and wantonly sway the secret energy, causing the crumbling house to collapse and be damaged.

Actually... Hert knew.

Herter knew that his father was not crazy, and that the shriveled mummy hadn't lost its mind. He did it on purpose, deliberately destroying it, deliberately destroying it, and intentionally arousing everyone's boredom and hatred.

Father made a dark wish.

Hurt had always been a clever boy, and he knew what his father meant, and he granted his father's wish by piercing his heart with a dagger, freeing him from his pathetic shell.

Looking back now, it seems like it was a rainy day too.

At that time, he was far less professional than he is now. The dagger failed to kill his father completely, and he opened his eyes in pain.

I was terribly scared, but there was no panic or anger in my father's eyes.

The father just looked at himself tenderly, and just looked at him quietly until the blood flowed out.

Noren understood himself, and everyone understood him, thinking that he committed the felony of patricide in order to free his father, but only Hert understood that it was revenge.

I wanted to yell to my dying father, his crazy and foolish behavior caused my mother to be crushed to death by the collapse caused by the secret energy, but I couldn't say anything in the end, as if I didn't want to torture this tired soul anymore.

Just watch it.

There was a sting on the cheek, Herter touched it, the razor accidentally cut the skin, and his hand was bright red.

Herter wiped off the moisture on the mirror, concentrated, and carefully removed the stubble on his cheeks, cut off the knotted hair, combed a neat short hair, and changed his dirty clothes new.

At first glance, Herter seemed to be back to his former self.

"Am I an animal or a human?"

Herter looked at himself in the mirror and muttered to himself.

Fortunately, all of this is no longer important. I no longer need to act for the devil, and I don’t need to sacrifice my precious soul. As long as this is done, he will cure Emily’s illness and eradicate hallucinations. Eliminated from the blood of the Turley family.

Welcome to the good life.

Grabbing the long knife on the side, Herter had just walked a few steps when piercing beeps sounded in his ears, as if countless bees were flying around him.

The auditory hallucinations gradually dissipated, and Herter faintly realized that he had forgotten something. He was confused for a while, and suddenly thought of it.

Picking up the landline phone on the table, Herter skillfully turned the roulette wheel and pressed the number engraved in his heart. After a short busy tone, a crisp voice sounded.


"It's me, Emily."

Herter laughed sincerely. The moment he heard the voice, he felt that everything he had paid was worth it.

"How's Mom? Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine here too."

"Oh, by the way, after today's incident is over, I can go back, up to five days, no, you can see me in up to three days."

"Well, wait for me at home."

Putting down the phone, Herter was immersed in a sweet dream. The moment he opened the door, he felt forgotten again.

I seem to have forgotten something...

Forget it.

Hert didn't think about it any more, he clenched his long knife and stepped into the storm.

There was a rumbling sound from the mouth of the pipe, the rising tide overflowed, the water level in the room gradually rose, and the rats in the filth kept rolling.

One mouse stepped on the body of its companion and jumped onto the table, and then more mice climbed onto the table. They rubbed against each other, and the landline phone was completely knocked down, and it fell into the water together with the broken telephone line.

The phone line had gone down a long, long time ago.

Same as Hert's sanity.


"What is our current identity? Psychopaths from the Brotherhood of Truth, are you going to discuss with the joint company about illegal smuggling in the next year?"

Palmer was holding a black umbrella, even if the wind and rain were so fierce, it could not cover his mouth full of bad words.

Dewar emphasized, "First of all, we monks of truth are not crazy, but great seekers of knowledge. We can be regarded as the only one of King Solomon..."

Dewar is like an ancient nobleman, and he opened his mouth to introduce his noble lineage that has been extended for countless generations.


"Secondly, shut up and keep quiet."

Jeffrey cut off the bickering between the two. Not long after they set off, Jeffrey was already worried about the next move.

In order to maintain a balance of capabilities, the action team was split into what it is now. Without Lebius, it was like losing a certain security, and Jeffrey felt a faint sense of uneasiness.

Palmer was about the same as Geoffrey, but he wasn't upset, he had no one to talk to, and he was kind of lonely and bored now.

After losing Bologo, the first thing Palmer did was to torture Dewar. After thinking about it all the way, Palmer found that Dewar also had a bit of humor in him, which could be used as a temporary pastime.

Jeffrey stopped, and the two behind him also stopped. The crowd gathered in front, everyone was holding an umbrella, and the colorful umbrellas were stitched together, like a floral skirt covering the port .

The guards stood far away, and the crowd followed the boarding ladder in an orderly manner and arrived at the Paradise one by one.

Palmer looked up and sighed, "It's so big..."

The Promised Land stands on the sea, looking from a distance like a large billboard with the words United Company, there is nothing worth noting at all, but when you stand in front of it, you can deeply understand the nature of this big ship magnificent.

The cruise ship looks like a giant beast floating from the deep sea. Looking to the sides, the rain and fog cover the hull, as if the big ship has no end. There is a light on the top, which provides illumination in this cloudy weather. The light is smudged into large pieces by the water vapor The color spots are like the glowing eyes of sea monsters.

Palmer stared at Dewar, "In other words, the seeker of the Brotherhood of Truth, this is our next identity card?"

Dewar couldn't understand, "What is an ID card?"

"Board games, role-playing," Palmer explained, "Have you never played this stuff?"


"Then you are a bit ignorant."

Dewar didn't know what to say for a while. The existence of Palmer really shattered his previous illusions about the dark iron blood of the Order Bureau. It seems that the Order Bureau is not all cold-faced killing gods.

"The identity card is the identity we play in the next game," Palmer muttered to himself, "We are no longer who we are, but the identity we pretend to be, and what we do must conform to that identity." Identity... that is, becoming someone else."

Dewar had never played board games, so he couldn't understand Palmer's words. He just regarded this guy as crazy and ignored it.

"You go ahead."

Geoffrey stepped aside and said to Dewar, "Don't be smart."

Until this moment, Jeffrey still didn't trust Dewar very much, but there was really no other way right now, they needed the alchemist to open the way.

Dewar's face was determined, affirming the heavy responsibility, "Remember what you promised."

There are many participants in the Paradise Banquet. As long as they meet the requirements, the joint company welcomes the guests. Ordinary people will do ordinary people's business, and sublimation people will do sublimation business.

Dewar walked forward quickly. Alchemists who are in charge of knowledge are often respected by people, even if Dewar is from the Brotherhood of Truth. Seeing his enthusiasm, Palmer almost thought that Dewar was placed by the Bureau of Order spy.

"This guy is really crazy."

Palmer said to himself, in order to participate in the study of the original thing, Dewar's fanaticism can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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